Shit, I'm Falling For A Weasl...

By Sapphire0258

998K 28.9K 24.9K

||EDITING|| Lily Fowler, known to the world as Lily Argent, in order to protect her from her dark past, is a... More

Chapter One - In which I gain a Weasley guard
Chapter Two - In which I'd live off pastries
Chapter Three - In which Weasley asks me out
Chapter Four - In which I decide never to have Butterbeer again
Chapter Five - In which pumpkins are poisonous
Chapter Six - In which pink is perfect
Chapter Seven - In which I find something to fight for
Chapter Eight - In which the monster in me emerges with a vengence
Chapter Nine - In which we have a stunning war
Chapter Ten - In which we all head to Grimmauld Palace
Chapter Eleven - In which we play Truth or Dare
Chapter Twelve - In which I do something reckless
Chapter Thirteen - In which I get a sick father's blessing
Chapter Fourteen - In which Fred offers wisdom beyond his years
Chapter Sixteen - In which headless hats mess with my head
Chapter Seventeen - In which George is my birthday fairy
Chapter Eighteen - In which Valentine's Day fever hits me hard
Chapter Nineteen - In which I challenge the twins to a Beat(er) off
Chapter Twenty - In which I'm all in
Chapter Twenty One - In which Dumbledore tells me his secret
Chapter Twenty Two - In which the monster is born
Chapter Twenty Three - In which my patronus outs me
Chapter Twenty Four - In which the men in my life have a crisis
Chapter Twenty Five - In which the Weasleys leave with a bang
Chapter Twenty Six - Argent vs Fowler (Part 1)
Chapter 27 - Argent vs Fowler (Part 2)
Chapter 28 - Argent vs Fowler (Part 3)
Chapter 29 - Argent vs Fowler (Part 4)
Chapter 30 - In which silencio becomes my favourite spell
Chapter 31 - In which I get parent trapped by Dumbledore
Chapter 32 - In which a secluded Malfoy mystifies me
Chapter 33 - In which I give up on counting sheep
Chapter 34 - In which Malfoy and I go bird watching
Chapter 35 - In which the monster gets tamed
Chapter 36 - In which I become the queen of stupid decisions
Chapter 37 - In which George becomes my kryptonite
Chapter 38 - In which I run away for a grand total of 2 hours
Chapter 39 - In which I play Truth or Dare... again
Chapter 40 - In which Weasley meets Fowler
Chapter 41 - In which I find solace in my ever growing madness
Chapter 42 - In which I gain an unexpected ally
Chapter 43 - In which I take back control of my life
Chapter 44 - In which I keep failing at everything I try
Chapter 45 - In which I set Pandora's box on fire
Chapter 46 - In which I get a cheerleader and hypnotised in the process
Chapter 47 - In which I get infected by the Won-Won disease
Chapter 48 - In which I have a debate about Dumbledore's age
Chapter 49 - In which Snape shows his true colours
Chapter 50 - In which my fire demon takes an untimely vacation
Chapter 51 - In which even house elves betray me
Chapter 52 - In which I have a Weasley-filled start to summer
Chapter 53 - In which the Potter transfer mission is initiated
Chapter 54 - In which evEARything falls to pieces
Chapter 55 - In which we go on a hunt for Thomas Blacksmith
Chapter 56 - In which I get a surprising revelation about George
Chapter 57 - In which a bad day is fixed with food, music and amicable company
Chapter 58 - In which chaos breaks out at the Burrow
Chapter 59 - In which we go down memory hallway
Chapter 60 - In which fate finally catches up with me
Chapter 61 - In which I have a brief stopover at Malfoy Manor
Chapter 62 - In which I escape to the countryside
Chapter 63 - In which I lose everything I hold dear
Chapter 64 - In which Malfoy saves my life
Chapter 65 - In which Weasley and Fowler meet again
Chapter 66 - In which Fred plays Cupid
Chapter 67 - In which the truth fails to set me free
Chapter 68 - In which the hunt for Thomas Pibbly continues
Chapter 69 - In which the Fowler family secret is revealed
Chapter 70 - In which butterflies are mercilessly annihilated
Chapter 71 - In which the Weasley twins return to Hogwarts
Chapter 72 - In which an unlikely alliance forms
Chapter 73 - In which Operation Rescue Lily commences
Chapter 74 - In which the Fowlers are reunited once more
Chapter 75 - In which families reunite on the eve of war
Bonus: Transcript Entries
Prequel Published!

