Learning | Jacob Frye x Reade...

By lailanarayan

135K 4.9K 995

assassin meets assassin. you and jacob frye. with the whole of london at hand and cupids' arrow at play, what... More

London, Trains and Jacob Frye
So, We Meet Again
Stabs Followed By Stitches
Silver Buttons
The Unruly Lighter
Meet The Vetrollis'
Betrothed and Intoxicated
Intoxicated and Regretful
Deux Ivrognes
The Issue of When and Where
Fathers and Lack of Mothers
A Prince of Sorts
Spare the Lambs
Husband, Again
Love is Not a Light Term
Smoking in Wellness
Unlike Mother
New Job
Belongings of Thy
Votre Soldat
Cheap and Illegal
Fresh Eyes
Hostage Situation
Another Day, Another Bed?
Some Realisations
Nouvelle Maison
The Night They Were The Vetrollis'
And Then?
Au Revoir
Confess To Me

We Are Men

6.5K 204 48
By lailanarayan

"Where the hell have you been, Jacob Frye?" I look up to see a very frustrated Evie, shooting heavy glares at Jacob.

"Well I was on a mis-"

"I know, that was yesterday! This is today, and why are you holding your stomach like that?" Jacob looked at the ground and muttered something unsavory.

"Um, he got stabbed so he had to help-" I was stumbling over my words. Elise thankfully cut in.

"Jacob!" she hit him with what look like mapped plans in her hand. Jacob whined and looked at me.

"You made her look after you! She just got here!" she yelled at him.

"I'm sorry! We destroyed the shipment and got the job done," he retorted. Evie seemed to ease up at this, but still with a glimmer of anger. I decided to back him up.

"He was brilliant! Sure he got hurt but he'll be fine," I say, reassuring the angered Assassin. Jacob turned to me slightly, and silently mouthed a 'thank you.

"Fine, but don't put her in that situation again. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to see Mr. Green about a new recruitment of Templars." Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Bye (Y/N) and bye brother dearest," she says the end with sarcasm, waving behind her. She jumps out of the train and the room goes silent. After she leaves, Jacob turned to face me.

"Thank you," he said.

"It's fine," I suddenly remember the small glass bottle rolling around in my pocket.

"The doctor said take this if you need some pain relief," I respond and hand him the small jar. It rattles in his hand. He thanks me and goes to rest. He turns around and skulk to his carriage. His long coat sways side to side as he walks, with the odd limp. I turn back to go to my own carriage. I walk in and shut the door. I take off my coat and jacket. I open the brown bag again and take out the shirt that Jacob bought for me. I put my arms through the sleeves and button it on. It was a little too big but it will do. It was quite flattering. I put on the rest of my gear and sit down. I sigh and look out the window. I missed home and my brothers dearly but then again, I would be lying if I said I wasn't falling in love with London. The old brick buildings and market clustered streets. Meeting Jacob, ruthless Assassin running wild in London, had opened my eyes to the fact that our work is vital, and there was work to be done. He's funny but focused, in his own way. He's difficult but accepting. I guess time will tell how true the stories are about him.

~ Jacob ~

Different. She acts so strange for a girl, even one in the Order. She's ready to brawl just like a lad, yet she's feminine in her style. She wants to be fighting. I've has never met anyone like that before, well maybe except Evie. I continued to ponder about (Y/N) while looking out the window. There was a business deal I was meant to close today, but because of my current state and Evie's watchful eye, I decided against it. As I sat down to the comfort of my bed, I felt the sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down at the neat bows that (Y/N) had tied. I smiled and undid them. I tossed my shoes near the closet and sighed. I unbuttoned my coat and under jacket and threw them both at the end of the bed. I lay back onto the bed, and slowly let the rocking of the train, whisk me to sleep.

