Tricks and Lies

By tomstarvstheworld

121K 7.5K 4K

❀ ft. Tomco ✿ Tom, a demon prince never thought he'd have to go to college -or school in general- until his... More

It's Been Four Years
The First Day
a B+ and a Week Off
Tom the Demon
To Be a Demon King
Tim and the Other Kid
Jealousy and Anger
Demon Tears
Together Again
Unknown Messages
Bunny Trouble
Road Trip
the Death of a King
Demon Diaz
False Hope
Shall We Dance?
The Truth
One Last Dance
Fin ~
Extra 1
heyyy yall
Quick Important Author's Note!


5.8K 449 325
By tomstarvstheworld

Please, before reading, it doesn't hurt to vote! ^^

[Tom's POV]

"Wow... It's so... Christmas-y already,"
I glanced around in amazement.
"The town square is beautiful,"

Marco, Star, and I decided to venture to the Echo Creek Town Square that was reopening to do some late Christmas shopping.

Being Christmas Eve, lights and decorations were already set up, and even snow began to gather on some places with Christmas music echoing around.

We were all dressed up with the usual winter fashion: scarfs, coats, mittens, and ear muffs.

"Well, it is December," Marco shrugged.

"So, who you guys getting presents for?" Star grinned as she leaned forward to look at us.

"You already know I always get presents for Mom and Dad, and you,"
Marco said.

We stopped walking in the middle of the town square where a large Christmas tree was placed, and where a bunch of other people could be seen sitting on the benches, taking pictures, walking around, and more.

"Of course, how about you Tim?"
Star smiled.

"Hm? O-oh, I already.. kinda.. got you guys presents.. Lou too.." I shrugged.
I had never really gotten into this holiday much, but maybe it was time to change.

Besides, Lou deserved it. I never really said thanks to him- the thought never came to my head in the Underworld.
I wonder if he noticed or cared?

Marco and Star deserved it as well.
For being my friends of course.

"Yay!" Star laughed. "I'm gonna be getting presents for you two, Oskar, and the Diazs', so I'll see ya later! We'll meet up here, kay?"

Marco and I nodded and watched her run away through the tiny crowd.

"I think it's good.." The brunette began.


Marco turned to look up at me with a smile. "I mean, I think it's sweet you got a present for Lou. He'll appreciate it,"

I sighed in relief, "You think so?"

"I know so," He corrected, "Anyway, we better get shopping," Marco laughed lightly before walking the opposite direction Star had went.
Despite the cold temperature, I felt my face heat up as I followed behind him.

Now my demon heart was hurting, and I didn't even know why.
Maybe it was the effects of the Blood Moon Ball finally taking it's place?
Who knew, really.

"Okay.." Marco turned to walk into a store, all types of random things were put on display, but the inside was what increased my headache. "I was thinking of getting my parents something from here... They like these kinds of things,"

"Really now.." I mumbled, looking around as we walked through the aisle.
I stopped to see something that actually caught some of my interest.

It was a mirror of some type, and labeled on the boxes nearby, were only the words, "Look To See Your True Self! Whether you're a bloodthirsty vampire, or a sweet angel!"

I rolled my eyes and took the display in my hand, looking at the mirror.
My reflection showed my true look- Tom the demon.

I scoffed, "Wow it actually works,"

"Hey Tim!"

At the sound of Marco's voice, I quickly placed the mirror back on the shelf and turned to see him holding two already wrapped boxes. "Payed, wrapped, and good to go," He smiled before looking at me. "Find anything interesting?"

I shook my head in disgust, causing him to laugh. "Awesome, let's go,"
I followed him out of the weird shop, and into a more normal-looking one.

"Now Star.."

We walked around until a employee stopped us. "Looking for anything in particular?" She smiled.

"Janna..?!" Marco gasped in surprise.

The girl had long dark-blue hair that was put into a low pony tail and wore an olive green hat.
Under a red vest-which was what I guessed was the uniform for the store- she wore an olive green long-sleeve shirt. With a turquoise jacket tied around her waist, she wore yellow jeans and a pair of brown boots.
"Diaz," She smiled. "Nice to see you're still alive,"

"Same to you...?" Marco raised an eyebrow. "What're you doing here?"

Janna shrugged, "Volunteer work. Gotta get some money to build... a thing."

"Alright..?" He said awkwardly.

"Anywho-" She glanced over to me for a second, then back to Marco, then back to me with wide eyes. "Jesus hot sauce Christmas cake! Who's this hottie?" She smirked.

While Marco face palmed, I smiled.
"The name's Tim, Tim Hades."

"Oooh.. Hades," Janna repeated the last name. "I like.."

"Okay! Ahah, anyway- Janna! We're actually looking something for Star,"
Marco cut our little conversation off.

"Oh, Star! Blondie.. I remember her, fun girl." She winked.

He nodded, "Yeah.. Do you suggest anything?"

Janna pondered for a few minutes.
"Y'know you're talking about a girl not from this world, right? What's interesting about human stuff..? That's a hard one, Diaz."

I smirked. "That's kind of weird.. Since you're kinda a human yourself, y'know?"

