By xInspiringWords

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"Sometimes finding love is the CURE you need..." My name is Lexianna Kingsley, I've always admired planet Ear... More

~CURE~ βœ“
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
~Author's Note With Summary~

Chapter 25

265 8 0
By xInspiringWords

Chapter 25


"I'm walking! I'm walking! I'm walking down the street! Down the shady street! Oh yeah! I'm walking, walking! Walk, walk, walking walk!" I sang as I cheerfully skipped down the street with my suitcase.

Just because Rebecca got me kicked out of the hotel doesn't mean I shouldn't be in a good mood. I have no reason to be sucky, well actually I do but I don't want to be!

I had no idea where I was going but I was hoping for the best, maybe I'll meet a handsome stranger who will save the day by sweeping me off my feet and become my cure.


Noah's car could pull up by the curb stopping right in front of me. Well that's not exciting at all!

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Noah yelled rolling down the window. "It's going to be a blizzard tonight. You shouldn't be outside without a jacket." He scolded.

I rolled my eyes "Well what are you doing just driving around the street alone?"

Noah rose an eyebrow "I'll have you know I just came back from my grandmother's, she invited me for tea."

I rolled my eyes noticing the cheeky grin forming on his face "Nice try you liar! You didn't go over to you grandma's for tea!"

Noah sighed "Ah you got me. I'll tell you what, you come inside the car and we'll share our stories."

I smirked "Hmm I don't know I was kind of hoping for someone hot to come along." 

He glared at me "Just get in the car Lexi."

I sighed in defeat for added effect "Oh alright, if I must." 

I climbed into the car, shoving my suitcase in the back seat before Noah drove us off.


I smiled as Lexi climbed into the car; I don’t think I could have gotten through this car ride without her here with me. It was hard bringing back up those thoughts of Sammy; I haven’t thought about him in so long and even with the years that have passed it still hurts.

Lexi buckled herself in before she sighed in a huff “So now tell me why you were out?”

I smirked “Well Princess if you must know I had stuff to do.” I said, I wasn’t going to tell her what stuff. She didn’t need to know, it wasn’t her business.

Lexi looked and me and rolled her eyes “Well what kind of ‘stuff’?” She smiled “Was it like mowing a lawn, or milking a cow?”

I gave her a weird look “Um why would I do any of that stuff in the winter?” I chuckled when I noticed a blush form on her cheeks “Lex I don’t even live near a farm, I can’t milk a cow.”

“Well why not?” She asked confused, this girl was too innocent for her own good.

“Lexi, cows live on farms where farmers take care of them. I don’t live on a farm; I don’t even live near one. I couldn’t milk a cow, I don’t even know how and cows smell really bad.” I explained and she fiddled with her thumbs.

She nodded when I finished, meaning she understood “I get it.” I turned on the radio to some music and Lexi started nodding her head to the beat. “OH YEAH!” She yelled. She threw her hands up in the air moving to the music in her seat. Once the song finished she looked at me “What do you call this mechanical device?”

“Mechanical device?” I questioned “It’s just a radio.”

Her eyes widened “Oh! Right, sorry just had a brain fart. Ha, ha, ha!” I just knew she was lying just now. I’ve grown to know Lexi by now to know when she’s lying. I don’t understand why she seems so confused about all of these things, I’m sure Canada has all of these things. Lexi has to know what they are unless she was sheltered, like really sheltered all her life.

It was possible too; I mean she told me how she ran away from home. It would make sense because she would want to see some adventure and explore her life but she said it had to do with being arranged to marry someone. Who the hell sets their seventeen year old daughter up to get married so soon?

I shook away the thoughts when I looked into the mirror noticing Lexi’s suitcase sitting in the backseat. The same suitcase I saw her with the day we met when I was with Jacob at a party. I remember spotting her in her green pajamas. Anyone could have spotted her because of her pajamas and her bright red hair, still hard to believe that the colour is real.

I looked and Lexi and smiled, I was lucky to have met her. She was someone special; you would be stupid to hate her.

