A Kiss To My Prince, A Kurosh...


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"I'll let you be the angel who makes the devil repent." After an incident with all the right intentions goes... Еще

Preview into the Story
Chapter 1: Timeslip Yuri
Chapter 2: Phantom Of A Beautiful Dinner
Chapter 3: B-Rabbit
Chapter 4: Trouble Maker
Chapter 5: Still, The World Is Beautiful
Chapter 6: Black Tinkerbell
Chapter 7: Pleasure Is My Business
Chapter 8: Beautiful Target
Chapter 9: Coy Girl
Chapter 11: Don't Spray Perfume
Chapter 12: Snow White
Chapter 13: Be Mine
Chapter 14 The Reason I Became A Witch
Chapter 15: All About Eve
Chapter 16: Sunny Hill
Chapter 17: Welcome To The Show
Chapter 18: Midnight Circus
Chapter 19: Midnight Circus II
A/N: From Me!
Chapter 20: Midnight Sun
Chapter 21
The King 2 Hearts

Chapter 10: Tease Me

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Title: A Kiss To My Prince

Summary: After an incident with all the right intentions goes awry. Will Yuri be able to hand the consequences? Yuri wakes up 125 years back in past in Ciel's bed. Stuck in 1887, she helps Ciel and Sebastian to complete their mission as Queen's "guard dog" and also along the way, everyone who has become involved with her, has somehow gained an emotion they had once lost

Pairing: Sebastian x OC x Ciel with Claude x OC x Alois!

"My name is Yuri Park. There was an incident and I woke up in 1887. Am I mad, in a coma, or back in time? Whatever's happened, it's like I've landed on a different planet. Now, maybe if I can work out the reason, I can get home."

This chapter contains: 2nd Arc of Kuroshitsuji manga AND anime 'Jack the Ripper Arc' half ends of chapter 8/Episode 5

"Mmm!-" I could feel getting dizzier from lack of air. Who knew this kid have good stamina for these kind of things despite of having asthma. Then I felt his tongue slip out between his, licking for entrance. I remained shocked and unresponsive with my lip still closed. It was then he clamped his teeth down on my lip.

"Oww-" He had slipped his tongue inside my mouth. He was a good kisser, I had to admit.

Knock knock

I could see he was glaring at the door or more like someone behind that door knowing fully exactly who it was. He got up and slowly sat next to unmoving. Still in shock, it was awhile before I quickly scrambled to the far corner of the bed.

"Come in" He ordered.

His door creaking opened. His blue eyes looked at the demon, walking calmly in with the paperwork in his hands. He stopped, noticing the sudden change of atmosphere: flustered and burst lips, messy hair, flushed face, fast breaths and some of my dress unbuttoned while Ciel sat calmly, smirk on his lips with his arm resting on his knee brought up to his chest as he stared at Sebastian.

"Well?" Ciel questioned, annoyed of being interrupted, "How about it?"

Sebastian now composed ― although he can't help but let his eyes reflect a little odd annoyance for some reason to his master ― gestured down at the piles of papers. "No matter how many times I simulate the events, Only the Viscount could have been involved in this string of murders." He informed

The young master ran his hand through his hair in frustration, "So, we have to alter our search conditions?" He inquired, feeling rather irritated than usual. "The Viscount couldn't have been involved in yesterday's killing!"

"Yes, true." The demon agreed, "It would have been impossible for any of the persons who were at the Viscount's residence." Ciel leaned back against the stacked pillows on his bed, sighing.

My eyes met Sebastian's, feeling a little compelled to tell him early than I expect.

"Anyway, tomorrow, we'll.." Ciel paused, glancing at his butler, who was smiling toward.. "What is going on?" He had caught us.

A smirked played on the butler's lips. "I have told you many times..that I do not lie." Sebastian told, walking towards his master. "I, your chessman, am your might, your hands and feet..you alone will decide..you yourself will choose and for that, I shall become your might." He reached his hand out and lightly touched the young man's face. "You said as much that day."

The demon then bowed in front of Ciel. "I am merely a butler. I will not cross that line." He continued, "I only faithfully execute what the master orders and answer what the master asks me."

I opened my mouth, "It seems I made a little mistake on profiling..."

Ciel raised his brow, "Mistake?"

I gave him a weary smile, unable to look at him directly, "It seems a woman is a mistake. Sorry. It was a man"

"So, it is a one man?" Ciel confirmed.

"Yes, exactly." The demon replied, meeting his eye.

"Is he human?" The demon butler shook his head.

