It's Always the Brother's Bes...

By missy4eva

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One night can make all the difference. One night can change everything you ever believed and thought was righ... More

It's Always the Brother's Best Friend
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors note

Chapter 27

5.5K 127 19
By missy4eva


Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that this chapter is R rated. I had no intention of the chapter heading in this direction when I started to write it, it just did. So if you don't want to read it, that's fine, you can just wait till the next chapter :)

The dedication goes out to Shilkey1 who is my awesome editor :) Thanks heaps

Thankyou to all the new fans/followers, I love every single one of you :)

I'm sorry for such a long wait on this chapter and I hope that you all aren't disappointed once you've read it. I hope you all enjoy,

Brittaney xx



“Whatever.” I grumbled as I removed myself from his arms. Damon smiled before leaning down to kiss me.

It was like fireworks exploded. My body felt like it was on fire. Damon’s lips brushed against mine, demanding entrance though there wasn’t a need to demand; I was more than happy to open up for him. I barely managed to supress the moan that wanted to make itself known due to the way that Damon’s lips moved against mine. There was no way that our parents needed to hear anything; it was bad enough that they were witnessing our make out session.

Damon moved away from me, his breathing slightly heavy. A smirk dashed across his lips again.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Babe, bright and early.” He said brushing his lips against mine before heading out the front door with his family.

Chapter 27

I almost didn’t want to wake up. My bed was exceptionally warm; the thought of just snuggling further into my sheets was a desire that I just couldn’t seem to overcome. Even the slight movement across my stomach was soothing, making it so easy to just fall back to sleep. With all of these elements, it was a wonder as to why I was even awake. As my mind became more coherent, I began to wonder what was moving against my stomach. It was almost as if someone was rubbing my belly. I opened my eyes slowly, not really wanting to be awake. However, my mind was now running crazy over what was creating the sensation on my stomach.

When I was unable to see anything in front of me that would be causing this sensation, I turned slightly; and saw a dark shape lying behind me on my bed. Any other time I would have freaked out, but I, as well as my body, knew subconsciously that it was Damon. A sigh of contentment left my lips as I snuggled further into his arms, causing Damon to let out a quiet chuckle.

“Do I even want to ask how or why you are in my bed?” I asked him sleepily. I could feel Damon move as his lips brushed across my head.

“Well your brother asked me so kindly to come and wake you up; he just didn’t specify how I was meant too.” Damon said as he moved me closer to his chest.

“Well, I have to say that that is a nice way to be woken up.” I said yawning. “You make me not want to get up at all.”

“Unfortunately you have to get up because we have school.” Damon said.

“Then why are you not dressed for school?” I asked confused when I noticed he was only wearing trackie pants. Did he leave his house in only that this morning? Where are his school clothes? I asked myself.

“I was dressed before the temptation of you in bed became too much. I decided that I needed to join you.” Damon said with a smirk.

“So where are your clothes and where did the trackies come from?” I asked, my brain not quite seeming to want to work with Damon only being half dressed.

“These are Mitchell’s, I grabbed them when I saw how inviting you looked lying in bed asleep, and my clothes are on the floor.” Damon said as he gestured down to the heap of clothes lying in the corner of my bedroom. Looking back at him, thoughts of his half-clothed body were wreaking havoc on myself control. It was a miracle that I didn’t just throw myself at him and have my wicked way with him.

“Out of curiosity,” I asked, another thought coming to me as I pulled the covers away from my body. “Just how long have you been in here with me?”

“About fifteen minutes or so I think.” He said with a shrug when I glanced up at him.

“What does Mitchell think you’re doing then?” I asked slightly horrified.

“We can only imagine what is running through his mind at the moment. I’d have a guess that he’s thinking about the scenery or something like that since he’s gone on his morning run.” Damon said with a smirk.

“Why do you always have to taunt me like that?” I asked hitting him across the chest, trying to keep the smile off of my face but failing. I just have no hope of staying mad at him.

“I’m sorry; I just can’t seem to help it. You get so cute when you’re angry.” Damon said innocently.

“Yeah, well, just don’t do it again.” I muttered as I got out of bed.

“I’ll have to think about that.” Damon said as he jumped out of bed and all but threw me over his shoulder.

“Damon!” I cried out, grabbing his back to try and steady myself. Man he has a nice back and a sexy butt. I couldn’t help but slide my hand over his butt before giving him a slight smack causing him to freeze.

“Did you just smack my butt?” Damon asked, shifting me slightly.

