The Son of a Mermaid

By missy14cya

79.9K 1.3K 219

( Sequel to In Love With a Human.) Iris has always believed that his life was prefect. Perfect girlfriend, pe... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 1
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
ChApter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
ChapTer 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

15.3K 97 21
By missy14cya

Ok if your reading this chapter 1 first. So go to the table of content and you will see chapter 1. I kinda deleted chapter 1 by accident so please don't stop reading :) thanks!


I quietly swam out the cave, we called home.

"Emmy?" asked a quiet voice

I turned to see Clara "Hey sweetie. Why are you up?"

She rubbed her blue eyes "I heard you get up. What are you doing? Are you leaving?"

I swam to her "I have to find Iris, my brother. He needs to know who he is."

She looked at me "But mommy said-"

"I know what she said I just...I just need to see him. Ok? Don't tell anyone ok?"

She nodded and I kissed her forehead "You're the best cousin Clara."

She smiled "Bye Emmy."

"Bye Clara."

I swam away.


The swim to California was a two day trip. I was exhausted by the time I got to a beach. I was still a great distance away from it, but I could see that it was filled with humans.

I looked around for a spot where I could change, but there was none.

I sighed and then a thought popped into my head. Call Iris.

So I did.


"Oh it's nice of you to join us today Mr. Johnson. Feeling better?" asked Mr. Larry raising his eyebrows at me

"Yea." I mumbled and slid into my seat next to Kayla

"Hey babe." she pecked my cheek

I smiled at her "Sorry you couldn't come ov-"

She shook her head to stop me "It's ok. I'm just glad you're feeling better."

I kissed her then said "I love you."

"Love you too."

Mr. Larry turned on the little TV in the front of the room "Ok class settle down it's time for the morning announcements."

I turned to face the TV and it hit again.

'Iris? Iris I need your help.'

I shook my head it was pounding.

'Please leave me alone. I don't know who you are please just get out of my head.'

I heard a small sniffle.

'If that's what you really want.'


I got a flash of a women, but she wasn't human she had long black hair, speckled with white and sparkling green eyes. What surprised me is that she had a long blue tail. She looked so familiar. Then she was gone.

'Wait! Who was that?'

'Come to the beach and I'll tell you everything.'

I sighed 'Which one?'

Then I saw the beach.

'Bring some clothes too.'

I rubbed my temples my head was still pounding, but after I saw the picture of that....women it became less painful.

At the end of the school day I waited for Kayla by her bike.

"Hey I'm sorry I can't hang out tonight I have something." I said to her as she came toward me

She frowned, but I pecked her lips "I'm sorry."

She sighed, but kissed me longer "I guess I can forgive you if...."


"My parents are gone for the weekend and I thought you could come over and....." She came closer and whispered in my ear "keep me company."

I closed my eyes as she playfully bit my ear, her sweet sent filled my nose.

"I'll see what I can do." I said smirking

She smiled and kissed my neck "Bye." With that she unlocked her bike and rode off.

I shook my head, Kayla always made me feel dazed. I don't know why she even chose me, but she did and I love her, she means the world to me.

I had to go home to get clothes that the girl asked for.

"Dad?" I called out

I heard a ruffling of footsteps and Dad appeared with a women standing next to him in a baggy shirt and pants.

"Iris. We need to talk." said Dad

The women, who had long blond hair that went to her waist and shinning blue eyes, smiled at me. She looked familiar.

"About what?" I asked keeping my eyes on the women giving her dirty looks

Dad's probably going to say that this is going to be my new mom and their in love and blah blah blah.

"Do you know who this is?" asked Dad nodding to the stranger

I shook my head and he continued "This is your aunt. Her name is Emma. She's your mother's sister."

"My mother? You mean the women who abandoned me and you when I was just a few days old? That women? I don't have a mother."

"Iris!" yelled Dad his face bright red "Don't you dare talk about your mother that way. She never-"

I rolled my eyes "Yea yea I don't care I'm glad she's out of my life I'm perfectly happy without her."

The women, Emma?, looked at Dad wide-eyed "You never told him? You promised Rachel-"

"I know what I promised. I was going to tell him when he turned 18. I thought that if I didn't tell him until then, then he can choose his life. Either live human or..."

