The Gaurdian Lovers

By JamieDodgerGallagher

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The year is 2013, Vampiers and Werwolfs have made a pact with the Humans to live in a peacful union, but it s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 part 1
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 part 1
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45

chapter 28

24 3 0
By JamieDodgerGallagher

Chapter 28

Gabe was Walking past her laboratories which were clean and immaculate, the floors were white and so were the surfaces, each surgeon, doctor or scientist had white coats experimenting on different vales or bodies to see what made them tick and work, but Gabe was concerned about her latest blood sample and one of her agents, she thought that Wernstrome was bad enough now she has Kiren who is like a loose cannon, but that blood sample she gained from Marcus, to her it was tainted with the blood of that bitch Vampire and werewolf, as she got to her work station she slammed her fists on the table and shouted out in anger, she sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair, she had tried almost everything to get rid of this taint in his blood so it becomes pure for her purpose with dam luck, she pulled out a stool and picked up her coffee mug, it was still warm still staring at the screen of her computer clicking through DNA samples and chromosomes in it, to her it didn’t make sense, no sense at all how or when did this happen? When did her pet project get corrupted? And why don’t she have the other Blood sample from Gwen Yet?

She sighed again, she heard the door go from behind her  with the distinctive sound of military boots, it was Krol he was standing tall as always with his army trench coat and his black bottoms and top, Gabe looked back to see who it was then looked back at the screen and sighed again, Krol raised a eyebrow in confusion, from his experience with her she usually jumped at the chance to see him she he asked the obvious  “What wrong Gabe you look like you found out you were dieing or something?”

Gabe sighed again as she turned around on her stool to look at Krol, she made a weary smile and said “well to be honest i thought i could work out how to get rid of this taint in his blood but so far no luck plus i don’t even have Gwen’s blood yet, i don’t know maybe i’m getting board i really don’t know”

Krol took a couple of steps forward to look at the computer screen, he clicked he way through several pages and looked at Gabe and said “Have you tried reversing it rather than getting rid of it?”

Gabe perked up slightly as she turned around to check out the monitor, she hadn’t thought of that idea, she typed on the keyboard as fast as light almost checking up on simulations and formulas until the screen started to blink a positive result, Gabe’s eyes and smile grew so frantically that she let out a maniacal laugh even Krol felt a little put off by it, Gabe had finished her laugh as she said “ok thanks love you may now leave me to it”

Krol stood there confused as Gabe waved her hand in dismissal, he walked out of the room with a smile on his face as he said to himself “well t least she found a new toy boy then”

From the side of a dark archway Kiren was standing there as he stepped out with that smile of his saying “Yeah and that would be me, don’t worry i know what she likes”

As Kiren stepped out he was wearing a black body glove with black boots on, black gloves and a vest filled with different shaped and sized knifes, Krol never liked him plus he didn’t know what Gabe saw in him, he is creepy and deadly at the same time as Krol looked at him he said “don’t bother me, the only reason i screwed her is because she was adding extra to my account, but now she is board of me, its a good thing as now i can carry on with some real work around here

Krol walked past Kiren not giving him a second look as his smile grew, with a quick as a flash he leapt towards Krol who was already ready, Krol drew his 9 inch blade to block Kiren head on but what Kiren didn’t know was that Krol had his gun right into Kiren’s ribs, Kiren had a cocky smile as he said “You know i could easily kill you, you know?”

Krol didn’t smile or anything as he clicked his gun into cocking postion and pulled the trigger, no noise or bang, just a empty click, Kiren stepped back slightly as he looked down and noticed Krol’s gun, his smile also dipped slightly as he said “Sigh well it would always seem that your top dog but even a top dog will have to die one day so until then bye”

Krol holsterd his Gun and his knife as he watched Kiren walk away flicking his knife in the air as if it was a play thing, Krol sighed as he checked himself over, a slight scratch on his right cheek, Krol walked off down the halls to a point where it was a open walkway viewing out to Gabes small empire she had, just like before only this time they have room for vehicles, he crossed his arms taking note of what is going on.

He then got a phone call on his phone as he picked it up, it was Gabe, to him she was in the middle of having it off with that creepy basterd, but she wants him to get Gwen’s blood sample by any means nesccery.

Gwen woke up after having a bad dream, she was in her bed in the attic space, she looked around and found herself alone with no Ana in sight and a headache, she was still dressed from going to southend with the very thought about it made her smile as she opened the door and slowly climbed down stairs she could hear the sounds of a fry up going on, as she peeked into the kitchen she could see Marcus wearing just boxers and a T-shirt that said “Bite me” on the back, Marcus turned around and smiled at her as he said “how are you feeling?”

