One Direction's Little Sister...

By mullingarr

206K 3.9K 752

World famous popstar, Harry Styles, is intrigued to learn that his mum is getting married to a mystery man. 1... More

1: "Hey, aren't you that guy from The Wanted?"
2: "Ah, yes, my potential bae. Where he at?"
3: "So, do you like drugs?"
4: "Yes, that is us. One Erection."
5: "Damn Mean Girls fans."
6: "Look, smarty pants, keep talking and I'll leave you in Hawaii."
7: "What fuck kinda water do you have?"
8: "Like I've been hit by a car, miraculously survived and been hit by a truck."
9: "Even in this dreadful state I'd still leap out of the bath for Chinese."
10: "Shut up, grab your croissant and follow me."
11: "Thanks mum, I'll remember that next time Louis is an asshole."
14: "A young child like you should go to bed after CBeebies has finished."
15: "There it is, the greatest movie of all time: Shrek!"
Chapter 17 - Teddy
Chapter 18 - When I'm Gone
Epilogue: Three Months Later. [FINAL CHAPTER]

17: "I'm an award-worthy actress cross pathological liar."

7.3K 158 46
By mullingarr


I gave the boys in the distance a thumbs up once my phone had finally found signal.

"Lucy!" I exclaimed, answering my phone. "My love, my cinnamon apple, my home dog--"

"Shut up, Sienna, I know what you've said. And done."


"How could you? After all we've been through?"

"I don't even--"

"I HATE YOU!" she screamed down the phone.

I don't remember saying or doing anything to offend her, I'd never do that. 

"Holy shit girl, what the hell is going on? What'd I do?"

"You should know. Don't play Miss Innocent, you're a shitty liar." she hissed coldly.

"Well... I don't?" I replied, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "Look--"

"Maybe you should see a doctor then, seeing as you can't even seem to remember being a bitch to me. Maybe you should also see someone about that attitude of yours, making up shit about someone who thought you cared about them." she blabbed, her voice wavering. "Sienna Walker, you are nothing but a bitch. A cold-hearted, lonely bitch. And I hate you. I wish I'd never met you. I never, ever ever want to see you again." she rambled, before bursting into tears and hanging up. 

My head starting spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up. I'd never felt this awful in my life. I didn't know what I'd said or what I'd done and I wasn't sure if I was going to find out, but every time I replayed Lucy's words over in my mind I could feel my heart sink further and further down and--

"Sienna! You finished?" yelled a voice from behind me.

"Yeah, coming over!" I yelled back, hoping my voice didn't sound like I'd been crying. I wiped my eyes and sniffed, praying that I wouldn't look like I'd been crying either.

Zack and Corey made their way over to me just as I turned round. They both studied me for a moment before Corey said, "Hey, have you been crying?"


"Nah, mate," I replied, playing it cool, "I mean yes, I have, but out of happiness. Lucy called and I miss her a lot, so I was crying." 

Someone either give me an Oscar or get me the number of a good therapist - I'm an award-worthy actress cross pathological liar.

"Cry baby." Corey said, smirking.

"I will end you." I retorted, raising my eyebrows and pointing my finger dangerously close to his eyes.

"Message received and understood." he replied, raising his hands and backing away. "Dang, I hope you like violent girls." He mumbled to Zack, whose cheeks instantly burned red.

"Corey!" I gasped, grabbing him and attempting to put him in a headlock. "On his behalf, I am so sorry," I said to Zack, who was still blushing bright red but chuckling now, "he's still learning how to be a decent human being."

He laughed. "Hey, I hate to be a killjoy but I really gotta go," he told us, looking at his phone, "my parents want me to meet them in town and the bus comes soon."

"You're brave, taking public transport in a foreign country. I admire your courage. That's fine, please don't let us make you miss your bus." I gushed, tightening my grip on Corey's neck as I felt him prepare for another sarcastic comment.

"Are you sure? I hate to leave. We've barely been here for any time at all."

"Of course! I'll text you. Maybe we could meet again later this week. What hotel are you at?"

"The only one in this town, the one with the unpronounceable name."

"Snap! Okay, I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"See ya Sienna, try not to kill Corey."

"Thanks buddy." Corey mumbled.

Zack waved us off and as soon as he was out of earshot, I let Corey go. "You worm."

"Hey, what are friends for?"

"Not making me look like a complete twat in front of guys. Especially not cute guys."

"You were blushing equally as bad as he was; you were making yourself look like a twat, babe. You didn't need any help there." 