"Now, I see.." the Earl said, gritting his teeth. Sebastian laughed a bit, standing up and throwing the useless papers in the air.

"By your order, I, your chessman shall become your sword." He vowed, "Now then, let us move into check..master."


I glanced at Sebastian anxiously. While his face was serene and betrayed nothing, my heart over my frantically beating heart was more than enough as we stepped into the red room. The sofa, the chairs, the furniture even bed was red.

"It must be tiring to see the colour you hate every day. It takes a toll on you doesn't it?" I sat down, "Can you give us a moment?" Sebastian wordlessly nodded, walking out of the deeper room to Angela's drawing room.

She followed the suit, "I don't know what you are talking about, Miss Yuri. As my nickname suggest, you should know this is the colour I love."

"We know you are Jack the Ripper." She froze then forced a frosty smile, "My, what a accusation you are making. Just because I am a doctor does not make me a killer."

"Low self-esteem, which would be well hidden. You'd kill to reclaim your power and dress impeccably to keep the façade. Because you overcompensates to hide your insecurity, you most likely holds a position of authority at work and probably has some kind of medical training ―a doctor" I could see her lips straightened into thin line, "You lost a child in a carriage accident."

"How did you know that?" She abruptly demanded angrily, her calm façade slipping.

"And prostitutes who comes for abortion blabbering how tiresome it is, snapped something inside you―"

"STOP!" She screeched, her hands coming up to block her ears, I decided it was enough and waited until she calmed down. Angelina's heaved, her trembling hands dropping limply onto her knee.

"One thing that I have seen happen to a woman is that she will demonstrate to everyone that she's fine with having had an abortion, and then something happens that triggers her emotions. I call this 'being blindsided'." I explained uneasily, "It could be a pictures in a biological textbook, or seeing a mother with a child the same age as hers would have been, or the anniversary of the abortion or the expected due date. It could be almost anything. Sometimes a woman completely loses her equanimity. She could even become suicidal." I looked at her.

"Ciel lost his parent, his manor, nearly everything. Don't make him lose you too." I pleaded.

"You knew this from the start" She stared, "...Just..who are you?"

"We will tell Ciel it was a man, there was no woman. And until you are ready, we will keep this a secret between us."

"...All I wanted was a child...but those women..they thought a child was a trouble?" Tears she held back for so many years slipped out, "Parent shouldn't bury their own child. There is no greater gift in life than that of being a parent. But so many of us abuse and squander that gift...do you think I am evil because of it?"

"I think it was Mary Shelley who said something like, 'no man or woman chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.', didn't she?" I gave her a kiss on her forehead and left.


My arms tightened around Sebastian's waist, who looked like he was enjoying himself little more than he should, for more warmth. It was so cold and Ciel's body wasn't doing any favour so I had to turn to the demon who looked completely unaffected by the mother nature's weapon. Lucky demons. I tightly brought my coat in effort to conserve some lingering energy which was running out fast. No one can leave this scene, don't be nervous in this explicit situation.

Ciel crossed his arms as he glared at the hugging pair, "And you're positive the next target will be Mary Kelly, who lives in that tenement?" Ciel asked, peering around the block. I gave a huff of annoyance.

"Yes, Ciel. You don't trust me?" Ciel smirked, "No, I trust you. Didn't I showed you from the last time?" I blushed as memories from what happened few hours ago came back like some perverse limelight movie scene. He was getting more straightforward time by time.

Sebastian's arm tightened around my wrist, "No―!" I denied.

Loud crash blasted through our hearings and there was fumbling and shuffling inside the room as if someone kept bumping into things.

Ciel took off down the alley. I realized a second too late that I was following him on instinct, and he slammed the door open. The room was empty ― I had secretly tipped her off saying she was being targeted with a bag of coins and I quickly picked up Ciel and took him away from the room back to the alley ― what a romantic place(!)

"Yuri, what are you―?" I am going to regret this and I will hate myself but I shut him up with my lip (Again ㅠㅠ) and he momentarily froze. His eyes dropped before returning my kiss with Sebastian and Grell all forgotten. He can't see Grell, not until Madam Red could.

The demon butler glanced at the alley, annoyance and something unexplainable seemed to be hurting his heart, "Ah, Mr Grell Sutcliff." Greeted the butler, who seemed to be little lost and caught off guard.

Sebastian appeared very amused by the tone of his voice; of course he would be in a situation like this. "We have been keeping an eye on the sole path here all night. So it prompts me to ask my next question: How in the world did you manage to enter that room at the end of this blind alley and evade us?"

