My Protector [h.s completed]

By writedontfight

81K 1.7K 155

Scarlett in some major trouble. But she doesn't know it yet. Harry is assigned to protect her. Once she finds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Not an update but please read
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Second Epilogue
I'm Back Baby

Chapter 49

928 20 4
By writedontfight

 "Wakey wakey sleeping beauty!!!" Gemma yells way too loudly right beside my ear. I groan and cover my head with my pillow, begging for a few moments more sleep.

"No time baby cakes! The ball starts in 7 hours!" She replies to my groaning, throwing back the covers making me shiver.

"And what do we have to do in those seven hours huh!?" I ask her, there's no work today. I asked Alex last night and he said because of the ball we didn't need to do any work.

"Uhmmm" Gemma replies standing watching me, she was already dressed into some summery clothes. "We could hang out with the boys, but we need at least 4 hours to get ready" She says. I sigh and sit up in my bed pulling the covers back over my waist.

"What kind of dress are you giving me that will take me 4 hours to put on?" I ask her appalled, it took and hour to get ready for my date with Harry, why 4 times longer for this.

"It's just a dress, but it's a beautiful dress. Plus there is make-up, hair, jewellery and shoes to worry about!" She replies throwing back my covers once again and standing up. "Now get up you lazy bum, you have a fiancé to be with!" I smile and finally jump up and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before tying up my hair into a simple ponytail. 

"Hey where's Ella?" I ask Gemma, she leans out of the bathroom and replies.

"Frank offered to watch her for the day" I nod and throw my covers back onto my bed and make it semi presentable. I say goodbye to Gemma and leave the room in search of food. Unlike when I first stayed at HQ, these doors allow you to exit from the inside, which is good because that was just a pain in the but last time. I make my way down the corridor and walk into the kitchen, I find Louis and Liam making pancake batter.

"Morning boys!" I say announcing my presence, they both look up to me and say hello.

"You guys excited for tonight?" I ask them.

"Sure am" Louis says adding another pancake to the fry pan.

"It's always a fun night" Liam adds.

"Where is this thing held anyway?" I ask them. Louis takes some cooked pancakes off and adds them to some plates he's laid out.

"There's this room that we use for it, it's just this huge old ballroom" He replies.

"Do we have to dance?" I ask them both, sitting up on the island and eating a pancake with my hands, following along with what the other boys are doing.

"Well yeah it is a ball..held in a ballroom.....kind of self explanatory really!" Louis grins at me, I shove him with my free hand before returning to my food. 

"How does it feel being officially engaged?" Liam asks me, smiling at the ring on my hand. I blush slightly before finishing my mouthful.

"Yeah it feels great" I answer. "Where are the others?" 

"Their in the gym I think, or making last minute decisions on what tie to wear" Louis answers.

"And let me guess, you boys are oh so prepared!?" I ask sarcastically.

"No we are reaallly leaving things to the last minute" Liam answer for them both. I laugh and slide off the counter before helping them clean up. Once the dishes are put neatly away, Liam and Louis rush off to make themselves presentable for tonight. I've managed to kill an hour of time and now I go in search of something to do. I decide to go back to my room and enjoy the peace and quiet, Gemma's gone off somewhere so I pull out my book I bought at the airport what seems like a million years ago and start reading. It's called The Faults In Our Stars by John Green, who is my favourite author. And although many find the book sad and depressing I find it quite moving. I don't disagree at all, it is extremely sad and depressing and once your finished with the book you don't really know what to do with yourself, but I love the language he uses. John Green is one of my favourite authors ever and I find I often crave to read one of his books, which is why I picked this one. I remember back to the day I purchased it, Frank and Harry had just sprung this whole new world onto me and I was in quite a state. My whole life had been tipped upside down and I wanted it all to just be a dream, but it wasn't, and I'm kind of glad it's not. I am quite happy where I am now, though I don't yet know how I feel about my father, if I saw him again, would I run into his arms and hug him and tell him how much I love him, or would I yell at him and tell him how much I hate him for lying and leaving him when I needed him the most? I guess it's one of those situations where you don't know until you try. I daydream for a little more about the last few months before I bring myself back to the book in front of me, realising I'm still holding it up in my now tired arms. I get about 9 chapters in before the door opens to my right.

