Shadow at the Water's edge.

By WendyHamlet

19.2K 997 235

Lore has built up over the ages about creatures that live in the ocean, creatures of startling beauty, with t... More

The Girl
The Shadow.
A Cry for Help
Surprise reunion
Restless Night.
Pool Party.
The Truth is Out.
Raised Stakes.
Rescue Attempt.
Just the Beginning.

A strange encounter.

833 45 5
By WendyHamlet

"Alex! Wait up!"

Alex turned around at the sound of Zach's shout, he was running toward him with a cheerful smile on his face. Alex waited in the hall for him to catch up. "Hey Zach, what's up?"

Zach was panting slightly from running, and he gasped several times before inhaling deeply and slinging an arm around Alex's shoulder. "Alex my man! You doing anything tonight?"

Alex thought for a moment.  "Uh...nope, I'm free."

Zach grinned and slapped him heartily on the back. "Great! The team and cheerleaders are going to the club tonight, wanna come?"

Alex scratched the back of his head and shifted his books. "Um...I don't really go to clubs."

Zach laughed. "Aw come on dude, you used to go! Still got your fake ID?"

Alex nodded.

"Great! We'll be there around ten o'clock. See you there." He slapped his back again and ran off down the hall.

Alex sighed and rubbed his forehead.

He had occasionally gone to clubs before the accident, but the only thing appealing about a club to him was the music. He didn't care to drink all that much, but he loved to dance, he was pretty good at it too. But the overall club atmosphere left him feeling uncomfortable. Most of the time when he went, he would volunteer to be the designated driver and make sure his friends didn't do anything too stupid.


His head turned as his name was yelled down the hall for the second time. He smiled as he saw Squints weaving his way through the crowd, heading for him. "Hey Squints."

Squints shrugged his back-pack further up his shoulder and grinned. "You got any plans for tonight? The new Black Ops just came out."

Alex smiled and shook his head. "Yeah, I got roped into going to the club tonight."

Squints rolled his eyes. He disapproved of clubs, he considered them obnoxious and unsanitary. "Come on! I thought you had gave up on that sort of thing! What do you even do at a club?"

Alex shrugged. "Mostly keep everyone else out of trouble. I've got to go know, they're counting on me being the designated driver, and if I don't show up they won't have anyone to drive them home."

Squints sighed and started walking with Alex to their next class.

Alex suddenly had an idea, and he stopped Squints. "Hey, why don't you come to the club too?"

Squints looked horrified. "What? That's ridiculous!"

"Oh come on! Please? Then I won't be completely bored out of my mind." He pouted his lip and opened his blue eyes wide. "Please Squints? You're the bestest friend in the whole world."

Squints tried to hide a smile behind a scoff, but Alex could tell he almost had him. "Not the face! Come on Alex, I wouldn't be able to get in anyway!"

Alex grinned. "I can get you a fake ID by this afternoon."

Squints eyes widened and he stared at his best friend. "What?! How on earth could you do something so illegal so fast?"

Alex smiled. "I know a guy. Please?" 

Squints stared at him for a long moment, then gave in with a huff. "Fine, but know I'm only doing it because I need to keep an eye on you."

Alex laughed and ruffled Squints hair affectionately. "Thanks pal, meet me at my house around five, we'll go out to eat okay?"

Squints nodded and they separated to their different classes.

All the rest of that afternoon Alex's mind was on tonight. Usually he didn't especially like going, but it would be totally awesome with Squints there. He silently chuckled at the thought of Squints in a club. He wondered if Squints would drink anything.

He dropped off all the information he needed for a fake ID at a set location, and picked up a manila envelope after school at the same spot.

He arrived home and headed directly for the stairs.

"Hey Alex, you got a minute?"

He stopped and turned around at Nick's voice and shrugged. "Yeah, sure."

Nick's brown hair was sticking up slightly as if he had run his fingers through it, and his brown eyes had dark circles around them.

"Um...are you okay?"

He added, looking slightly worried at Nick. "Yeah, I'm fine...just a little tired. Let's sit in the living room."

Alex shrugged and walked into the living room, plopping down on the couch, and expecting Nick to do the same. Instead he began to pace back and forth in front of the coffee table. Alex followed him with his eyes, wondering what could have gotten Nick this worked up.

