Living Large

By franky93101

92.3K 2.3K 1.3K

Percy Jackson has been living on the streets ever since he was 6 years old, his step dad abused him for 2 yea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

9.6K 229 182
By franky93101

Percy POV

I pushed open the doors of the throne room to reveal shocked Gods and Goddesses, I scanned the faces of the Gods only pausing slightly on a man who wore a fishing hat, Bermuda shorts, worn out flip flops, and a tourist shirt.

I quickly snapped my eyes forward and made my way to the middle of the room, I stopped and looked up at all the Gods and Goddesses all staring at me "Take a picture, it will last longer" I spoke up.  Well they don't call me Persassy for nothing.

A heard a few snickers at the look on Zeus's face when I said that, he rolled his eyes before mumbling "Definitely Poe's son".  I glanced over at the man sitting beside Zeus, is that really Poseidon? my dad?.  I saw hope fill Poseidon's eyes as he gazed into mine own, my eyes started to well up with tears as the thought of having a family again came to my mind.

I turned my body so that I was completely facing Poseidon and I stared straight into his eyes, those eyes that look exactly like mine.  I took a shaky breath  "Well are you going to just sit there like an old man or are you going to give your long lost son a hug?" I said in a sarcastic tone.  Right as those words left my mouth Poseidon had stood up from his throne and shrunk down and gave me a bear hug.  A few tears fell from his eyes as he tried to stop them from falling.

"Percy!? I thought I would never see you again! I never stopped looking" he whispered in my ear while hugging me tightly.  Wow, it's been so long since someone had expressed any love towards me, it was so foreign to me that it made me slightly uncomfortable.

When he finally released me from his death hold he grabbed my shoulders and looked me up and down with pride and worry in his eyes.  I guess the worry was from all the visible scars on my body, I had a scar on my face starting from my left temple and running across my nose to the corner of my lip.  I also had some running up my neck from when some monsters bond be in barbwire and had me hung up, quite painful really.

I had a tattoo of wings on my back that had the feathers falling out (picture at the top is what his looks like), the falling feathers represented the people I had lost during my life time.  I had spider bites on my lip and a ring from an old man who I had rescued from a gang, why they had him is because his son owed the gang money but he died before he could pay them so they took his father instead.

I had a eight pack and I had pretty good sized muscles from when I play the drums in my free time, it's my way of venting my anger.  Gods! stupid ADHD, need to focus!

Everyone was watching me and my dad as he fussed at me for the piercings and tattoos but I could care less, I've spent practically my whole life without anyone telling me what to do and I wasn't going to let that change now.

I slipped out of Poseidon's hold and took a couple steps back and raised my hands in a calm down gesture "Okay that's enough touching.  Now not to sound rude or anything but, what do you want?" I looked everyone in the eye "Iv'e been on the streets long enough to know that when someone is looking for you they want you to do something for them"

Shocked silence filled the room as everyone stared at me in disbelief.  Had I said something wrong?

"Perseus, w-" Zeus began before I cut him off with a deadly glare "Don't call me that! The name is Percy" I snapped at a wide eyed God.

I hated it when people would call me Perseus, It's what Gabe called me when he was mad at me and he would torture me.  I have the scars to prove it.

Someone grabbed my soldier and before they could react, I twisted their arm and kicked their legs out from under them forcing them to the ground.  I kneel on their back and twisted their arm further but not enough to break it, just enough to keep them from moving.

I realize that it was one of the demigods who were sent to find me, she had dirty blonde hair and a knife on her belt.  I slowly relaxed and released my hold before I started to back away with wide eyes.

I can't believe I just attacked someone, and I haven't even been here for an hour.  I need to get out of here before I cause any more damage or the Gods try to kill me.  I scanned the room for an escape and I spotted a window, The bottom was the street in front of the empire state building.  I was blessed by a minor god of the wild so if I concentrate hard enough I might be able to turn into parakeet.  If i'm lucky.

I positioned my feet apart so I could give myself a boost for when I took off running, looking around I noticed that only a few people were paying attention to me while everyone else was focused on helping the blonde.  Best chance i'll probably get.

I took off running towards the window and ignored the shouts from Poseidon to come back.  All right Percy, pray to the fates that you will be able to change in time to not become a Percy pancake.  I dove through the window breaking the glass as I fell down to the ground.

I concentrated on making myself smaller and growing wings, I pictured my feet becoming claws.  I felt a slight pain in my stomach and I felt lighter than I was before, I opened my eyes  and my vision was sharper than it was before.  I looked down at myself to see I had turned into a parakeet, and I was blue! Score!

I slowly spread my wings so I wouldn't break them, I angled my body so I wasn't shooting straight down.  Once I got the hang of flying I made my way to my home.  It was an abandoned train station that had runaway teens who lived there, I found it when I was about 12 and I made a couple of friends.  It wasn't anything special but the monsters couldn't find me due to the strong smell of rust on the walls and the hygiene of the kids.

I had my own little section of room there away from everyone else, it was quiet and It was high enough to where I could monitor all that is going on.  Everyone here looks to me as there leader because I bring food and medicine, also I will occasionally break into some place and take furniture and games, ect....

It's homey and everyone is comfortable, I built rooms here like what you would have in your house.  A kitchen, bathroom, living room, all that.  There is a 5 year old boy I brought here when I found him bruised and beaten behind a dumpster, I took care of him like he was my own son.  His name is Justin and he insists that he has my last name so I just call him JJ.

When I get to a little corner I turn back into my human form, I notice everyone is looking a little down, especially JJ.  I silently make my way behind JJ and I tackle him in a hug "Rahhh!" I kiss him on the side of his head and I spin him around.

JJ squeals in delight when he realizes it's me "PJ! your back! I missed you" He starts telling me everything he has done since I left, everyone smiles and there moods lift when they see that i'm back.  "Perce my man what took you so long" my brother Luke came up to me throwing his arm around my shoulder.

I met Luke a couple months after I found this place, he had ran away from home where his mom went crazy and his dad left them.  We both new we were demigods when we met because of our weapons.  "Sorry, didn't mean to take so long.  I just ran into a little trouble with some old friends" referring to the monsters.

After everyone came and gave me a hug, I took a couple people out to go get my stash of stolen goods and bring them back to our base.  We ended up having a party for another successful trip, we partied all night and slept the whole next day.  Since I've been back all my worries and problems vanished.  I mostly hang out with JJ in our room and we catch up on what has been happening.

Too bad it all had to end sooner than I thought.

Sorry for not updating guys, I've been a little busy with testing and other school crap

Anyways, that was the new chapter, hope you enjoyed it

Comment and vote please

Until next time my little BlueBerries

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