She glanced over to me. "Aren't we all? Well- besides Star of course,"

Marco switched glances from us.
"Okay then...." He turned to Janna once more. "So, are you not going to suggest anything?"

"Now, I never said that," Janna smiled, "How about getting the Blondie some jewelry? I think that would be enough."

"Hm.. True, every woman has got to love jewelry in one point of their life,"
I nodded in agreement.

Marco shrugged, "Sounds simple enough."

Janna motioned us to follow her. "I'll take you guys to the jewelry section and you guys can pick out something for her,"

It took a few minutes, but Janna had finally led us through the shop to the glass counter, where all sorts of jewelry was displayed.
They sparkled beautifully in the light.

"You two are lucky, we have a 50% off event for about everything since it's a Christmas week," Janna walked behind the counter. "And I guarantee you, real diamonds and all."

"Isn't that.. dangerous?" Marco asked.

She shrugged. "Nah, surprisingly, jewels don't seem. like much around Echo Creek anymore,"

"Heh, really now," I glanced down at the jewelry with Marco.
"Anyway, which one do you think will fit her..?"

"Hm..." The brunette scanned each from necklaces, to rings, to earrings.
They even had some anklets, which was surprising to me because barely anyone wore those nowadays.

At that moment, we both stopped our eyes to a specific necklace.
The charm had a diamond border shaped as a star.
The gem taking place in it was what I assumed was a sapphire, but with a lighter color than what a regular sapphire color would be.
Holding it around a black velvet neck was a thin, silver chain.

I saw a grin sneak up on Marco's face, and I couldn't help but match him.

"You know what I'm thinking, right?" I grinned.

He nodded, "It's perfect."

Janna leaned over to see what we were looking at, and caught a sight of the necklace. She smirked, "Ah.. You've made a good choice. The gem is actually a new and rare type of sapphire. People call it the Sky Sapphire, pretty right?"

"I'll take it," Marco finally looked up.

Janna nodded, grabbing her keys to unlock the glass case from above.
"Luckily for you two, this one's the only one left in stock.." After a few minutes, she had finally placed the necklace into a small, silver-colored box, with a gold bow wrapped around it.
"Star will love it," Janna handed it to Marco as he gave her the money.

I glanced around awkwardly as they began to talk some more.
Something caught my eye outside of the store, and I turned to Marco.
"Yo, I'll be waiting outside, alright?"

He nodded, before turning back to Janna.

Finally getting outside, I exhaled, trying to prevent the coldness from hitting me.
I glanced around.
What I had just seen had disappeared.

Only seconds ago, I saw someone in a gingerbread man costume waving at me.
Honestly, it was sort of creepy, but from what I've seen in the Underworld, it barely phased me.
I was just curious, but now the gingerbread man was gone.

"Weird..." I brought my hands together and placed then on my lips, breathing warm air on them.

"Damn, it's freezing out here.."

I turned around to see Marco coming out of the store, jogging to me.
I smiled, "I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed."

"Yeah.." Marco sighed. "Well, I'm done with presents and such.."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really now?"
A thought snuck into my mind:

Did he get a present for me?

I shrugged to myself.
If he didn't it wouldn't really bother me I guess.
I've never been out and about in the winter, let alone celebrate the holiday Christmas.

But if Marco did happen to get me something.. I guess it'd be nice.
It'd be sweet.
That'll probably be the first present - in general - I ever got from someone besides Lou, if I didn't mention.

"Yep. I suppose we should go and meet Star.." Marco began to walk, and I followed him.

I never noticed how short the guy really was before. He seemed like he would be 5'7 or something..

Random thoughts evaded my mind, and one in particular stuck out from the rest: Would it be like this the next Christmas week..?

Here in the town square.. With their festive music echoing around.. Following Marco as he bought presents for Star and his parents..
Just staring at the back of his head, resisting the urge not to pet him and his dark brown hair..?

Would I even be here next Christmas?
Living a fake human life as Tim?

The thought satisfied me but dissatisfied me at the same time.
I needed to remind myself every night that I wasn't human.
Tim wasn't real.
Every second I spent with Marco and Star was me lying to them..

Somehow.. I needed the real me, Tom, to make a cool appearance, and become friends with them.
But if the two ever found out I was actually the demon..
What would they think of me?


I growled, shaking my head a little to clear the negative thoughts away.

What should I do..?


A yell snapped me out of my thoughts, causing me to focus back on Marco.

Someone had bumped into him, making his and the other person's bags scatter around them.

"Sorry!" The brunette apologized, kneeling over to retrieve the shopping bags.

The other male, a blonde, smiled as he did the same. "My bad, I wasn't watching where I was going,"

I stiffened. His voice seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place it, even though I've never seen a guy like him ever in my life.
Maybe it was all in my head but..

"It's pretty chilly out, huh?" He chuckled.

Marco smiled as he stood, bags back in hand. "Yeah, strange for Echo Creek.. Um, by the way, I haven't seen you around before.."

The blonde shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah.. I'm new here. Is it that obvious?"

