Chapter 18

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just some more fluff just because
After all
It'll be happy
Listen to I Feel You by Hong Dae Kwang, cause it's for the whole chap.

Whenever Youngjae and Jaebum are alone, the two always end up doing cringe-worthy romance with each other and it makes their heart ache in so much beautiful pain that they don't know if they can survive.

Concurrently, our dear lovers are play fighting. Somewhat.

Youngjae was stuck between Jaebum's legs and the redhead was squeezing the life out of him for mocking his love and sweet boyfriend actions. Their laughter are ringing in the corner of the library but no one listens because they either have headphones in or they're dead asleep.

"Yah, Choi Youngjae, keep mocking me."

"If you say so~"The brunette managed to say between his breathless speech and his boyfriend tighten his grips."OW."

The auburn haired male kisses his younger lover deeply on the cheek causing the trapped Youngjae to groan in fake disgust."You little brat, why don't you just admit you love me and my kisses and my cheesiness?"

"If you're willing to buy me every chocolate then I'll be satisfied Bummie."The brunette grins and the redhead looks down, scoffing.

"Yah, am I your walking bank?"

"Yeah. And you're my stupid boyfriend I got to deal with every second. You're so cheesy. I want to smack you."

"Aish, you little baby!"Jaebum growled and stuffed his face in Youngjae's neck, tickling the brunette. The couple are in a tangled mess but either way, they're enjoying the affections.

Their laughter died down when some students looked over. They would mutter a 'sorry' and return to their teasing.

Youngjae found himself loving Jaebum even more if that was humanly possible but being in the arms of the boy loves, he thinks it is now. Grabbing his boyfriend's hand, he places a soft kiss on the soft hand and looks up to see a cute blush appear on the older boy's cheeks.

"You're so adorable you know that? Like a fluffy puppy. And like a teddy bear."The redhead comments, his digits running through the brown locks and making the boy trapped between his legs; sigh in content.

"Then I'll be your teddy bear, not your dog."Youngjae whispers, turning to the side. Changing his position, the brunette's legs were over one side of the redhead's. His head laid on Jaebum's shoulder, his arms wrapped around his boyfriend's waist.

"I probably won't leave that teddy bear alone. I'd sleep with it everyday and every night."

"Good. . . ."Youngjae voice becomes more softer.

❝Youngjae, I want you to stay with me.❞

There doesn't have to be a response by using words because Jaebum's face gets grabbed at gently and his lips are sealed by the brunette. Smiling through the sudden, passionate kiss, a smile makes its on his lips.

Jaebum tighten his grip on the weary boy in his arms and the older boy lets his cheeks rest on Youngjae's head. He already feels sleepy but he knows better not to because their next class will start soon.

So he hums softly, enjoying the warmth that his young lover is giving him. He can't stop the smile. It never falters. It just remains there. Whoever walked pass by, they could well fathom that the sleeping boy in the redhead's arm; that he was someone who made Jaebum smile so graciously.

Jaebum entertained himself but playing with Youngjae's fingers and hand. Drawing circles. Giving them soft kisses. Lacing their fingers together, he knows in his heart and mind; being with Youngjae right here and right now matters the most.

Pulling out his phone, the redhead checks the time and curses it for speeding up whenever he's with his lover."Youngjae, wake up baby."Jaebum shook the brunette but only got a "No. Let me sleep some more."

"Would you please wake up? Our next class will start soon and you're going to be late."

"So? I just want some more sleep."The young boy murmured. Youngjae began to squirm around to get more comfortable.

"Yah, if you don't wake up. I'll find you in the halls during our last hour and make out with you in the halls in front of everyone."With that, Youngjae opened his eyes and dodged an incoming kiss.

"Oh, so now you wake up."Jaebum says, dullness etching on his words. The brunette throws the older boy a cheeky smile and helps him up. The redhead picks up their materials from the table, his back turned to the younger boy.

Midst of arranging their items, he feels those small arms snaking around his waist and a low mutter of,"I'm cold. Can't I cuddle you till I'm warm?"

Jaebum could only laugh and thanked himself for not facing Youngjae because he knows the heat that rose to his cheeks must've created a perfect redness. The brunette rested his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder, inhaling the addicting scent of Jaebum's body cologne.

"Wow, you smell really good."Youngjae comments out of the blue causing the redhead to probably look the same color as his hair.

The control Jaebum has over himself no longer exist. Turning around quickly, he shuts up Youngjae by kissing him for the hundredth time so his young lover would stop making weak in the heart and have butterflies wilding in his stomach nor his mind fuzzy.

"Did I make you that embarassed that you have to kiss me to shut me up instead of saying so?"Youngjae whispers and looks profoundly at the redhead's dark optics that shined so much tenderness.

"Saying it would only make you say more. Kissing you sounds much better anyways."Jaebum answered, giving the young boy another light kiss before shoving his books in his arms. "Now, the bell is about to ring."

"Cockblocker."The brunette mumbles, purposely too loud. The auburn haired male gasped softly and when the young boy heard that, he quickly runs out the library with his boyfriend hot on his heels.

"Yah! I heard that you little brat! Come back here Youngjae!"

The bell rang, indicating next hour and students began to walk out their class with tedious demeanor but when they watched a laughing Youngjae and angry Jaebum chasing one another in the halls, they were already enlightened by the couple's small quarrel.

"There they go again."Shiwoo says and Jackson can only agree.

"I'm not up for round two of war between Im and Choi. Ha, miss me with that."Mark said and pulled Jungkwan along. Jackson and Shiwoo laughed, adding in,"Aw, wouldn't that be fun though? We'd get to see them suffer by the hands of the teachers."


the chapters are getting short, i wonder why hahaHAHAH

double update

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