Chapter Fifteen - In which we go on a date

18.3K 566 159
By Sapphire0258

"Will you hurry up?" 

I hear George's frustrated voice call from downstairs for what feels like the millionth time. Sighing, I give up on deciding what outfit to wear and pick a hoodie and jeans. I mean it's not like I'm about to go on a date with my boyfriend - oh wait I am. But then again he was really vague about what we would be doing and just said to dress comfortably. Well George, this is perhaps as comfortable as I can be without wearing my pyjamas. I quickly apply mascara and let my long locks hang loose, pinning some of the strands at the front so that they don't cover my face. 

I walk out to the balcony and regard George downstairs. He still hasn't spotted me, but instead is lounging on an armchair staring into the fireplace. He too is wearing jeans and a sweater, making me feel a lot better about my outfit choice. 

"Hey," I mutter as I approach him. His eyes flicker up to mine and he sits up immediately. The look he gives me, makes my insides squirm. 

"Hi," he says simply, all frustration seemingly rolling off him. "Let's go," he grabs my hand and leads me out of the common room. 

It's Friday afternoon so most people either have the afternoon off and are out or they're stuck in the library studying. I would have been one of those people had George not decided to spring our first date on me like this. It might have been because I let it slip to Ginny that we hadn't actually been on a date yet, which she found extremely weird since we've been together for almost a month now. I suppress a smile as I picture the conversation that must have happened between the two.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask aloud as he leads me outside. He turns and taps his nose but doesn't say a word. I can tell he's bursting to tell me where it is and the fact that he doesn't even trust himself to say a word is rather cute. I frown as he leads me to the deserted Quidditch pitch and continue frowning when he pulls me up to the stands. 

"Geo-" I start but then stop suddenly when I realise where we are. This is the spot I sat in when it was the Quidditch Keeper trials. It's the day Ron forced me to come and I left before the trials ended because of the horrible girls behind me. It's the day George let a bludger hit him because he saw me get up and leave. It's the day he found me near the pumpkins and I broke down in front him for the first time. I smile as I realise it's the day I started to fall for this idiot and I guess it must mean a lot to him too since he's used it as the setting for our first date.

"I'm sorry- I know it's not fancy or anything but I didn't want it to be typical and all. I mean I know you're busy with O.W-" he rambles as we stop by a small blanket with a picnic basket on it. It's so sweet and I don't have words to tell him how much this means to me. So instead I interrupt his rambling and kiss him lightly on his cheek.

"It's perfect," I whisper as the tips of his ears redden. 

"So shall we sit?" George asks gesturing to the benches and I laugh as he pulls out an imaginary chair for me. 

"What gave you this idea?" I ask as he opens up the basket. Inside there's a ton of food including our personal favourites: pastries. 

"Well I just thought we should have some time to ourselves without Ginny or Fred or Lee," he mutters and I can't help but agree that this is a nice change. There's a gentle breeze, but aside from that it's really quiet. I turn to George but he's staring at the goal posts with an odd look on his face. My heart sinks when I realise how hard this must be for him. 

"You know we could have gone somewhere else, I wouldn't have mind," I say softly causing him to snap out of his thoughts. He gives me a small smile and doesn't meet my eyes.

"No, I wanted it to be here. I was just thinking about how time flies so quickly," George says splitting a sandwich and giving me a half. 

"What do you mean? We've still got ages till the end of the year," I say with a frown. 

"Never mind," George says waving his hands and smiling at me. But I can't let it go. What does he mean? Yes these past few months have gone by pretty quickly but each and every moment has been worth it. Is he worried that things will change when he leaves Hogwarts? My mouth suddenly becomes dry as it dawns on me that he's only going to be here for a few more months. I hadn't even considered that. I chew slowly as I think about all the times I've told George to leave me alone so I could study in peace. I've been wasting what little time I have with him!

George's eyes snap to mine and I know he knows what I'm thinking. It's probably clear as day on my face. There's so much I want to tell him, but time's running out. Should I even bother with the truth or continue the way we are? At least then we'll be happy. 