“Well, if your butt wasn’t so irresistible then I wouldn’t have.” I said with a shrug.

“Interesting.” Damon muttered before moving into the bathroom. I was slightly confused as to why he was taking me there, I would have thought that he would have taken me to the kitchen to get me breakfast but obviously he had something else on his mind. Once in the bathroom, he turned to close and lock the bathroom door.

“I think it’s time we had that shower. It’s long overdue.” Damon said as he allowed my body to slide down from his, which therefore allowed me to feel a certain appendage of his which was already hard causing me to blush.

“I…I don…don’t have s…showers in th... the mor…morning.” I stuttered out embarrassingly as Damon seemed to stalk towards me as if I was his prey, which just happened to be a pretty close assumption.

“I guess we just need to change that.” Damon said with a smirk as his hands moved to the bottom of my top, fingering around the edge. My body shivered in delight and I watched as his eyes flashed, becoming darker with lust.

Any other time, I may have stopped him; but what was the point in stopping something that was now inevitable?

Damon’s hands began to slowly lift my top up, as if to give me the chance of whether to stop him or not. And for once, the thought of stopping him was nowhere in my thoughts at all. Upon receiving no resistance, Damon swiped my top off. I didn’t have time to be worried about the fact that my chest was now bare as Damon consumed my lips and thoughts with a searing kiss.

Damon’s hands returned to my body once dropping my top somewhere on the floor. The fire that raced through my veins when his hands touched my skin was mind blowing. The way that his hands skilfully moved across my body made me feel like I would fall to the floor in a puddle of goo.

When his hands brushed the underside of my breasts, I felt a bolt of electricity course through my veins, and a deep hunger for more. My hands which had been tangled in his hair disentangled and made their way down his sculptured biceps to his chest. I couldn’t help but trace the planes of his chest and shudder in delight knowing that this god like man was mine.

A groan escaped my lips when Damon cupped my breasts in his hands before running his fingers across my nipples. My heart seemed to kick into over drive. We were both wearing too many clothes for my liking. My hands slowly made their way down Damon’s chest, to his abs and then down to the band of his trackie pants. I toyed with the elastic as Damon nipped on my lips causing me to gasp and the tingling vibrations that raced through my body.

I needed more!

My hands slipped under the elastic before I slowly began to pull his pants down and off so that all he was left wearing were his boxers. I pulled away from the kiss to see the blue silky material of his boxers contrasting perfectly with his tanned skin.

Damon seemed to make a noise that was in between a growl and a groan before he hungrily attacked my lips again and moving his hands down to my pyjama bottoms. Much like with my top, I didn’t resist when he pulled both my pyjama bottoms and underwear down together, allowing them to pool at the bottom of my feet.

I stepped out of them, in turn stepping closer to Damon. The heat coming off of his body was intoxicating and my hands were again playing with the edge of his boxers before I made the decision to push them down so that they met with the trackies on the floor.

“You’re beautiful.” Damon murmured against my lips as his hands began to move along my body again. I blushed slightly at his comment as it brought to attention that I was in fact naked and so was he. Memories of the last time we were in this position came to mind except this time I wasn’t quite as embarrassed. But one thing was for sure, I was still shy. If it weren’t for the fact that there was barely any space between the two of us, I would have been doing everything in my power to cover myself from his gaze.

“You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment.” Damon continued to murmur.

“You mean the shower?” I asked breathlessly, proud of myself for being able to think let alone string together a sentence and make it comprehensible.

“Well, I have definitely waited a while for that, but I meant this…us.” Damon whispered in my ear as he rocked his lower body against mine. I gasped as desire coursed through my body at his movement. I could feel a wetness begin to form in between my thighs and desperately wished that we were already in the shower so that he wouldn’t be able to tell that it was my arousal and not just water.

“Uh…y…yeah, something always seems to stop us.” I tried to joke, but failed as Damon continued to grind himself against me causing me to groan in response and move my body against his.

“That it always does.” Damon muttered against my ear before nipping along the edge. Tingles raced through my body, leading to my core which felt like it was on fire.

“Damon.” I groaned tugging on his hair, wanting more; needing more. Damon chuckled at my impatience and lifted me up into his arms where I wrapped my legs around his waist which only caused us to become all that more closer.

I shivered in delight as I felt his member more fully against my core and couldn’t help the involuntary action of grinding against him. Damon groaned at the action, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist and pulling me in closer so that every inch of our skin touched. He then began to grind himself against me with a heated passion which caused me to gasp and moan uncontrollably.

