By xInspiringWords

14.3K 455 60

"Sometimes finding love is the CURE you need..." My name is Lexianna Kingsley, I've always admired planet Ear... More

~CURE~ ✓
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
~Author's Note With Summary~

Chapter 26

255 10 1
By xInspiringWords

Chapter 26


Rage! Pure rage was what I was feeling at the moment! How dare he talk about Venus and Venusians like that!

We are NOT something to be criticized! We have just as much a right as humans.

Noah can go take his false information and shove it up his bum! He's nothing but a stupid earthling who knows nothing!

I could go right back in there and show him proof about life being on Venus! The only thing is that would require me telling him everything, including the fact that I come from Venus.

Noah said that Venusians are ugly and talk weird! Am I ugly and talk weird!?

Maybe you are!  My inner voice told me… Maybe that's why everyone criticizes my red hair! 

Oh my gosh Lexi stop this is not like you to be caring about what other people say!

So what if Noah said that Venusians are ugly, it doesn't mean he was talking about me, he thinks I'm human... why do I care so much!?

You know what I'll just show Noah my spaceship; tell him I found it so he wouldn’t suspect anything! That way I can prove life on Venus is real!

Wait but when I get close to my spaceship it’s going to say 'Welcome Princess Lexianna Kingsley!' I could say that it's another Lexi, yeah that'll work! Or I could use my remote to click the shut off button so it’ll shut up and won’t speak.

Just gotta search my suitcase for the spaceship keys to make sure I've got them. I walked over to the car and opened the door. Noah left the car unlocked so anyone could just jump in! Stupid human!

I unzipped my suitcase before I searched the pocket that I had my keys in. I felt around and I freaked when I felt nothing. I looked into the pocket and I screamed "WHERE IS MY KEYS!?"

That's when it hit me! The night Noah took me to the hotel I placed the keys safely in a cabinet in the hotel room! Rebecca packed my stuff and probably didn't check there, I need to go back to that hotel room of sure now!

If I don't have those keys there is no way of me going back to my planet which means my planet will place war on Earth just to try and get me back! I don't want that! It also means I can’t prove Noah wrong!

The question is how am I going to get back into that hotel with Obsessed Rebecca and Big security guy?

Jeez life is difficult...


  I finished off my Big Mac sandwich before I left McDonalds. It was fifteen minutes after Lexi left mad. I was in no rush to go after her though. Girls are just like that, they get mad and run off to calm down before they come crawling right back to you with a big smile.  

I’ve encountered that many times with Riley, too many times…

  Speaking of Riley, I haven’t seen or heard from her ever since that night I left her alone at her house. I was kind of glad at the moment; she was too obsessed for her own good. Riley wasn’t always like that though, I remember the first time I met her sophomore year while I was still with Hannah.  

“Noah!” Hannah called out to me as she ran as fast as she could. I opened my arms out to her as she jumped into my arms and embraced me in a tight embrace.

“I missed you so much!” She said pulling away from the hug and pecking my lips.

  I smiled “I missed you too. How was Atlanta?”  

Hannah smiled “It was beautiful, that place is so amazing! It had so many cool sights to see and my hotel was five stars.”  

Hannah continued telling me about her vacation until she suddenly turned to me and chuckled “I’m so sorry, I’ve been blabbing on about my summer I didn’t even ask about yours! How was your summer Noah?”  

I swallowed a gulp; I couldn’t tell her what happened this summer not now. I went to visit Sammy’s gravestone everyday during the summer and kept myself locked inside the house when I would come back home. Hannah was the only reason I would even leave the house so while she was on vacation I fell back into my old routines including fighting with my parents about living my life.  

I opened my mouth to tell her a lie when Jacob came running over to us. “Noah! Hannah! You’ll never believe what happened!” He yelled stopping in front of us.

  I sighed “Is this another one of your ‘I saw a two headed frog’ jokes?” I questioned with a raised brow.  

Jacob chuckled at the memory before his face turned serious “No even better!” He paused for a dramatic effect before he told us “We have a new girl in our grade!”  

“So?” Hannah questioned.  

“So?” Jacob imitated “Well little girl if you must know this certain new girl happens to be HOT! Like she’s on fire!”  

I smirked “Well then go for it dude.”  

Jacob put his hands up in surrender “No way, she’s not my type, she’s more for someone like you.”  

“But you just said she’s hot-“ Hannah stated but was cut off by Jacob’s yelling.  

“Holy shit!” Jacob screamed “She’s coming this way!”

  Hannah and I both turned our heads and saw a girl with long blonde hair and green eyes walking down the hall wearing the same dress as the one Hannah was wearing. I had to admit she was beautiful, but I had Hannah, she was all I needed.  

The new girl winked at me as she walked by, she also twisted her hips more for effect. I just chuckled while Hannah pushed herself closer to me “I don’t like her.” She murmured “And I look way better in this dress.”  

I looked down at Hannah to see her pouting and I kissed her lips “You will always look better than her.”  

Hannah smiled at that as Jacob shook his head “Riley gave you the wink.”  

“Riley?” I questioned.  

Jacob nodded “Yes, her name is Riley Haymonds. She gave you her signature wink. She only ever gives it to guys she likes.”  

Hannah scoffed “Well she better back off, your mine.” She whispered in my ear.

  I don’t need Riley Haymonds, not when I have a great girl like Hannah Evelyn.

