Chapter 25

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Graduation day, Youngjae and Jaebum held hands.

But they only did that since their heart yearned for that warm touch and it was only for one day. And that was a promise they made. To hold one another's hand for just that day and forget that even happened.

They held on each other hand so tight that they swear, it'll be leave bruise but at least they could feel the amiability that managed to let them have some satisfaction.  

It was the day after Graduation and tonight was their Day 2, Graduation Party.

Jaebum didn't know that they were planning this at all so he agreed anyways to attend. Youngjae would only just go for a few hours since he had business later in the night. Besides, spending time with his friends was what he needed before things really changed.

It was around 8 and Youngjae left first having to get ready at home for some family business, but only certain people knew what that was. No one told Jaebum because the redhead seems to pull off the I'm-Over-It act well plus they want to see if the guy will ask for the brunette.

Currently, they had Jaebum run to the store and get some more snacks. Jungkwan was scrolling through his gallery, deleting every picture that disgusted him. He doesn't recall why he even saved or took it.

"Ah shit!"Jungkwna cursed.

"What?"Mark sat besides the boy who was continuing to delete more pictures.

"I accidentally deleted one of my favorite pictures."

"Then check the deleting folder. They might've not been deleted until thirty days passed."

"Good idea."

Jungkwan merrily smiled and decided to scroll through the folder, pressing the one he wanted to return to his gallery. His bright orbs would narrow at a video. It had the date on it and he sat up slowly.

'The fuck? Isn't this the day we went to that party? When did I delete this?'

Restoring it to his gallery, he goes to his video album and finds it rather immediately since there was nothing much he recorded but him and his friends dancing or something.

As he played the video, Mark leans his head down and watches along, his eyes narrowing also.

"Isn't that a video at Minhwa's party?"Mark spoke up. Jungkwan nodded at the blonde's sentence.

Both male watched the whole ten minutes and felt so much information had slapped him across the face and sending them into extreme catastrophe. How could they have not noticed until now. Why above all why did fate fucked them all up?


Mark and Jungkwan read the time on their watch and screamed which caught everyone's attention.

"WHERE IS IM JAEBUM?"Jungkwan demanded and before anyone spoke, the redhead walked in the room, his hair slightly disarranged due to running and him messing with it.

"Okay, I got—"

"YAH, GO FIND YOUNGJAE."Mark and Jungkwan screamed and everyone blinked.



"Airport?"Everyone else besides Mark and Jungkwan said. The duo were impatient as hell and they were losing their mind. Time was running out and the secret was being explained through haste.

"Just go get him! YOUNGJAE NEEDS A REASON TO STAY. AND PROVE TO HIM YOU'RE THAT REASON IM JAEBUM."Jungkwan hollered with strong determination and Jaebum finds himself running out the house and starting his car.

With Jaebum's abrupt departure once more, the others gathered around and it seemed everything fit together. The video. The prank. The party. Everything.

And here is how they figured it out:

Minhwa had planned a party that weekend to set her mini 'revenge' on Youngjae for stealing the guy she loves, Jaebum. She was humiliated by the rejection over a some brown haired nerd that got in the way.

She despised the couple so much but others like the two boys together. And so her wicked mind went to work.

At the party, when she saw Youngjae left, she had gathered some of redhead's other friends and they walked up the stairs to the room those group were hanging in. As she walked in, she saw them all drunk. Especially Jaebum.

She decided to record him while he was drunk, unaware Jungkwan was also.

Since Jaebum was drunk by now, he spoke his mind like a pure savage about every girl he formally dated, even guy. No one bothered stopping him from talking since they were laughing and enjoying his rude comment.

Minhwa began inquring the redhead about his exes and his feelings for them. He would return the comments of "Let's do it. Let's reveal the truth to him."–That part was about Jaebum talking about his old ex that had moved and didn't know that person left.

And when he said,"Dating him was a joke."—That was about Jaebum dating the first guy in 10th grade. He forgot his ex name but he knows that person was not the right one and was nothing but a little bastard.

Also, "Worst relationship ever."—That was about his third ex, she was a bigger bitch and pulled eery self-esteem down that Jaebum broke up with her and she moved away due to her prying off his popularity and the ones she had hurt were coming back at her badly. That third ex even treated him bad. He was glad to leave that pathetic relationship.

The "I never even loved him."—That was about his male ex that kept clinging to him, wanting his attention and trying to make him fall in love when clearly the redhead's heart was captured by someone else that time. He ended that real quick.

That Monday, when Shiwoo declared about Minhwa stating all that horrible scenarios, that was her foreshadowing the event of that Monday. The video she showed Youngjae was an edit. Shiwoo had films class and Minhwa was also in that class.

The two following days, Jungkwan was unaware of the break-up. He had recently gotten out the hospital for some check-up. His cousin wasn't happy about his behavior and what he had to go through.

Upon on hearing the news, Jungkwan was felt bad. It took her nearly a month and a half to realize that Jungkwan had the real footage of Jaebum drunk talk and she knew it would corrupt the plan, so she did what she needed. Jungkwan and Minhwa shared one class. Which was AP World History. He was called to the office in a hurry that he left his phone on his desk. Minhwa, being an expert on hacking and technology, took his phone.

Minhwa was able to enter his phone easily. She returned his phone privately and Jungkwan took no notice but what she was vacuous about was that, his pictures and videos don't delete that easily unless thirty days had passed.

And so that leads us to where they are now.


next chapter is the last one

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