Fallen Souls

Bởi MissMillie

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Mikhail and Mikhaila are fraternal twins and at the same time the heirs to the throne of the Brethan Kingdom... Xem Thêm

Prologue: Past Life
Chapter 1: Life and Death
Chapter 2: Proof of a Knight
Chapter 4: Goddess Delphiria
Chapter 5: Festival at the Capital
Chapter 6: Domlora
Chapter 7: Lord Wilston
Chapter 8: Escape
Chapter 9: A trick of Fate
Chapter 10: Confusion
Chapter 11: Ron's return
Chapter 12: Knights
Chapter 13: Return
Chapter 14: Discovery
Chapter 15: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 16: Interrogation
Chapter 17: A New Beginning
Chapter 18: Choice
Chapter 19: Lady Anaclisse de Colabrè
Chapter 20: The Tearan Royal Family
Chapter 21: Selfishness
Chapter 22: Military Academy
Chapter 23: Consequences
Chapter 24: Mikhail
Chapter 25: Reunited
Chapter 26: In the light [END]

Chapter 3: More than just an old man

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Bởi MissMillie


       Patricia stayed up the whole night. She couldn’t sleep because of the previous events that happened. She told her sister Marianne to rest and told her repeatedly that everything will be alright but deep inside she wondered if what she was saying is true.

       She is afraid to close her eyes because every time she does, she sees their burning house and she could hear her mother and her older siblings calling for help. She also saw her father fighting with his life. It was kind of traumatic for her but then her mind drifted to the part on how they came to the old bookshop Patricia went in earlier in the day.


       As they rode fast on their horse away from their burning house and the guards, both Patricia and her sister, Marianne thought about their parents and siblings who were left behind. They were not sure if they will be able to see them again but they didn’t lose hope.

       The night air was cold as it passed  their faces. Patricia’s hand started to get numb but she still remained a tight grip on the reins. After a while, they heard noises behind them and as they looked behind, they saw three guards pursuing them. One of them raised his bow and aimed at their back. Patricia tried to swerve to the right and the arrow luckily passed them at the side. That continued for a while until their horse was shot on its left leg. It staggered for a little but luckily kept its balance.

       “Sister, what will we do? The town is still far away!” Marianne said.

       “Don’t panic. I will get us out of this.” Patricia said as she continued swerving the arrows shot towards her back. Inside her mind, she was already panicking and was just trying to stay brave for her younger sister. She couldn’t let her see how scared she also was.

       At that moment she was already feeling so hopeless. Their pursuers were gaining speed as they sped for their tail. There was no one to help them but themselves and the town was still a few kilometers away.

       The thought of them dying there came into her mind. She at least hopes that she can help her sister survive but she didn’t know how. They now came to a rocky landscape with trees. The full moon above was shining brightly and was lighting their way.

       Out of the stillness of the night and only with the sound of the hooves of their horses, Patricia heard something else. It was a screech of an eagle. It circled up above and started making loud noises like it was telling someone that they were there.

       “Patricia, what is that eagle doing?”

       “I don’t know…”

       Right on cue, as the eagle continued to circle above them, an arrow suddenly shot out of nowhere and into one of their pursuers. The guard was immediately killed and fell from his horse. His two companions looked around but saw no one. Another arrow was fired and it shot the second guard. The remaining one figured where their attacker was and also shot an arrow at him. Their savior jumped out of a tree, his sword raised and slashed their last pursuer with a deadly attack.

       “That was easy.” He said while Patricia stopped their horse.

       She turned towards the man who saved them. He looked like he was already in his late fifties. His black hair already had a streak of white hair and so as his moustache. The man’s eyes were gray. As Patricia stared into them, she somewhat knew that the man in front of her has passed through a lot in his life.

       The man sheathed his sword and looked at the two sisters. When his eyes looked at Patricia, he momentarily stopped and shock was spread across his face. He continued staring at Patricia for a few more seconds until he looked away from her. Patricia found it weird and thought hard if she and the man saw each other before. She couldn’t remember seeing him but there was a feeling inside of her that she couldn’t comprehend.

