StarWars: Renegades -In The N...

By WinterWolf561

13K 1K 552

Prolog The story of a girl growing up, facing her destiny, and falling in love. Ahsoka Tano has left the J... More

Unanswered Questions
Hard Choices
Helping out a friend.
A Jedi in Heart
Denial And A Piece Of Advice
One With The Force
A fallen friend.
It's Never Too Late To Start Drinking
A Question Of Honor
An Awkward Talk
A New Plan
Mixed Feelings
Playing After The Rules, Backed By Star Cruiser Of Course.
Battle stations
Another Prison Incendent.
A Ballet Of Warships
The Battle
A Way To Complicate Things.
Back To Politics.
Old Stories
A plan.
Tales Of Times Long Past
Love And Lust Before All Die.
Culture Shock
War Crimes And A Critical Patient
Explosions And Scalpels
Serving The People
Dromund Kaas
I am worthy.
A legal disclaimer
Lost And Mosaic
From Lover To Foe
Still A Child
From the Darkness.
I hate this ice planet.
Back among friends
Clowds at the horizon.
Midnight Sun
We were Jedi
Drums beating.
Dreams at midnight.


508 42 34
By WinterWolf561


Alexander sat on his throne and rubbed his leg. He had healed his leg wound the moment he calmed down enough to focus. He hadn't gotten around to changing yet. After Yela had ended the fight he had been in the mood to execute Ahsoka Tano on the spot. Who could blame him, Ahsoka had come extremely close to killing him.

Once his rage had blinded him like some wild animal he had lost track of his surroundings and judging by Ahsoka Tano's history and the fact that she was no longer a Jedi, she had been about to put him down. If he had been in her place he would have gone for the kill.

However, Yela had looked so angry that he hadn't argued when she told him to leave. Yela was a pregnant Togruta and that meant mood swings which had turned violent in the past. Once against Hondo who had been cocky with her in the wrong moment and twice against Maxwell who had just been too calm for her taste. Yes, apparently calmness could be misunderstood as a provocation.

Hondo had gotten away with a black eye and Maxell had simply dodged her kicks and blows while holding her a lecture about self-control which hadn't exactly helped calm her down.

Alexander had so far managed to not be the victim of one of his wife's violent moments by being very careful.

Finally, a door behind the throne opened and Yela walked in. She had pulled on her training clothes from yesterday's fight which meant she had already been in bed when the alarm was raised. When Yela walked forward Alex braced himself for a punch that never came. Instead, she kissed her husband on the forehead.

Her eyes were gentle, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I already healed myself," he grumbled.

Yela sighed and sat down on Alex's lap and leaned against him. "Ahsoka is trapped in a stasis chamber and will be unconscious for a few hours. Lux Bonteri has received medical treatment and is in a holding cell."

Alex looked at his wife uneasily, "You aren't angry with me?"

Yela glanced up at him, "For stopping an intruder in our home? No. I am however a bit frustrated that you lost control like that."

"I have you for those moments," he teased her. They stayed silent for a moment.

"So what did Max say?" he finally asked.

Yela looked confused for a moment then her eyes narrowed. "Do you honestly think that I go running to Max every time something mildly interesting happens in my life."

Alex raises his eyebrow, "Okay, perhaps I do. He is after my designated big brother. No, I haven't told him yet. If I remember correctly it is none of his business. Max will find out eventually and play after the rules if we are lucky. At least to some extent. I don't think he would try to interfere if Ahsoka gets sent to jail or something. You will have to grant him visitation rights though. Something likes twice a week. I don't think he cares about Bonteri," Alex grinned at the hint of dark humor.

Yela got to her feet. "Let's go to bed Alex," then she hesitated.

"You're hungry again. Aren't you?" Alex realized. Yela gave him an apologetic smile. "Yeah kinda. You know...all this excitement."

Alex got to his feet and took his wife's hand. "A snack it is."

