Rescue Me (Currently Rewritin...

By mollysue

496K 10.4K 590

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WARNING: I am currently in the process of rewriting this story. The chapters availabl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Eleven

15.2K 466 43
By mollysue



I blinked a few more times, my eyes trying to adjust to the light of the room. I looked at Dakota, who was sitting on the edge of a black desk chair, ready to spring from it at a moment's notice.

I felt a bit claustrophobic and scooted towards the left side of the bed, closer to the wall. His springiness halted at my movement away from him and he sat on the seat. He sat there for a long moment and I took that time to look away from him and at my surroundings.

The room I was in was...masculine. The bed was tucked into the far corner of the room, covered in black sheets and a dark red comforter. To the right of the bed was a window with a nice little seat where the ledge used to be. That would be such a nice place to curl up and read.

To the right of the window and behind Dakota was a doorway that looked like it led to a small bathroom.

Against that same wall was a desk, papers and books stacked and scattered across it. A laptop sat there as well, closed, but donned with a few stickers.

Across from the foot of the bed was his dresser, a tall, dark, wooden thing that looked heavy. One of the drawers was thrown in there crooked and I thought back to the loud thud that had happened while Dakota was getting ready after his shower.

A small smile grew on my face at the thought of a drawer falling out and hitting Dakota's toe.

The biggest thing that intrigued me about Dakota's room was the walls. They...sort of reminded me of my room.

My bedroom's walls had writing all over them and Dakota's walls were actually painted black. There wasn't a single poster, picture, or hint of personality on his walls. paint.

I turned back to him and found him staring at me, the smile no longer on his face. I chewed on my bottom lip, unsure of what to do.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered.

I jumped, surprised that he spoke. His voice was soft and dark, soothing to the ears. A shiver ran up my spine and I blinked at him a few times.

He turned in his chair to the desk behind him, grabbing a notebook and a pen, handing them to me. I stared at him for a moment and he nodded, smiling in encouragement.

I opened the notebook and breathed in a shaky breath.

I'm...okay. Confused.

I handed it to him and he nodded.

"Well...this is my room. You' my house."

I nodded for a moment before I realized what that meant.

Holy shit, I'm in the packhouse.

I could feel panic enter my body as I thought about how I was deep in the heart of Blue Shadow territory.


Dakota's eyes widened and he stood up.

"Olivia, Olivia, take a deep breath. Breathe."

My eyes locked onto his and he reached forward, grabbing my hands.

"Breathe. Breathe with me, ten in, and then hold it."

He held my hands as I inhaled for ten seconds before holding that breath in.

"Now release," he whispered.

After holding it for ten seconds, I let it out feeling...better.

He sent me a small smile.

"I know this might all be...terrifying right now're safe. No one is going to hurt you, not while I'm around. I promise."

I stared at him, looking into his eyes, and saw that he meant every word.

I swallowed the fear in my throat.

Why am I here...? What happened?

I handed him the notebook after I wrote those questions and he sighed, watching me.

"It's...a long story. Why don't we get you some pain medicine because I'm sure you're hurting right now. Maybe some water and some food."

At the mention of those basic necessities, my body became very aware of how it was feeling. My whole body began to feel like a huge bruise and my stomach felt like an empty pit.

I nodded and he smiled, getting up. He walked over to the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of painkillers. He held them out to me and I stared at his hand for a moment, hesitant.

I reached my hand out and he placed them in my palm, his fingers lingering there momentarily before he pulled away. He handed me a bottle of water and I took the medicine, drinking damn near half the bottle before stopping.

He smiled, a bit of sadness entering his eyes.

"I'll be right back, okay? I'm going to get you some food."

I remained silent and he stared at me for a moment before getting out of his chair again, leaving the room. The door clicked shut behind him and I threw the blanket and sheet off of me to look at myself in his mirror.

I forced myself to my feet, my legs wobbly. Moving hurt more than it ever has in my life.

I stared at my reflection in complete horror. I still had the last remnants of the black eye healing, a light green color. The cut from where my father had punched my lip was smaller now, but a bruise filled up the space between my upper lip and my nose.

I lifted the oversized, band-t I was wearing and saw that the scratch marks that covered me from the assaults were still there, smaller and healing. My ribcage was purple and blue all over, bruised from the beating I took from my father. I let the shirt fall and looked down at my legs. I was wearing a pair of very large, black gym shorts which also must've been Dakota's.

My legs were also bruised and beat up, and there was a burn on my right leg, almost done healing.

I stared at my body, tears filling up my eyes. My knees began to wobble as a tear fell down my cheek.

