I got tagged

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I got tagged by aestheticukwon

13 facts about me

1. I have a long ass name: 15 letters
;I ain't even joking and it's hilarious when people can't even say it, especially some of my family members which makes me wanna fight them

2. 2Jae, Markson, and JinKook is my OTP :))))))

3. top three bias (currently)
; Choi Youngjae
:Kim Seokjin
;Im Jaebum

4. I'm in love with anime as much as kpop and rap

5. I'm like 5'4 or 5'5

6. Birth month is February

7. My hair is mixed: my natural black on top and then descending down is like golden brown, blonde-ish idk

8. I actually haven't leveled up on COD III or Destiny lmao

9. I speak English, Khmer, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Trying to speak French and learn Spanish.

10. I've been sick for a week or so, and currently still am
; I'm dying early guys
;and it's mostly from the feels

11. Trying to major in dance and journalism

12. I'm known as the fuckboy in my group of friends and family
;although one of my friends call me Jungkook because I dress like him lol

13. I'm one of the most sarcastic person

Lmao, that's all I can think of myself

I don't got much friends here but I'm tagging your guys I because I actually talk to you lol: Jin_kookie_ potatodude14

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I'm updating within today

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