Eternity [Link x Reader]

By UnlikelyKing

326K 10.4K 6.8K

You didn't choose this, you didn't want this. But it was a destiny decreed by the Gods. You were his soulmate... More

0 || Sweetly Bitter
I || Another Night Ends
II || What Lies Beyond the Horizon
III || It's a Beautiful Life
IV || Your Bittersweet Voice
V || Running From Destiny
VI || Heartstrings
VII || This Time
VIX || Wandering Hearts
X || Take Care of Me
XI || Breaking Free
XII || Link's Resolve
XIII || Without Words
XIV || Heart Over Matter
XV || Endless Tears
XVI || Smile Today, Cry Tomorrow
XVII || Brand New Day
XVIII || A Smiling Sun
XIX || A Muddled Cloud
XX || A Summer's Sky
XXI || Light
XXII || Desire
XXIII || Only the Stars Know
XXIV || Unravel
XXV || Someday
XXVI || Fire Meets Fate
XXVII || Betrayal of Time
XXVIII || Fall With Me, Part I
XXVIX || Fall With Me, Part II

VIII || Blackened Sky

11.5K 396 272
By UnlikelyKing

【 P R E S E N T L Y

It was awfully bright today. The sun was beaming down upon Hyrule in all its radiant glory. There wasn't a single cloud in sight. Yet there was just the slightest of a breeze, just cool enough to keep the hotness of summer at bay. It was, needless to say, a wonderful day. Perfect for either taking a nap beneath a tree or splashing around in the spring.

The children were happily running around playing tag and gathering critters. Despite their working schedules, the adults decided it would be okay to take a rather long break.

For Link, however, it was just another dreary day.

He didn't see the glowing, large sun hanging within a blue sky, nor did he hear the cheer ringing all around. From his eyes, the world seemed awfully bleak. The sun was way too hot for his liking, and the sky was too intense that it hurt his eyes. To Link, the flowers didn't appear to be swaying to the rhythm of the summer breeze. They were bowing their buds in gloom.

The world around him seemed completely oblivious to his depressed mood.

"Oh, Link! Please wait up!"

The moody hero came to a stop at the call of his name. Slowly, he turned around to meet another cheerful, familiar face. Internally, Link cringed. He could only take so much of this unwanted and exaggerated joy.

Why was everyone so happy? How could they be so carefree?

Did they already forget that a precious member of their community just up and left a week ago? And that your whereabouts remained a mystery?

Was he the only one who cared?

"Link, I'm so glad I caught up to you!" Uli giggled. Then she tilted her head slightly to peer around Link to give Epona a nod in greeting. "Heading to the ranch, I see?"

"... Yeah."

Behind him, Epona seemed to whine. Link paid no mind.

Uli's expression faltered for just a second, her eyes softening in concern.

"Well... I won't take up too much of your time." The delight seemed to have vanished from her tone as she spoke. Once again, Link paid no mind.

"I figured you should be the first one to see this," she said softly while procuring a wrinkled piece of paper from the pocket of her skirt. "The Postman delivered it this morning. I haven't taken it yet to Mayor Bo."

Almost like a robot, Link extended his free hand to accept the parchment. Mechanically, his fingers slipped between the fold's creases, revealing a hand-written letter addressed to Uli from her husband.

As his eyes began to skim the words, Uli saw just the smallest flicker of hope return to the hero's features. He began to look happier and happier as he read on. She'd never say it, but this was probably the happiest she's seen him since your departure.

My dearest,

Please do not fret. I have arrived safely at Hyrule Castle Town. I do hope the kids aren't giving you too much trouble at home. As promised, I will return in three days' time after trading Ordon's produce.

Also, I have wonderful news!

I stopped by Telma's bar for a visit, and you'll never guess who I ran into. [Y/N]! She seems to be doing very well. It turns out she joined the Adventurer's Guild. There is no need to worry. It has been but a few nights since her departure, but little [Y/N] has grown quite a bit.

Please pass this on to Link. Rest easy, hero. [Y/N] is in good hands.


⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

"Morning Telma..." you yawned, still half-awake.

You stretched your arms over your head, making your way from the spare bedroom, located at the back, and towards the main section of the bar.

