If Only You Knew

By Kay_la00

20.7K 447 95

We all know the story of Teresa from The Maze Runner, what she did and her fate. What if she never died. What... More

Scorch Trials
Scorch Trials 2
Scorch Trials 3
Scorch Trials 4
Scorch Trials 5
Scorch Trials 6
Scorch Trials 7
Scorch Trials 8
Scorch Trials 9
Scorch Trials 10
Scorch Trials 11
Scorch Trials 12
Scorch Trails 13
Scorch Trials 14
Scorch Trials 15
Scorch Trials 17

Scorch Trials 16

724 15 3
By Kay_la00

Thomas POV

I stayed put, waiting for the right moment to help my friends. Everybody was being lined up one by one and pushed down to their knees. Soon my friends were awake and also taken to the group of people. WCKD agents started scanning everyone's neck, starting with Sonya's.

"B4." The guard said before moving onto Aris.
"How many did we get?" Janson asked, coming out of nowhere.
"All of them. Give or take." He replied.
"Give or take what?" Janson paced back and forth as he waited for his answer.
"They lost a few."
Janson let out a small chuckle before continuing his pacing.

Minho was next to be scanned. He tried pushing the man away but it did help at all.
"A5." The agent said. "A6. B3."
These a and b groups were confusing me. Even though I have no memory about them they seemed important I just didn't know why. I had to find out either way. I got up slowly and quietly, with my hands up towards the group.

"Where's Thomas?" Janson asked as if it was on cue.
"I'm right here." I told him. He turned around to see me be pushed towards him, at gunpoint. A small smirked appeared on his face as he saw me get closer to him.
"Thomas," was all he said before punching me in the stomach.

I let out a groan and all my air at once. The hard blow caused me to fall to the ground but before I had the chance to recover I was put in the line next to Minho and Giselle.
"Why didn't you run?"

I didn't even looked at him. Anger was boiling up inside of me. Teresa's betrayal and WCKD's killings had me right at the edge.
"I'm tired if running." I told him before another plane came descending down in front of us. It opened up to reveal Ava Paige and more WCKD agents. She practically came running off the plane as she walked over to Janson.

"Is this all of them?" She asked him.
"Most of them, but it'll be enough."
"Start loading them up, now."
"Okay you heard her lets load them up." Janson ordered.

Suddenly everyone was being brought back up to their feet and taken to one of the many planes. I was brought to Paige and all I wanted to do was kill her but the better, smarter side of me knew better. Killing her wasn't going to give me the answers that I wanted or needed.

"Hello Thomas it's good to see you." Her tone seemed genuine but I wasn't giving into her facade. I simply stared at her as I felt my jaw tighten up along with my fist. I was suddenly broken out of my trance when I saw Teresa walking up next to Paige. My stomach dropped at the sight of her.

"I'm glad your safe." Paige told her. Teresa gave a small nod avoiding eye contact, with me.
"What the heck? That's Teresa." I hear Fry from behind me.
"Wait what's going on?" Newt asked as they all walked next to me.
"She's with them." I said with no expression in my voice. That's the moment Teresa's eyes met mine. I could even read her expression she seemed like a totally different person. Someone I didn't know or trust. 

"Since when?" Minho asked obviously confused.
"Oh Teresa had always loved the appreciation for the greater good." Janson answered him. "Once we restored her memories, it was only a matter of time. Oh and how could we forget her sister too, she was vital to this as well."
"What? No that's impossible." Minho said in disbelief.

"Actually it's not impossible." Jo came fully dressed in protective gear, with a gun in her hands. "Me and my little sis just want to do what's right." Jo wrapped one arm around Teresa and smiled at Minho. Teresa looked at me then at everyone else.

"I'm sorry." She said as her expression soften. "I had no choice this, this is the only way. We have to find a cure." I shook my head at herdsmen excuse of an apology.
"She's right. We have to find the means to an end. You used to understand that Thomas. No matter what you think about, I am not a monster." No just a delusional sociopath. "I'm a doctor. I took an oath to find a cure! No matter the cost. I just need more time."

