Here Today

By nowhere_artist

2.6K 174 39

Paul's girl has been taken away from him after she met her terrible fate... Maybe for now. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not a Chapter, but...
Chapter 7
For our baby...
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

213 11 3
By nowhere_artist



Paul jolted up from bed, awaken abruptly by his telephone. He quickly looked over to his clock to check the time.

" Damn it! I slept in!" He quickly got out if bed and answered the phone.

He hesitantly placed the phone to his ear..." PAUL!" Yelled a voice.

" Yes, Brian?" He said slowly.

" Where the bloody 'ell are you! We've been waiting for thirty minutes already, Mccartney! We have music to make!" Brian didn't seem quiet happy.

" Okay Brian, I'm on the way... Just give me a secound..." Paul dropped the phone, letting hang on the wire while he hurried to get ready.

He quickly gathered papers into his bag and packed his instrument into its case. His hair still looked tousled, but he needed to get there fast enough. He had forgotten about a meeting he had right after practice. And needed to drop something off soon after.
   There was something that Paul was looking forward to though. Everyday since Diane left, he'd receive letters from her about her day and what she did. He loved to know what she was up to and often would acknowledge how she felt.

Yesterday and today though, seemed strange. He hadn't gotten a letter from her, making him wonder.

  " Don't worry Paul. The post has been slow lately, so it might just arrive a little late. She's got four more days so at least you'll see her soon." Said Ringo, patting Paul's back.

Paul slumped into the sofa and twiddled his thumbs patiently. He and the rest of the boys waited for Brian to give them news on anything, along  parcels, mail, and other delivered items.

" Alright boys, you've got some stuff here. Ringo, a parcel. John, two magazines. Make sure the wife doesn't find that, Lennon. Paul, a letter. And George, fan mail." Said Brian, while he handed them their stuff.

" Aw nice! Me new drumsticks have arrived." Ringo announced while he took them out of the box.

John sat and read his magazines quietly, as George began to open some on the fan mail and read them. George knew it was gonna be a long time before he finishes signing and sending thank you letters back.

Paul anxiously opened the letter, and took out a small document.

Dear Mr. McCartney,

        We are to inform of the disappearance of the 4-k7 yacht. I understand that one of the passengers,
DIANE GILLANS, was of great importance to you. We will send you updates as soon as we can, on anything we find.

Manager, Cecil Andrews

Paul dropped the letter on the floor and fell onto the couch, tears forming in his eyes.

" N...No. No... What? Is this a joke?!" Paul's was getting shakey. The guys were confused and asked Paul what was wrong.

" You tell me! Look..." He said pointing at the letter and starting to shake.

John picked it up and read it to himself, but loudly enough for the other two lads to hear.

" Oh shit, Paul... I'm so sorry. Man..." He hugged Paul, to comfort him. But, Paul pushed John away and ran out the studio, half crying. He ran to his house and quickly called up the port.


" Ex...excuse me! Please tell me you're kidding! Is the boat really gone!?" He shouted in a broken, voice.

" Sir, I don't know which boat you're talking about. Can you tell me which boat." The woman on the other end asked.

" The... The 4-k7!! Tell me it isn't true!! Please!" He was scared and worried that she was actually gone.

" Oh! Yes...yes! Okay, well I've gotten some updates for you if you like." She said.

" Yeah-yeah-yeah! Just please...tell me!" Paul told her.


" Miss?" Paul called.

" Sorry... I'm so very sorry. The boat was found... With only one male passenger." She told him in the most sincere way.

The phone fell from his hand as he fell to floor, crying and emotionally breaking down.

" No-no-no-nooo.... Oh God no. Please! Don't..." Paul sobbed and cried in his hands, begging for his love to be alive. " No ..." He said in between sobs.

He felt his heart hurt badly, and his eyes burn with tears. Sadness swallowed his emotions, while shock hit him like a wall of bricks. And deep down inside, all he did was blame himself for it all.



Diane was aware when it happened.

Her last days seemed somewhat annoying, since Rolin was always in her business and always tried to flirt with her even though she already had a man.

