Wolves in the Woods

By jbenedi

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Morgan's family moved her from the city to a rural area where she knows no one besides her family. After meet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26/Epilogue
A/N - Rewritten

Chapter 8

744 22 0
By jbenedi

Morgan’s POV:

"I'm so sorry Morgan... I tried to save you."

Those words stuck in my head all day. I thought back to the horrid dream and of watching Cameron walk out of the mist. In my dream the evil had finally arrived, but not in the person Markus and I had thought we would fight. The thing we knew we would have to kill.  I remembered the horror I had at seeing him being the mysterious figure. How much it had hurt me... Ugh, stop thinking like that dammit!

And then, before the dream there had been that near-kiss. I didn't want this to become one of those fairy tales you hear about. Where the girl and wolf-boy fall in love, and live happily ever after. But I guess now it wasn't so much a tale anymore, it was real. I don't know why I thought like this. There was never anything to make me feel so ruthless towards romance. I guess I was just an anti-romantic.

I groaned inwardly thinking about me being the mate of Cameron.

"Something wrong hon? You haven't eaten a lot of your breakfast," my father asked me concerned.

"No, I guess I'm just not hungry..." I replied. He just nodded, and went back to eating.

I skipped through lunch and walked outside, ignoring when my mother called my name. Then I heard Cameron's voice yelling too, but that too I ignored.  I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I looked up towards the tree tops, and saw the sunlight streaming in. Thinking back, it had been somewhat day time when I had met Markus. He was a Vampire so how could he come out during the day? Did he have some special ring or something that allowed him out in the sun? Or was he so old that his body tolerated it for a certain period of time?

I turned my attention to the left when I heard someone walking through the forest, well, blundering was more like it. I sat on a large rock in a clearing, and watched as Cameron finally cleared the brush.

"You know, for someone that is supposed to be sneaky in the woods. You're not." I snorted as he nearly fell down after tripping over a log.

"Oh, Ha Ha. You're sooo funny," Cameron shot back.

I giggled, and Cameron looked at me, "You think that's funny? I got cuts and scrapes from that! Ran into a damn thorn bush."

I laughed harder and Cameron puffed out his chest and stalked towards me.

"You really think that's funny, don't ya?" he asked me.

Grinning, I poked him in the chest, "Why, not at all."

Cameron laughed and suddenly picked me up. One minute I was sitting on the rock, the next I was nestled in Cameron's arms, still laughing.

"Put me down Wolf Boy!" I shrieked in delight.

As Cameron set me down, we both heard the crackle of twigs breaking and whipped around to face where the noises were coming from. Out stepped a young looking boy, maybe older than Cameron or maybe younger. It was hard to tell.

He had dark brown hair that reminded me of a chocolate color, as were his eyes. 

"Oh hey Jordan. Jordan this is Morgan. Morgan, Jordan. Morgan's my mate," Cameron told the boy.

"It's nice to me ya Morg!" I laughed at the new nickname, "I'm in the pack with Cameron here." Jordan explained, wrapping his arm around Cameron's shoulders.

"Yes, he is my second-in-command," I thought this sounded corny, but I kept that thought to myself, knowing it wouldn't be greatly appreciated, "You're going to meet the rest of the pack tonight."

"Oh," was all I could say. I hadn't even shifted into a wolf yet; my shift was barely even half way through. In fact, I hadn't even been having the headaches that Cameron told me would happen as I got closer to shifting.

I had asked if I would have to wait until the full moon to shift, but he had told me Alphas didn't have to wait. Although it would be better since my human mind would be stronger I should be fine if my wolf doesn't wait that long. I would have my family and Cameron around me when the time came. I felt like a small child being coddled. My mother had told me that it's safer if you have family and friends there to make sure, just in case. 

"So Morgan, have you shifted yet?" Jordan asked me.

Cameron scowled, but I answered anyways, "Actually, I haven't. But I'm sure I will soon."

"Oh, cool beans! Well, I gotta run. I'll tell the pack that you'll be at the meeting place later tonight?" Cameron nodded, and with that, Jordan loped off.

"What was with the scowl?" I asked, curious about Cameron's earlier reaction.

"Nothing," he mumbled.

I snorted and stormed off towards the house.

"Hey, where you going? What're you doing?" Cameron shouted at my back.

"Nothing. I'm doing nothing," I replied, sarcasm heavy in my voice.