My body was pulsing in desire. Everywhere Damon’s skin touched mine caused electrical currents to run throughout my body; all leading to my core which now seemed to control all of my body’s movements and responses. I could feel my nipples bead as my arousal continued to grow to heights I never knew existed, especially when one of his hands grazed the side of my breast.

“Damon you need to put it out.” I cried against his lips. I felt like I was on fire and the only way to extinguish it was for Damon to just do something.

“I will Babe, just relax. We’re not rushing this.” Damon whispered to me softly as he continued to softly mould my breast in his hand. I whined in response, not liking the sound of my answer and in turn ground myself against him harder. “Ellie,” Damon groaned. “We’re not having sex.”

I felt my heart drop at his words. Why would he do this to me; get me all worked up and then leave me hanging, dying for more? I asked myself as I struggled to get out of his grip but only making my situation worse.

“Hey,” Damon said. “Ellie stop. I said we weren’t having sex right now, that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to help you.” Damon said, trying to look into my eyes. I briefly glanced up at his face, meeting his eyes for a second and seeing the truth reflected out of them. I quickly buried my face in his neck, feeling embarrassed and stupid for thinking that he would just leave me unfulfilled.

“Now just isn’t the right time for that.” He whispered against the side of my head. What he said made complete sense. How could I be ready to throw away my virginity at the first aroused opportunity I had? Just because I love him doesn’t mean that I’m ready to give up my first time in the shower. I thought to myself, glad that Damon seemed to have the restraint to know that even if I wasn’t aware at the time, having sex now wasn’t what I wanted. I need to get a better hand of my hormones before I end up doing something I regret. I thought as I snuggled further into his neck.

Damon’s soft chuckling had me bring my head out of his neck and glancing up at him in confusion. This wasn’t something that I would expect him to laugh at. I thought to myself, feeling slightly hurt that he would laugh at me.

“Oh Ellie, your so cute. What would I do without you?” He asked as he started to move us towards the shower.

I looked away from him as I didn’t want him to see how much my body was reacting to his advancement towards the shower. My heart seemed to beat double time, while more liquid pooled in between my legs.

Once we were in the shower and Damon had closed the shower door, I could hear how heavy my breathing was. Any other time I would have been embarrassed but due to the fact that I could hear Damon’s breathing as well I couldn’t find it in to be so.

The feel of the water as it hit my back shocked me, making me jump in Damon’s arms as the cold water made its way down my back before it began to warm up. I began to slide out of Damon’s grasp as he reached for my body wash.

“What are you doing Damon?” I asked as he lathered his hands.

“What do you think I’m going to do?” He asked as he moved closer. “I’m going to wash you.”

I couldn’t think properly and regrated what came out of my mouth as he made his way closer.

“Are you saying I smell?”

“What? No! Geez Els, this was meant to be sexual.” He said with a slight frown.

“Oh…” I blushed, incredibly embarrassed. “Umm, okay.”

“Just relax Ellie. Let me take care of you.” He crooned into my ear as he began to run his hands along my arm. Shivers ran down my spine as his soft words. They seemed so romantic.

My head fell back as the sensations that were beginning to occur sparked along my veins with a soft, pleasurable burn that ended at my core. All this just from massaging my arms? I thought to myself. What the hell is going to happen when he reaches further down?

I got my answer as his hands moved to my chest, the burning sensation intensifying as his hands cupped my breasts. A soft moan left my lips unintentionally as his hands gently began to moved, his fingers tweaking my nipples softly. A whine left my lips as he removed his hands to re-lather some more soap on his hands

“Shh, I told you I would look after you.” He whispered in my ear as he placed his hands back on me.

His hands moved across my stomach, washing the area before lightly turning me around to quickly wash my back. He hands lightly grazed my backside, causing a moan to leave my lips and a chuckle to leave his. He turned me back around so that I was facing him. I was hyperventilating at the sensations that were coursing through my body.

I had a need; well, my body did at least.

It was continuing to grow at a rate that would have freaked me out if I wasn’t otherwise occupied by what Damon was making me feel. I had no idea what it was, but I knew that if it wasn’t dealt with soon, I was going to lose it.

Again, Damon’s hands left my body to re-lather the soap. I managed to hold in the whine this time as I knew it would only be a matter of seconds before his hands were once again, on my body. This time however, his hands didn’t return to the area I was expecting.