"Shut up." I huffed. "Was I really blushing that bad?" I asked curiously.

"Yes." Corey said, starting to walk off. "So you think he's cute?" 

"Maybe. But you dare tell him, I'll set your balls on fire."

"Damn, you a violent child."

I whipped round to face him.

"Please don't hurt my balls." he whimpered. I grinned. 

Sienna 1, Corey 0.


"So, two lasagnas, one spaghetti bolognese, one fish plate, one shepherds pie and two cottage pies, with four beers, two cokes and a water?" the waiter asked, after going round the table and collecting everyone's orders. Harry nodded. My jaw dropped at the amount of food on the list.

"Your food will be here in five minutes." he said politely and left.

"Bloody hell, I don't think I've even seen that amount of food in my entire life." Corey said, taking the words right out my mouth.

"I've heard the food here is really good." Niall said excitedly.

As the waiter said, the food arrived soon after and it looked great. 

"Niall, you were right." Corey practically moaned. "When I die, bury this lasagna with me."

"Spaghetti Bolognese," I began, "is what Martin Luther King dreamt about. It's what he died for. It will be served at my wedding, my funeral, and any other times I feel like celebrating."

"You two get weirder every day." Liam said.

"It's contagious," I replied, coughing into the crook of my arm, "I think Louis is spreading it."

"I am offended by your comment. But pleased that you're gaining my sense of humour." Louis countered.

I twirled my spaghetti round my fork and my mind drifted back to Lucy and what she'd said to me on the phone earlier. Luckily it was only momentarily, and before I had a chance to overthink things my mind was focused on how amazing the bolognese sauce was.

Hey, what can I say? Spag is love, spag is life.


"Oh, quick question, can my friend Zack come to the beach with us?"

"Is he the friend you met yesterday?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah, he's staying in this hotel as well. Please can he come?" I pleaded.

"He's a good guy." Corey added to the conversation, lips pressed together, "He's a lot of fun."

I gave him my deadliest glare to which he just grinned sarcastically. I raised my eyebrows and he quickly moved his hands to cover his man-treasure.

"Well I've got no objections," Harry said, "as long as his parents are cool with it?"

"What, are you my mother? But thanks bro! Love you."

"Ha, ha, ha." he joked, poking my nose.

By the time we'd ordered and eaten breakfast, it was almost 10am. We were leaving at ten-thirty, so I had half an hour to get ready. I took a quick, cold shower like the tough bad-ass I am and picked out a top and shorts to wear. My beach swim stuff was in a separate bag so I grabbed that and my flip-flops and returned to the kitchen. The other boys had their stuff ready and Corey was just coming out of his room.

"Right," I said, slinging my arm round Corey's shoulder, "lets roll!"

As promised, Zach was waiting down in the lobby when we got downstairs.

"Hey guys!" he called.

"Hi Zach!"

"How are you?"

"Pretty good thanks. Zach, meet my step brother, Harry, and these losers, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis." I said, each boy stepping forward and earnestly pulling Zach into a dude-hug.

"This is so cool!" he gushed, blushing like a little kid. "I love your music, by the way." he said, smiling at the boys.

I internally breathed an enormous sigh of relief. "Thank god, I'd have had to kill you otherwise." I teased.


I felt the rush of air as I stepped out of the cramped, humid van and onto the soft grass by the parking area. It was beautiful - the sky was a rich shade of blue and the sun was perched in the sky like a bird in a tree.

"Everyone got their stuff?" Liam asked, giving the van a once-over for any forgotten bags.

"Yes dad." I joked, instantly realising my mistake and gulping away the daddy jokes flooding my tiny virgin head, and eyeing up a quiet sandy spot on the beach and beginning to slide down the sand dunes.

My feet began tickling as the terrain changed from grass to warm sand. I had my bikini on underneath my clothes so I stripped off and tucked my clothes in my bag. 

"Hey hey hey!" I yelled, wading into the water and joining the others by some rocks.

"Hey girl, hey!" Corey called in his best sassy-black-woman voice. 

"I see you're wet." Zach stated simply. 

"You're such a child." I grinned, pinching his cheeks. Holy cow they were soft cheeks. I could pinch them all day. I could--

"Guys, come look what I found!" Harry called to us, interrupting my cheek-daydreams, and we walked over to where he was standing, staring down at the water.

"It's a rock pool!" he told us, gesturing to it proudly.

"Would you like a medal?" I teased.

"Someone's sassy today." Corey commented, and I flicked my hair at him.