Sebastian smirked, his face darkening though he looked like he was actually rather enjoying this. "This is my first time meeting someone of your ilk in the human world. You did a superb job of acting like a human."

Really? I tried to remember the time where the tea was soo salty it would put the sea to shame, or the time he had a butler uniform on but if someone saw it, they would probably think he is cosplaying as butler because dude, my nine year old cousin can do better job as a butler.

Grell's face was coated in shadows before a giggle came from him, and he lifted his head, his eyes glowing bright green and a large, sharp tooth smile cutting his face in half. Charming.

"Is that so?" Grell giggled, lifting his hand up to the ribbon in his hair. "Hit the nail on the head, you did." He removed his glasses before pulling out a comb, brushing it through his hair in a rather feminine way. The brown hair colour ran and dripped, revealing a bright crimson colour that reminds of us of Madam Red. I kept my eyes on the pair, praying to God turn already! Because Ciel, who I was still kissing by the way, seemed to be getting a little off subject here!

"I am an actress" Oh yea, he was a transsexual..not that I had anything against them, in fact I support them! Along with gay rights-I used to have a male gay friend and he was the best best friend you can ever had. My mum trusted him since he was gay and a guy, I was safe with him and the fact I can be naked in front of him with him not blinking a eye, but Grell, he was a little bit obsessed and psychologically unstable, "And a first rate one at that."

Sebastian and I watched as the rest of his black hair ran before putting on fake eyelashes ― totally 21st Century and very fast it almost put me to shame but I guess it existed here. Grell replaced the stained cotton gloves with black leather ones.

Ow―! Did Ciel bit my tongue? Really, kids these days: their childhood is getting shorter and shorter, not that I can say, I mean have you seen kids in 21st Century? My cousin who is like 9 knows what sexual harassment or how 'babies' are made in a excruciating details.

"But neither are you Sebastian, yes?" Grell questioned as he placed a pair of red-rimmed glasses on his nose.

"The young master gave me that name.." Sebastian replied, "So yes, I am Sebastian..for now."

"Oh my, his faithful dog, are you?" The Death God smiled mockingly, "Well where is the young master? Oh, he seemed to be enjoying his little time together with little Miss. That type of stud makes me weak in the knees too, he does!" He flipped his long red hair back like you would see in the film 'Mean Girls'. "Now then, once again, Sebastian..no..Sebastian darling!" Said man rolled his eyes in annoyance.

I pushed Ciel away and this earned me irritated glare at being dismissed in a way that insulted his status. This was until he realised what kind of situation we were in.

"I am the butler of the Bur―" Oh no!

"Sebastian knows your feelings for him and he would love you to pursue him further!" I randomly shout out, this earn me a glare from the said demon (sorry), a rather ill look from Ciel and a hopeful gaze from Grell who's grin spread from ear to ear like a glasgow smile.

"Sebastian..." Ciel removed his eye patch. "In the name of the Queen and my own evil title..." He jerked his head up, his eye shining brilliantly in this evil night. "I command you! Hunt him down!" He really wanted to get over with this. Why is it everytime he gets interrupted by idiots like them?

Raising the glove to his teeth, Sebastian tugged his gloves on tighter with excited glee in his eyes that told me he would thoroughly enjoy haunting him down.

"Yes, my Lord."

Sebastian unbuttoned his jacket, draping it over Ciel and myself.

"Please do not allow yourselves to catch a chill." He smiled, as if he wasn't about to face a perverted, transsexual, OCD chainsaw wielding psycho. "I will prepare some hot milk when we have returned to the townhouse. And I shall sweeten it with honey or brandy or something of the sort."

Brandy? The kid is drinking already?

"Uh, brandy? Don't you even dare! He's like 12 and alcohol is bad for kids. You call my world 'unruly'?" Well, kind of.

Sebastian opened his mouth to make a retort when the chainsaw suddenly came to life, I hate that sound! What is this? Texas Chainsaw Massacre II? Not that I would object if they did made a sequel.

"I'm not going to let you go running home just like that, you know!" He brought the spinning blades much closer to his face than I personally ever would unless they are off. "Little death scythe here and I are both full if somuch pent-up energy these days 'cos our quarry and been much too easy to...hunt! "

"Why does he seems so familiar?" Ciel muttered while keeping his arms around me possessively.

"..." My eyes darted nervously, this kid sometimes was too clever for his own good, "Well, maybe he's one of Sebastian's fan."

"Fan?" Ciel frowned as if he completely missed the meaning of it.

"Um...a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art or entertainment form, or famous person. And let's face it, he'll probably the only male admirer of Sebastian." Ciel could not help but strongly agree onto that.