"Oh good your here!!" Gemma announces from the doorway.

"I'm here!!" I reply, I fold my page down and place it on the bedside table. She comes over to me and see's the book title.

"Wow depressing book" She says before going over to the front door and pulling something out of the closet I never knew we had.

"It's not a depressing book it's an amazing work of art!" I yell to her, she laughs before pulling out 2 coat hangers with covers hanging over them, hiding their content.

"So that's where you've been hiding them!" I say realising all those times I've spent digging around in the closet and her suitcase were big fat wastes of time. I should have of course, pressed against each inch of wall hoping it would give way and open up a hiding space in the wall.

"It is indeed, couldn't risk you finding them now could I" She says poking my nose as I join her beside her bed, where she has laid down the hangers. I go to open one but she bats away my hand quite hard.

"Oww!!" I say rubbing it, she rolls her eyes and drags me to the make up table at the side of the room.

"Not until everything is done first do you get to see!" She says sitting me down in the chair opposite the mirror and grabbing my hair brush.

"And what if I don't like it?" I retort, she laughs before tugging my hair tie out of my hair.

"Then your screwed" She says giggling, this time I roll my eyes and let her do my hair.

*****3 hours and 47 minutes later****

Gemma was right, it did take us an extremely long time to get ready. After all, as Gemma explained to me many times, this was a ball. You don't just rock up to a ball without hours of preparation first. My hair and make up had been done beautifully by Gemma and then I attempted at doing hers and I don't think I did to badly. I finally got to see my whole outfit, and I'm in love. It's amazingly gorgeous and I don't really know how else to explain it. I take one final look in the mirror while Gemma sits on the bed and puts her shoes on.

"You look amazing darling!" She says joining me and inspecting her outfit.

"So do you darling!" I say helping her put on her necklace. As soon as it's on, someone knocks at our door.

"I'll get it" She announces to me before making her way to the door. I hear it open and she calls to me. "Your fiancé's here!" I turn and look at the front door and see Harry standing in the door way, his chin almost reaching the floor. I pick up my clutch of the table and make my way over to them.

"Woah" He manages to choke out, Gemma starts laughing at him.

"Oh shut up you!" He says hitting her playfully. "You look nice too Gemma" He adds at the end.

"Gee thanks!" Gemma replies sarcastically. Harry turns his attention to me, I inspect his outfit.

"You look very handsome" I say adjusting his collar, he puts an arm around my waist and gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

"You look beautiful" He says, I blush brightly before Gemma interrupts.

"We should probably get down there" She says, I nod and follow Harry out the door. He grabs my hand and leads me down the corridor with Gemma trailing behind us. We finally reach the ballroom and the door is opened for us, this is what I see 

I see the boys all standing in their suits in a corner of the room and Harry, Gemma and I head over to them.

"Oh my wow!" Louis says as we approach the boys.

"You look hot!" Niall says.

"That better not have been directed to my fiancé or my sister Niall!" Harry warns.

"Yes Harry, I was talking about you, you look so hot!" He says loudly over the music. We laugh and Harry realises the trip up he's made. A song I recognise comes on, Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran.

"Come on" Harry says dragging me away from the group and to the floor.

"I'm not the best dancer" I announce as he pulls me closer to him and puts one hand on my waist and holds the other one up high. I mirror his action but put my hand on his shoulder.

"Neither am I, but who the hell cares" He laughs, we don't do to bad actually, there was no toe stomping or bumping into other guests, heck we even managed a spin. The song finishes and before the next begins, I feel a tap on my shoulder. 

"You look lovely" The familiar voice says behind me, I turn around and face him.


A/N Hiya omg hello guys!!! Gosh I swear these authors notes get worse and worse but i dont even care #yoloswag (imsorry) anyway ITS THE BALL!!!! Yay ball time ball time! anyway don't forget to make predictions or any other random comments in the comments section (duh obviously your not stupid your all brilliant geniuses you know where to make comments) and I will speak to you all laters BYE!!!! :) xoxoox

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