My knees became more wobbly before collapsing underneath me. Two arms wrapped around me before I hit the floor and my heart was crashing in my chest.

Dakota looked down at me, eyes wide.

"Olivia, why are you up? You aren't strong enough to be out of bed. You could've gotten hurt."

I had my arms raised to push him away and he stared down at me, anger and sadness looking back at me.

Neither one of us moved and I felt embarrassed at my actions.

"Olivia...understand that I'm not going to hurt you. I would never do that to you. I'm here to keep you safe...okay?"

I stared at him with wide eyes.


I blinked a couple of times and he leaned over, picking me up bridal style. My body tensed as he carried me back to his bed, setting me down on it. He pulled the sheet and comforter back over me before putting a lap desk in my lap.

Sitting on top was a plate of some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. A glass of orange juice was sitting on the bedside table to my right.

I looked up at him, curious, and he sent me a small smile.

"Please, eat. It'll help you regain some strength."

I was hesitant at first before picking up the fork, starving. I think this is the most food I've seen in front of me in a long time.

I wrote in the notebook:

Can you explain what happened while I eat...?

He read it as I took a bite of the scrambled eggs, the taste exploding from my tongue.

These are the best scrambled eggs I've ever had. Either that or I was just so hungry that my mind was playing tricks on me.

He sighed and watched me as I ate.

"I suppose I can..."

"You remember fighting your parents, right?"

I nodded, looking down at my plate. That was terrifying. I can't believe I even had the guts to do that. I can't believe I survived.

" stopped my friends and me from intervening in any way. We came to help and you stopped us. While you were holding us all back, your mother attacked you. You...went flying back from her attack, landing in the dirt. You were beat up, bruised, and burnt. When you went down, your forcefield or whatever it was protecting us, disappeared and I...I ran to you before you fell unconscious."

I glanced at Dakota as the memory flashed in my head.

The dirt was cool around my clammy skin as my eyes began to shut, my body exhausted.

"Olivia! Olivia! Please god, Olivia!"

I opened my eyes for another moment, catching sight of those caramel eyes.

"Olivia! Stay with me! Just stay with me! Stay..."

I blinked, looking back at Dakota. He was watching me, his face now drained of its color.

"Honestly, I wasn't sure if you were going to make it. I picked you up and ran with you all the way here. Our pack doctor healed you as best as she could. I...argued with my parents a lot and they told me to bring you up here to my room until you woke."

I took some more bites of my food, thinking about Dakota's story. I grabbed the notebook.

How did you even find me...? How did you know...?

He frowned and glanced at me before he began picking at the skin on his thumb.

"That's where...this gets complicated."

I raised a brow at him, confused. Complicated? How can it get any more complicated than it already is?

I bit my bottom lip as I thought about the past week. Now that I think about it, a lot of the time I was in some sort of trouble, mostly at school, Dakota would show up and stop it.

I looked up at him and found him watching me, his eyes glinting with something I've never seen before.

"I guess it'll be easier if I just...dive right into it. Werewolves have um...have this thing called a mate. When a werewolf is conceived, somewhere in the universe, a counterpart is made to complete that werewolf. A werewolf's mate is supposed to be someone that completes them. They strengthen them as a werewolf, and as a person. Your mate is supposed to make you better. Be better, do better, feel better. Every werewolf only gets one mate for their life. Most wolves spend their whole lives trying to find their mate, while others just wait for fate to kick in. Finding your mate can be as easy as knowing them your whole life, or as difficult as you living on two separate continents."

I stared at him, no longer having an appetite as I waited for him to get to the point.

"Once a wolf finds his mate, regardless of what they are, they'll want nothing more than to protect them with their life. A werewolf's first instinct is to protect their family. That's what a mate is, your family. No one else in the world matters, no one but your mate."

Dakota's eyes were locked on mine and I couldn't pull my eyes away.

"'re my mate."

We both sat there, staring at each other as his words hung in the open air.

Holy shit.

I could feel panic begin to rise in my body at the thought of having a mate. My mind went back to art class a couple of days ago when Mrs. Jason asked me if I had a mate.

"Werewolves form a special bond with one person in their life and that person is their mate. It's a soul mate. I'm not sure if witches have mates but it wouldn't surprise me if you were to bond with one of the young wolves here."

I looked at Dakota, scooting a bit away from him and his face fell.

"Olivia...I know this is scary, terrifying even. Every werewolf you know has been nothing but...cruel and evil to you. You have no reason to trust me or anyone for that matter. I just...I'm sorry."

I watched him, the food in my lap completely forgotten now. Dakota was no longer looking at me but was now looking at his hands as he picked at the skin on his thumb.

