Be mine {Completed}✔

Por kiranhafeez

2.8M 121K 7.9K

Stay in your limits. Don't think that I don't know anything. I cannot forget what you and your mother did to... Más

Author's Note.
Life's bitterness.
The wedding
The Wedding Night
The Morning...!
Our Journey to Karachi
Home sweet Home
Night and you
It hurts...!!
Dear Diary..!
Offended Me..& His sorry!!
New beginning
New Beginning 2
Thank youuuuuuu!!!
Dreamy Night..!
Surprise oR??
Wishes & Good bye
Missing You..!
She's Mine...!
Author's Note.
The consummation.
Bitter Truth
His Pain,Her Healing
New Journey.
Sequel is out

First Morning..!!

68.9K 3.8K 121
Por kiranhafeez

★★ If you don't  imagine; nothing ever happens at all.★★
                          ___John Green


Zeeniya's POV.

I got up to pray my Fajar Salah.  I turned to look at Jahan's side who was still in sleep. Before getting up from bed, I moved toward Jahan and looked at him.

My eyes keep looking at him and then I moved toward him. Bending closer to his face,I blew the air on his forehead to move his hair. My eyes roamed on his face. His beautiful eyes,His thick eyebrows which were making his eyes more adorable. I slowly touched his chin which was hidden in his little hair of shave. I caressed it and I felt it tickling my finger. I smiled.  My hand moved to his forehead and touch his hair slightly,not wanting him to wake up.

i wish i could play with your hair when you are awake. I wish I could touch you without having any fear. I wish I could see you all time without the fear that I might caught.

I lean toward his ear and mutter in his ear.

"Subha bakhair Zindagi.(Good morning life.)" I whispered in his ear and pressed my lips on his temple.

After wishing him morning,I get out of the bed and went to washroom. I was feeling happy. He was pulling me to him second by second. After doing my ablution, I came out and went to Jahan to wake him up.

"Jahan." I called him and waited for any response.

"Jahan,its Fajar time." I once again called him and waited for him to wake up but he was in deep sleep.

I came forward and put my hand on his shoulder and start shaking it.

"Jahan get up." I said while shaking him.

"Hmm..."He muttered and open his eyes.

I who was leaned toward him to woke him up, straightened myself. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I turned and took my prayer mat while I saw him getting up from bed and went directly to the washroom.

I start offering my Salah. As I completed my Salah ,I saw Jahan going out of the room. I thought,he must be going to masjid.

After praying, I looked at the clock to check the time. It was 6am.I took Quran pak to recite it. I start reciting Quran pak.

It was quarter past six when Jahan entered the room. I was on bed reciting the Quran. I completed my verse and closed the Quran pak. I got up from the bed and placed Quran pak on its place.

I turned to see Jahan who was on bed again trying to sleep. He covered himself with blanket. I also went to bed and sat on the edge of the bed watching him. I looked at the watch,it was half past six. I had much time to get ready. Jahan was sleeping, so I decided to get ready. I opened the wardrobe slowly,and took my dress out. I start pressing my dress. For today I selected my pink frock. After ironing it,I went to take a bath. After 15 minutes I was out.

I looked at Jahan who was asleep. I slowly start drying my hair. I comb my hair and tie my hair in a messy bun for now. I opened my accessories boxes and took my earrings matched with my dress and my bangles. I applied kajal(Kohl)in my eyes and take a look at myself in mirror. For final touch, I applied lip gloss on my lips.

I took my dupatta and take a look at time. It was half past seven now. I took the alarm clock and fixed alarm of 8 o'clock and placed it near Jahan's hand. After setting the alarm, I opened the wardrobe,took Jahan's dress out and placed it on sofa. I kept his shoes and shocks near the sofa and went out of the room.

I went directly to the kitchen. I opened the fridge to check what it has in it. I only found eggs and bread and milk pack there. I start checking all the cabinets. In one, I found the flour. I immediately took some flour and made a dough of it. I  took milk out and start making tea.

After making tea,I start making breakfast. I placed bread in toaster and I looked at the clock which was hanging on the wall of kitchen. It was 8 o'clock now. It was time for alarm to ring now and I heard it ringing.

"Good morning Jahan."I said and smiled.

I start making breakfast. I start making parathas and on the other side,I start making omelets.

I was making breakfast but with working, I was also noticing that Jahan was awake. I heard door sound of washroom. It was about half past eight when my breakfast was ready and so was Jahan. He was on breakfast table. I served him breakfast which he quietly start eating. I sat next to him, watching him all the time. He not for once looked at me. I looked at him and before I could say,he said.

"Make list of kitchen stuff. Everything at once." I nodded and went to kitchen. I opened a drawer and took a letter pad from there.

I start writing all the important things. All the ingredients and groceries. I read the list to recheck and hand overed it to Jahan who was now standing ready to go.

"I will get all this today. Thanks for breakfast." And he left.

He thanked me.

Really!wow.hmm...He will understand one day that we are companions . we have to live this life with each other.