"Listen Alex..." He stopped and cleared his throat. Clearly he was stressing out about something.

Alex glanced at the clock. He had to start getting ready.  "Nick, could this possibly wait until-"

"It's your mother Alex."

He froze, attention now fully on Nick. He felt his insides twist in a knot. He swallowed hard, willing himself to remain detached. "Oh? What about her? Did her sentence get extended?" He couldn't help sounding bitter. What kind of mother would leave her only child because she was too stupid to stay off drugs? He hadn't even seen her in years, but he hadn't been taken away from her until he was he knew her well enough.

"Alex..." Nick licked his lips nervously and ran his hands through his hair. "She...she overdosed."

Alex felt his heart stop, his chest constricting. "W-What?" Alex's voice hitched as he asked a question he didn't want the answer to. "Is she okay?"

Nick looked at him with pain in his eyes. "They found her this morning...she died last night."

Alex slammed his fist onto the coffee table with such force that it knocked off several coasters. "No!" He stood up, shaking, half out of anger and half out of grief. "She can't be dead! She promised me she would shape up!"

Nick tried to put a hand on Alex's shoulder, but he just shook it off. "Alex...I know how you must feel."

Alex shook his head, the tears overflowing his eyelids and streaming down his cheeks. "No you don't!" He screamed at his guardian.

Nick's eyes suddenly turned hard and he shouted back. "She was my sister Alex! I've lost her too!"

Alex choked on a sob and ran upstairs, ignoring Nick's cries after him. He ran into his room and slammed the door with such force that the walls shook. He screamed, letting out all his pent up anger and grief. He had to hit something! His fist went through the drywall, and he scored several cuts on his knuckles.

He sank onto the edge of his bed, dropping his head into his hands and letting the tears run freely down his cheeks.

How could she do this to him? What had he ever done to her? She had always been selfish, and weak, she gave into the drugs way too easily. She never even tried for him. And now she was gone.

After a few minutes he sniffed and wiped the tears off his cheeks. He needed to get out of the house.

He changed into a pair of dark jeans and a light green shirt that contrasted well with his tan skin and light hair. He pulled on a pair of sneakers and grabbed his wallet

"I'm going out." He called to Nick as he ran downstairs and grabbed his keys. "Don't worry I won't be out too late." He added, knowing that Nick would worry if he just left without some sort of reassurance.

He didn't hear any objection so he exited the house and got into his car. Just as he turned on the engine Squints walked up. They lived a few blocks away from each other.

"Hey Alex, ready to go I see."

Alex didn't say anything, unlocking the door so Squints could climb into the front seat.

His friend immediately noticed his mood, and glanced at his bruised and bloody knuckles. "Uh...are you alright?"

"My mom is dead." Alex said bluntly.

Squints was silent for a few moments.

Alex tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white.

"Alex...I'm really sorry."

Alex shrugged. "I haven't even seen her for a couple years...I should have seen this coming, I knew the drugs were going to kill her."

"Are you going to be okay to drive?"

Alex nodded slowly. "Hey, could you maybe take my job as designated driver? I could really use a drink..."

Squints gave him a small smile. "Of course, but I'm still going to make sure you don't get totally wasted."

This won a smile from Alex and he switched the car into drive, pulling out into the street and heading for the most popular club for the high schoolers. It was the most lax on checking ID validity.

"Hey do you have my fake ID?"

Alex handed him the manila envelope and Squints pulled out several papers and a fake ID.

He looked it over with a critical eye. "Bobby Shulz?" He turned to Alex and saw that he was grinning. "Really?"

Alex shrugged. "Hey, the guy does his work well. Mr. Bobby Shulz is twenty-one years old."

Squints demonstrated how he earned his nickname as he squinted at the ID with a careful eye. "Well, I must say he did an excellent job other than the name..." He suddenly looked up. "Wait one second, how did he get my picture!"

Alex grinned at him and replied in a mock creeper voice. "I stalk you."

Squints rolled his eyes and slid the ID in his pocket.

They pulled up to the club and quickly parked.

"Remember where we are, because I sure won't."

Squints nodded and glanced at the club nervously. They could hear the beat of the music all the way in the parking lot, and bright colorful lights flashed through the windows. "Maybe we should go home..."