That caught my attention "Or? What's or? What else am I?"

"I think we should tell him later, our first priority is finding Emily." said Emma

Dad nodded "Your right." then he turned to me "Have you heard anything? In your head a voice?"

I thought for a moment should I tell them? Should I tell them that I talk to a voice in my head and it awnsers back?

"Nope." I popped the p and turned to leave "I have to go do something."

I ran up the stairs and grabbed a t-shirt from my drawer and some boxer shorts. I quietly ran down the stairs but stopped when I heard Dad.

"...he thinks his mom abandoned him. I never thought he would jump to that conclusion."

I heard Emma's voice next "Will, she's been fighting everyday to try to get you both back to Florida. She even went to the queen and fought..."

"Emma what happened?"

I heard her sigh "She's been arrested."

I heard a slam then Dad's thundering voice "God damn it Rachel! How long? Is she going to be ok?"

Emma sighed again "She's in there for a month maybe longer, but it's just for fighting with Her Majesty. She said that she will be locked up until she let's go of this fantasy with you and Iris."

"But I thought she thought I was dead, therefore Iris doesn't exist either." said Dad

"She did and still does, she think Rachel won't except that your dead."

I left after that I refuse to listen to anymore lies. I ran outside hopped onto my bike and raced to the beach.

When I was about halfway there was a burning in my head it felt like my brain was on fire then the voice.

'Iris! Help!'

Then flashed of a different beach and I skidded to a stop and turned around I have a bad feeling about this.


The beach really got crowded so I decided to swim to a different beach. I would send Iris a picture when I got there.

I was thinking of Mom and how she was doing was she really lonely? Were they treating her ok? I feel bad just leaving but I need my brother more then ever.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice the fisher's boat I was about to swim into. I took a sharp right and swam into a net.

I struggled and tried to swim away, but that just made it worse. My tail got wrapped in the net it tangled around me, my fin, my arms, my neck all got tangled too. this wasn't an ordinary net. This wasn't a fishing boat either.

Suddenly the net began to rise and I stopped struggling. I saw the surface and went through it meeting a boy about 16 with a puzzled look on his face.

An older man stepped up behind the boy and patted his shoulder "Good job son you caught one."

The boy looked to his dad "But I didn't think-"

The man rolled his eyes "Just shut up and get her out of there."

The boy looked at me and pulled the net toward him and began sawing away at the rope with a knife.

Finally he had me out and I fell on my butt, which I now have including legs. He helped me up.

"Sorry about that."

I glared at him and looked around for an escape. I guess I could jump off the side of the boat, and I was just about to when the boy said "I wouldn't there's just more nets. I'm sorry."

I sighed as he gave me a dress. It was a little dark red sun dress. I pulled it on and then he led me down the small set of stairs and into a room.

"I'm sorry again. I'm Jake if you need anything." he closed and I heard the door lock

What just happened? This happened so fast.

I felt so weak. Every minute I'm on land I grow weaker.

A few minutes later I heard the lock click and the old let man walked in with a knife.

"Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way. You will only have one chance for the easy way. So which is it going to be?"

I glared at him but I didn't speak.

"Oh ok the hard? Alright."

He picked me up by my hair, I yelped in pain.

"Get up!"

I took a deep breath "Why do you do this?"

The man rolled his eyes "Just give me what I want."


"Very well."

I shrunk into the floor and called out to Iris so hard that my head hurt.

'Iris! Help!'

Then I sent him a picture of the beach.

I looked up at the man towering over me holding the knife like he was going to kill me with it. Which he probably was.

He took the knife across the back of my hand. I screamed out in pain and I watched as rusty colored liquid came running down the back of my hand.

Just then Jake bursts through the door.

"Dad what are you doing?" he yelled

"Trying to teach this fish a lesson." he grumbled not taking his eyes off me

Jake touched the man's shoulder "Dad stop please. We don't need to do this."

The man rolled his eyes "Go back upstairs Jake."

The man raised the knife to cut me again, but suddenly I herd the sound of a door slamming open.

My eyes drooped and the last thing I saw was green, deep green.


Hey! I'm back! So here is another chapter I'm really happy with this chapter what do you guy think? FEEDBACK!!!! :) o pic on the side of Iris ---->

<3 Mell

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