Belong To The World

De thestorans

85.5K 3.4K 490

"I don't see your name on him. I don't have my name on him. Hell, he Belongs To The World. No one owns him." Mais

~ ONE ~
~ TWO ~
~ FOUR ~
~ FIVE ~
~ SIX ~
~ NINE ~
~ TEN ~


2.4K 111 26
De thestorans

I wanted to add the photo cause he's cute and this chapter is pretty special. And he's yeah :) Enjoy!


| D E S E R V E |

"I'm completely stuffed, we aren't going out for lunch right?" Liam groaned as they all walked out of the restaurant. Harry had loosened up since the start of them walking in, and seemed to be giving the boys small smiles of amusement.

"I don't think we are. I think I'm gonna take a good rest after thi-" Louis was just about to say something, a chuckle leaving his lips. But he stopped halfway and froze, making the other three boys freeze with him. All staring at Louis for a good second before following the oldest's gaze towards a bunch of cop cars outside a tattoo shop.

"What?" Zayn asked, stepping forward to grab at Louis' arm lightly. But Louis was quickly out of his grasp, rushing down the beach and kicking up sand. It was weird for the three other boys, and it didn't make sense how their boyfriend had gone from happy to shocked and running like a mad man.

But they followed him anyways, and now they were right by the bundle of cop cars. And they had to glance around the street till they saw Louis, and the man was yelling at two cops standing beside a patrol car. And they looked like they were ready to put him in handcuffs.

Now the three boys were extremely confused.

"Hey, Louis! Babe calm down!" Liam yelled, gripping Louis' wrist and tugging the brunet back. But Louis just kept on swearing at the cops. His words spewing out with 'what the fuck are you doing with him?!' and 'let him go!"

"You boys need to calm him down before we put him in cuffs also." One of the cops said, glaring at the four piece.

"Sorry, sorry just. What is happening here? He wouldn't just come up here for no reason?" Harry asked as Liam and Zayn tried to shush Louis from jeopardizing himself into putting himself in jail.

The cop looked at the other cop, and they both gave each other a thoughtful glance before the one turned back around, locking eyes back with Harry.

"This gentleman here came rushing up to us, yelling at us that we needed to let one of the men we had in custody go." Harry furrowed his brows, and he couldn't quite understand what was going on still. Why Louis was going after these cops when they were just doing their job. Or trying to stand up for someone who had broken the law. It didn't quite click in his head till he took a glance at the window of the patrol car, seeing a glimmer of blond hair.

And then he realized, and his body deflated. He cursed under his breath and turned towards Liam and Zayn, but the two had already gotten what was happening. And they both looked just as shocked.

"Yeah, we uh, we know him. He's a friend of ours." Harry said to the cops.

"Okay well there's nothing you can do for him here. We need to take him to jail and you can bale him out there. If you're willing to pay for his bale, at least." And then the police officers were moving to get into the car, and Zayn stepped forward before they could get in.

"Wait. Why is he being arrested?" The four boys had a feeling in their guts why already.

"Niall Horan is arrested for prostitution." And then the two cops were getting in the car, driving off down the street with the boys just staring their with wide eyes and opened mouths.


"Should we bale him out?" Liam asked as they got into the room. They had all headed back to their hotel, and hadn't talked till now.

Louis whipped his head around at Liam's question, and he seemed angry. His mouth was twisted into a scowl, and his brows were furrowed into a knot. "What do you mean 'should we bale him out?' Of course we are." Louis scoffed, setting himself down on one of the beds. Liam, Harry, and Zayn were taken back at their oldest boyfriends tone. But didn't want to push him any further.

"Does he even want our help? Or do you think his little hubby will get him out? You remember him, don't you?" Zayn sighed out, staring out the window to the balcony.

"I don't care if he doesn't want our help. We need to talk to him anyways because of what happened with him and Harry. And he obviously still has feelings for us, cause he wouldn't have had sex with Harry just to pull some nasty shit on us. That's not Niall." Louis was glaring down at the ground, knee wobbling anxiously against the flooring.

Zayn, Harry, and Liam all let that sink in. Louis' words made sense, and they no doubt wanted to agree and rush off down to the police station. But there was this small hole in their hearts stopping them, the hole that they made themselves when they broke apart from Niall. And now they weren't so sure if they could face the blond, and expect Niall to be in open arms for them.

"You boys still love him, don't you?" Louis asked, and his voice was small and faded. He still didn't meet their eyes.

"Of course we do babe. We love him just like we love you and each other. It's just, you have to understand that he might not want us back." Liam was really trying, and he looked broken seeing Louis look like he wanted to cry.

"Please just, can we please do this for him? For me? Maybe something good will come out of this." Louis was up off the bed, his eyes were pleading his bottom lip was wobbling dangerously. It was so weird because the brunet hardly ever cried, of course he did sometimes, but he hated doing it in front of them. And the ceiling caved in, and that's when the three boys nodded, letting Louis lead the way as they went to bale out a person that might hate their guts, or be secretly in love with them.


"We're here for Niall Horan." Louis said, and the policeman was scribbling down something when they came rushing in, and he slowly looked up at them.