Jacob and I went through the crowd of people until we reached the door and walked out. We walked towards my car and I was about to open the door when I spotted a girl walking along the sidewalk wearing a pair of green pajamas and one large suitcase with her.

I nudged Jacob and he looked in the direction I was looking in. 

"I wonder where she came from." Jacob whispered to me assuming she's not from here since she did have a suitcase.

I handed Jacob the keys to my car and mumbled "I'll be right back hold onto those." I said before walking away without waiting for a reply. 

Something about the girl just made me want to meet her, look at her, see what she looks like. She didn't even seem to care that she was in her pajamas and by the looks of it she was very happy.

Happiness, something I haven't had in a long time. Once I was a few feet away from the girl I called out "Hey you!" I saw her turn to face me looking a bit startled but I didn't care all I could focus on was how beautiful she was. 

Absolutely beautiful.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Lexi asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

Shit! She caught me staring, alright Noah just turn on the charm and lie.

“Sweetheart, why were you staring back?” I replied cockily.

She narrowed her eyes at me before she let it go. “So where are we going?” She asked looking out the window at the trees we passed by as we drove down the road.

I looked at her before looking back at her suitcase “You know I’d actually like to know why you were walking down the street alone, in the cold with your suitcase after school. You should be in the hotel, why were you walking down the street?”


I looked away, I felt embarrassed to tell Noah that I got kicked out of the hotel. It’s soo not my fault I fell asleep on the elevator! I forgot how to work the buttons, alright!? I don’t work well under pressure either!

That Rebecca woman totally went over the line! She only got me thrown out because Noah paid more attention to me than he did to her, which is understandable; nobody wants to be with some old woman. That’s right I said it! Rebecca’s an old woman!

Noah has done everything for me; I was just a helpless girl walking down the street when we first met. I didn’t know anything about Earth until I met Noah, he’s really helped me out and I owe him a lot which is why I don’t want any more of his help.

I still haven’t touched the money he gave to me, I’m afraid to use it. I don’t want to, it was Noah’s money. He deserves to keep it, he paid for me to stay at the hotel and I got kicked out, I’m almost certain now he lost his money, the amount he paid in advance for me.

“Lex?” Noah asked looking at me before turning back to face the road. I sighed deeply; alright I might as well tell him. It’s only fair after all he’s done for me; he has a right to know.

I looked out the window and sucked in a breath “I um got kicked out of the uh hotel by Rebecca.”

"Rebecca?" Noah questioned glancing at me for a brief moment.

"Oh!" I blurted out "She's the woman at the front desk who has a crush on you!" I explained.

Noah frowned "And she kicked you out of the hotel?"

I nodded "Yeah, she packed my suitcase and everything."

"For no reason!" Noah yelled.

"Well..." I mumbled.

Noah sighed looking at me "What did you do?"

I smiled innocently "Okay so I might have accidentally fell asleep on the elevator." Noah opened his mouth to speak but I best him to it "Before you blabber your push peas to me, just hear me out! I don't know how to work an elevator so I asked this old woman for help! It took awhile but after I understood thanks to that old woman, I think her name was Annie! Anyways after that day I came back to the hotel one night and the works of an elevator just slipped my mind so I uh slept on the floor in the elevator."

Noah groaned "Lexi if you were having problems why didn't you hmm I don't know push the huge 'RED' help button on the machine."

Oh! So that's what that button was for? I thought it was a self-destruct button, you know the ones you push to blow up a place.

"Oopsies!" I giggled "It doesn't matter anymore, I got kicked out and now I'll just have to live in a box on the streets." I grumbled.

"Why don't you live with me for awhile?" He asked making me looking at him shocked.

"Seriously? I don't want to intrude Noah." I muttered.

He waved it off "You’re talking shit Lex, it's fine. Just chill at my place for awhile. My parents won't mind, they love you plus I have an extra guest room."

"Your dad loves me?" I asked in disbelief. Noah's mother I could understand, she was like the sweetest person ever. She could be bitten by a dragonagolicious the most vicious animal on Venus and still be nice to it! Noah's father, that's where I had a hard time believing it.

