The Different//Supernatural F...

By SarahBeans

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[Unedited] Have you ever heard of a Nephilim? Half angel and half human. Well, in Jamie's case, things were a... More

~ Chapter 1
~ Chapter 2
~ Chapter 3
~ Chapter 4
~ Chapter 5
~ Chapter 6
~ Chapter 7
~ Chapter 8
~ Chapter 9
~ Chapter 10
~ Chapter 11
~ Chapter 12
~ Chapter 13
~ Chapter 15
~ Chapter 16
~ Chapter 17
~ Chapter 18
~ Chapter 19
~ Chapter 20
~ Chapter 21
~ Chapter 22
~ Chapter 23
~ Chapter 24
~ Chapter 25
~ Chapter 26
~ Chapter 27
~ Chapter 28
~ Chapter 29
~ Chapter 30
~ Chapter 31
~ Chapter 32
~ Chapter 33
~ Chapter 34
~ Chapter 35
~ Chapter 36
~ Chapter 37
~ Chapter 38
~ Chapter 39
~ Chapter 40
~ Chapter 41
~ Chapter 42
~ Chapter 43
~ Epilogue part 1
~ Epilogue part 2
~ Authors Note!
A Christmas Special

~ Chapter 14

90 6 4
By SarahBeans

Hello amazing people. Enjoy (-;

After what happened with Sebastian you preferred not to talk about it to anyone not even the Winchester's and as soon as you got back from the case Charlie left and it was just you and the boys but you haven't heard from Kevin in a while.

Knowing them, if anything was going on they wouldn't tell you but you would find out one way or another. To get your mind off things you went through all the Men of letter's files to find out about what's going on with you, the healing was not so surprising anymore but the dreams that came true now that was not normal when you heard the boys arguing you went through to see the boys walk over towards the laptop in the library. "It's Kevin." Dean mentioned.

"Finally." Sam replied with relief, you didn't want to seem like you were listening so you stood behind the wall with your back against it. You heard Kevin's voice in the video which sounded like something had happened to him or he's given up.

"Sam, Dean. I've set up this message with some software on a remote server so it'd send itself to you if I don't reset it with a command once a weak..." he said but you soon stopped listening when you got a headache that you've never had before as if many voice were trying to talk to you at once but you tried to block them out as you clutched upon your head in pain.

The headache went away and you continued to listen to the video from Kevin. "You guys are gonna have to try to figure out the rest... I'm sorry," you heard him tearing up. "I know it was my job, but I - but I couldn't... I'm sorry." he said beat up when there was silence for a second.

"Dammit!" Dean shouted as he shoved the stack of books off the table angrily and stormed off down the stairs. Sam stood there motionless as Dean stormed out of the Bunker, slamming the door with a bang that echoed, you decided to follow him.

He stood with his back towards you and his arms behind his head as he looked at the sky. "Cas you son of a bitch. Where are you?" he shouted with grief. You paced your steps slowly towards him as he continued to look up, you stood beside him quietly without saying a word.

"Jamie. What are you doing here?" he asked bewildered while he gazed over to you with a concerned look upon his face, unable to answer for a second since you didn't want him to know you knew about Kevin but you couldn't stop yourself... "Dean, where is Kevin? I don't want any bullshit about it, I want the truth." you demanded.

"Kevin... mmm. He set software on a remote server so if he didn't reset it, he is dead." Dean said uneasy as you leaned against the Impala in front of Dean. "This whole thing is my fault. I got so caught up in closing the gates of hell I didn't even give a crap... well it's all over now." a tear ran down his face noticing the pain that couldn't be concealed any longer, his tough face - the act didn't work and it was the first time you've seen Dean Winchester cry, Mr tough guy.

"Hey, this is not your fault, you didn't know Kevin would be killed or Crowley was up to something." you said with sorrow as you placed your hand upon his arm when he clutched onto your hand with a concerned look.

"Jamie, I didn't say anything about Crowley." realising you heard part of the video about Crowley but you didn't want him to think the wrong impression, you gazed down unable to say another word but them keeping secrets was another story even though it was none of your business, you still needed a heads up about it.