"You know, my body's gotten all stiff 'cos I've been a good little Grell this whole time!" he said cutely, wiggling his buttock a bit-I need to disinfect my eyes, "Now, I soo want to work up a sweat with Y-O-U!"

"Would you mind refraining from such sickening displays?" Sebastian said bluntly, "You are not the type I would go for and furthermore, I am on duty at present."

"Aww, you're so stoic!" The Reaper squealed, swinging his Scythe around. "I can't get enough of this side of you either, Sebastian darling!" He paused suddenly. "Wait..not your type..what type do you go for?"

The demon said nothing but turned towards me, oh please not in front of him...he did it.

He had actually managed to while fighting the Death God, he had connected his lips with mine before leaping into the air.

"Sebastian!" Ciel hissed with envy, glaring fiercely at the smirking butler. "Now is not the time for doing such actions!"

"Thanks, you just signed my death certificate!" Sebastian chuckled as we blabbed on.

"I'm only sixteen, I still have a lot to live for!" I sneered.

"Ugh! Never have I expected a high class demon like you to have such low type. I would gladly make that ugly woman more passionate with red of their own crimson blood" Hey! Did he just call me ugly

"Well you are fugly!"

Ciel raised his eyebrow, "It means, fucking ugly"

We watched in satisfaction as Sebastian used his clothes material to jam the saw before repeatedly pulping his face.

I have to say, this is like seeing WWE first hand.

The time we got home was about near midnight and as we walked deeper into the lounge, we saw Madam Red silently sipping her tea, her butler no where in sight.

"Madam Red...what are you doing at this hour?" Ciel inquired. She answered him with a gesture to the seat next to her, "I have something to tell you. Will you listen to my insignificant stories? Who I've met today, what happened to me?" Ciel found himself nodding, feeling as if there was something she wanted to tell.

We quietly stepped out of the room, Sebastian following behind me quietly up the stairs. When we arrived at Ciel's bedroom as Sebastian helped me get into a nightgown, "Forgive me, Miss Yuri for such action today but I could not help them since I am a demon to the core. It seems, my master is as fond of you as he could be fond of anything else."

I sat down, offering my legs to get the stupid stockings down, "...He is just being a child! And he may be mistaking those parental feelings for me as 'crush' and beside, he has a fiancée.."

He held my leg in his hands, slowly unrolling down the dark stockings, "Miss Yuri, you should know he loves Miss Elizabeth only as a cousin and that he maybe a child but he is no ordinary child who is swayed by something like love. Young master is possessive."

OK, this is something that only happens in drama or movies. But then again, those things that happens in films can easily happen in reality, I mean where did they get ideas from in the first place.

Before I could say anything further, the door slammed open revealing very dark looking Ciel. Frighteningly and positively glaring at us pair.

I guess Madam Red told him. I actually didn't think she would tell him this early! I thought it maybe five days or even a year! 19th Century people are so 'truthful'. Why can't they be like 21st Century people who just send by text or Facebook or Tweet them? Well, those don't exist..

"Sebastian you are excused."

"Master, we need to put that ointment given by Miss Yuri on your back" Oh! I nearly forgotten about that. He was really using it?

"Yuri can do it. You are excused." The butler, although hesitant, respectfully bowed before closing the door. His eyes longingly staring at me until he could no longer stare as door shut tight.

I almost feel scare as he suspiciously calmly walked before taking his eye patch off revealing the sign of his contract.

"You knew. Didn't you?"

I could feel lump in my throat, "..Yes"

"And you did not tell me how my aunt was very much involved?"


"You gave away the money I gave you to a prostitute."


"You kissed me as a mere distraction."


"You have deceived me."


"And you will do anything I say to compensate for your deceptiveness."


Then I realised I had fallen into his manipulative trap.

He smiled, as in those dark, hidden message smile he would use before he ends someone's life/make their life tragic.

I let out a yelp as he pushed me onto the bed (again). I swear he was getting pervy and horny by every seconds. Don't tell me he really did hit puberty!

He started to unbutton his shirt, please don't tell me he's going there. I grabbed his hands, "W―wait, Ciel. Calm down, we can talk, we can get some help!" Wait, I sound like talking to someone to go get a psychiatrist.

Then he held up the familiar looking bottle, "Apply it on my back."

I let out a sigh. Thank you, God.


Ok guys, the next chapter will be based on chapter 14 of Kuroshitsuji manga. Next chapter will show Elizabeth noticing Ciel is getting more and more let say, intimate with Yuri so does her mother.

Thanks for reading and reviews maybe?

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