I was looking at him who was now getting out of the Hall. I followed him. He placed his laptop and files in car. He was talking to guard,maybe giving some instructions to the guard while I was looking at him.

"Please turn." It was me who was praying that Jahan turn to see me.



"Ya Allah please." I was waiting and he before getting inside the car turned to see me and that was the moment when I smiled from heart looking at Jahan who was looking at me. I waved him bye.

He sat in his car and drove out of the house. I closed the door and went inside. Going to the kitchen,I was only thinking about my Jahan. I took my breakfast and have it silently.
After breakfast,I cleaned the kitchen and went to my room. I start cleaning my room. I opened wardrobe and cleaned and arranged all clothes once again.

I went to dressing table,I set my makeup and bangles stand on the dressing table. I touched my bangles and slowly start placing them on bangles stand. I love wearing bangles. Their tinkling tinkled my heart which I loved. After cleaning the room,I take a look it all. Satisfied with my work,I went out of the room to take a look of the house. It was not a big mansion like Jahan's father home but it was beautiful small house with 5 to 6 six rooms,a hall along with dinning hall,a beautiful terrace which showed the beauty of the beautiful lawn of the house. On the side of lawn a beautiful garden was spreading the fragrance in the atmosphere. Different flowers were telling me that how much Jahan loves gardening. I was busy in looking at the garden when I saw guard went to open the door. I leaned on the railing of terrace to see.

Jahan's car entered and guard closed the door. He came out of the car and opener the back seats door.  I saw him taking things out with the help of guard and start placing it in the house. I wonder why didn't he hire some servant for house work. I went in kitchen where Jahan was placing all things. Vegetables, fruits,meat,and other groceries which I asked. Everything was there. He took a juice can and filled the glass. He drank it and sat to take some rest. I start arranging things in the kitchen. While he got up and drove again to his office while I was busy in kitchen.  After a while, I started the preparation for lunch.I was busy in cutting vegetables when the phone rang. I quickly went to the Hall and picked the call.

"Assalam-o-Alikum."I said aw I took the receiver and placed it near my ear.

"Wasalaam. How are you zeeniya?" It was khala Ami who called.

"Alhamdulillah. I'm fine. How are you khala Ami?" I asked.

"I'm fine. How's Jahan?" Khala Ami asked

"He's fine. Gone to office." I answered.

"Okay. Here Aarib is asking for you. Talk to him." Khala Ami said and I smiled.

"Zeeya  Maa." I heard his cute voice.

"Hi my cute son. How are you?" I asked,imagining his smile.

"I'm fine. Jhanu papa..!" He asked for Jahan.

"He's gone to office." I said and he remained silent.

"Can..can i come to meet you?" He asked innocently.

"Any time son. Your Zeeya  Maa is waiting." I said and I heard his laugh while clapping.

"Hi zeeniya how are you?" Robi Bhabhi and Madiha Bhabhi's voice appeared together.

"I'm fine. Is Aarib okay?" I asked about him who disappeared suddenly.

"Yes,he start getting ready to see you." Madiha Bhabhi said and I smiled on his cuteness.

"We'll come to meet you soon. Take care." Madiha Bhabhi said.

"You too Bhabhi. And I'll be waiting for you all." I said with so much happiness.

I never knew that I'll be the lucky one to have such loving relations around me one day and I was so thankful to my Allah Almighty who blessed me with so much love.

"Allah Hafiz." I said and they bid their byes too.

I placed the receiver on the phone but my lips were smiling. In these three days,I smiled like I never do. I never remembered in my whole life if I ever smiled and now smile was not leaving my lips. It was my Allah's blessings.

As the lunch was prepared, I went back in my room and washed my face and took some rest as it was still half past twelve. There was still time for lunch. I slept for an hour and when I got up,it was Zuhar Namaz time. Jahan didn't came yet so I did my ablution and start offering my prayer. As I completed my Salah , it was twenty past two but he didn't come. I was waiting for him but he didn't come. I had my lunch alone because I knew he was not coming on lunch. After lunch and cleaning the kitchen,I went back in room.

I sat on bed after taking my diary out of my bag, my diary which was my only friend.  My best and only friend safia gave me this diary before leaving to other city. She told me that if I ever wanted to tell or share something whether it is happiness or sadness, so I could share everything with this diary. From that day to now, whenever I felt sad or happy, I printed my words on the pages of this diary to lighten and share my pain and happiness.

So today, I was happy about my life. For the change in my life,for the loving relations I connected into. First time ever in my life, I was happy for my life.

New life,New beginning, New page and New tittle.

I thought and opened a new page of diary. After thinking for a moment,I took my own and wrote the first words that came in my mind.

"My New Life Jahan."

After giving tittle,I turned to next page and start writing about Jahan.

Jahan my life. Who was now my life. I looked at him and I wanted to keep looking at him. He never used to lay his eyes on me and when he does,it felt like,I couldn't see in his eyes longer. He never say anything but I could see his eyes speaking and I knew one day he'll say it too what his eyes says,which he tried to hide from me.

A/N::salaam to all.

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