"How about you not telling me about Kevin?" you asked changing the subject, he looked over at you confused still at how you knew all these things but you knew before that something was up and the fact the boys seemed quiet around for the last few days meant something.

You looked at each other eye to eye waiting for a response from Dean when his phone started to ring; he gazed at you for a second but soon took his gaze off you and answered his phone.

"Hello." he answered. You soon left and walked inside the Bunker to see Sam printing documents or notes, he seemed upset about it as he kept his head down. The hallways of the dusty Bunker seemed bare and it had been standing for ever not being touched just abandoned, you ran your fingers across the walls gently.

You entered the file room to go through files about demons and angels that you don't know but everything inside the file was stuff you already knew: their weakness, the devil trap and angels: holy fire and angel blade as you sat upon the floor without any hope to finding out what is going on with you and without realising you fell asleep in your arms.

A man clasped onto your arm, holding you back and you tried everything to get lose. "Dad!" you screamed trying to fight them off. Your dad had a worried look. "This was not part of the deal!" your father snapped with the look of despair when he got lose and rushed over towards the blade that laid upon the floor, the guys attacked him but he managed to push the blade through his heart and there was a bright light that lit up the room.

You woke up with a fright to realise it was just a dream and you were in your bed but you lost days which was not normal and it made you worry.

There was a crash as you got up in a rush clutching your gun; you walked slowly towards the library to see Dean and Sam carrying Castiel inside. Cas looked hurt really bad and you noticed sitting on the chair fatigue - Kevin.

"What's going on?" you asked worried when Cas smiled through all his pain. "Jamie." Castiel said with a smile, glad to see you. You looked over at him sympathetic at how hurt he looked and you were glad he was okay especially to see Kevin was here in one piece.

You got a text from a unknown number once again, it was co-ordinates as you clicked on them it took you to a website about an auction for antic's of a hotel after the owner was killed from a heart attack but a blade looked familiar and you knew that you had to go and find out about it and the owner.

All guests were able to stay at the hotel for the night while the auction is on. "A case?" Sam asked concerned. You nodded your head. "Yeah in Colorado." you said when Dean walked in with a concerned look but mainly pissed off. "Well I'm coming with." he mentioned. "The last time you did something like this you nearly got yourself killed, so I'll see you at the car in 10."

"Oh and Dean don't forget a suit." he walked off and you stood there bewildered as you looked over at Sam he shrugged his shoulders confused.

You and Dean arrived at the hotel; it looked like it was rebuilt and more modern as many cars drove in for the auction that was happening tonight. A guy came over to the window for car valet when you both got out the car and took your bags.

"If there is any scratch on my baby, I'll kick your ass." Dean said threatening him, he seemed uneasy as he took the keys from Dean, you smiled and made your way inside to reception to check in.

"We would like to book a room for tonight's auction." Dean said as the man seemed a bit unsure about Dean when he typed on the computer for a second and he looked up with a smile. "Are you a couple?" he asked with a polite accent.

"Yes we are." you tried to seem natural since you had to pretend just for now, Dean gave you a bewildered look as you smiled at him so he could follow your lead. "Room 14 and here's your key." he said with a smile.

"Thank you." you said before walking off to the room still acting natural without another word from Dean. You opened the door to see one bed and hoping to see a sofa but there wasn't one in sight, either you or Dean had to sleep on the floor but the only thing Dean seemed to notice was the expensive whiskey and wine on the stand, he still gave you that look but it was just for one night.

"Well we better get ready, the auction is in two hours." you said making your way to the bathroom to take a shower. You walked out with your hair wet and a towel wrapped around your body to give Dean time to shower, he looked up from his laptop gazing over towards you.

"Go shower you perve." you said humorously while throwing a towel at him as he chuckled while walking to the bathroom to shower. You tried to be as quick as you could before he is finished.