It was one day that really bothered her...

" Diane! Come here!" Diane sighed while she went over to Rolin.

" what is it?" She said in an annoyed tone.

" What is this? This isn't what I wanted! The boat isn't suppose to be in the painting!" He said, tearing and tossing her painting on the floor.

" Rolin!! No!"

She immediately pushed him away from the artwork and picked it up gingerly, carful enough to not tear it up any more. She ran to her room and  laid it on her desk and began to tear up. She heard pounding at her door.

" Piss off, Rolin!" She yelled angrily, but he came in anyways.

" Where did you learn to talk to men like that?" He said barging in and grabbing her chin tightly, catching her off guard. She spat in his face, which made him grip tighter.

" You lil' bitch! Guess you not the sweet Diane I knew..." He said to her.

" Rolin!" Rolin looked to find Jackie at the door." What do you think you're doin'! Let her go, now." She gritted her teeth angrily. Diane was relived that her best friend was there to help, but Jackie was mad at the fact that Rolin what even dare to even touch her in such a way.

" I said, let- her- GO!" At ' go' she kicked him hard in the shins, making him drop Diane. Rolin cursed under his breath and stormed out. Jackie ran and embraced the shocked and hurt Diane.

" Don't worry, dear. He won't bother ya for now." Jackie comforted her.

Few seconds later, the both were thrown to one side of the room unexpectingly.

" Shit! What was that?" Yelled Jackie.

The two women heard Bobby call for them before one of the windows flew open, letting in the harsh and icy rain. The two managed to make their way to Bobby, and huddled together.

" What's going on, Bob?" Asked Diane.

" I dunno! The captain said that there was a storm approaching earlier, but Rolin insisted on continuing the voyage!" He yelled over the loud sound of waves crashing into the boat.

" We need to leave the boat, now! Come on!" Yelled Jackie as they led them out.

" Wait! I need to get something!" Said Diane before running back to her room. Jackie called her to come back, but Diane couldn't hear her. 

Diane was back in her room, scavenging through her bag to then pull out a small necklace Paul had given her. She clicked it on herself and went back into the hall. But right when she was gonna make it outside, the door to the outside, was locked and held shut by a broom wedged in it.

She began to panic and pound on the doors, as the water levels began to rise. She was realizing the chance of survival was small, so she started to find another exit. The water was past her knees and began to rise even faster. She had to be quicker, but began to struggle. The last window was her last hope, when all of a sudden, Someone pulled her, and took her to the deck.

" Bobby! Where's Jackie?" Diane asked the man.

" She's looking for another boat! Rolin and the captain took the emergency one." He told her.

" Wait!!" Diane opened a crate and handed Bobby two life vests.

" Wait, but there's only two!" Said Bobby.

" I know! I'm not gonna let You're child be fatherless!" She told him. He eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

" Jackie's?" He gestured his belly.

" Yes!! Now go!" Diane smiled.

He hugged Diane and kissed her cheeks. " Thank you, Diane. Me and Jackie love you so much." He shouted before running off.

Diane stood there and tried to  keep her self grounded to the boat, but was instead thrown off the boat by the strong winds, and drowned...


Paul was on the couch, crying in a fetal position. The Phone kept ringing, and his doorbell had been going off for five minutes, before John busted in and turned the phone off.

" Paul! Everyone's been tryin' to get to you!" Paul stayed in same position, not answering John. John sat beside him and sat him up." Paul... I'm so sorry."

" She's gone! John, she's gone.." His muffled cries said.

" I know, Paul... I know" He patted his back and hugged him, knowing how Paul felt to someone, even though Paul had lost his mother when he was younger.

Every time Paul would remember her, He felt more broken and hurt. His best friend was gone from his life, and all he could do was cry and remember.


About a few weeks later, Paul was done writing a tune for his late-girlfriend'a funeral. He spent most of his time crying, sleeping, and writing, so he wasn't spending much time out.

