Adopted By Muke

By Allena5SOS

246K 8K 6.9K

"So... You're telling me that this all was a dare? On top of that, you only kept me here longer because it br... More

Adopted by Muke
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Author's Note

Chapter Thirty-five

4.5K 188 351
By Allena5SOS

Katelyn's point of view

"Christmas is coming up." Michael told me and I nodded. "Should we head back to Sydney soon?"

"I still have school." I said and he nodded. "I mean, if timing is more convenient now, I'm so down for it. It'll get me out of testing."

"Yeah, never mind. We'll head out during your next break, after all your tests." He told me and I nodded.

"I'm bored and Calum left already." I said and he shrugged. "It's also really cold." I said and he nodded.

"It is." He told me and nodded. "Want to go mess around on the drums and guitar?"

"Not feeling it right now." I said and he nodded. "Want to play some games?"

"Nah." He dismissed and I nodded. The doorbell rang and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'll get it." He said and I nodded as I pulled my phone out.

I looked at my Kik message and then saw that Nick texted me. 'Happy thanksgiving my Australian bitch' he said and I laughed.

I sent him the same thing and then someone bursted into the house. I nearly dropped my phone as I saw who it was and I looked at him.

"Katelyn." He breathed out as if he thought that he was hallucinating. "You dyed your hair."

"Yeah." I said and he chuckled. I ran up to him and he wrapped his arms around me. "I missed you so much Jacob." I said and he picked me up.

"God, it's hell without you, honestly." He said and ran a hand through my hair. "You keep me even the slightest bit sane."

Caught up in the moment of happiness, I pressed my lips against his and wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me back and I ran my hands through his hair.

"I missed you Mikey." I heard Luke's voice and Jacob buried his face in my neck. "God, I missed you so much, baby."

"You look even more beautiful than before." Jacob said and I blushed. "I missed you." He told me again and I nodded.

"How did you get here?" I asked him as he set me down. "Why are you here? What about school? Work? Your sister?"

"Luke and I decided that we needed you two in our lives and decided to grow some balls and do something about it. Everything else wasn't as important or was taken care of." He said and I smiled. "It took a little over two hundred dollars but we're here after two flights and like three days."

"What happened?"

"There wasn't a direct flight so we got off at Miami and came here from there." He said and I nodded. "God. I missed you though."

"Can I uh kiss you again?" I asked him and he nodded. I leaned up and then pressed my lips against his.

"Break it apart kids-"

"Leave it Luke, clearly they miss each other just as much as we did." Michael said and I blushed as Jacob pressed his forehead against mine.

"Tell me you're coming home soon." Jacob said quietly and I looked into his pretty hazel eyes. "Please."

"I am, soon." I said and he nodded as he smiled at me. "For now, let's appreciate the fact Muke aren't fighting and we just kissed without getting our heads chopped off." I said and he nodded.

"That's always a relief." He said and kissed my cheek. We pulled away and I looked at Luke. I haven't seen him in a long time.

He smiled smally and I ran up to him, practically tackling him in a hug. He hugged me back and I buried my face into his shirt. "I'm so fucking sorry princess." He said and I sniffled.

"I missed you Luke." I said pathetically as I hugged him tighter. "You were an asshole to me and Mikey but I missed you so much." I told him and he rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry." He said and my shoulders shook a bit as I cried. "I'm so sorry Katelyn. I didn't mean any of it, not a single thing. I can't believe I hurt you guys so much that you had to move across the world. I'm such an idiot." He cried himself.

"Please, please forgive me princess. Please. I swear to god that I'll never hurt you again. You or Mikey. I love you guys so much. You're my world. I need you guys." He said, his voice breaking while he spoke.

"I promise that I'll never hurt you guys again. I promise that I'll fix myself and keep myself in check. Please please please, I'm so sorry." He told me and I cried harder because I was an emotional wreck right now.

"It's not okay, but I forgive you." I said and nodded. "I forgive you." I repeated and he kissed the top of my head.

"On the count of three, help me tackle Mikey." He said quietly and I nodded. He counted down and then we pulled away.

We tackled Michael into a hug and he fell on his bottom. Luke began to sputter out apologies just like he did to me and I pulled away.

I stood up and went to Jacob. "We need to talk." He said as he cupped my face, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"That's never good." I said and sniffled as I wiped my own eyes. "Let's talk. The guys are a bit busy."

He nodded and I followed him outside. He closed the sliding door and then he looked at me. "You were away for a long time."

"It was a month and a half."

"A month and a half too long." He told me and smiled smally. "That month and a half though, gave me time to think and sort my priorities out." He said and I nodded.

"Didn't know you had priorities to sort out." I said and he nodded. "What happened?"

"Um, I may have punched Luke in the mouth a few days after you left and I started smoking again, much more than usual. I'm was a disaster but that's not what I want to talk about." He said and I nodded.

"In that month and a half, I had a lot of time to myself and to think. I also had saved a lot of money on gas, which helped buy you this." He said and reached into his pocket.

He pulled out a box and I looked and him. "I don't need gifts." I said and he opened the box. "I'm too young for marriage Jacob, I'm fourteen."

"I'm not proposing Katelyn, you little dweeb." He said and laughed as I took the box. "I have an important question to ask though."

"I will not bare your children-"

"Good Lord Jesus Katelyn, I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend." He said and we laughed. "What is wrong with you?"

"I've been reading too much cliché fan fiction about One Direction... It's a problem." I said and he chuckled.

"So? What do you say?" He asked me and I looked at him before glancing at the silver ring.

