Eternity [Link x Reader]

By UnlikelyKing

331K 10.5K 6.9K

You didn't choose this, you didn't want this. But it was a destiny decreed by the Gods. You were his soulmate... More

0 || Sweetly Bitter
I || Another Night Ends
III || It's a Beautiful Life
IV || Your Bittersweet Voice
V || Running From Destiny
VI || Heartstrings
VII || This Time
VIII || Blackened Sky
VIX || Wandering Hearts
X || Take Care of Me
XI || Breaking Free
XII || Link's Resolve
XIII || Without Words
XIV || Heart Over Matter
XV || Endless Tears
XVI || Smile Today, Cry Tomorrow
XVII || Brand New Day
XVIII || A Smiling Sun
XIX || A Muddled Cloud
XX || A Summer's Sky
XXI || Light
XXII || Desire
XXIII || Only the Stars Know
XXIV || Unravel
XXV || Someday
XXVI || Fire Meets Fate
XXVII || Betrayal of Time
XXVIII || Fall With Me, Part I
XXVIX || Fall With Me, Part II

II || What Lies Beyond the Horizon

15.6K 473 547
By UnlikelyKing

【 P R E S E N T L Y

You couldn't help but admire the beautiful twilight. The streaks of orange in the sky, the refraction of light within the clouds, and the descending orb of light into the horizon... It made you feel oddly at peace.

Yet at the same time, nostalgic.

Somewhere else, in another realm, you'd wonder if Midna was looking up at the sky too. You missed that little mischievous imp. As much as she had initially annoyed you, you eventually grew extremely fond of her. She became like an older sister figure to you. Somehow, she saw past all the loneliness and helped you to grow into a brave young woman.

Oh, how you've missed her.

What you would do for her to be at your side right now when you feel more lonely than anything.

"[Y/N]? Is that you?"

You blinked, snapping out of your reverie. Getting lost in your thoughts was a nasty habit of yours. For you, it was like sleepwalking (minus the fact that you don't sleep). It seemed like your feet would have a mind of their own and carry you off someplace.

Thankfully this time, it was to no other than Fado's Ranch. When you first came to Ordon Village, you ended up somewhere deep in the woods and somehow became friends with a talking bird who sells wares to travelers... Yeah, it was weird.

Just as fate would have it, you somehow found yourself back to Link... again.

Suppressing the sadness swirling within your soul, you straightened your back and mustered up the brightest smile.

"Good evening, Link!"

The hero grinned in response before descending from Epona. Said mare neighed happily before trotting over to you and gently nosing your cheek.

You laughed before pulling away and reaching over the fence towards her. Epona neighed once more before bowing her head slightly so you could lay your hand against her forehead.

"Hey Epona, did you work hard today?"

She neighed happily again, almost as if she was saying 'yes'!

Link chuckled as he moved to stand beside his most trusted companion. He gently laid a hand against her strong neck, to which she snorted happily before turning to nudge Link with her muzzle.

"You're not working at the ranch today," Link stated while turning his attention back to you. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to take a look around. It just seems unreal, you know? Not having to wield a sword or fight monsters anymore."

Link laughed, the sound of his voice causing your heart to flutter. "Nah, seems like to me you just got lost in your thoughts again."

You felt the heat creep onto your face, your cheeks flushing red in embarrassment. You quickly lowered your head, suddenly finding your shoes to be very interesting. Darn Link knew you all too well. It was kind of flattering, yet it also left you with a feeling of hopelessness.

How come the person who knew you the best, who you were literally created for, would never love you back?

"But I agree with you."

You lifted your head when Link continued to speak.

"As much as I missed home, I'm actually starting to miss the thrill of an adventure."

"Pfft," you blew a raspberry, quickly dismissing Link's poetic words. "Please, you've been complaining about going home for the longest time!" You practically accused while sharply pointing your finger at him for added effect.

Link's eyes seemed to begin to sparkle in amusement, and his grin widened.

"So you have no right to get all sappy on me, mister!"

The hero barked out in laughter, the volume startling Epona. She shook her head and snorted, almost like she was displeased by her master's actions. Then she turned around and trotted away, crossing the large field towards her resting station.