I heard him heave a sigh, and follow at a slower pace.


I looked up at the sky, since the full moon had been at its peak just a couple nights ago it was still out slightly. I could see the difference from a full moon to tonight's moon, but Cameron said that regular Weres would still be running around. I sighed which caused Cameron to give me a look, but I ignored it.

I let him lead to a small clearing, which I assumed was this 'meeting place.' 

"What if they don't like me?" I asked.

"They will."

"How do you know?" I questioned him back, determined to give him a hard time.

"Because you're my mate," he replied.


"So you're an Alpha too," he told me. He was getting irritated.

"Doesn't mean they have to like meee," I sang.

He stopped and turned towards me, and I met his gaze, "They. Will. Like. You. Kay?"

I stared at him, stuck my tongue out, and walked into the clearing. So what if I was acting like a brat. It was fun watching him get all riled up. I smirked.

He hit the back of my head, "Ow!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't see you there," he replied, looking like the picture of innocence.

"Bullshit," I coughed out, shoving against his chest. I laughed when he stumbled.

He laughed with me, and started to walk towards me when a wolf howled.

Even though I knew they weren't killer wolves or something, it was the eeriest sound I have ever heard. Goosebumps rose along my skin. 

Cameron turned towards the wolf howl but I froze where I was standing. I slowly made myself relax; made myself look calm, so when I met Cameron's pack, they wouldn't think I was a scaredy-cat. 

Cameron faced me again and smiled. I tried to smile back but found I couldn't force one on my face. So instead, I walked up beside him with my eyes on the clearing.

Silent as the night, wolves started to stream out of the forest all around us. I noticed that they seemed remarkably larger than your average wolf. A gray colored one stepped out directly across from me and I thought I had seen her quietly snarl at me. I looked at Cameron to see if he had noticed it but his eyes didn't stay in one spot. He glanced all around him, proud of the pack in which he led.

A chocolate colored wolf stepped out of the shadows besides me causing me to jump. I heard a noise that sounded a lot like a laugh from the wolf.

 "Jordan?" I whispered. The wolf nodded at me and I smiled, glad to see a somewhat familiar face.

I saw two brown wolves step out together. As I looked closer, I saw that both of them had the same white spot in the same place on their paw. To my left, a blonde colored wolf ran out of the woods, and across the clearing to greet another gray wolf. Three wolves came out together from where the first gray wolf had appeared. There was a dark orange looking one, which to me seemed an odd color for a wolf. Then another dark brown wolf and a blonde wolf. All three had their heads bent together as if they were gossiping. But when they saw the gray one that had walked out before them they stopped and quickly slunk away. 

I stood up on my tip toes, and whispered into Cameron's ear, "How many are there exactly?"

"There should be one more... her name is Cat..." he looked sullen. 

Soon, the last wolf stepped out of the woods. I noticed that everyone's eyes turned to her; when she noticed she quickly cast her gaze down to the ground and trotted over to the farthest corner from everyone. She was as white as fresh snow. Curious, I looked up at Cameron who mouthed back, "I'll explain later."

"She was bitten."


"That white wolf, the one that just stepped out of the woods. She was bitten. She is not a true Werewolf. Someone bit her, and I have a feeling that it was one from Cameron's pack..."

I studied the she-wolf, noticing that she was indeed different looking. Not in a bad way, she looked like any wolf. But that was just it; she looked like just a regular wolf. Now that the pack was in the clearing, I could tell the difference in size and looks. While the Weres were much larger than a normal wolf, Cat was indeed the size of just a regular wolf. She wasn't very far away from me, and once when she looked over at me, I saw that her eyes were a dark golden color. The other Weres had eyes that I assumed where the same as when they were human.

Cat looked so sad and so depressed, that I didn't care if she was bitten or a pure Werewolf. I hadn't been paying attention to what Cameron had been saying to the pack, but now I could tell he had been talking about traps in the forest. I walked over to Cat. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see wolves stop and stare at me and even Cameron stopped talking to gape at me. If I was an Alpha, then I was going to treat my new pack as equals.

"That's not how it works."

I don't care right now. 

I walked over to the sad wolf and squatted down, "Hi, I know you can't talk back, but I'm Morgan. And I know that you're Cat, correct?"

The wolf's golden eyes widened as I spoke to her, but she shyly nodded her head.