As they left the throne room together Alex thought to himself that he should send Yela over to his younger brother. As sad as it sounded Max understood her a lot better than he did. Now with hormones, she was downright unpredictable. How could she choose this one occasion not to be angry about something? Yela was by nature disapproving.

------- ------- ------- ------- -------

Yela had just departed to Maxwell's residence leaving Alex the chance to actually do what a king was supposed to do. There were dozens of people who wanted audiences. There were also negotiations with the Hutt's in order who wanted to export slaves to Alderaan. Bale Organa had to officially disprove but he himself was an aristocrat and practically owned his subjects.

Ohh and he had to interrogate Lux Bonteri and Ahsoka Tano. Last time Tano ended up as the prisoner of a Bay she had she had been asked a few questions before Maxwell just set her free.

Boss walked up to his throne. "Sir, Ahsoka Tano just woke up. We thought it would be best to isolate her until we receive further orders. Lux is still out."

Alexander nodded. "Very well. Do you know how many there are today?"

Boss nodded, "Around thirty. Maybe more."


"Okay. You can stop." Max said and Yela dropped her arms. So did the stacks of books she was levitating. So here they were. Sitting on a thick red rug in front of a warm fireplace in the living room.

"How did I do?" Yela asked.

"Very good," Max replied.

"I haven't asked. How did your patrol go?" She pressed.

Max slowly nodded to himself. "Quite well. A few smugglers seemed to have been under the impression that security would be slacking due to the recent change in regime. An error they will have a lot of time to regret in prison."

Finally, Yela couldn't stand it anymore. "Alex and I encountered Ahsoka. She and Bonteri kind of broke into castle Bay. She and Alex even had a fight."

Max didn't look surprised.

"You know?" Yela asked incredulously. Her mentor and best friend raised an eyebrow.

"You do realize that I get informed if my marines are involved in a live firefight. Especially if that firefight takes place in the royal palace. I even debriefed to the marine that stunned Ahsoka over the holo-net twenty minutes after the incident."

Yela shook her head, scolding herself for not expecting this. Of course, Maxwell would be informed. He was the lord of Admirals after all. "So, what are you going to do?" she asked.

Again Maxwell raised an eyebrow. "What do you expect me to do. I haven't made my mind up yet. If everything is done properly I won't interfere."

Yela smiled at him brightly. She knew Maxwell would never let Ahsoka come to any real harm, not if had anything to say about it. Just like he would protect Alexander or herself.

"And Bonteri?"

Max raised an eyebrow. "What about him? I have no reason to take drastic measures to ensure his safety."

They stayed silent for a while. "How is the pregnancy going?" Maxwell asked.

She made a face. "Like a roller coaster ride."


"So. You have former Padawan Tano locked up. I can relate to that situation," Hondo said and slapped his shoulder. Alex had finally completed all of his official business and seeing as Hondo happened to be on the planet at the moment the Pirate and the King had decided to visit a local bar.

"Take care with her. She has a bad habit of escaping." When the King didn't answer he added. "I do happen to know a few people who would pay a lot of money for a Jedi. Especially for one as attractive as the one you have. I am sure Jabba the Hut would love to add her to his collection." Hondo offered, probably trying to cheer him up.

Alexander snorted. "If I had a death wish I'd do that. Do you have any idea why she would break into my palace?"

Hondo laughed. "I'm a pirate! I could give you hundreds of reasons to break into your palace. However, I doubt that Ahsoka shares my motivations." Hondo emptied his glass and called for a refill.

"Your probably right." Alex agreed.

Hondo chuckled. "My mother once told me - Son, if you can't shoot your problem then sell it. Now, seeing as your brother isn't flying around anymore I need to smuggle some luxury items off this planet and then import a few weapons. In other words, I need to get going. It was nice talking to you."

The two men shook hands. "Don't get caught and don't underestimate Foster."

Hondo snorted. "I won't."

After Hondo left Alexander finished his drink and returned to the palace were Boss awaited, him not looking too happy. "Sir, I would appreciate it if you didn't leave the castle without a security detail in the future, especially with a pirate."