Noah nodded "Lexi my father loves you. As soon as you stood up to him I could tell he admired you for that." He looked me and smiled "They won't mind I swear. Besides..." He took my hand "It gives us time to spend more time together, you know to get to know each other better."

I smiled "Only if it's okay with your parents."

"Then it's settled!" He yelled "You’re staying at my place."

"I guess so." I smiled.

~A few hours later, Noah~

"Mhmm!" Lexi groaned "This is so good!"

I made a face, her groaning was a turn on which was awaking my little man down below which wasn't good considering we were sitting in McDonalds full of other people.

I haven't slept with anyone yet and I'm beginning to get frustrated easily, I'm pretty sure it's called sexual frustrations and if Lexi keeps groaning like that this won't end well for either of us.

"Soo good! AHH!" She screamed "Mhmm-" I covered my hand over her mouth as quickly as I could.

"Would you keep it down please?" I asked noticing a small bulge forming in my pants.

Lexi flashed me a confused look "Why? Is something wrong?"

I sighed if only the girl knew how much she was affecting me this very moment, staring at me with her hazel eyes. "Lex you’re just talking really loud. You’re going to cause a scene."

"I don't care what people think Noah." She replied popping a fry into her mouth "You shouldn't either."

Whoa, hold up? Did she just tell me I shouldn't care what people think about me? Uh hello I clearly don't since I'm a player. People have called me a man-whore, a jerk, a man-slut, player, bad boy all that shit and you know what I don't give two shits about what they say because I don't care!

How could she say I care, I clearly don't, she clearly doesn't know me!

I need to stop saying clearly because now I'm starting to bug myself.

"I don't care what people think about me, sweetheart." I smirked stealing a fry from her.

Lexi glared before she rolled her eyes "Yeah sure Mr. Bad boy, you can act all tough but I know you do care."

I scoffed "Then you obviously don't know me."

Lexi rolled her eyes "Whatever, let's change topics. Since you won't be in school tomorrow I was wondering if you could test me on the planets. I have a Science test tomorrow and I really need the study time."

I smiled "Sure what are friends for."

She smiled waiting for me to ask her questions. "Alright." I mumbled "Let's get this shit started. What planet has a ring around it?"

"Saturn!" She chirped.

"Correct." I smiled "Which planet is the closest to the sun?"

"Mercury!" Lexi smiled.

"Correct!" I smiled back.

"Bam!" She yelled "I'm on a roll!"

"Alright I'll give you a hard one then." I chuckle thinking about one before I ask "Is there life on Venus?"

"Yes." Lexi answered simply.

I looked at her before I burst out into laughter "Wrong! I chuckled "No there isn't!" I howled in laughter "There is no life on Venus."

"Yes there is!" Lexi yelled "Life is so on Venus!"

"It's too hot." I replied, she was going to lose this battle, nobody beats me.

She scoffed "Have you ever been there before? I don't think so! So how the hell would you know!?"

I rolled my eyes "Neither have you!"

Something flashed in her eyes, I wasn't sure what it was but it was gone in a few seconds. "There is life up there!" 


"It's Lexi!" She screamed, whoa someone's on their time of the month...

"Well Lexi," I corrected "I know there are no aliens on Venus. We would know by now if there was."

Lexi scoffed "No there is life up there Noah! And they aren't aliens they are normal people like you and me!"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed "No their freaks Lexi, they talk weird and probably look weirder than they talk. I've seen alien books and they aren't the prettiest things to look at." I smirked. "You can put that they exist on your test tomorrow but when you get a big fat 'X' saying your wrong don't come crying to me."

Lexi scoffed standing up from her seat "Don't worry about it Noah, because I'll be right! And don't waste your breath on asking your parents if I can stay with you guys, I just find someone else."

And with that being said she left McDonalds. 

What the hell just happened?

~Yay! It's been updated! Working on the next one as we speak it'll be up by tomorrow or Monday!~Sam~

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