       “Are you two hurt?”

       “No, sir, we are not.” Patricia answered. “Thank you very much for saving us…but how did—”

       “I know?” the man cut in. “Because the eagle saw that you two looked liked that you were in trouble and he showed me how to find you and here I am.”

       “Oh, is that so…” Patricia stared at the sky. The eagle was no longer there. The night was still again as it was used to be like in an ordinary and peaceful night.

       “Why are those guards after you two? Did you do something wrong?” the man asked them.

       “We did nothing wrong, mister!” Marianne said. “They were the ones who burned our house and imprisoned out mother and siblings inside. Our father told us to ran away and go into town for our safety. We don’t understand why those guards did that!”


       “So that is what happened. The guards are always abusing their power to trample those who are weak or they think are under them. I have seen a lot of these on my travels.” The man explained. “You don’t realize that there are lots of people like you who are experiencing the same thing throughout this country.”

       “We are very well aware of how this kingdom is like, sir. Our parents taught us that…but I don’t think that this is not just a situation like what you mentioned earlier…” Patricia said.

       “So are you telling me that what your sister said isn’t truly what had happened to the two of you?”

       “No, sir I didn’t mean it like that. What my sister said is what had really happened but when father was fighting with them, they said that…they said…”

       She was being hesitant if she was going to tell him but she had no choice because they were in a difficult position and besides, she told herself, he saved us. He must be trustworthy.

       “The guards told us that our parents our not telling us something. They said that we were being deceived.” Patricia said. “Our parents aren’t like that and I don’t know if what the guards said were true.”

       The man walked a few paces, thinking and analyzing their situation.

       “Our parents are good people. They’ll not do anything bad to make the guards do this to our family.”

       “Based from what you said, I believe that they are indeed good people but how do you explain what those guards told you about your parents? They must have a basis for what they said, don’t you think?”

       “So what are you implying?” Patricia said.

       “Our father is just a farmer and our mother is just a plain housewife.” Marianne said.

       “How did your father protect the two of you?” he asked. Patricia was about to answer but when she remembered how she suddenly became silent and couldn’t bring herself to reply. Their father knew how to use a sword. It was the first time Patricia saw their father like that.

       “Our father fought them with a sword.” Marianne said.

       Patricia was stumped. It was hard hearing the truth. She convinced herself hard that their parents were just ordinary people but when she saw her father fight, she realized that no simple farmer can do that.

       “Your father is indeed something if he can use a sword.” The man said. He looked at Patricia. “I’m sorry to say this but your parents looked like they were really hiding something from you and whatever they were doing were known by the guards and that became the reason why they pursued your whole family.”

       Patricia became silent. She didn’t know what to say regarding what the man told them.

       I don’t understand. So father was what? How can he use a sword that efficiently and why didn’t’ they told us anything about whatever they were doing? To protect us? Father…

       “You seem to be confused. I can understand but did your father tell you where you should go in town? I can accompany you.” The man offered but the two sisters still didn’t say anything. He sighed.

       A little while later, after she had recovered and thought things over, Patricia answered his question, “Our father told us to go to the old man who runs the old bookshop in town.”

       “What?” the man was surprised with her answer. He looked like that that was the last place she was going to say and she unexpectedly told him that that was their destination. “I-in that bookshop where no one enters and is always full of dust?”

       Patricia was surprised that the man knew the exact description of the place. “Yes. That is the place. I have been there when we were in town and I found the owner a bit scary.” She almost told him what she found in that bookstore but then she remembered what her father told her about it: it was taboo and she must never mention it to anyone or they will be in trouble.

       The man looked like he didn’t believe his ears. He started pacing again and seems to realize something He stopped pacing and seem to realize something.      

       “What is it, mister?” Marianne asked.

       “It’s a little hard to explain right now, young lady. I’ll accompany you to your destination and I promise that I’ll explain it to you two there. This is not the place where we should talk about things like these so please understand.