"Nice to meet you," I told her.

Once again, she nodded.

 Cameron walked over then, and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Come on Morgan, we have to go."

I glanced up, and met his eyes, "Why?"

"Just because. C'mon. Besides, we don't know when you'll shift, and it could be any time now," he bent down to whisper the last sentence in my ear. I knew Cat could hear us, and I saw her eyes widen at the mention of me not having shifted yet. What was the big deal with that?

I waved to Cat, and started to follow Cameron out of the clearing when a female voice spoke up.

I turned around, and squeaked in surprise when I saw a naked woman standing about 20 feet from me. I shielded my eyes but when I saw no one else looking away, I forced my gaze back to her. I just made sure they stayed staring at her eyes. I noticed that the gray wolf was gone, so this must be her human self. She had the same gray color in her hair but she couldn't have been more than 26. Her original color looked to be brown. 

"Have you officiated your Alpha bond yet?" she sneered at Cameron and me.

What was an Alpha bond?

I went to ask him, but the words caught in my mouth at the look of his face. It was pure rage; his eyes were narrowed and his mouth was turned up in a scowl. I could hear the beginning of a growl.

"That is none of your business!" he snarled at the woman. 

"I believe it is our business," her arm swept over the pack, "if you don't officiate it, she is not our leader yet."

Cameron began to walk forward, but I quickly stepped in front of him. I didn't understand what exactly an Alpha bond was but I had an idea. I figured it wouldn't be a good idea to do what I was about to do, but I did anyways. Just for the hell of it.

"We have officiated the bond," I stated.

The woman's mouth opened in surprise along with the rest of the packs', and I heard Cameron yelp, "We have?!"

Jordan, who had shifted back into a human when the woman had spoken, yelled out, "Get some!”

I turned to Cameron and pressed my body up against his. I seductively murmured into his ear and caused him to shiver, "Why yes, you don't remember?" I knew everybody could hear, thanks to their wolf hearing.

"O-of course I remember," he grabbed my hand, and began to drag me out of the clearing, "Alright, we gotta go. See everyone later!"

"Byeeeee byeee!" I sang.

Cameron shook his head, and smiled back at me.

"I can't believe you just told them we had..."

"Sex?" I filled in, "What's the big deal? They'll never know if we did or not."

"They can always have a test done," Cameron said.

"I know, but they won't. A girls’ word is law." 

Cameron shook his head again, "I don't understand women."

We started to laugh when I got a splitting headache.

"Arrgh," I groaned, "my head..."

Cameron immediately stopped laughing and picked me up, walking in the direction of my house.

"Is it the shift?" I painfully whispered.

"Yeah, you should shift soon if the headache is really bad."

"Yeah, it's pretty bad. It feels like when I'm on my period and I get really bad cramps, but it's in my head this time."

I saw Cameron grimace at this, which made me giggle. Which hurt my head even worse.

"This sucks," I told Cameron as he stepped over a log, jostling me a little.

He chuckled, "Wait until you lose your virginity... if you haven't already lost it," he quickly added the last sentence.

"Haha, it's still there. But who says you'll be there when I do lose it?" I teased him. For some reason, this didn't feel like an odd topic to discuss with him.

He looked genuinely hurt at this, so I quickly said, "Let's just not think about it, kay?"

"Okay," he agreed.  

As we came in sight of my house, I saw that all the lights were off. 

"Are my parents running around too?" I asked Cameron as we neared the steps.

"Yeah, they're probably running with my parents."

"It's so weird thinking about my parents shifting into wolves and running through the trees..." I told him as we went through my door.

Setting me down on the first floor, Cameron replied, "You'll get used to it. Can you make it up the stairs okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for carrying me back," I patted his shoulder, then his head, "Such a good doggy!" I teased.

He chuckled, and gently pushed my hand away. My head still hurt so I turned to walk up the stairs. "Goodnight Cameron."

"Night Morgan. I'll be back later to check on you. See how you're doing," Cameron said, walking out of my door.

I just nodded my head and slowly made my way up the stairs. I peeked into Matt's room and saw he was sleeping. I gently walked in, and curled up next to him.

"Hi sissy...." he mumbled.

"Hey bud, go back to sleep," I told him, feeling my eye lids grow heavy.

I heard his breathing become slower. The noise lulled me to sleep. 

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