"Alex! You made it after all!"

Squints groaned as Zach's shout reached their ears.

Alex gave him an amused look before turning to Zach. "Did you ever doubt me?"

Zach chuckled and threw his arm around a stick thin red head, a cheerleader dressed in a slinky green dress. "Not even for a second! Let's go party!" The group of jocks and cheerleaders let out whoops as they started off towards the club.

Squints sighed before rolling his shoulders and nudging Alex in the side. "You owe me big time."

Alex grinned and dragged his friend towards the club.

They had no trouble getting in, the bouncer barely giving their ID's a second glance. The bass was pounding hard, and Alex could feel the beat reverberating in his chest. The bright colored lights flashed and streamed past in tempo with the upbeat song.

"Are you going to dance?" Squints practically had to shout in Alex's ear. He knew how much his friend loved to dance, and how good he was.

Alex glanced at the crowded dance floor. "Not until I get a drink."

Squints followed him to the bar, and ordered water as Alex ordered a shot of whiskey.

"Cheers." He said as he clinked glasses with Squints, and quickly downed the amber liquid. He blinked several times. "Okay that's better."

Squints laughed as Alex slammed the shot glass back onto the table and rolled his shoulders. "Alright, time to dance." He stopped suddenly as the song changed, waiting to see what was playing next. He grinned widely as How low by Ludcris began playing. He slid onto the dance floor and quickly cleared a circle in the middle.

If anyone ever said that Alex Fisher couldn't dance, than they had never seen him preform. He could do Hip hop, ballroom and break dancing like a pro, and with the shot of alcohol in his system he was on fire. He quickly earned cheers and applause from the crowd as he let the music take over his senses and just danced like it was as natural as walking. He ended with a double front flip, landing in a split. The crowd screamed their approval and soon other adventurous dancers began to preform. Alex pushed through the crowd back to where Squints was waiting.

"Dude, that was awesome!"

Alex grinned and took a deep breath. "Man I feel good!"

Squints eyed him critically. "You just had one shot of whiskey."

Alex shrugged. "You don't have to be drunk to feel good Squints."

He laughed and nodded his head. "So you're not planning on getting drunk?"

Alex shook his head with a smile. "No, I'm good."

Squints stood up and stretched slightly. "Good, that means I can leave you by yourself, I must locate the restrooms."

Alex pointed them out to him and Squints disappeared in the crowd. Alex sat on one of the bar stools and ordered an ice water.

"He'll have a martini on me."

Alex turned suddenly as the sultry voice purred their order at the bartender.

"Oh and make that two."

The bartender nodded. And began making the drinks.

Alex looked at the woman curiously.

She looked to be in her very early twenties, black hair hung in loose curls down her back, her pale skin largely exposed in her formfitting red gown, only reaching her mid thigh. She was wearing a pair of black stiletto heels and black jewelry. Her lips were blood red, and her silver eyes were accentuated by smokey makeup. Alex couldn't help noticing that the dress hugged her smooth curves tightly. "What makes you think I like martinis?"

She gave him a foxy smile and said almost seductively. "I can tell a lot about a man just by looking at him."

Alex raised his eyebrows and turned back towards the bar. "Oh really?"

She slid onto the bar stool next to his and rested her elbows on the counter, leaning her face close to his as she replied. "Really."

Alex had encountered this kind of thing before, that was one of the reasons why he didn't like coming to clubs. Girls wouldn't leave him alone, even when he appeared completely uninterested. "Well, thanks for the drink."

She smirked. "My pleasure." She purred her words enticingly, her warm breath brushing against Alex's skin. It caused a chill to creep up his spine for some reason, and he cleared his throat rather nervously. He took a sip of the cool martini, and took a deep breath.

"Do I...make you uncomfortable." She said silkily, bringing her lips closer towards his neck.

Alex turned to her and smiled. "Not at all."

She traced her necklace with her fingertips, trying to draw his attention to her neckline. He kept eye contact steadily, wondering what she wanted.

"Would you like to dance?"

His eyes flickered to the dancefloor. "Oh I can't dance."

She chuckled, a low sound that resembled faint thunder. "Don't lie to me, I saw you."