       Patricia nodded because her father also told her almost the same thing as what the man said.

       “But how can we trust you? You might even be pretending.” Patricia said.

       The man nodded. “You are right. Your father raised you well not to trust strangers, eh?” he said.  He thought for a moment. “But isn’t it enough that I saved your lives? Can’t you trust me with just that?”

        “But we still don’t know your name…” Marianne said.

       “You’re right. They call me Captain Volnacker. How about you two?”

       “My name is Patricia and this is my youngest sister, Marianne.” She said. As far as she could remember, her father sometimes said to trust her instincts and her instincts are telling her now that they can trust him.

       “Do you really promise to explain us everything that you know about our parents?”

       “Yes. Please remember that a soldier always keeps his word because that is his honor.”

       Patricia slowly nodded. Captain Volnacker kicked his horse and sped up in the direction of the town and Patricia together with Marianne followed him into the night.

       They rode on their horses for one and half hours and luckily they were no longer pursued like before. Captain Volnacker led them to a different path that led to Floyié town. When they successfully entered the town unnoticed, he told them to go down their horse and to start following him on foot.

       “We are fortunate that there is a full moon tonight.” He said as he led them to a dark alley. “Don’t worry this is a shortcut and few people knows about this. The guards won’t even think of going here.”

      Patricia just nodded and followed quietly. After walking in alleys for half an hour, they entered a secluded street that was familiar to Patricia.

       “Here we are.” He said. “We will enter through the back door.”

       “What about the horses?” Patricia asked.

       “We’ll just tie them over there.” He answered back.

       They crossed the street and went around to the back door. Captain Volnacker knocked thrice and they all waited, listening.

       After a few minutes of waiting, they heard footsteps and the door creaked open; In front of them stood a man about the same age as Captain Volnacker. His hair has also streaks of white and his gaze was suspicious. But when he stared at his guests, it turned to disbelief.

       “Volnacker! What are you doing here?”

       “Greg, don’t be like that! When did it become bad to visit a family relative?”

       Patricia and Marianne were shocked of their connection. Mr. Greg meanwhile hurriedly ushered them inside while making sure that there were no people around. Once inside, he looked at them carefully then said,

       “Volnacker, it has been already a long time since we last saw each other? Five years?”

       “To be exact, it has already been three years, dear cousin. I see that your memory is getting bad. Maybe that’s because you live your life so isolated from everyone.”

       “That’s not true. I’m just being careful. You’ll never know when the Tearans will discover your identity and they’ll immediately drag me to Abracar.”

       “But at least tidy up your bookshop. It had been exactly the same since I last came here—dusty. You haven’t changed a bit.”

       “You, too, you haven’t changed all through these years.”

       Captain Volnacker just smiled. Mr. Greg turned his attention to the two sisters.

       “Aren’t you the one who came in earlier in here?”

       “Yes, sir. I’m Patricia and this is my sister Marianne.”

       “Why are they with you?” he asked the captain.

       “I rescued them from the guards that were pursuing them and Patricia told me that the Tearan guard went to their home. It looks like their father was a part of something and his location and identity was discovered.”

       “They burned our house! And we don’t know what happened to the rest of our family.” Marianne cried.

       “Our father told us to come here and so…” Patricia said. “Sir, do you know our father?”

       “I don’t think so because I don’t often venture outside my shop and I don’t speak much to other people.” Mr. Greg said.

       “What puzzles me is why he told you to come here. Don’t you really have any idea, Patricia?” Capt. Volnacker asked.

       Patricia thought for a moment, looking back at everything that happened: a short distance from their home, they already realized that their house was on fire and their mother, Francis, and Sarah were trapped inside by Tearan soldiers. They also mentioned that their father has been deceiving everyone. He is good with the sword and fought them like he has been doing that for years and before they parted with him he asked for the blessing of goddess Euphiria to guide and protect them both…

       “Did your father mention anything strange before that might be a clue of what happened?” Mr. Greg asked.