"Haha.. Kind of. There's not that much blondes around," Marco laughed.

This conversation... I didn't like it at all. This man in general, I had a bad feeling about him.

"Marco.." I mumbled out.

I guessed he heard me because he looked up at my with that innocent face of his. "Hmm..? Tim- Are you alright..?" He smirked, "What's with that face..?"

I glanced away. "We shouldn't keep Star waiting.."

"Oh..! Right," Marco turned to the other male once more. "Sorry once again, but we should get going,"

He nodded, "Alright, see you around."
And with that, he turned and walked another direction.
It was strange because.. It was the opposite direction of where he was walking before he bumped into Marco.

It must've just been me, but I wasn't so sure.. I didn't like that blonde guy.
Especially around Marco.

Marco and I continued to walk, and this time I was right next to him.

It was silent.. At first.

The brunette turned his head and looked up at me. "What was wrong back there..? You had a pretty scary face," He laughed lightly.

"It was.." I sighed, "It was nothing..really."

Marco squinted his eyes at me.

It we stayed quiet after that until we reached the tree once more.

"Looks like Star isn't here yet.."
Marco sighed, turning to face me.
Then his eyes seemed to light up, and he smiled.
"Look..! Behind you,"

I finally looked away from his face and glanced behind me.
There stood not too far was a tall clock.

"One minute before Christmas.."
Marco continued, and I turned back again. "I knew they would keep the stores open till 1:00. The volunteers were so nice to actually work and stay up..

"But alot of families are here. It's late, but it's nice to see people eager to be together and hang on a Christmas night like this," He glanced around, then back up to me.

"It's a nice feeling.." I commented with a smile of my own.

I heard the last tic of the clock, and then it chimed loudly over the music.
Almost everyone around cheered.

I caught Janna and Jackie in the corner of my eyes before each shops' lights cut off, leaving only the large Christmas tree and Christmas lights as a light source.

Looking back at Marco, I saw him open his mouth.

"Merry Christmas, Tim."

I opened my mouth to speak, but something suddenly dropped between our faces.

It was a mistletoe dangling on a string from stick.
Marco and I slowly turned to it's holder..


The blonde grinned.
"Merry Christmas you guys!"

Marco raised an eyebrow,"What's with the mistletoe..?"

"Hm.. Oh, I don't know Marco.." She rolled her eyes. "Found this this at a booth! It means we must share some friendship kisses!"

I smirked, but Marco on the other hand, turned bright red, causing me to chuckle. "You do know that's not really a thing for friendships, right?"

Star growled, "Just shut up and give me kisses you two," She pointed to the pink hearts both of her cheeks, and with shrugs, Marco and I pecked each one at the same time.

"Beautiful!" She cried out with happiness. "My turn!"

Before I could react, she tiptoed up and kissed my cheek before kissing Marco's.
I didn't have any large reaction except for a smile.
Marco did as well.

Star glanced at both of us expectedly back and forth, as if waiting for something.

"What..?" Marco questioned.

She groaned, "You guys share some kisses now, duh..?"

"W-what- Me- and... h-him....?!" Marco was speechless, turning more red than he already was.

I wouldn't blame him, I had some red tint on myself. "Star.. that's uh.."
I was going to say it would be weird, but then again, I was a demon.
That would probably be normal for two guys to kiss in the Underworld, or even Mewni.

I sighed quietly.
"Whatever, you only live once.."

Marco turned to me, giving me the opportunity to lean in and kiss him right next to his lips.

I might've imagined it, but I thought I saw a flash of a light for that one second, but I shook it off.

Leaning back, I kind of felt satisfied.
Scratch that, I felt happy.

"No regrets,"
I smirked at his heated face.

"Y-you...." He stared at me shockingly, before stuttering out,"Y-you should've warned me f-first..!"
The brunette punched my chest lightly.
"I wasn't ready,"

I raised an eyebrow.
"What, wanna go again?"

"What- you s-serious?" He scoffed.


A voice cut our quarrel off, causing us to turn our heads back to Star.
Her eyes were sparkling, as she slowly grinned.

"W-What is it..." Marco muttered.

She turned her head away with a gasp, clenching her chest with her hand.
"Ah! My heart- you guys.." The blonde paused, taking a breath. "- are too cute..!"

I laughed as Marco panicked.

"Merry Christmas, Marco.. Star,"
I finally breathed out, causing them to turn their attention to me.

They smiled.



omg, sorry to keep you guys waiting! to warn ya, im a procrastinator. [omf now i have to do a new years chapt.. yesss]

but anyway, how did you like it?
unfortunately no kiss on de lips for tomco uwu

too bad its too early uvu


sorry if theres typos and stuff, but dw, ill fix them l8ter - probably.
i tried to make this as long as i could ovo lelelelelel

also, its pretty obvi who Or-
NOPE no spoilers admin!

merry christmas you guys!
hope you enjoy time with your fams and ofc your presents!

unfortunately, i didn't get much
but alls good.. kinda [hiss]

hope you like this chapter!

dont forget to vote and comment!


tysm! ily all <3
lolol also anyone notice dat until dawn ref

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