Ghoul Lover (Tokyo Ghoul Fanf...

By nikaravenscraft

9.5K 363 51

She was strange. She was beautiful. She wasn't human. She was a Ghoul. She was a creature that I was supp... More

Chapter 1: Encounter
Chapter 2: I'll Be Good
Chapter 3: HER
Chapter 4: Illusions
Chapter 5: Testing
Chapter 6: Debut
Chapter 7: Alternative
Chapter 8: Bye Bye Birdie
Chapter 10: Questions and Answers
Please Read!
Chapter 11: Sleeves
Chapter 12: Marks & Possibilities
Chapter 13: Surprise
Chapter 14: Untimely End
Chapter 15: Hell & Nightmares (FIVE YEARS LATER) - LAST CHAPTER!

Chapter 9: Teddy or Grizzly?

332 14 2
By nikaravenscraft

Chapter 9: Teddy or Grizzly?

"What the hell is the point of this?" Mayumi mutters, all the while licking her fingers. "These are boring, low-ranked Ghoul Investigators! They're no fun to fight..." Upon having licked all the blood off of her pale fingers, Mayumi emits a loud sigh.

"You'll see what the point is, if you watch the news in the morning," I respond, with a small chuckle. "Don't worry, higher ranked Ghoul Investigators will come soon..." I can feel my body shake, ever so slightly. If only she knew how hard it is... How hard it is to hide my excitment and happiness. I've started it; I've started a beautiful thing! Sure it won't happen in a year, but perhaps in a couple of years they will be gone.


The humans who kill the gorgeous, angelic creatures known as Ghouls will be gone.

Or, more accurately, dead.

"I'll meet you here again tomorrow, at the same time," I say, before jogging away. I must get home so I can get a decent amount of sleep, and be able to wake up in time to see it. I must hurry, so I can witness the beginning of their end.

"See you tomorrow, Asshole!" Mayumi or "Teddy" responds, her annoyance still present in her muffled voice. If only that mask of hers muffled her voice more... Having to hear her swearing nearly constitantly is annoying.

Vulture never swore.

Or, if he did, not often.

Vulture didn't have an attitude.

Vulture is...or was the opposite of Mayumi.

Why did you kill him?

He could have implanted more kagune in your back.

He could have done oh so many things for you.

He could have been your friend.

He could have...

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" I continually mutter at myself or the voice.... I am unsure of exactly who it belongs to. When I first I heard it I though it was my thoughts... But then I realized something was and still is off.

The voice isn't my voice, therefore the voice is not my thoughts.

Strangely, the voice is familiar.

Who could it belong to?

How did the voice to get into my head?

You are an idiot.

You are a MAJOR idiot!

You don't deserve-

"Oi, you've got to see this!" My father's voice wakes me from my all but sound slumber. Despite already knowing what my father wants me to see, I hurry down the stairs and into the living room. I struggle to prevent a smile from spreading across my face as I gaze at the gruesome scene that a news channel is displaying.

An alleyway or rather the alleyway is drenched in blood, and bodies cover the ground like some sort of bumpy, outdoor carpet. But an even more stunning scene is about to be created. Pretending to be shocked and scared, I throw a quick glance down at the time displayed on the screen.

It is just a matter of time.

Or, more accurately, a matter of seconds.


Suddenly, the camera angle shifts. In fact, the camera seems to be falling. Why does it seem to be falling? Because it is.

"Sweet dreams," Mayumi says, and soon afterwards blood splatters across the camera lense. "I'm Teddy, and this is what you get for going to the scene of a Ghoul attack without a Ghoul Investigator escorting you. Now, why don't I show you something wonderful? I can almost gurantee that you will sleep better upon seeing it!" Mayumi lifts the camera of the ground and skips with it, giving us a shakey view of the crime scene. "Look at this, look at all the dead! Isn't it great?The best part of it all is that the news channel is unable to stop this broadcast!" For a while, all anyone hears is her high pitched laughter.

"Oh ho ho, we have company," Mayumi adds, coming to an abrupt stop. Mayumi then angles the camera towards two Ghoul Investigators, both which are just a few ranks beneath my father. "I suppose I should greet them properly." Her usual snotty attiude is rapidly seeping into her voice. "Hello, Assholes! It is NOT nice to meet you." Before she can say any more, the two Ghoul Investigators lash out at her, simultaneously, with their Quinques. "That was rude!" Mayumi hollers, and her demeanor changes yet again.

"I would ask you what your names are but you don't seem too into greetings..." seeming to want to have her hands free, she quickly sets the camera down before continuing, "I however, love greetings. In fact, I love speaking. Now, I wonder how you would react if I told you that you'll be dead in five minutes?"

"Five minutes? Aren't you a bit cocky?" One of the Ghoul Investigators asks, "you're ranking isn't very high!"

Instead of forming a verbal response, all "Teddy" does is laugh hysterically. In fact, she laughs so loudly that her whole body shakes, and shakes right towards the Ghoul Investigators.

I can't help but swallow nervously upon watching "Teddy."

I made a mistake.

That isn't "Teddy".

That isn't Mayumi.

That is "Grizzly".

That is Mayumi's twin sister.

"Aww man they died quickly," Grizzly mutters, all the while munching on one of the Ghoul Investigators' body. Just before the news channel finally manages to end the broadcast, I can't help to hear a low but menacing utterance of, "You'll be the next to die, Porcelain."

You messed up.

You shouldn't have killed Vulture.

You shouldn't have even considered using Mayumi as his replacement.

You should have been more careful.

Your life is in danger now!

Grizzly, despite her low ranking, is EXTREMELY dangerous!


You need to kill Grizzly! But you can't kill her by yourself...

"Shut up," I whisper, all the while rubbing my temples. I can feel a strong headache coming on.

Who are you going to have help you kill Grizzly?

Are you going to blackmail another Ghoul into helping you? That hasn't worked very well so far...




"You should stay home today, you look pale," my father says, before exiting the room to answer his phone. He is likely speaking to his superiors about the incident that we just witnessed.


I hate to admit it, but the voice is right.

/I regret killing Vulture he was my favorite character ;-;/  

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