"I wish...I wish I could make things different. I wish I had known sooner, I had stopped Amber and everyone at school. I wish I had known about your parents. I could've...I should've...I failed at protecting you. And I'm sorry."

His words surprised me and I stared at the man in front of me. Without even thinking about it, I reached forward and grabbed Dakota's hands in my own. He looked up at me, surprised.

Neither one of us spoke as we sat there, looking into each other's eyes. I bit my bottom lip, trying to stay strong. He's not going to hurt me.

I chewed on my lip some more, both of us watching the other. He pulled one of his hands away from mine, reaching forward. I flinched away and we both paused before he took a risk, continuing to reach towards me.

I didn't move as his hand approached my face, my blood was frozen in my veins. I remained tense until his fingers brushed my hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. His fingertips caressed my cheek before his hand fell and I felt something in his touch.

Something I've never felt before.


We continued to watch each other, neither one of us wanting to pull away from the moment.

"Olivia...I know...this is a lot of information, but you do have a choice. While you are my mate, you can choose not to accept this. I'm not going to force this on you."

I raised an eyebrow at him, surprised. I...have a choice?

I pulled my hands away from his, grabbing the notebook.

This is...a lot of information. It's going to be hard for me to accept it after everything but...

I stop writing, thinking of Dakota's explanation of what a mate is. Family...something I've never had.

My heart began to beat a bit faster at the idea of having a family, of being with someone who could love me.

Could it be possible? Could there really be someone out there who was...who was made to be with me...?

It was hard to believe.

I went back to the paper:

It's hard for me to believe and understand after what I've gone through in my life. Family and love is a...a foreign concept to me, something I know of but have rarely experienced. After everything I've gone through...I'm sorry that I seem so hesitant and scared. I'm...afraid.

I handed him the notebook and he read my words.

"I understand. I wouldn't expect anything less. In fact, I've been waiting for you to freak out, to be honest. I would deny it and refuse me outright. You've...surprised me. You're full of surprises actually," he mumbled.

I felt my cheeks heat up as he glanced at me, both of us probably thinking about the various things that occurred between us this past week.

My mind went to Friday morning in class, that moment between Dakota and me. That moment my body felt something it has never felt - lust.

I glanced at Dakota again who was staring at me. My face burned, caught. Does he know what I was thinking about?

I grabbed the notebook and wrote:

When did you realize we were mates? Have you...come to terms with the fact that it's me? You must've been...really angry when you realized.

I handed it to him and he read it before a small smile broke out. He released a chuckle.

"I was pretty slow to realize. My parents, specifically my mom, realized I had found my mate earlier this week. Sarah, my sister, knew you were my mate a few days ago too. I didn't realize it until Friday morning in class."

I glanced up at him but before I could look away, his eyes caught mine.

"As for being angry...I was never angry. The moment I realized we were mates, I had hoped that you would realize it too. But then you didn't and I wanted to kick myself for not saying something. I was...nervous, scared, and excited all at once. And then, once our bond formed and I started feeling your emotions? I was amazed."

My brows furrowed and he smiled.

"Once a wolf finds his mate, they form a bond. It's weak at first but strengthens over time. The bond gives wolves the ability to feel their mate's emotions - their pain, their happiness, and sadness. Once I felt your emotions, there was no denying that you were my mate. I was...pleasantly surprised to feel so many emotions. You're packed with them."

I could feel a blush enter my cheeks and he smiled, reaching forward. He brushed his fingertips down my cheek and I leaned slightly into his warm hand.

Please...don't leave.

His eyes lit up and we sat there for a long moment before he pulled away. I grabbed the notebook.

Were you scared because...because you're mates with me?

I handed him the notebook and he shook his head no, throwing it to the side. He reached forward, grabbing my hands in his, making me jump.

"Olivia I need you..."

He sighed before standing up. My body tensed and he let go of my hands, grabbing the lap desk. He removed it and put it on his bedside table before sitting down on the bed, facing me.

"There's something you need to understand and I know that it won't be easy. But...I wasn't afraid because you're the witch that everyone fears. In fact, I know that you aren't...I know that you won't hurt me. I know that you won't hurt anyone. The only reason people are afraid of you is that they don't know or understand you. They fear what they don't understand. We've only really known each other for a week so I can't say I really know or even come to understand you but...I'm not afraid."

I couldn't look away from him, completely surprised. He's...not afraid of me?

"The reason I was afraid is because...I feared what would happen once I told you the truth. I've done nothing to protect you all these years, done nothing to prove that werewolves aren't the evil, cruel beings you've come to know. I was afraid that the moment I told you that we were mates, I would lose you."