He inwardly cursed himself and shrugged. "You've caught me. So why would you want to dance with me?" He somehow sensed that she was getting slightly frustrated.

"I like to dance, and you clearly are an excellent dancer, why wouldn't I want a good partner?"

Alex shrugged. "True. So just one dance?"

She leaned forward and whispered in his ear in a low breathy voice. "Who knows where the night will take us?"

Alex managed to hold in a shiver and returned her smile. "I suppose one dance couldn't hurt."

She smirked and slid off her stool, taking Alex's hand and leading him onto the dance floor.

He inwardly swore as the song changed to a slow one, and the woman wrapped her arms around his neck. He lightly placed his hands on her sides and they moved to the music.

"So do I get to know the name of my dance partner?" He asked, starting a conversation to break the tense silence.

"Nerissa, and you are?"


She smiled. "Protector."

He frowned. "Pardon?"

She brushed her fingers through the hair on the back of his head as she replied. "Your name, it means protector."

Alex's eyebrows were still furrowed in slight confusion but he said smoothly. "Oh, really? That's interesting."

Nerissa had something in her eyes that made him uneasy as she said more to herself than to him. "Yes...very interesting."

They were silent for a moment, and Nerissa's hand slowly slid down his shoulder to his chest, making Alex wish the song would end. "So Alex, have you ever seen a girl around here?"

Alex chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest, which he deeply regretted because Nerissa suddenly looked much more interested in him, her hands slowly roaming across his shoulders and chest. "I think you'll have to be a little more specific."

She laughed lightly. "Of course, well she would have been very beautiful, tall, body similar to mine, and she would have a lovely voice."

Alex felt more than weirded out by this woman, the interest she had in him, her roaming hands, and now these whacked out questions? "Um...What color is her hair?"

Nerissa thought for a moment. "I'm not sure, but you would remember her if you saw her. Has there ever been any girls that completely floored you?"

Alex coughed as her hands slid down to his abs, and he spun her so that he could break physical contact for a moment. "Look, I don't know why you're asking these...odd questions, but no I haven't seen anyone like that."

She spun back in, and to Alex's dismay she was closer than before. "Are you sure?" She asked in a low voice, her fingertips circling the back of his neck. He couldn't help flushing at her touch, and he forced himself not to lose focus. "Yes, I'm sure."

Nerissa slowly leaned forward, her lips just inches away from his. "Well, I guess I'll have to look elsewhere."

The song ended and Alex released her a split second before her lips touched his. "Yes I suppose you will. Thank you for the dance, and the drink." He could see something flash in her eyes that looked like a mixture of anger, frustration and...desire? He probably got that part wrong.

"I'm sure we'll meet again...until then, Alex." She almost hissed his name, and for a split second he thought he saw red in her eyes. Probably just the light reflecting off of them.

"Dude! Who was that hottie?!"

Alex jumped as Zach's drunk bellow broke out behind him. He turned around and saw Zach with several other teammates, then glance back at where Nerissa disappeared and shrugged. "She was attractive I guess."

Zach snorted. "Attractive? Man those legs of hers could burn through steel!" His friends all laughed and whooped their agreement. Zach smacked Alex on the back. "She was so into you! You could have totally hooked up! And you know what they say about older women." More whoops from the group while Alex just waited for them to quiet down.

"I've told you before Zach, I don't hook up. But hey, you're welcome to try your luck with her." They laughed and Alex moved back towards the bar, looking for Squints.

"Who was that goddess you were with just a moment ago?" Squints accused sharply.

Alex shrugged and sat down. "Some desperate woman I guess."

Squints raised his eyebrows and scoffed. "How can a woman like that be desperate?"

Alex shrugged again and felt a chill as he remembered Nerissa's intensity. "I don't know...hey do you want to get out of here? I need sleep."

Squints dug the keys out of his pocket and pulled Alex to his feet. "Come on party animal, your bed awaits."

Alex rolled his eyes. "You're such a weirdo."

Squints smirked. "And yet you're still friends with me."


Hey everyone! I implore you to leave a comment as that would be very nice! Or if you don't want to leave a comment, just vote! Or do both, both is good too :)

Hope you like this chapter and I'll be updating again soon!

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