You paused, the flare of your emotions quickly diminishing. You couldn't help but watch with sad eyes as the object of your affections basked in such a wondrous state. Again, you felt conflicted. You felt proud you were the one who managed to incite such a reaction from him, but you knew you couldn't let your feelings get the best of you.

The worst way to get over a broken heart was to allow yourself to feel hope... Hope that something would happen between the two of you.

As such, you kept telling yourself that Link would never reciprocate your feelings. You've pined for him for centuries, through many lives. Yet, never once has he looked at you the same way that you looked at him.

Why would this time around be any different?

When Link calmed down, he opted to lean against the fence separating the two of you by his elbows. His tall figure was slouched slightly, his stance completely relaxed.

You couldn't help but smile. You were glad, happy that he no longer had to be on his guard all the time. He didn't have to sleep with one eye open anymore. He didn't have to live each day plagued by the fear of losing to the Twilight. It really was a huge change: going from a life filled with danger to a life where only peace existed.

Only the two of you could share in that.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Link offered you a smile, peeking at you from the corner of his blue eyes. "I mean, I've been a shepherd for as long as I can remember. So I'll probably never pick up a sword again."

"Really?" You tried to seem nonchalant about it, but the tone of your voice gave away your surprise. "I mean, I can understand." You said quickly in an attempt to cover up your previous slip-up. You tilted your head slightly, eyes flickering upwards to the sky. "I don't exactly want to pick mine up either unless I decide to go on another adventure."

"Another adventure... Eh?" Link echoed your words. Then he hummed slightly in content. "You know what I miss more than going on an adventure?"

You turned your attention back to him, waiting for a reply.

Giving you the cheekiest grin ever, he said, "your songs."

You blinked in surprise. "What was that?"

"I miss hearing you sing," Link elaborated, still beaming. "Whatever happens, promise me you won't ever give up on singing."

This time it was your turn to laugh, though somewhat dryly. "How can I? It's about the only thing I have going for me."

"That's not true!" Link exclaimed defensively. He leaned further over the fence to the point where his nose was practically grazing yours.

Upon instinct, you quickly moved to create some distance between the two of you. Before you could even take a step back, however, Link grabbed hold of your arm at lightning-speed, keeping you close. You tugged weakly, but his grip on you only increased in pressure.

"Um... Link? You're awfully close." You squeaked out, feeling extremely nervous.

"Good." Link replied, uncaring. "That way, you'll see how serious I really am."

Slowly, you lifted your gaze, your [e/c] eyes meeting his. Needless to say, you were taken back by the fierceness of his eyes. His crystal blue eyes were usually so calm, resembling a frozen lake. Now the ice had melted away, revealing a pair of passionate, blue flames.

The very look he was giving you sent shivers upon shivers down your spine. The butterflies burst in your stomach, sending a rush of emotions to your heart and your mind. This time, against your better judgment, you allowed it. You allowed yourself to bask in the warmth of the love you felt for him.

"[Y/N], you have the most beautiful voice in all the realms," Link began, his voice taking on a serious tone, which was quite out of his nature (in this life, anyway). "And your powers are absolutely amazing. You might not know it, but I owe my life to you."

"What?" you breathed out, not having anticipated such praise from the hero, from the one you loved.

"We saved Hyrule together. Hell, you've saved me, my life, countless times. Remember back in the Fire Temple, when I started losing hope? You were the one who gave me the strength to carry on. So please give yourself a little more credit. You have a gift, and I just want you to keep singing."

You opened your mouth to say something, but you didn't get a chance to before Link sweetly said, "[Y/N], will you sing for me?"

"Um... I-I don't think t-that's a good idea..." You stuttered nervously.

It wasn't so much because you were shy; you loved to sing and perform for others. The effect Link currently had on you, however, seriously made you question your ability right now.

"Aw, come on!" Link finally released you, allowing you to stumble back clumsily. "Just one song before I get back to work?"

You kept your eyes glued to the ground, in fear of what you might do if you continued to allow Link to give you these feelings.

"O-Okay... But just this once, alright?"

【 O F    A N O T H E R    L I F E

The path before him seemed endless. No matter which turns he took, he always seemed to end back where he started. Each tree, brush, and flower were all starting to look the same to him. At this rate, the Hero of Time was sure he'd soon go mad.