You sat finishing off your hair when you saw him through the mirror, Dean walk out with just the towel wrapped around his lower body exposing his upper body which made you smile and bite your lip when he walked back into the bathroom to get dressed.

You put on your black dress with your back open, it dropped to your ankles and it had a slit down the side showing your leg when Dean walked out to see you placing on your shoes. "Wow Jamie, you look amazing." he mentioned with a smile when you noticed what he was wearing, a fancy black suit.

"Not too bad yourself." you said with a smile and not realising you were biting your lip again. "Let's go shall we." you mentioned as you grabbed your purse and made your way downstairs to see many people drinking champagne and talking among each other.

When you got to the bottom of the stairs the waitress offered you champagne noticing Dean flirting with her as she walked off with a smile. "Dean, focus!" you snapped softly when his smile dropped letting out a sigh. "You can't be flirting, people need to think we a couple so we can get that blade and people don't think we up to..."

"Yes darling." he said interrupting you and walking off towards the group of woman who sat by the bar drinking and laughing. "Hello ladies." he said flirting with them when you let out an audible sigh, annoyed. "Typical." you mumbled.

You went through the place looking for the blade when you heard the voices again altogether not making sense which just gave you a headache but they became louder the closer you got to the blade, it was in a glass box for display with engraving in enochian when a man walked over towards you.

"That was my fathers, he use to say that was very powerful. Getting rid of it is the best thing." he said before walking off. You need to find out about it more but how when you weren't able to find him, noticing he was slow dancing and you needed to keep an eye on him.

Dean was still flirting with the woman at the bar, you walked over to him. "Hey baby, I've been looking for you all over." you said to Dean to get the woman away from him so you could talk to him about the man. He seemed angry. "What was that for?" he snapped.

"That man over there knows about the blade so we need to keep an eye on him." you mentioned when Dean grabbed your hand leading you to go and dance.

You slow danced and kept an eye on him to see when he leaves. "Why don't we just go and get it. Cas will know what it is." he suggested whispering into your ear when the man left with the woman he was dancing with, you decided to follow them to see they went upstairs laughing.

There were guards near the glass box so while you distracted the guards Dean went to get the blade from the case, he walked casually passed you with a smile and you finished off your conversation with the guards. Once you got the blade you just wanted to leave so you both went upstairs to get some rest so you can leave early in the morning.

Dean dropped onto the bed from exhaustion as you battled to get the zip down. "You mind giving me a hand?" you asked when he got up and he unzipped the dress slowly.

"Back at the bunker you seemed upset. Are you okay?" You asked worried to feel his warm breath upon your neck and his gentle hands upon your bare back. "Yeah, I'm fine." he said as he went over to the stand to pour himself whiskey , you walked over pushing his hand down gently to place the glass down.

"Dean? What's going on?" you asked. He didn't answer but look down with despair; you placed your hand upon his face before walking off. Dean grabbed your hand pulling you towards him; your body was against his.

He gazed down at your lips, you took a step closer and bit your bottom lip. He leaned in but stopped not daring to close the bap between you two as he scanned your eyes. His soft breath lingered over your lips as he spoke, "I can't - I'm sorry." He said and walked off.

You stood there shocked and confused to his sudden change with just the feel of his breath still upon your lips. 'Was there something wrong with me?' you asked yourself. He took off his shoes and grabbed a pillow from the bed and took the blanket at the bottom of the bed. He made his way over to the sofa without a word as he got comfortable.

You took a shower and slid into the large, empty bed about to drift off to sleep when you found yourself staring at the ceiling. "Dean, I'm worried about you." you mentioned, you lifted yourself in a sitting position waiting for him to answer . "You can talk to me Dean. You and Sam are all I've got and I can't lose you two."

He cleared his throat as your heard him shift on the sofa. "Sam is really sick and if he had to do the third trial I don't know what will happen to him. I can't lose him... ", He paused unable to continue.

"Everything is going to be okay?" you assured him but deep down you knew that doing this will have some side effects.

I see a little bit of something happened between the two love birds but was it all a dream? Or was it something she's been dying for? Please vote and comment (-;


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