You had initially meant to stay with the rest of the Adventurer's Guild (i.e. Shad), but Telma being the protective lady she was, adamantly rejected the idea. She said something along the lines of: "I will not have an attractive and budding young woman, such as yourself, stay under the same roof as those hooligans!"

And so you found yourself becoming temporary roommates with your father's friend. The idea was a little odd, but you were grateful to have had some space for yourself. Since meeting Shad and travelling from the Sacred Grove, the two of you often shared the same tent. It was awkward at first, but eventually, you adjusted to it. Still, you'd never say no to having your own room! Not to mention an actual bed for once.

"Ah, good morning [Y/N]!"

You rubbed your eyes, finally clearing away the drowsiness.

"Lookie who came to visit us," Telma said, her tone awfully sultry.

You raised an eyebrow at her flirty behaviour. She was batting her long eyelashes dramatically and was squeezing her arms tightly together to show off her cleavage. Not that it wasn't already large enough.

Your gaze drifted towards the male presence, only to bite down sharply on your tongue in revolt.

The Postman, really?

"Hi [Y/N]!" The Postman chirped happily with a nod in acknowledgement. "I've got a letter for you!"


Your discomfort was instantly replaced by confusion. Who would write you a letter? The first person that came to mind was Midna. But... That couldn't be. She was back home in the Twilight Realm with no means whatsoever to cross back into yours. And you doubt a letter could've transcended through time and space.

"Well... Thanks, I guess." You muttered, still extremely confused.

You reached out and gratefully accepted the folded parchment from his outstretched hand.

"Well, go on," Telma ushered with a smile. "Open it up! Who's it from?"

You turned the letter around in your hands, but there was no sender information. Your name and the bar's address was scrawled in the upper right corner. Deciding there was no harm in opening it, you easily shredded an edge of the envelope and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper.


I heard from Rusl that you're with Telma and that you've joined the Adventurer's Guild. I am so relieved that you are okay.

But please, tell me why... Why did you just leave? Especially without saying goodbye to me or everyone else? I thought we were much closer than that. After everything we've been through, can you no longer trust me?

I'm not asking you to come home. But please [Y/N]. I'm begging you. Please write back.

I miss you terribly. I really need you.


You seethed.

Link's message left you feeling nothing but hot, white anger.

After everything we've been through, can you no longer trust me?

What the King Bulblin's-ass was that supposed to mean?

Trust? Really?

Indeed, after everything you've been through, Link couldn't even piece all the facts together? Instead, he's writing to you to make you feel sorry for him? All you did was leave behind the source of your pain in hopes of finding happiness. All he did was break your heart life after life after life.

No doubt he'd continue to do so.

Gods... Really... He had the nerve to paint you as the villain and him as the victim?

You narrowed your eyes and scoffed loudly. Your hands began to shake, quaking with immense anger. Never in all of your lives had you ever felt so disrespected, so hurt, and so betrayed.

It was clear now. Not only was Link completely oblivious, but he was also so neglectful.

After everything we've been through, can you no longer trust me?

"Go to hell." You practically snarled while shredding the letter into tiny pieces.

Though they said nothing of it, you were more than aware of Telma and the Postman's reaction to your sudden display of rage. You didn't bother to offer them any explanation. Instead, you threw your hands into the air, turned sharply on your heel, and stormed back into your room.

Fuelled by anger, you slammed the door shut with an incredible amount of power. A loud cracking sound resounded when the door came in contact with the frame. The door seemed to tilt slightly, signalling that a few hinges might've been destroyed in the process. The floor and walls rumbled slightly afterwards, and the bottles in the bar rattled.

Telma practically jumped in her skin, and the Postman let out a small whimper in fear.

A long silence ensued.

No one dared to move in fear of setting you off. But no matter how hard they strained their ears, they could only hear silence whisper back.

"You... You should probably go." Telma said finally, her voice low.

"Y-Yes... T-That's a good idea." The Postman coughed before quietly clearing his throat. "Uh... Good luck."

Telma sighed, her shoulders dropping in defeat. She slumped down against the counter, supporting her chin with her hands. She turned towards the departing Postman and managed to give him a weak smile. "Thanks, love. I'll need it. A broken heart isn't easy to fix, after all."

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