       Patricia wasn’t sure if she will still mention what she’s thinking because it was just weird and they might not take her seriously.

       “Don’t hold back anything because I have the feeling that we can help you.” Capt. Volnacker said and this reassured her.

       “Um, I don’t know if this will help but…the soldiers mentioned that our father has been deceiving everyone—I don’t know what they meant but I’m sure that it is not true.”

       “Is that all?” Mr. Greg asked.

       Patricia has still something she wants to mention but she wasn’t sure if she should because it seems unimportant. In the end she decided to.

       “Before we escaped our father said these words to us, ‘May the goddess Euphiria guide and protect you both’” Patricia said.

      Silence followed. Both of the men have mixed expressions on their faces while Patricia waited for them to laugh or say something like “That’s ridiculous” but neither came.

       “I completely understand your whole situation now.” Captain Volnacker said.

       “Yes. No doubt about it.” The other said.

       “What do you mean?”

       “You are Brethanians and that’s why this happened to you.” Capt. Volnacker said.

       “Brethanians? That’s impossible!” Marianne said.

       “Our parents never said anything like that.” Patricia said.

       “Because that is to protect you and your siblings; if you don’t have any knowledge about your true identities, you wouldn’t slip and make a mistake to reveal your family’s secret.” Mr. Greg said.

      “We can’t believe what you are saying and how you can be so sure?” Patricia said.

       “Do you know goddess Euphiria?” Capt. Volnacker asked.

       Patricia shook her head.

       “She is the goddess of the Brethan Kingdom and the guardian that the Brethanians prays to.” Mr. Greg said.

       “Think about it: why would your father ask the blessing of a goddess of the enemy kingdom of the Tearans? He should have prayed to goddess Delphiria instead. Even after 18 years anything connected to the Brethan kingdom is never mentioned because it is taboo. One will be severely punished if caught.”

       Patricia knew about the taboo but not about the goddess. She doesn’t know if she will believe them or not.

       “You, your sister and your whole family are Brethanians. Your parents are citizens who once lived in Domlora, the capital of our kingdom or maybe in other part of the country.” Capt. Volnacker explained.

       “Sir, did you just say, ‘our kingdom’?” Marianne pointed.

       “That’s because we are also Brethanians.”

       There was a shocked silence.

       “I know this is very hard to take in but…we are telling the truth.” Mr. Greg said.

       “That sounds more believable than the fact that we are Brethanians…” Patricia said.


       Patricia accepted what they said about their identities because she can tell that they won’t lie about that kind of thing but the truth about their family is still hard to believe. She wanted to see them and she wanted to talk to her father and asked him about this.

       “Is there a way for us to save them?” she asked.

       “They will be brought to Mt. Abracar eventually if they were not killed.” Mr. Greg said.

       Patricia had heard stories before about that mountain. It was said to be a living hell and some say that if you go there, you’ll end up losing your mind.

       “Why would they be brought there?” Marianne asked.

       “Because that is where the prison for the caught Brethanians is. We ourselves don’t know much anything about that place because it is heavily guarded and you can get easily lost there. Moreover, it is surrounded by many levels of magic to prevent intruders. It is the last place you’ll decide to break-in.” Capt. Volnacker explained.

       “Have you attempted to save the people imprisoned there?”

       “Yes. Many times before but we couldn’t even take a step near the mountain. We can only observe from a distance.” He said. “The magic around the mountain was casted with the powers of Delphiria, the goddess of the Tearan Kingdom.”

       “So is there really no other way?” Marianne asked.

       “You are not the only victims of this. Many of our people suffered the loss of their loved ones at the hands of the Tearans but we haven’t given up hope that we will rescue them someday.” Mr. Greg said.

       “At least we just want to know if they are alive.” Patricia said.

       “We’ll help you find out so please do not worry…” Mr. Greg said.

       “For 18 years, you have suffered like this but how can you still not give up hope after all this time?” Patricia asked.