"More blood."

We all turned to see Mary, Vince being escorted ptowards us.
"Hello Mary. I hoped we meet again." Paige said grabbing back my attention. "I'm sorry that it had to be under these circumstances."
"I'm sorry about a lot of things too, but not this. At least my conscious is clear." "So is mine."

Bang! A loud gunshot rang in the air as Mary gasped for air. We all jumped and turned to look back at her. She was looking down at her gunshot wound. Blood coming out of her stomach, fast.
"Mary! Mary no!" Vince yelled as she fell into his arms.
"Aunt Mary?" Giselle cried. She tried to run towards her but Newt grabbed her and didn't let her go. He covered her face with his arms and hugged her tightly. Her loud sobs along with Vince's cries of agony made me look back to see who had shot her.

Janson. Janson had shot her. She didn't do anything to anyone and he decides to put a bullet in her and kill her in cold blood. Mary's eyes were closed and her body was still in Vince's arms.
"No! You monster! Mary!" He yelled trying to wake Mary back up.

I looked over at Teresa and Jo. Jo was smiling in appreciation to what Janson had just done and Teresa's face was in awe. Clearly she didn't think about everything WCKD does as much as she thought she did.

"Come on Janson. Load them up. All these people. Paige ordered. "Let's go now move people!"
"Teresa let's go." Jo said rather harshly.
Teresa's mouth opened but nothing seemed to come out as she stumbled away. 

I was being pushed when I suddenly did something not so unexpected. I elbowed the guard behind me and pulled a bomb and detonator off of him.
"Get back! Get back!" I yelled at all the men who had pointed their guns at me. Even Jo had her gun pointed at me. "Everyone stand back! Everyone!"

Soon a giant circle of people were looking at me.
"Let them go." I ordered.
"Thomas calm down." Janson tried getting closer to me but I stopped him.
"Let them all go!" I shouted, my thumb just centimeters away from the button.
"You know I can't do that." Ava tried to reason with me.

"Thomas. Tom please stop." It was now Teresa who was trying to convince me to listen to her. Her voice was shaking like she was about to cry but I didn't buy it. "I made a deal with them-we made a deal with them. They promised we'd be safe all of us."
"Teresa? What are you saying?" Paige asked slightly confused.

"You did promise Counselor Paige." Jo intervened. "When we talked, remember?" I knew something was going on when Paige took a while to answer.
"Yes Thomas we did."
"And what? I'm suppose to believe you now Teresa?" I asked her angrily.
"It's true it was the only condition."

"Just shut up!" I let my anger come out. My heart was pounding and I was feeling hotter by the second.
"Everything can go back to the way it was. Thomas do you really want them all to die?"

"Listen to her Thomas think about what you are doing." Jo said. My breathing stopped for just a second. I never thought about what would happen to all my friends if I pushed the button. Thankfully my doubts were put to a stop when Minho walked up behind me along with Fry, Newt Aris and surprisingly Giselle.

"We are with you Tommy." Newt's words put a small smile to my face. Having my friends back me up in my crazy decision made me feel unstoppable. I looked over at Teresa. A small, microscopic part of me wanted her to join us and have this be a trap for Paige but she didn't. All she did was shake her head in disbelief along with Paige.

"Don't." Paige's voice was filled with fear.
"Do it Thomas. It's alright." Minho whispered to me. The courage to destroy WCKD and everyone else here started filling up inside me.
"I'm not going back there." I told Paige.
"It's the only way."

Teresa closed her eyes and looked away and I did the same.
"Thomas!" Paige yelled as my thumb made its way to the button. Suddenly a loud buzzing noise surprised us all. A truck was coming closer to us. Inside was an overjoyed Jorge and Brenda going the fastest they can in the truck.

Before I knew it they blasted missiles from the truck and started destroying WCKD's aircrafts. A wave of relief came over me as I realized that we had a chance of destroying WCKD and possibly surviving all at once. A huge smile grew on my face as I looked over to my friends that were surprised as well.

"Come on guys out time is now!" I told them before running over to a WCKD agents and throwing the bomb at them.

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