  Boy was I wrong on both points. Hannah and Riley were both mistakes that I have to deal with now. Ever since Riley came to our school Hannah hated her. They were the worst enemies; Riley always tried to seduce me while I was dating Hannah. Then once Hannah cheated on me I thought the perfect revenge was sleeping with her enemy, Riley.

  What a mistake that was… I shook my head as I made my way back to my car. Ah, memories, some are good and some are bad. Unfortunately most for me are bad, and the good just lead to bad.

  I smirked when I saw Lexi sitting in the car pouting. She was so damn cute when she was mad, I swear it was the cutest thing ever. She looked like a puppy when you go to a pet store and they give you the puppy dog look saying ‘Buy me! Please!’  

I walked towards the driver’s side and got into the car. Lexi didn’t say a word to me she just continued staring straight ahead of her. One thing you always need to remember about women is that they always think they are right until you prove them wrong before they get pissed off at you because they were wrong! It’s a messed up situation so the guys always have to say sorry in the end… god I hate saying sorry but if it’ll get her to talk to me I guess I’ll have to.  

I know I’m right in the situation but if it’ll make her happy I’ll freaking say sorry. Of course not before I charm her up a bit. “Oh come on sweetheart, you can’t be that mad at me.” That received me both a scoff and a glare.

  At least she’s finally looking at me, that’s a step in the right direction. Now I just need to-  

SMACK! My cheek was throbbing now and I was sure it was turning red. I sat there shocked, did-did she just slap me? Damn that one hurt and I’ve been slapped a lot! She even beat Gabriella for the hardest slap and let me tell you Gab’s slap is pretty hard.  

Who knew such a little thing could be such a spitfire, man she is just full of surprises. Damn my cheek hurts.  

Seriously, did she just slap me!?  


As soon as Noah got into the car I ignored him. I was still very mad and the fact that I may not be able to go back home because my keys to the spaceship are still locked away in the hotel just gets me more mad.

  “Oh come on sweetheart, you can’t be that mad at me.” Noah said in a cocky tone which I instantly hated at the moment. I looked at him and scoffed before I glared. Who did this guy think he was? Trying to charm me like a lucky charm! I am not someone to be charmed!  

My anger boiled at the thought of what he was trying to do, as my mind flashed to everything he did to me I finally cracked and I slapped him as hard as I could right across the face.  

He looked stunned at the impact and instantly went to hold his cheek as it started turning red, good it hurt him. The guards back home always told me I had strong hands. It comes from writing over a million invitations to birthday parties or celebrations.

  Noah gave me a confused look before he sighed mumbling “Guess I deserved that.”

  “Hell yeah you did!” I spat, he can’t just keep thinking I’m some innocent little girl who will just fall at his feet every time he says sorry. Hannah’s words of back off were still fresh in my mind but I honestly didn’t care, let’s be honest here what’s the worst she could do to me?

  Noah gave me a confused “Can we just be clear on something?” I nodded urging him to speak “Why exactly did I deserve that?”

He must be mad! Is he for real? Talking bout ‘Why exactly did I deserve that?’ did he not just realize I stormed out of that restaurant place because I was angry with him! My blood was starting to boil once again and I’m pretty sure soon my nail will change from mad to furious. “Why exactly did you deserve that!” I yelled “Many reasons! Shall I name them!?” I asked yelling.  

He nodded innocently “Can you please?” Oh lord why I oughta slap him again twice as hard!  

“Fine!” I muttered bitterly “Let's just start from the top shall we? You took me on my first day of school against my will and shoved me into a janitor’s closet before you attacked me with kisses on my neck!” Noah opened his mouth to speak but I shot him a big death glare that shut him up. “Next you broke into my hotel room! Scaring me half to death and you once again attacked me but this time with you nakedness!” I screamed remembering the picture so vividly, not that it wasn’t a nice view but I’m supposed to be mad here! “Then you forced me to some party before you left me stranded there all because you wanted to get down and dirty with Riley Haymonds! I almost got raped because of you! Then when I went to your house you made me tell you things about my life before you completely shut me out of yours! Not to mention Hannah attacked me twice and then today you go off about people not existing in Venus and how they talk weird and look weird! Aliens!  Really Noah, who's bright idea was it to come up with such a horrid name! Noah you can’t just assume things like-“  

I was cut off by Noah’s lips smashing straight onto mine. I tried pulling away at first because I was so mad but he just held me tighter and soon I just melted into the kiss. It felt so, so right. Does that make any sense? It feels like we were meant to be in a way but I already knew that wasn’t the case.   Noah has too many problems here on Earth, problems that he needs to sort out. I can’t wait for him because I need a cure in two months. It’s December right now and my birthday is February. I promised my parents I would be back before then.

  But then why do I feel like all my problems just went away all because of one kiss with Noah?   When Noah finally pulled away from me, he just rested his head against my forehead. “Are you done now?” He asked slightly amused.  

I nodded pulling my forehead off his. All that anger I had towards him was gone now. “I’m really sorry about all those things Lexi. I know sorry isn’t saying much but I swear if you come home with me I’ll make it up to you.”

  I smiled “Alright then, to your house it is.”

  He smiled before he started the car and drove us off to his house. I sighed deeply realizing what just happened.  

The reason why everything felt perfect in that kiss, the reason I forgave Noah so easily after that kiss was because I, I, well it’s a bit more than like and it’s not exactly love just yet but I know what this means.  

I’m falling in love with Noah Finley…

~BAM! UPDATED! GO ME! How did you guys like this chapter? Finally some good stuff has happened this chapter! Comment, vote! ~Sam~

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