Chapter 14

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Youngjae walked home before any of his friends could accompany him. News of him and Jaebum going on a date spread like wild fire. And he tried to avoid all masses of people questioning how their relationship developed.

Honestly, the brunette knows how this is all happening because it's moving completely fast and he couldn't stop his heart from running with excitement. And he pondered on why he was so ecstatic.

"What the hell can I expect from him anyways? We're probably just getting something to eat or whatever."Youngjae huffed and threw his school uniform blazer aside.

He would put both hands on his hips and stare at his closest that was filled with multiple color of clothing. Half of them, he never knew existed in the closet. It took him ten minutes to realize he was actually preparing for a date. With his ex-best friend and enemy: Im Jaebum.

"AH. WHAT IS WITH ME?!"Youngjae shouted, as he was half-way putting on a red and white Supreme button up.

"Awww, our sunshine is growing up."

The brunette turned and watch his blond haired Hyung walk in with Yugyoem and BamBam. The young boy would puff out his cheeks, causing Mark to pull at them with a grin.

"I didn't know you and JB got that friendly, especially after that accident."Mark giggled and the brunette feels his cheeks heating up at those words.

"Shut up Mark-Hyung."The brunette mumbles and searches for another shirt. The trio behind him began laughing at his misery and the eldest boy in the room began texting someone.

Jackson snickered when he read Mark's text about Youngjae being indecisive about the date. He on the other hand was in Jaebum's room, watching his friend contemplate about something.

"I look good enough. I always do."Jaebum says, walking up to the Chinese male and Jackson could only raise a brow at that statement."Do I?"

"Oh. You're doubting yourself. So you're possibly implying you might not look good enough for Youngjae?"

The redhead realizes his indication in his words and turns around, muttering a low 'shit' under his breath. He wasn't entirely nervous, he just doesn't understand why these unnecessary emotions were shaking him up.

He was use to going on dates. Snatching his black jacket, the older boy cleared his throat,"I'm done. Who says I got doubts about myself. I look hot as fuck any time of the day."

Jackson could only chuckle at his friend's cocky sentence and followed him outside. It was obvious that the auburn haired male was half nervous about this and he could see something different about Jaebum now.

Yugyeom managed to pull Youngjae out the house. BamBam and Mark stood watching the stubborn brown haired boy who kept arguing.

"But I feel like—"

"Youngjae, if you don't like JB, you wouldn't act this way. You'd play it off and coolly cause you're just so-called classmates but if you do, you'll be freaking out over a simple date."Mark said, making the brunette straighten up and put his arms over his chest like a little kid.

"Yeah hyung. They call it—"

"Enough!"Youngjae interrupted BamBam who was smirking at his flustered Hyung."I got to get going anyways, bye."

Youngjae walks off first and the trio are left on the sidewalk, grinning mischievously at the brunette who's figure began to minimize by the second. You can say, they had something planned but they would use it when the time was right.

Youngjae arrived at the STOP sign where he and Jaebum last time departed from one another and signed. The doubts never left his head. He pondered if this was all a joke or something.

'Maybe I should just go. I might be a—'

"Hey! You actually came."A familiar voice called out and the younger boy turns to see the redhead walking over, a smile presenting on his face. Their distance closed and he can feel the beating in his chest thump.

"Well, you asked me. So I decided to not be rude and come"Youngjae said, his serene brown orbs avoiding the eyes that held so much happiness and warmth.

"Don't sound too cocky Choi. Besides, I thought you didn't want to go with me in the first place. Now you're admitting you want to?"Jaebum teased the younger brunette.

"Oh, look at that. Got to go now."Youngjae responded sarcastically and took one step but the auburn haired male was quicker. He pulled Youngjae to a different direction.

"What an indecisive brat you are. Now I wonder how I'll try to deal with you later on."The older boy chuckled and the brunette felt as if he was indicating something in his sentence, he just couldn't fathom it. Jaebum on the other hand was glad his back to Youngjae's front. The blush on his cheeks was definitely visible.

And a smile begins to grow on Youngjae's lips as he watches from behind. Because in the midst of this walking, he feels so safe. After all, his hands were still interlocked with Jaebum's.

• — •

The past couple of hours has been. . . .


Well, the redhead started it. He kept playing with the brunette and making the young boy fidget or blush in embarrassment. To the simplest act, Jaebum knew how to destroy the boy.

Youngjae was getting tired. Real tired of Jaebum messing with him. He lost count how many times he called the older boy a fuckboy in his head. He even added a suggestion of: choke him with ice cream on his to-do list to Jaebum.

He thought he could just write it on the notes of his iPhone but the prickly redhead noticed and snatched his phone. The brunette stands up and glares at him.

"A to-do list huh."Youngjae doesn't respond but merely ignores his sentence. He tries to contain that hot feeling but he somehow has trouble.

"Oh, so you have a list of things you wanna do to me, Choi? Is kiss me on there?"

"That's the very last thing I'd ever want to do."Youngjae hisses and stands up, trying to walk away, but the older male wasn't planning to let this interesting conversation go to waste. Especially when he loves the confident Choi saying daring words.

"Heh, then we better finish all those other things and get to the kissing quick. I think your lips are becoming lonelier by the second."Jaebum comments, his fingertips sliding slowly across those plump lips and the redhead smirks, seeing how Youngjae is blushing bright red.

Youngjae gulps as Jaebum leans closer to him. His breath hitches and he knows damn well what was going to happen soon enough. He was either prepared or not. Screwing his eyes shut, he could feel the presence of the older boy's lips nearing.


Of course, his lips simply brushes against his top one and the redhead whispers dangerously close to his ears,"You know, it's cute when you expect something from me and act all coy."

Opening his eyes, the brunette glares at the smirking redhead and shoves him off, walking a random direction. Although, the auburn haired male wasn't ready to conclude their date, he runs after, shouting for the younger boy.

Cockblocker lmao

double update?

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