I couldn't stop the breath that released from my throat at his words. He was afraid to lose me before...before he even had me...?

I stared at him, amazed and he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"This is ah...quite embarrassing to be honest. I don't like talking about my emotions at all and here I am telling you everything I've been thinking and feeling like my life depended on it."

He's embarrassed? That's...adorable.

I watched as his cheeks became pink and I bit my lip.

"Alright Olive you need to get some more rest."


He stood from the bed, stretching out his back and I reached forward, grabbing his hand. I don't want him to leave...

He stopped at my actions, probably surprised. He turned around and we looked at each other for a long moment.

Stay, I begged with my eyes.

His eyes softened and he sent me a small smile before sitting back in his chair. I laid down in his bed, facing him. He leaned back, watching him.

"Can I ask you a question?"

I nodded at him and he chewed on his lip.

"Why do your parents treat you the way they do? Is there a reason or..."

I grabbed the notebook, hesitating.

Are you sure you want to know right now? It's...a lot.

I showed it to him and he nodded. I nodded at him before I began writing.

The truth is...I was an accident. My parents are...different beings. I know you saw what my father is. And my mother is obviously a witch. My parents aren't just evil in the sense that they beat their child and do other unspeakable things to me. They...they're more than that. For the longest time, they avoided having children because of who they are. They knew that if they had any children what that child's destiny would be. And then I happened. They couldn't avoid it. Once I was born, they denied my fate. They believed that if they treated me like loving parents would that maybe, I would be blinded to my destiny. However, my powers grew so quickly at an early age that they abandoned this plan. They realized it was of no use and showed their true forms.

That's when the abuse began, and it...worked. My destiny, fate, whatever you want to call it...there's no way I can do what I was born to do. My powers are weak. I am weak.

I held the notebook in my hands, glancing at him. This...was a lot of information all at once. My life, my destiny, was written down, about to be handed to a werewolf. Could I trust him with this information?

I handed him the notebook and he read over it.

"What exactly are you supposed to do?"

He was staring at me as he handed the notebook to me.

There is no light way to put this. My parents are the evil King and Queen. The ones that everyone has heard stories about. The ones that, if aren't stopped, will try to end the human world. My destiny is to kill them.

I handed the notebook to him and he jumped up. He ran a hand through his black hair, his eyes wide.

"Holy shit Olivia. We-we-we have to tell my father. This isn't something we can keep a secret. Do you know what this means?"

I grabbed his hand and he stopped, turning to me.

I shook my head no, my eyes wide.

"What do you mean no? Olivia this isn't something I can keep a secret. Now that you're puts my whole pack in danger. I have to - "

My eyes began to water as Dakota's words rang in my head. His whole pack is in danger because of me?

Dakota stopped talking and sat back down. His hand brushed against my cheek, turning my head to face him. He took a deep breath.

"Okay. We'll wait. I know have your reasons for wanting to wait and I need to respect those reasons. However...we need to tell my father soon. I can't...I can't hope to protect you and my pack without my father knowing the full truth. When you're ready, we will tell him, together. Okay?"

Together. I reached forward and grabbed his hand that was in his lap, squeezing it.

Thank you, Dakota.

He smiled at me, rubbing his thumb against my cheek, before pulling his hand away.

"Now you should get some rest, Olive. You've been up for a while and I'm sure you're tired."

I looked at Dakota for a long moment, finally getting a good look at him. He had dark bags under his eyes from a lack of sleep.

I grabbed the notebook.

How about you get some sleep and I'll take a shower? I...would like a shower very much.

I handed the notebook to him and his face became pink.

"A shower? Okay. Will you be okay to shower in here? I don't want you to shower out around my family and for me to fall asleep. My family can be...a bit overwhelming at first and I don't want you facing that by yourself."

I nodded and he reached forward, moving the covers off of me. He reached his hand towards me and I slowly slipped my hand in his.

He pulled me to my feet, our chests bumping into one another. My heart took off in my chest at the close contact and I swallowed. His breath blew across my face and I looked up, our eyes meeting.

We stared at each other for a long moment, neither of us moving. I couldn't stop my feelings from coming to the surface as I studied his face.

He was most definitely the most handsome being I've ever met. His black hair was in a spiky mess on his head, his paler complexion as if he were made of marble. His nose wasn't perfect, in fact, it was a bit crooked from possibly getting broken. His lips were a light pink, thin, and...perfect.

My breath was caught in my throat as I found Dakota looking over my face as well. I froze when he leaned forward.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh -

Dakota's lips pressed lightly against my forehead, my heart fluttering inside of my chest.

He pulled away, his hand still holding mine.