His hands skimmed over the area that was desperately calling out to him; calling out for his touch. His hands instead, decided to make their way up and down my legs, washing each in turn. A slight giggle escaped my lips every time his hands made their way further up my inner thighs. I knew that it was leading to something that was anything but funny. I just couldn’t seem to help myself.

That was until he actually touched me.

A gasp left my lips followed by a moan as he began to lightly move his fingers against my lower lips. Liquid seemed to pool heavily and if my brain wasn’t fogged so much at the arousal and need pulsing through my body, I would have been embarrassed, even if it is a normal response.

The need that I had previously felt was growing exponentially and I didn’t know how long I would last before I shattered into a million tiny little pieces.

Damon continued to expertly move his fingers, every so often tweaking my little bundle of nerves which had me gasping and moaning at a rate that was embarrassing. My arousal was continuing to heighten; the moisture between my legs gathering at a much faster rate. I wasn’t sure if it was that or water that was running down my inner thighs. I couldn’t control myself as I grabbed his face and crushed my lips against his.

Our tongues battle together for dominance, and though I tried, I failed as Damon took over; taking my mouth with a force that would have had me in a puddle if it was possible.

I could feel my body getting ready for the grand finale as Damon slowly entered a finger into my tight channel. I could feel my inner walls clench tightly around his finger; his groan at the feeling of it.

“My god, you’re so tight.” Damon groaned again. I couldn’t respond as the feeling of Damon’s finger moving in and out of my body was bringing me right to the tip. It was only a matter of time until I fell over the edge.

His other hand, which had been tweaking my nipple, moved down south as he again touched my little bud; while at the same time, pushing another finger into me. It all proved to be too much as the mixture sent me over the edge.

My scream of release was muted by the fact that his mouth was still over mine. He swallowed my cries of ecstasy, while his fingers continued moving in and out of my channel, causing my body to once again fall over the edge.

As Damon removed his fingers from me, I couldn’t hold myself up any longer. I collapsed into Damon’s hold, my mouth moving from his to snuggle into his neck. I had never felt so good in my life. My breathing was harsh and my thoughts were a jumbled mess.

I had just had my first orgasm, then surprisingly my second, with Damon, in a shower. I giggled mentally at the thought. That wasn’t something that I should be worried about, I should just be thinking about how I was feeling right this second.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, drawing myself closer to his body as he did the same, wrapping his arms around my waist.

The warm water running down my back was soothing, gently lowering me down from my high, one I didn’t want to come down from. As my thoughts became clearer I had the desire and need to bring Damon to the same state that I was currently in. We both needed to be on cloud nine, it would make this moment even better. Though I had no idea what I was meant to be doing, I let instinct take over.

My hands slowly unwound themselves from his neck, trailing down his chest and abdomen till they came to rest just above his member. In my blissful state I hadn’t realised just how big and hard looking his member had now gotten. And it was all because of me and for me.

I gulped slowly at the thought of it one day entering me. I blushed as the direction that my thoughts were heading, one that seemed natural after what had just happened but still embarrassing at the same time.

Before my hands were able to even graze his member, Damon’s hands lightly grabbed hold of my own, pulling them away from his package. So close. I thought upset that he had stopped me.

“Wha-” I started before Damon cut me off.

“This is about you, Ellie. Not me. I want to show you how much you mean to me.” He whispered softly to me.

“But why can’t I show you how much you mean to me? Is it because I have no experience?” I asked softly, embarrassed and ashamed that I wasn’t good enough to bring him to the same state of pleasure that he had brought me due to my lack of experience.

“No! That isn’t why. I don’t want you to feel pressured to feel that you have to do the same thing. I want you to be able to do this in your own time.” He said as he held my face in his hands, gently rubbing his thumb over my cheek. “Plus, we also have school.”

Damon smirked at me as I gasped in surprise. I really need to stop thinking the worst of him and his actions; they always tend to be because of the right reasons.  I chastised myself.

I had totally forgotten that we had school today due to this little experience. I blushed at the fact that this moment would be continuously playing itself in my head all day. I had a feeling that the girls would just know that I had done something with him. They always seemed to know when something happened.

Damon turned off the water and gathered me in my towel, gently drying me off. I couldn’t help but melt at the care he was taking to make sure that I was thoroughly dry. He even took the time to blow dry my hair which I couldn’t help thinking was sweet.