~ (Y/N) ~

Evie had given me a train plan of where the hideout would be and when any time of the day. I did want to go out, however I didn't know my way around, well at least until Jacob showed me around. There would be a period of time where the train would be based at Charring Cross for an hour for general repairs and refills. I decided to have a look around the train. The walls were covered in beautiful wooden paneling. I looked at several images and notes tagged together with red string with a major central picture, Starrick. I assumed it was a wall of assassination targets, or at least a link between them. I looked around and saw fabric covered furniture that had intricate designs on them. I ran my hand along the long seat that was gentle to touch. There were several framed documents and photographs on the ever moving walls. There was one with two small children and an older man. Evie and Jacob. I smile and look at the image. Both of them were bright eyed and happy. Their father, I assumed, was smiling and had his arms around both of his young children.

I see a pot of cold tea, with an empty cup next to it on a desk. I assumed the desk was Evie's, because of its neatness. There was four quills in a cup and ink bottles neatly lined up. There were several books lined up next to each other and letters neatly piled up. I continue to walk through the train and walk onto the next carriage as the door was open. I walk in and see two booths on one side and a neat bar on the other.

"Drink ma'am?" the bartender asked. I wasn't sure if we were meant to be drinking during this time of the day, but you figured since you weren't busy you might as well.


"You got it," the bartender responds. I hear some laughter behind me. I look at the booth and see three young men in green uniforms having a drink. I decide to introduce myself.

"Hello there," I say. The all looked up at me with friendly faces.

"How are ya lass?" he says. I take a seat next to him and look at the other two men.

"Good, yourself?" the bartender walks over and gives me my drink.

"I'm not bad. Say, isn't that a gentleman's drink?" he asks, confused.

"I never fancied any exquisite wine or champagne although, if it's being offered, I wouldn't refuse," I say taking a sip of my drink. I earn a laugh from the group.

"Too right my dear," he responds with a smile. I realize that I haven't introduced myself.

"I'm the new recruit. (F/N) (L/N)," I say extending my hand.

"James Dare. That there is John Remins and he is William Fitz but prefers Will," I shake all of their hands.

"Are you all part of the Rooks?"

"And proud," John responds.

"I see. And is Jacob a good leader?"

"Aye. Both of the Fryes are the best of the best. I would say so myself that Jacob is the one that has the passion for a good brawl," Will responds.

"I see."

"Have you met him?" John asks.

"Yes, I have. He does have quite a ruthless attitude" I take another sip of my scotch.

"Ruthless?" said a familiar voice behind me. I stood up and turned around.

"Ah, Jacob I-" I stumbled over my words, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

"Was just saying?" he smirks.

"Being ruthless isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's what you need to win the fight," I respond, calmly. He smiles and nods. He looks over at the table.

"Drinking already?" he says, still smirking.

"Yes, problem?" I respond.

"Yes there is a problem actually," he says, with a quizzical look.

"Why is there not one in my hand?" he says after a moment of silence. The bartender begins to prepare the twin his drink.

"Anyway, (Y/N) are you ready to see London with the best tour guide it has to offer?" he says, after receiving his drink.

"What? Right now?"

"Why not?" he says happily.

"Are you okay to go out?" I ask him, eyeing his injury.

"Sure, I've dealt with far worse," he says. I believe him, remembering the scars he was covered in. He skulls the rest of his drink. How gentlemen like. The train stops and pulls into the station. He walks out of the train.

"Coming?" he asks.

"Yes," I finish my drink and follow suit. I follow after Jacob out of the train station.

"Now all we have to do is find a ride," he looks around. I scan the area.

"There's one over there," I point it out to him.

"Great." We walk over and sit down at the top. Jacob picks up the reigns and we begin to move.

"Actually, just over there is a man named James, he works in that small red shop down there," Jacob nodded with his head in the direction of a small red store.

"If you ever want to buy any weapons, ammunition, or anything really, he's the man to see," Jacob finishes. I make a mental note of that, as my gun was my favorite weapon and always needed fresh ammunition. We continue to make our way down the street and over a bridge. Jacob continues to say important street names and roads.

"Try to avoid any police departments altogether, it just is easier," he adds in.

"Oh yeah, I need to withdraw some money" I remember.

"No problem. As we head to Whitechapel I'll show you the place," I nod, as Jacob continues to tell me place from place.

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