"Let's get your shower started hm? I'll get you some clean clothes and you can use my shampoo and body wash. Once you're feeling better we'll go to the store and get you some clothes of your own and other necessities."

I stared at him, nodding. He pulled me into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

"I'll put the clothes and a towel on the counter, okay?"

I nodded again and he smiled before closing the door behind him, leaving me to take a shower.


Once the door closed, I leaned against it, taking a breath.

Holy shit, this is hard man.

I never in my life have felt the urge to jump someone as much as I feel right now.

You're such a sucker D. Good luck dealing with this till she's ready.

I groaned at my wolf, wanting to hit my head on something.

I sighed and left my room, heading towards Sarah's room. She was sitting on her bed, reading a book.

She sat up when I walked in.

"Hey Koda, what's up?"

" you have some clothes that Olivia could borrow...?"

She jumped from her bed.

"She's awake?! Can I meet her?!"

I shushed her.

"Sarah she's...she's not ready yet. You have to remember, she's been bullied and abused by people from our pack for...years. She's terrified of all of us. This is going to take time and patience."

She frowned at my words.

"Oh...well...okay. I have a bunch of clothes that I've gotten from our aunt and uncle that are too big for me. I'm sure they'll fit her."

I watched her open her closet and she handed me a large box full of clothes.

"There should be brand new underwear and bras in there too."

"Thanks, Sarah."

She grabbed my arm before I left the room.

"Please tell her something for me. Tell her...tell her that I look forward to meeting her and that I'm excited to get to know her."

I smiled at my sister, nodding.

"I will."

She smiled and I left the room, heading back towards my bedroom. As I was walking towards my room, a sound floated towards me, stopping me in my tracks.

I was standing outside my door, dumbfounded as a melodic voice echoed from my room.

"Holy shit," I breathed.

"Hey Dakota who is...?"

I glanced at Jake and my father who had entered the hallway. They found me standing in front of my door, staring at it.


It's Olivia. She's...she's...

"Olivia's awake?" My father asked.

"She's singing," I breathed.

Her voice. She has a voice.

My heart was racing in my chest as her voice entered my ears. I couldn't even comprehend the words she was singing because I was too astounded by the fact that she could even sing.

"Are you okay son?"

I felt my body shake in anticipation and excitement. I know she's not talking to me or anyone but oh my god.

She has a voice, she has a sweet, amazing, beautiful voice. A voice that can bewitch someone.

Well, she is a witch, my wolf grumbled.

I looked over at my father and Jake, seeing them both bewitched at her voice.

Okay this isn't a peep show, can they leave, please? My wolf growled.

A light growl echoed from my chest and Jake and my father jumped.

"Alright, that's enough," I said.

They both looked at me.

"She's awake?" My father asked.

"Yes, she's taking a shower. She...she needs some space. She has a lot to process."

"So you told her?" Jake asked.

I nodded and he patted my back.

"It'll be fine Koda. She'll accept you guys and everything will work out."

I didn't respond and we all fell silent.

"She has a beautiful voice. Did either of you know she could sing?"

"Sing? I didn't even know she could talk," Jake said to my father.

He turned to me and I nodded.

"Olivia hasn't talked in...years. Since we were in fourth grade. She's been mute. This is the first time she's spoken in years."

None of us said anything after that and I cleared my throat.

"Alright, enough ogling. Please leave."

My father's face became pink and he left the hallway before I could utter another word. Jake chuckled and playfully punched my arm.

"Hey bro whenever you decide that a witch is too much for you to handle, just send her my way, kay?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah okay, we'll see about that Jake."

He chuckled at me and nodded to my door.

"Well? Get in there."

I took a deep breath, walking back into my room. I closed the door behind me and headed to the bathroom. Her voice got louder the closer I got to the door.

I slowly opened the door, her voice louder and more defined. I realized she was singing an old Beatles song.

Oh shit, I am in love.

I placed the box of clothes on the counter, a towel on top of the box. I stood there for a moment.

This is all wrong and I should let her have some privacy...but her voice.

I swallowed and could feel, for the first time in my life, my wolf calm. He was even purring.

What's with you?

Shut up, he mumbled.

My body felt like it was going to melt into a puddle on my bathroom floor and I bit my lip, leaving. I closed the door behind me and I sighed, leaning against it.

She's amazing.

I yawned, feeling more relaxed than I've felt in days.

"Well, she did say for me to get some sleep."

I headed for my bed, plopping down onto it. My head hit the pillow and I laid there, watching the bathroom door.

I smiled to myself as she changed to a different song. Her voice became distant as I began to drift asleep to the beauty serenading me from my bathroom.

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