Since he had to perform, he was a bit nervous ( which wasn't really normal of him) and felt even worst, being constantly reminded of her.

George and John stood at his house for a while and made sure he got ready on time, because if it weren't for them being there, he would've taken much longer to get ready.
  Paul had changed a bit since he found out. He seemed thinner, groggy, he had dark circles under his eyes, and seemed quieter and not himself.

His friends were beginning to worry about his well being, and had kept a close eye on him. Paul, on the other hand, didn't really care whether his friends were there or not. He still felt terrible about everything.

" Paul, you've got to get ready. Me and George are already done, while you're just under the covers." John said to his depressed friend. 

Paul moaned and dragged himself out of bed, revealing the hot mess he was. He was still in his pajamas from two days ago and felt a bit dirty. He managed to take a shower ( and cry in there), get clothed, and fix his hair a little.

He still had a bit of a bed head look, but still looked half decent. He grabbed his guitar and papers, before getting into a car with his friends. The sky looked grey as usual, but the rain seemed pity and sad. He hung his head low and watched as silent tears soaked into the floor of the car.

" It's not yer fault, Paul. Ya know that, right?" George said to him, patted his back. Paul stood the same and didn't respond. He had been like that for a while.

They arrived at the place and got out of the car, helping Paul get his things and himself together. Paul took some deep breaths before heading to the crowd that awaited him at the sight. He clutched the handle on the guitar case, and felt the weight of the world on his chest.

Some of Diane's friends and family were there to greet Paul, like her father, who really treated Paul like a son.

" Paul, I'm glad you were able to come. I know it's been hard for everyone, especially you. Come..." Diane's father, David, said while pulling Paul for a hug. Diane's sister, Amelia, hugged him too, making both of them start to cry.

" I miss her, Paul! I miss her so much..." She cried, in Paul's arms.

After that, and other things, everyone was seated indoors, and listened to people speak. John and George spoke about how Diane was like a little sister to them, and Ringo said sweet and kind words about her. Now it was Paul's turn.

He stood before the miserable crowd that were his friends. He tapped on the mic and nervously strummed his guitar.

" Umm... Hello. I'm Paul McCartney. I-I wrote a song for um... For the lovely Di-Diane Gillans. " he cleared his throat and began to strum his guitar sweetly. " This is for her...."

" Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be.
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say." Paul sniffled and gulped hard.
"I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she had to go, I don't kno..." Paul voice broke. Tears were falling down his cheeks and his eyes were sad and weary. He set his guitar down and covered his face with his hands, hiding the sad, teary-eyed, Paul.

Ringo and Diane's father lead Paul off the stage and sat him down. Paul felt so terrible, so he was excused. Everyone else carried on, and continued the ceremony, ending it with burying the empty casket.

After everything, everyone was leaving gradually, leaving Diane's family and the lads. But, there was someone there that Paul never expected to be there.

" You!" Paul pointed and narrowed his eyes at his rival." You- you pig! What is he doing here!!"

Rolin was there, in a sleek, black suit. He had his hair combed back and a bouquet of roses.

" I've come to honor my best friend." He spat.

" Why should ye honor her, when ye left her to die! Ye just had to save ya-self and not the others! Shit!!" Paul was close to start swinging at Rolin, but kept himself grounded.

" And ya know, you couldn't even spare ye-self for a pregnant woman!" Paul was crying and felt even more hurt that even Jackie died carrying her and Bobby's child. It was a horrible, heartbreaking tragedy.

A whole family, dead. A relationship, dead. What else...


Hi!! Yay, a longer chapter! This took a while, but it isn't that good. It's just a sort of "moving along "chapter that kind of moves us along to chapter three. Sorry this wasn't that good, I'll be updating and trying to do better.

Omg! I finished this chapter at Animal Kingdom at Disney world, and I spotted a Beatles reference on the Finding Nemo show. I also rode Everest like 10 times, in the day and the night. It's soo much funner at night.

Thanks again if you are actually reading my story/stories. It means a whole lot to me. I love you all, thank you! ✌️❤️

   - Nowhere Artist

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