"I say," I started as I closed the box. "You don't need to get me gifts in order for me to say yes, you little nitwit." I said and kissed his cheek. "I don't need this."

"It's cute. Come on, at least put it on." He said and I chuckled. I opened the box and took the ring out. "Luke helped me pick it out, so he's just joking when he says he's not okay with us being together."

"That boob." I said and we both laughed as I out the ring on. "I'm fourteen and I already have guys buying me jewelry, wow." I said and he laughed as he rolled his eyes.

I gave Jacob a hug and he hugged me back. "You're such an idiot," I said and gave him a quick kiss. "But you're my idiot now."

"Am I?" He said and I nodded ad he picked me up. "That's a relief. So I can do this freely now." He said as he gave me a quick kiss.

I hummed and he set me down as they wind began to pick up and the sky began to darken. "You can definitely do that freely now, just don't let Luke and Michael see it."

"Too late."

"Am I getting punched again?" Jacob question as he turned around. We looked at the two and they looked between each other.

"Just... Just keep it PG-13 please." Michael said and I smiled with Jacob. "Come here Jacob." He said and the two shared a quick hug.

"Listen to me boy." Michael said, loud enough for us all to hear. "If you fuck up, I'll fuck you up. I'm not afraid to whoop your ass. One tear caused by you and that's one life that just got lost. Do you understand? I'm not that much older than you, I know what's up."

"Of course." Jacob said and nodded. "Now, if you will? My bones are shattering as we speak." He said and I laughed as Michael let him go.

"I may be cool with letting you date her, but if you make one mistake, I hope you have fun partying six feet under in hell." Luke said and I watched and he looked at Michael. "Don't be like me."

"I won't. I promise." Jacob said and I smiled a bit. It's always nice to have their approval on something, especially Michael's.

We heard the doorbell ring and Michael looked at me. "My friends are out and you have no friend so who's at the door?"

"Fuck you too then." I said and dragged Jacob into th house. "Oh, by the way, you look hot Jake."

"Thank you love." He said and chuckled as I opened the door. "Oh, who's this?" He asked and I saw Nick.

"Katey baby," Nick said and gave me a hug. "Who's this? He's got that hot, two thousand's pop-punk look going on."

"Nick, this is Jacob. Jacob, this is Nick, my best friend who is gay so wipe that look off your face." I told him and he nodded as he chuckled.

"No fucking way, that's Jacob? You bitch! You're dating aren't you?" He asked and Jackb held up our hands, which were interlaced. "You didn't tell me? Oh, I am so mad at you."

"It's that my little Nicky boo?" Michael asked and I let Nick inside. I closed the door and then Jacob looked at me.

"He's like my best friend. He's really outgoing and confident. Although he seems feminine, he will punch you without a second thought." I said and Jacob nodded.

"Mikey, who's this blonde guy?" Nick asked and we walked over to him. "Who are you booboo?"

"I'm his boyfriend, I'm Luke." Luke said and looked at Michael. "Who's this?" He asked as Nick gasped.

"You're the little fucker who hurt my Mikey boo? This is Luke?" Nick asked as he reached towards his ear, taking off his earrings. "Bitch, hold my diamonds. I'm about to pop a nigga-"

"Okay," I said and ran up to him, knowing full well he was going to hit Luke. "No fighting and no need to take your earrings off. Oh, and watch your language, that is an offensive word and Luke is like cracker white. Wait what are you even doing here?"

"My mom was going at it and I decided to leave. After all, my dad left for work at five." He said and Michael hissed.

"Shit man, I'm sorry." He said and Nick shrugged as he put his earrings back in. "Thanksgiving is like today, are you guys not celebrating it or..."

"Nope. My dad's working today and my mom has others plans... smaller plans but whatever." Nick said and shrugged. "Anyways, booboo, when did you start dating trash again? You can do better than the thing that lives in the garbage can on Sesame Street."

"Come on, be nice." I said and Luke looked down. "Michael seems to be over it, just give Luke a chance."

"And you, when did you start dating Jacob? Just yesterday you were complaining about how much you're into him and how he'll never be into you that way." He said and I blushed.

"Uh, he's a liar and um we've only been together for like thirty minutes." I said. "You rang the doorbell right after he got a small glimpse of 'the talk'."

"That's right honey, you need the talk. Let me give you at little run down." Nick said and I face palmed while Michael snickered.

"You see, I've gotten kicked out of a school for fighting because I don't tolerate shit okay? You fuck up, and I will pop your ass. I am not afraid to shove my foot up your ass hot shot. I know people too, so even if you think you're safe, I'm always watching you. I know what's up and if anything at all is up, your ass is mine." Nick said and I wanted to walk away and just die in a hole.

"Should I be intimidated?" Jacob asked the fourteen year old who was nearly the same height as he was.

"Yes because when I first met Michael, like actually got to talk to him, he was scared of me. I know everything you know, and possibly more." Nick said and smirked slightly. "I could break you."

"You're a string bean."

"I am vanilla bean motherfucker, get it right. Get it right." Nick said and clapped his hand. "Now, are you gonna treat my little booboo like the princess that she is or should I help you see just how lucky you are?"

"I like you." Jacob said and then he looked at me. "You must have been very well protected. You have Mr. Vanilla Bean and Mr. Michael Clifford on your ass."

"What can I say? Everyone wants to help the princess." I said and smiled, causing them all the laugh. "I'm just that nice to be around."


Question of the chapter:

-Who's wants a 'Nick' in their life?"

Author's answer:

-I do. I have one already, though we aren't that close, and he makes my 4th period worth going to haha.

Reader's answer:


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