Though he wouldn’t let me pleasure him in the shower, I was adamant about drying him off. He conceded, dropping my towel on the floor and handing me a dry one. I took the same care as he did; making sure that he was all dry before placing a kiss on his chest and then reaching up for his lips. Pulling away, I noticed that Damon had a shocked yet content look on his face which in turn brought a smile to my lips.

However, it was wiped away when Damon took the towel that I had in my hands and hung it up, doing the same with the one that he dropped on the floor. Looking over at me he seemed to be able to read my mind.

“Ellie no one is here to see you do a nudie run to your bedroom.” He chuckled.

“I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t take my towel from me.” I said crossing my arms. His gaze moved down to my breasts which were pushed up due to crossing of my arms. A blush crossed my face and I would have moved to cover myself more if it wasn’t for the fact that he had just seen all of me naked. There wasn’t any point.

“And if I let you have your towel, my view of you would have been obstructed. You’re going to be wearing clothes all day, so I reckon, I’m entitled to a few more minutes of your nakedness.” Damon said with a smirk. My blush grew at his words. Not knowing how to respond to that I turned towards the door when a thought suddenly occurred to me as my hand grazed the door knob.

“Damon, what if Mitchell is home already?” I asked him, horror washing away the last of the content and satisfied feelings that were coursing around my body. Damon chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rocked his body slightly into mine.

“I think he would have broken the door down if he were home. I think we’re safe.” He said as he pulled me closer into his body, still rocking slightly against me.  If this continued on, I’m going to be in need of a shower again. I thought to myself, as my arousal seemed to slowly rear its head again.

I loved the feel of his bare skin against mine; pleasurable tingles running all through my veins at areas where we touched. I leaned back into his hold, brushing my bottom teasingly against him member as I realised he was right and opened the door.

However, once the door was fully open and I could most of the dining room and part of the backyard, I felt weird over the fact that I wasn’t wearing anything and tried to madly dash to my room, only Damon’s arms wouldn’t let me. Damon just laughed as I continued to struggle in his arms, giving up with a huff when I realised that he wasn’t going to let me go.

Once I stopped, Damon moved us to my bedroom. When he removed his arms from my waist, I madly rushed to get into my school clothes, not liking the feeling of being naked any longer. A sigh of relief passed my lips once I pulled the last of my clothes on; my jumper. Turning around, I saw Damon putting on his tie. My mouth watered at the sight. Even in his uniform, he still looked sinfully handsome and attractive. Only he would be able to pull off a school uniform.

I was broken out of my staring session as the sound of my stomach growling which gained the attention of Damon. He smirked and I realised that while I was now aware of something other than Damon, I was still staring.

“You know, this would be one of those times where I would say, ‘take a picture’, but for you I am more than willing to pose.” A shocked gasp left my lips and my cheeks yet again, flamed red. I opened my mouth, wanting to have a witty reply, but was stuck with what to say. Mimicking a goldfish, my mouth opened and closed several times before I realised that it was a hopeless attempt and decided to leave my room before I did anything else to further embarrass myself. Damon followed laughing at me.

I walked into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast and heard the front door open. I froze as I realised that Mitchell was now home. I also realised that if we had of spent any more time in the bathroom we would have been caught for sure. Damon leant against the bench just as Mitchell waked through.

A blush again tinted my cheeks at the thought of how close we were to being caught while Damon only smirked, producing an air of cockiness that indicated that he was very proud of himself. Mitchell looked at us with a frown.

“I swear you guys are weird.” Mitchell muttered as he went into the bathroom to quickly shower and get ready for school.

I ducked my head and got my breakfast ready, making a bowl for Damon as well. Damon placed a kiss on the top of my head as a way of saying thanks and a smile graced my lips. I loved the affection that he was now paying me and I couldn’t get enough of it.

By the time Damon and I had finished our breakfast, Mitchell had finished his shower. I had to force myself from not blushing as I remembered what Damon had done to me in that shower not long ago. It was a little weird to see Mitchell not come out and accuse Damon for touching his little sister. I felt like it was written all over the shower what happened. But Mitchell just continued on, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl and walking towards the front door. Damon and I followed behind, tingles running up my hand and through my arm when he grabbed hold of my hand.

I couldn’t wait for the day to be over and prayed to god that the girls wouldn’t notice any change in me. People always seemed to know when you had sex. Did that mean that it also worked for your first time at foreplay? I asked myself. Knowing my luck, the girls would definitely know. It would almost be as if the words were written across my forehead. I just hoped they went easy on me.

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