Gwen moved her hand to her head as the headache was getting worse “i’m ok but this headache is getting worse, what are you cooking?”

Marcus smiled and said “Well its not often i cook around here but its a simple full English with, sausages, bacon, egg, beans, tomato, mushrooms, hash browns and toast with tea”

Gwen smiled as she said “ok, i didn’t do anything stupid did i?”

“No you didn’t unless you count the fact that you and Ana tazerd a couple of guys twice your size and build and the fact that you said you loved me then no not really”

Gwen was trying to think but her head hurt even more but her eyes flew wide open as she repeated what he had said “Wait i said that i loved you?”

Marcus nodded as he cracked a egg into the frying pan “Yeah Gwen you must of had a few drink last night”

Gwen stepped towards Marcus as she asked him turn around, as Marcus did he could tell something was wrong so he asked her “You ok?”

Gwen shock her head as she said “No, i have to know, do you love me?”

Marcus seemed shocked by the question and didn’t know what kind of answer to give back, he didn’t have to say anything really but he said it for her peace of mind “I do, since we first met”

Gwen’s face went red in the cheeks as she turned her head to one side shying away from him, but Marcus stepped towards her and put his hand on her cheek slowly move her head to look at him, he kissed her on the lips, Gwen’s eyes nearly popped out there sockets with this move, she knew they kissed before and even snogged each other but for once, coming from him she could tell it was a genuine feeling, as she closed her eyes she put her arms around him as the two were chest to chest still kissing, the frying pan carried on sizzling as if to approve of what they are doing is right, Gwen stepped back and looked at the kitchen door, no Luna, Ruby or Ana for a matter of fact Gwen looked up at Marcus as he was smiling down at him she asked him “where is everbody?”

Marcus smiled and said “well Luna is off seeing her pack and Ruby and Ana are off finding out about some information”

Gwen didn’t look convinced as she asked “How long?”

Marcus smiled “Well only a couple of days, but a couple of days for just us two don’t you think?”

Gwens face grinned as she hugged Marcus tighter Marcus made a coughing gesture as he said to Gwen “well listen i better sort this out before we make plans of what to do ok otherwise it will burn, i meani don’t mind it being a bit burnt but you know”

Gwen stepped back noticing how nervous he sounded as she nodded “Ok ill wait in the front room”

After a hour or so Marcus and Gwen full with the meal that he cooked he smiled at her and asked “so i was wondering how about we go to the aquarium today down the south bank?”

Gwen cuddled up to him and put her hand around his body as she started to cuddle up next to him and said “sounds good but why don’t we have a picnic on the park?”

Marcus looked “Really? Ok if that’s what you would like”

Gwen stood up and made her way to the bedroom to get herself sorted out, Marcus walked into the kitchen and started to pack a freezer bag with gel bottles so it stayed cool, some sandwiches and snacks and cakes and such, he remembered that the last place he saw the picnic blanket was in the bedroom in one of the draws, as he approached the bedroom he could see Gwen’s naked form to the point where so was just getting out of her knickers but Marcus turned around not looking out of respect, as Gwen looked up and smiled as she saw Marcus back to her she wrapped herself in a towel and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Ok Marcus you can turn around but can you please be quick i don’t fancy going to the park in a towel “

As Gwen giggled Marcus turned around a could see Gwen in the towel, even still to him she looked stunning, it seemed that every inch of her skin was glowing, well it should be as he had to override the machine to keep the blinds up and windows open, a gust of breeze flowed through the window making her hair flow, as Marcus walked towards her to try and get to the cuberd he tripped over his own feet and landed right on top of Gwen, she feel back on the bed with Marcus looking down at her and a part of the towel revealing her skin on the side, Marcus was blushing at her and so was Gwen, neither of them knew what move to make next Marcus tried to stand up but found his hand caressing her naked side from the top to the bottom and her leg, it was almost instinct, but Gwen moved her hand towards his face bring it down as the two kissed once again, Gwen licked the feeling of being caressed, Marcus pulled back slightly and said “Well i err beter get that blanket and you better get dressed”

Gwen smiled as she said “Ok but should I wear?”