"Don't worry. We just grabbed a few drinks. Let's talk to our guests." He replied.

Alexander and Boss headed downstairs. Since the break in security had been tightened. Now armed clone troopers and enlisted members of the military were posted throughout the building and the Night ops were on hot standby at a nearby military base and could be on station in less than ten minutes.

They headed upstairs to the seventh floor and finally reached the holding cells where they passed two security checkpoints manned by marines.

"So, with who do we talk first?" Boss asks.

"Lux. I need to get warm up," Alex replied and the two men headed into a hallway lined with two cells on either side. A shimmering force field was blocking off the first cell and in that cell sat Lux Bonteri. His arm was bandaged but apart from that, he looked fine.

"Good evening Mr Bonteri," the king greeted the prisoner.

"What have you done to Ahsoka!" The young man demanded.

Alexander raised an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Ohh her. She repaid me for the scratch she gave me. I then borrowed her to the guards she knocked out. You know, so she can propperly apologize," he lied smoothly.

Lux looked horrified. "You're a monster."

Did he really just fall for that?

"She broke into my palace." Alex countered, studying his fingernails.

"Now, I would like to know why you are here. You can tell me now or I will leave Boss here to question you." Lux closed his mouth and didn't say anything.

Boss sighed and gave Alexander an incredulous look. "Have fun. I'll send some of the boys in here to help you." Alex left his friend alone and told two of the men at the security checkpoint to assist Boss.

One of the men led Alexander to Ahsoka's confinement. The room she was held in had no windows and was circular and the prisoner was trapped, floating in a shimmering blue stasis field. A computer terminal was placed along the wall that controlled the confinement. The door closed behind Alex, leaving him alone with his prisoner.

Ahsoka's eyes locked on Alex. "Let me guess. You want to know why I broke in."

Alex spread his hands, "I think I deserve to know that." Ahsoka didn't answer. Of course, there was no reason to keep it a secret but Ahsoka was stubborn. Very stubborn.

"You do realize that I can torture you. I know that your tough but even you will break eventually. Especially when your torture goes past electrocution. There are a bunch of guys who would love to get close and personal with you. You are a fine young lady and I am sure there would be those who would volunteer to get you out of that suit."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, "You wouldn't dare."

Alexander chuckled, "I'm not Maxwell. I hate to break it to you but even he tortured for information although he usually let others get their hands dirty. Now, I spent the last few years being a Commando and believe me when I tell you that I've questioned quite a few people. No one here cares that you're seventeen."

She shrugged as much as it was possible in her confinement space.

Alex clapped once and two of his men stepped, "Our guest hasn't been very cooperative. Bring in an operator."

Once the console at the wall was manned Alex addressed Ahsoka.

"Last chance," Alex offered.

Ahsoka didn't say anything. She only closed her eyes.

"Very well." He gave the man at the console a nod. Second, later tendrils of lightning snaked themselves over the girl's body accompanied by the sound of static. Ahsoka Tano screamed.


It turned out that Lux wasn't as strong as Ahsoka. He had cracked after a few minutes and had told them what he was after. Alex now had a pretty good idea what Ahsoka was after.

Now this was a test of the strength of will between Ahsoka and himself. He also had the distinct suspicion that the man operating the containment system enjoyed his job a little too much. Well everyone had things that got them off their rocker and if it was watching someone scream in pain than Alex wasn't going to judge him for if.

When Ahsoka had lost consciousness Alex ordered for a break, had a medic inject Ahsoka with adrenaline to wake her up and gave the order to keep her awake. The aim of this first session wasn't to get answers. It was to weaken the victim and break their spirit. The real torture would follow. A combination of physiological and physical abuse that was aimed at breaking the victim.

When a military doctor entered the room Alex told him. "Make sure she doesn't get to sleep. Put her on amphetamines and a sedative at the same time but be careful that you don't cause a cardiac arrest." Then Alex went back to his living quarters, intending to get a few hours of sleep.

Winter Wolf & Lengendary95 over and out.

P. S. I wouldn't mind a few votes.

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