       “Because we have complete faith that they will return once again to us—the Fallen Souls and save our fallen kingdom…” Captain Volnacker said.

       After recounting the events of last night, she pondered to herself the fact that they were Brethanians. It was hard to believe at first but the more she thought about it, she gradually accepted the truth and she knows that Marianne feels the same.

       The room they are using now is Mr. Greg’s. He offered it to them last night. He treated them kindly and they were grateful to him and his cousin.

       She now thought about what will happen to them next. Last night they mentioned that Brethanians that were caught are sent to Mt. Abracar. She shivered at the thought of going there. She prayed that their family is safe and sound.

       When Marianne awoke, both of them went out of the room, followed the narrow corridor and into the small kitchen.

       “Good morning…” they said.

       They saw Mr. Greg preparing breakfast while Capt. Volnacker is sitting by the table reading a book.

       Mr. Greg nodded at them told them to take a seat. Patricia was surprised with his character because when they first met, her first impression on him was scary and arrogant but she realized that she was wrong.

       She was a little puzzled about Captain Volnacker because he sometimes looks at her for a long time and in a weird way. Sometimes his expression was of disbelief or speculation. The looks he gave her makes her feel that he knows her but Patricia put this idea out of her mind because it was absolutely impossible.

       While they were eating breakfast, Mr. Greg said,

      “You know, we haven’t introduced ourselves to each other properly.”


       “My name is Greg Fuller and this is my cousin Volnacker.” He said. “He used to be the Captain of the Royal guards in Domlora you know…”

       “Wow, really?” the two sisters said. “So we better address you as ‘Captain Volnacker’…”

       “Well…I am no longer a captain but if you want, you can…” he chuckled.

       “Patricia, what do you plan to do now?” Mr. Greg asked.

       “I haven’t thought of that yet…” she said sadly.

       “Why don’t you and your sister come with me?” Capt. Volnacker offered. “Have you heard of the place called The North?”

       The two sisters shook their heads.

       “It is a place in the most northern part of the Brethan Kingdom where the rest of us are. It is a very safe place for us and has been our home since the war.” Capt. Volnacker said.

       “It’s a very safe place?”

       “Yes. Survivors of the Black War live there in peace and from time to time people with the same situation as you come there to seek a safe refuge…you’ll realize that you are not all alone…” Mr. Greg said.

       “Thank you. Me and Marianne will accept your help.” Patricia said. “But…our parents and siblings…”

       “We apologize that we can’t do anything to save your family…”

       “How…how can you continue to have faith to the prince and princess after 18 years that you didn’t have a clue of their whereabouts? Where are they when the people needed them the most? Did they abandon their own kingdom? Are they already dead and gone forever? Are you just wasting your time waiting for them?” Patricia said. She actually didn’t mean to say these kinds of things but the words just burst out her mouth. All the emotion in her chest seems to explode.

       The other three seemed surprised at the sudden change of Patricia.

       “I was the captain of the royal guard and I watched the prince and princess grow up and I assure you that they are not like what you think. They truly love the Brethan kingdom from the bottom of their hearts like their parents did before them. I trust them completely.” Capt. Volnacker said.

       Patricia couldn’t think of anything to say. The former captain’s words hit her and she understood his feelings. She admired his strong faith and loyalty to the royal family and she suddenly felt ashamed with her actions.

       “Please forgive me for what I said earlier. I apologize…” Patricia said, bowing her head.

       “No. Don’t worry it’s alright. You don’t need to bow your head. Please…” Captain Volnacker said. “I know that this is hard and I understand.”

       “I’m so sorry…”

       “No one can control their emotions at a time like this.” Mr. Greg said. “Cry your pain out. It will make you feel better.”

       It seemed that her eyes were only waiting for a permission to release tears because just by saying those words, tears immediately rolled down her cheeks. She cried hard while Marianne patted her back.

       The two men watched her solemly. They have seen many cry in tears like this before. But for Capt. Volnacker, Patricia made him remember a special person from a long time ago.

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