"Are you here for a bale?" The man really didn't even listen to Louis' urgent tone, he just raised a brow in question.

"Yes, we are." Harry said, and the man pointed down the counter, where a woman was typing away at a computer.

"Over there is where you pay, once we are assured that the money came through then we will release mister Horan." Zayn was already fishing out his wallet, walking down towards the woman who immediately paid attention to them once they were in front of her.

"Please state the persons name that you are willing to bale." The woman's voice was monotone with no real emotion.

"Niall Horan." Zayn said, his wallet was opened, ready to pay. They didn't really even know how much money it would cost them, and they really didn't worry about it till the price came out of the woman's mouth.

"300 pounds." She blinked at them, she didn't even cringe at the price herself.

"Shit." Louis cursed under his breath, and Liam grabbed at Zayn's arm, tugging the man back from the counter. "One second." He said as Louis and Harry followed till they were out of earshot.

"That's most of the money we brought for this damn trip do you realize that? We might as well not even think about a damn road trip with this amount." Liam grumbled, and he didn't seem angry, he was more frustrated with the fact that it was so pricy.

"It's Niall, Liam please." Louis placed both of his hands on Liam's shoulders, trying to calm the man. But Harry and Zayn were just as frustrated. Again, what if Niall didn't even except their bale? Just laughed it off because they still haven't gotten over him. Maybe even scream that he hates them again.

"We're gonna do all this? Just like a shot in the dark? We don't even know if he'll love us in the end-"

"Please." That's all Louis could really say, the man was being beyond stubborn. Like always.

"Li, come on let's just do it. Yeah?" Harry brushed his hand along Liam's arm, gripping at his hand at the end. And that was it, they had all walked back over with lumps in their throats. The woman had stopped typing once again, looking up from her desk with the exact same boring expression.

"If you can't pay for the bale. That is completely understandable and Mister Horan will be doing his time in here till he is aloud to be released." But Zayn was already placing some money on the table, then Liam, then Harry, and lastly Louis who gave her a determined look. The woman gladly took the cash, counting it twice before putting it in a locked safe and walking back over, this time with keys in her hands.

"Mister Horan is in his cell at the moment. I will call some guards to bring him out and then you boys can move on your way. Stay here." She turned around and walked to a steal door, unlocking it and walking out into a long narrow hallway, the door closing behind her, making her disappear and the boys to be consumed in silence.


It wasn't the woman who walked out next time, it was two guards walking behind Niall who had his head held down in shame. The blond was wearing ugly too-short jean shorts and a long shirt. The boys seemed to be shocked at Niall's appearance, seeing the blond look so slutty when they were used to seeing Niall in ripped jeans and a simple white t-shirt.

They didn't really even say anything at first when Niall stopped in front of them, and Niall still wasn't looking up from the floor. And it was Louis who stepped forward, taking his jacket off and slinging it over the blonds shoulders. And they all cringed, waited for the blow like Niall would start screaming at them again. But Niall just gripped at the sides of the jacket, tugging it more tightly around him as he bit his lip, still not looking up.

"Come on." Louis whispered, and they all made there way out, all watching the blond like hawks till they got to their car and got in, Liam holding the door for Niall and letting him slip into the backseat.

Harry was very distant, the man was even not so sure in getting in the car, he had stood outside of it for a good minute before slowly getting into the passenger seat and letting Liam drive off and out of the parking lot.

Then it was silence, and no one talked till Liam had to stop at a red light.

"Niall." Zayn sighed out, he was beside the blond who was on the left side of the car, smushed right up against door like if he even brushed up against Zayn he'd get burned. It made the tanned man frown.

"I know you uh, didn't expect us to do this but we saw you getting arrested and-"

"I saw you boys outside the cop car. More Louis then the rest of you. You made a complete fool of yourself, wasted your time also. " Niall interrupted Zayn, and the car was an wary silence after Niall's words, and Liam had looked up into the review mirror, seeing Louis' face harden and jaw jut out in disapproval.

"I wasted my time? Niall I wouldn't have done that if you didn't mean something to me, and the boys wouldn't have gone with me on all this if you didn't mean anything to them. We still care, even if you don't see it yet." Louis' words gave all four of the boys lumps in their throats, and Niall shook his head lightly, shuffling even farther into the door.

"You were yelling, screaming and for what? To pick up some slut and drop me off on the curb? I mean nothing to no one boys, I am nothing but an object." Zayn wanted desperately to grab at Niall's knee, thigh, whatever he could grip onto. He wanted to hold the blond in some type of way and tell Niall that he still loved him, that all the boys still loved him. But Niall wouldn't believe them, and they deserve the pain they felt right now.

"You're everything but an object, a slut, or whatever people-we have called you in the past." Liam didn't look away from the road, but Niall could hear the man loud and clear. And Zayn saw tears welling up in Niall's eyes. Was it a sign that Niall was feeling something? That the blond appreciated their hard work in trying to get him to except them again?

But the words Niall said wasn't really what any of them wanted.

"Let me out, pull over and let me out." Niall grabbed for the door, and thank god Liam and his hardcore-safety came in handy, because the door was locked, and the blond groaned in frustration.