I am the real-life hair flicking emoji.

We climbed over the rocks and into the rock pool, letting our legs dangle in slightly. It wasn't until a few minutes later when I felt something sharp stab my toe.

I screamed and lifted my foot out of the water, only to find a crab had latched onto me.

Everyone else doubled over laughing, slapping their legs at the hilarious situation.

"Get it off!" I shrieked, waving my foot in the air. "I'm a good person, what did I do to deserve this!?"

Eventually, after a lot of wiggling, screaming and waving, the crab flew off my foot and landed back in the water. I quickly jumped off the rocks and back into the actual sea. 

"Never again." I mumbled traumatically, shaking my head.



After we messed around in the water for a few hours, we had lunch, sitting on a cute little picnic blanket and laughing together. When everyone had finished, the boys decided they wanted to sunbathe. This meant that Sienna, Corey and I were left to roam the beach. We sat in the water, a few feet in from the shore. The gentle waves lapped up against our legs and were refreshing after being in the sun.

"Well, I don't know about you two, but I'm gonna go join the other guys," Corey said, "I can literally feel the sexual tension here." He laughed and stood up, heading over towards the boys. Sienna grabbed his ankle as he passed but he managed to slip free, giving her a smirk as he walked off.

"Well... hi." Sienna grinned.


"Hey, lets go exploring?" she suggested.

"Sure! Let's go." I said, standing up and offering her a hand up.

We waded through the water until we found a steep-ish bank, covered in grass, leading up to a higher part of the beach.

"You wanna climb it?" I asked her and she nodded eagerly. We set off, eventually resorting to climbing with our hands and feet as it became higher. We reached the top, and I rolled over, panting.

"Whew, that was tough, eh?"

"Damn right!" she gasped, "Hey look! I can see the others from up here!" she said, pointing down at the rest of our group, who were still sunbathing. 

Sienna was sitting with her legs dangling over the edge, with her eyes closed. There was something about her that drew me in; I was so attracted to her. I appreciated the fact that I hadn't known her for very long at all, but she made me want to get to know her so badly.

"You okay there?" she asked suddenly, and I flinched, realising that I'd been staring at her for ages. My eyes darted around anxiously, hoping she didn't catch my stare.

"Yes, yes, just perfect."


A comfortable silence settled around us and I stared out at the view. I was a naturally talkative person. I found it hard to sit in silence around people without it becoming unbearably awkward. But for once, I could just sit with my head in this boy's lap; him absentmindedly playing with my hair, and me shifting my gaze between his face and the horizon. 

"It's so cute up here." he commented suddenly.

"That's 'cause I'm here." I joked.

"That's very true." he replied.

"You're so cheesy. Shush." I said, poking his nose. He wiggled it. I looked up at his face and he looked down at me, smiling. 

I hadn't even noticed that our faces were centimetres apart until we were interrupted.

"OTP!!" someone yelled from the ground. Both Zach and I jumped from shock and I looked down at the person below us.

"Shit Corey!" I cursed, shaking my head, "You scared the hell out of me!"

"And me!" Zach mumbled.

"Sorry! I'll go back to sunbathing and leave you two to continue canoodling." he said, grinning and lying back down.

"We were not-- yeah, you go back to roasting in the sun. You look like a turkey anyway." I yelled, rambling on with any insults that came to mind. He gave me the finger without even opening his eyes.

"I'm so gonna get him later." I muttered.

"Shh, he's fine. Let him get sunburnt. Then you can laugh, and slap him on his burns." Zach suggested.

"Wow, we're both evil." I said, squaring up to him so I was facing him. "I like it."

He rested his hand on the side of my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb. "I like this." 

You would not believe how much I was screaming inside. Like. There was a fucking party going on inside. I was in such a cute situation. I had to keep my cool.

When we kissed, it honestly left me breathless. In between the breathtaking view and the insanely gorgeous boy I'd just played lip-twister with, I was pretty damn close to needing to borrow Corey's inhaler.

But, Zach was right, this was just perfect.

Hang on, when the fuck did I get this cheesy?


SoooOOOo it's like almost midnight. I finally finished editing this chapter. It feels so weird writing cute cliché scenes. I also hate writing them because I know they'll NEVER HAPPEN TO ME HAHAH RIP.

Who ships Zienna (Sienna & Zach)?

Anyone a Corenna (Corey & Sienna) shipper?

My 13 year old self had some pretty shitty writing skills. I hate how this book got big before I had the chance to go through and correct the ugly writing. Wtf help.

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