As a child, he's always been warned not to venture into the Lost Woods. There was a reason why it was called the 'Lost Woods,' after all - because anyone who went in never came out. It was a natural labyrinth, impossible to navigate. Not even the children of the forest nor the fairies of the Deku Tree could find the exit.

Link closed his eyes, trying to calm his senses. He had lost track of time a while back, although it felt like he's been trapped inside these woods for an eternity. Wandering around isn't going to get him anywhere. Maybe... Just maybe if he concentrated hard enough, he'd find a clue that'll help him reach his destination.

That's when he heard it: the most delicate and sweetest of voices. It was such a gentle hum, almost like it was being carried to him by the wind.

Slowly, Link opened his eyes. He was afraid to move, in fear that the crunching of the forest floor beneath his feet would scare away whoever was gently singing to him. The longer he stood still, however, the stronger his resolve seemed to grow.

It was so strange. Link suddenly felt rejuvenated, like he could take on anything in this whole world. With newfound strength, the young male took that first step forward. He realized the melody was now clearer and a little louder. So he took another and another until he was in a full sprint. Then he ran and ran and ran... Non-stop until he reached the entrance of the Forest Temple.

It was there he met you again. You, the one who led him out of the twisted forest. You were seated on Saria's stump, your eyes closed with a smile on your face. From your mouth spilled the most beautiful voice, singing with so much emotion that it pulled at Link's soul.

"It's you..." the hero whispered, his chest filling with relief.

You stopped singing at the sound of his voice. When you opened your eyes, you were greeted with the person you had been waiting for since the dawn of time. Or, more specifically, whom you've been waiting seven years to see again.

"Hello, Link." You smiled kindly. "It's been a while."

【 P R E S E N T L Y

The last note of your song trailed off, leaving a sweet hum in the air.

"Wow, that was beautiful!"

Your eyes snapped open, shocked by the new presence. You quickly spun around, gaze landing upon a girl around your age. She was of average height, with sandy blonde hair pulled to the side, and a pair of sparkling green eyes.

Your heart sank.

She was smiling your way, completely oblivious to your internal war.

"I-Ilia," you greeted, a little surprised by her appearance.

"Sorry for startling you, [Y/N]." The mayor's daughter grinned. "But you just have such a wonderful voice! I hope you didn't mind another member of the audience!"

"Uh... Course not..." you muttered, feeling quite awkward. "Um, thank you."

The wonderful rush you previously experienced completely vanished, leaving nothing but the feeling of emptiness within your chest. You had been reminded once more of your place in Link's life, of your eternal suffering.

Link didn't choose you in this lifetime.

That was okay because you would let him have his happy ending.

Ilia giggled before making her way over. She gracefully slipped past you, and you moved- letting her take her rightful place beside Link.

"Hey, Link! Look, I brought us dinner!" She cheerfully exclaimed, lifting a cute picnic basket for him to see.

"Ooh!" Link hummed in excitement. "Looks delicious. Just let me finish up, okay? I shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes."

"Okay, sure! Be careful!"

By now, you had turned your back, unable to withstand their exchanges emotionally. Ilia and Link were pretty discreet about their feelings, so it wasn't like they were flaunting their love in open public. The mere fact that it even existed, however, cut you to the core.

"[Y/N]? You should join us!"

You turned your head over your shoulder, meeting two friendly smiles. They were both beckoning you... And that created even a larger hole in your chest.

You couldn't blame them. They weren't aware of your 'situation'. Yet while you've had nothing but bad thoughts towards them, they still treated you kindly. Again, this just made you more aware of your place in their lives.

You weren't going to be the one to destroy their chance at happiness together.

You weren't going to make them suffer as they did with you.

"Yes, please come eat with us!" Ilia encouraged. "I haven't seen you much since you came back so..."

"Thank you, but I'll pass. I have a shift at Sera's," you replied quietly, hoping it would mask the bitterness of your tone.

Link shrugged; he wasn't the type to pressure others. "Alright. I'll come see you after work."

"Sure." You muttered in reply before fully turning your back and disappearing over the curve of the hill.

Behind you, you could still hear the cheery laughter that is the product of their love. As you walked away, the thought you dreaded the most suddenly became a reality.

You couldn't stay here anymore. You had to go.

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