Marcus stood up admiring Gwen as he said “well somthing bright i guess”

Gwen smiled as she lifted herself up, the towel draped and fell of her chest, Marcus once again looked away from her out of respect, in do so he found the picnic blanket on top of the wardrobe, Gwen realised what had happened and covered herself up again and walked into the bathroom “Listen Marcus i need to sort myself out ill be done in 10 minutes or so ok?”

Marcus nodded as he took the blanket into the main room and some selection of clothing he would like to wear, he took a pair of jeans, white socks, a new white vest and a shirt, he looked at Ruby’s side table and noticed his revolver on the side, he placed the blanket and his clothes on the sofa and walked up to the gun, he checked it over, it was as clean as a whistle but he laughed to himself as he checked the sights, they were off by a touch, he got a very small screw driver and made a slight adjustment on the back sights then he nodded with approvement, he got his holster on put six rounds into the gun chamber and placed it in its holster “Oh Marcus cant you leave that Gun behind for once?”

As he turned around he could see Gwen standing in the door frame wearing a white poker dot top with a poker dot skirt to match, it went only as far as above her knees, her hair was lose but straight, her glasses sparkled and she a pair of black high heels and small floral socks, Marcus smiled at her as he said “well unfortunately i have to just in case”

Gwen nodded understanding the situation, Marcus walked up to her and took both of her hands and said to her “You look stunning”

Gwen blushed but carried on looking into his blue eyes, she could get lost in them forever if she wanted to, she smiled and with a skip in her step, stepped past Marcus towards the door and saying “Come on lets go”

Marcus had to explain to her that he wasn’t dressed properly before they left, he was dressed in his blue jeans, white vest and socks with a green army looking shirt and black trainers, they walked down the street to a local park where he spread out the blanket and food and drinks, the house was only 10 minutes walk for them but Gwen seemed to be enjoying herself, Marcus poured out the drinks into plastic cups and they ate sandwiches, sausage rolls and other little snakes, they both laughed and giggled until they were full, Marcus was laying down facing the clouds with his arms behind his head, Gwen cuddled up next to him with her arm across his chest, Marcus looked over to her and asked “so what is it you find me to be attractive?”

Gwen smiled and said “Well you’re the first person in god knows how long to show that you care about me and you saved me one too many times, but your also handsome as well”

Marcus looked at her with a questionable eybrow “Handsome? Me? No not really im just your average man”

Gwen looked at him “Well mister average cant see into the past now can they or have silver hair with black streaks in it now do they?”

Marcus laughed “Yeah true true”

Gwen looked up at the clouds, she could make out funny shapes as she asked “So what do you find alluring about me then?”

Marcus sat up looking at Gwen “Well i think your cute and full of surprises”

Gwen smiled she asked him what the time was, Marcus replied by saying it was around six pm, the two packed up their belongings and made their way back home Gwen sat down on the sofa while Marcus was in the kitchen he produced a couple of wine glasses and a bottle, Gwen nodded with approvement, Marcus sat down, undone the cork of the bottle and poured out two half glasses, Marcus then turned the TV on and began to watch a film about how a skeleton king stole Christmas, it was funny as Gwen laughed at certain jokes and listened carefully to songs, the two continued to share the bottle till it ran out and the film ended, the sun was setting and it began to fill the room with a warm glow.

Marcus stood up stretching, he held out his hand to her with a slight smile as he asked her “Do you want to cuddle in the bed?”

Gwen was hesistant at first but she took his hand none the less and followed him into the bedroom, he undressed into his boxers and laid in bed, Gwen smiled as she made the gesture to turn around, Marcus cover his face with the pillow waiting for Gwen to finish, Gwen had changed into the lime Green bra and kickers she bought and put her pyjamas on top of them, they were the navy blue ones with the white stars dotted on them, she laid next to him and took the pillow from his face as the two cuddled together while the sun was still setting they both could feel the warm glow on their faces but the two of them were contempt with each other’s company, Marcus turned on his side kissing Gwen on the lips as the two embraced each other on the bed, Gwen sighed as she started to undo the first button of her top, Marcus placed his hand on hers and asked her “What are you doing?”

Gwen looked at him confused as she said “Well i thought you wanted to you know with me”

Marcus smiled as he took her head onto his chest as he gently said “no need to spoil a day like that thinking like that, if you want to do that then we both should be ready, I’m not forcing you to do anything just thought you might like a cuddle on the bed that’s all”

Gwen smiled as she listened to his heart beat know that he was genuine she slowly fell asleep know that he was a man of his word, maybey one day they could be lovers she thought as they both drifted asleep but until then its been one of the best days she ever had.

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