"Niall please just let us take you home, please?" Harry yelled out, looking back into the backseat and meeting Niall's wide, bloodshot blue eyes. But it seemed Harry's sudden appearance in the conversation made Niall angrier, and Niall roughly pulled at the handle again.

"Niall, stop please let us talk, please!" Louis yelled, taking off his seat belt to lean closer to Zayn, and Niall avoided all their gazes, still trying to open the door that obviously wasn't going to budge.

"Li, open this fcking door!" Niall swore, and the nickname slipped from the blonds mouth before he was even thinking and Liam had suddenly stopped immediately, jolting the car roughly forward. And he slowly moved to the curb. Louis was screaming at him from the back to not let him out, but Liam was already grabbing to unlock it and when it did, the blond literally threw himself out, stumbling onto the sidewalk.

Harry and Louis had both gotten out at the same time, trying to catch up to Niall who was walking down an alleyway. Niall was trying to get away, but the limp in his step and the many days of beatings had gotten a tole on him, and he seemed to get slower and slower till both men were right beside him, making him stop.

"Please Niall, I-I can't live with myself without telling you how sorry I am, how sorry we are for all the things we did. You don't deserve us but fuk, we want you to just consider us, get to know us again, we promise we're different." Harry babbled, and the man was near tears. And Niall didn't like that look on the man, but the dark side of him did, the new Niall loved the tears slipping down Harry's cheeks, how sad Louis looked, how broken they all looked. But the old Niall was pushing through so hard, clawing at his insides trying to get out and forgive them.

"Please, move Harry I need to get home." Niall tried passing them but Louis started talking, them both moving forward till they were some blockade in front of him.

"That's home to you? That dick head who's hurting you? Treating you like some toy? Look at you Niall, did we do that to you? Did we ever lay a hand on you like he does? Please Niall look at who you're fighting for, look at what you really deserve." Everything Louis said was right, it made sense and obviously Nick was nothing but a scum.

But no one was good for him, no one could love him like he wanted to be loved. And he might of just realized that prostitution was what he was born to do, what he was made to do on this earth. Because the boys didn't love him, Nick didn't love him, the men he fuked for money didn't love him. Someone with love in their heart would never call him those names, never treat him like some punching bag, never deceive him into thinking he was the only one in the world and throw him away like any other piece of trash.

If no one loved him, who did he belong to? What was his worth? Well, he belonged to the world.

"I deserve..." Niall paused, he was staring up at the sky, blinking back the tears. "Everyone deserves the world, deserves a lover, someone who will fight for you. But then theres people like me who fight for that world and it only comes out to be just the dirt. I am the dirt, this life around me, this city I live in, these shorts I wear and the bruises that are inflicted onto my body, this is all the dirt I am surrounded in. And people can walk on me whenever they please, you boys, Nick, men and women. So what do I really deserve? Look at me, and there's the answer." Niall moved his arms out to his sides, stepping back and then turning to go around the two. The two boys watched with tears streaming down their faces, and they watched Niall go till a old, wrinkly man came out from a pub, immediately locking eyes with the blond and smiling.

Niall smiled back, he gave the man his cutest grin and saw the money in the mans hand, and the blond was going to take it, let the man do as he please, get what he deserves. But then someones hand came onto the mans wrist, it was such a tight grip the persons knuckles were white. And Niall saw a hand tattoo, it looked new and the blond didn't recognize it till he looked up.

"I guess we'll have to show you what you deserve." Liam said, there was tears swimming in his own eyes, but his face was full of determination. He must've been hearing Niall's words from earlier with Louis and Harry because he tugged the blond away. And it was like the blond was limp against the rough but weirdly loving and assuring hold.

"Fcking is a lot of money, I don't think you boys have the cash to handle me. And you lost me 50 euros." Niall tried to play it cool, trying to act like his professional prostitute self, but he could feel himself slipping as he passed Louis and Harry who were both blinking shockingly at Liam's sudden dominance on the situation. Zayn was still in the car, but had on foot out with the door opened, he was probably ready to follow Liam.

"You can tell us if you want money or not when we're done with you. Cause this has nothing to do with it, love. This is gonna be all us, every burden feeling of no love we gave you will be blossomed into something bigger and better, I promise you." Liam had let Zayn take the blonds hand and tug him in, Louis and Harry following quickly behind him.

And Niall let them, and weirdly the money wasn't even a thought in his mind as he felt Zayn's large hand grip his inner-thigh.



Oh man... now thats a cliffy for yeah. Get ready for some long awaited smut next excited are ya?? Y'all must hate me for dragging it so long.


How do you think Nick will feel if he found out Niall was going to do this and had gotten arrested?

Do think the boys deserve to have Niall love them again?

Do you think it's a good decision that the boys and Niall are going to do the deed without sorting things out between them again? Do you think it's gonna cause some major regret and drama when they wake up?

Please comment, I adored the ones you all gave me the last couple chapters. I'm in love with you all... :)

(Sorry for any editing problems I'm lazy and sick.)

~ Direction_Minx ~

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