"Let's not worry about that now. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned anything today." He says quickly and a part of me does want to scold him for bringing this up on our first date. But then at the same time I think about the fact that this has been bothering him for a while now. How long has he kept this from me? Looks like I'm not the only one who keeps things in this relationship. 

"Here, have a banana," he says thrusting one in my hand. I take with a small laugh. Bananas was the first question he asked me about way back when things were different. Little did I know where I would end up and how that same guy who thought I was badass for dumping butterbeer all over Lavender would remember to exclude it in the picnic basket because he just knows

"George?" I ask after a pause. "What are you most afraid of?" I continue and his eyebrows snap up in surprise.

"Where's this coming from?" he asks causing me to redden slightly.

"I just wanted to know you better. The parts that you don't tell anyone," I say in a low voice, my cheeks reddening slightly. I catch his gaze and it's thoughtful. I though he'd be more disapproving since I'm not the best at sharing information so why should he?

"Okay how about we ask each other a question and we have to answer truthfully no matter what?" He offers as my heart rate picks up. 

"Sure," my voice is almost inaudible but he smiles at me making me feel protected and safe. I know there's no reason to be scared but it's like I don't want him to find out too much. I don't want to jeopardise anything. 

"I know there's a war coming," he says in a serious tone. "And I know you lose people. Not just in death but people change and all. But what I'm scared about is what happens after. I don't- I can't think about it. I don't want to picture a world without people I care about, but at the same time a part of me knows that it's childish to think everyone will be okay and the same after it," he says, his voice trailing off at the end. Instinctively I grab his hand and squeeze it. Never would I have pegged George to be someone who thinks about the impending war so much. I thought that's something that only I did. 

"War won't change me," I mutter staring ahead causing George to raise his eyebrows.

"How can you be so sure?" 

"I think it only brings out the true reflection of who you are. The parts that you try to hide, the parts you wish didn't exist, everything." I mutter in the same tone. I haven't ever told anyone this nor have I voiced it aloud. I guess it's because I feel like once I do it fixes my fate. Because I doubt I can run from the monster when all hell breaks loose.

"That's one way of thinking about it. Another way is that you see those parts and choose to be different. In that way you come out a better person and stronger than you were at the start," George says in a soft voice as he meets my eyes. I smile at him as yet again he's managed to offer a different opinion on something that's been bothering me for ages. Not just any old opinion, but something that makes sense. 

Maybe I will be stronger after it.

"My turn," George says snapping me out of my thoughts. Nervous would be an understatement as I fidget impatiently whilst he thinks of a question. 

"If you could tell me anything and I would forget the second after, what would you say?" George asks, his eyes filled with curiosity, as goosebumps appear on my arms. It's a weird question but at the same time I know why he's asking it. He's testing to see if I'll open up to him. He would never ask me a direct question about my secrets and past and I guess this is the best alternative. Either way I'm glad this is the question he asked. 

"The truth?" I ask in a small voice. What could I possibly tell him? I can't tell him about my past. I can't tell him about my curse. My eyes widen as I realise there is one thing I could tell George Weasley that would answer the question honestly. 

I could tell him how I feel. 

"I would tell you," I say as I lean over the picnic basket and stare into his eyes. I watch as he stiffens slightly at my movement and have to stop myself from smirking. "That I've had a rough start in life and one I prefer to stay in the past. That because of it there was a time when I thought I didn't deserve to be loved or love." I say in a low voice as his pupils dilate. "But I don't think that anymore and haven't done since I met you," I whisper with a smile playing on my lips. It's surprisingly easy to admit all that. I guess it's because in a way I'm not admitting to the fact that I really really really like him. Just that he's opened me up in ways that I never thought possible for someone like me. 

"I'm glad," he whispers back staring into my eyes. "And in that second I would reply you won't ever have to think that again," he says putting a hand on my cheek. I sink into it as my mind races. Does that mean he's in it for the long haul? Does that mean his feelings are as intense as mine? Questions run through my mind as my eyes search for answers in his.

He smirks at me, clearly fully aware of the mind daze he's put me in. He closes the gap between us, kissing me lightly. It catches me off guard and I freeze. But then I melt into his arms as our lips move in synch with each other. 

My hand slips from his shoulder causing me to loose balance and I fall onto the basket underneath me hearing a horrible squelch. George stares down at me in surprise but then a second later starts laughing at me. I roll my eyes at him, and despite the embarrassing situation I can't help but smile too. 


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