The Lucky Pick // One Direct...

By meltedpopsicle

191K 3.2K 1.1K

She agreed to taking her sister to a concert, but not to this. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Acknowledgements & Author's Note

Chapter 41

1.5K 29 3
By meltedpopsicle

Megan Watson's POV

I wait nervously in the airport, looking out for Harry in the crowd of people that just got off of his plane, struggling to find him.

But then, I find him, and he seems to see me too, because he smiles and walks my way, immediately hugging me when he reaches me.

"Oh my God, Harry, I missed you so much," I say during the hug, my voice slightly muffled.

"I missed you so much, too," he chuckles lightly, pulling away from the hug but keeping his arms around my waist, his eyes locked on my stomach, "You're skinnier."

"No, I'm not," I disagree, startled at his comment.

"Trust me, you are," he says, before starting to lift my shirt up slightly, but I smack him away, him saying, "You're too skinny, Megan."

"Harry, please, you've been gone for months and you come back and remark about my weight," I say.

"Sorry, sorry," he chuckles lightly, "Let's try that again. Megan! It's been so long. Erm, hi. Let's kiss, maybe."

I laugh lightly and before I can reply he quickly presses his lips to mine. I get lost in the kiss, having really missed how his lips felt on mine. He continues to kiss me for a while, before I pull away, saying, "Well, then, let's go."

"Sure." Harry nods. "I just... Wait. Where's - oh, never mind. Be right back."

I chuckle, "alright."

Harry sends me a small smile as he walks away, and I stand by myself, feeling content that he is finally back, and will be for several months.

Deep into my own thoughts, I jump a little when a voice sounds from beside me.

"Hi, you're Megan Watson, right?" I look to my right to see a teenage girl standing there.

"Hello. Yup, I'm Megan." I smile at her. Honestly, it was really weird to think that people actually knew my name and who I was without ever talking to me, just because Harry and I were going out.

"Could I ask you something?" She asks quietly.

"Um... Sure."

"You know how just there Harry was looking at your stomach?" She asks, and I tilt my head slightly in confusion at why she would mention that, "Are you... um... are you pregnant or something?"

I choke on my own spit, "No! Oh my God, no! No, no! No way! I am not pregnant! I'm only eighteen!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you, or anything. It just looked like it. I shouldn't have asked such a stupid question. Sorry," she mumbles quickly.

"It's fine," I assure her, still a little shocked at what she said, "Really. It probably did look like that, and I'm not offended. Alright?"

"Well, I'm still sorry. It's, uh, nice to meet you." She says before scurrying off, her face red with embarrassment.

"Why is she sorry?" A deep voice that I immediately recognise to be Harry'a says from behind me, and I jump, screeching quietly in fright, and spinning around to face him, to see him holding a suitcase.

"Oh my God, Harry. You scared me!" I say, out of breath.

He chuckles, "Why was that girl sorry?"

"She thought I was pregnant. Because you were looking at my tummy," I explain, crossing my arms.

"Seriously?" He lets out a small laugh.

"Mhm." I hum.

"It's an idea, though." He smirks, before I smack him on the arm.

"It is most definitely not an idea," I say firmly.

"I'm joking, I'm joking." He holds his hands up in surrender.

"Mm. You better be." I say, honestly enjoying having his perverted flirting back.

"Right, so, let's go then," he says, and we make our way back to my apartment, him calling a cab.

When we reach the apartment, he places his suitcase on the ground in the hallway and we step inside the living room. I sit down on the couch, Harry immediately sitting down beside me, and when I'm about to ask if he wants to watch tele, he takes me by surprise and kisses me.

The kiss lasts I don't know how long, and it doesn't seem like Harry is going to pull away anytime soon, but when my phone beeps, I pull away.

I cough awkwardly, taking out my phone as he scratches the back of his neck. I look at my lock screen, already able to see the text.

From: Niall :D

hi ! so about that flight, how's three days time sound? :) x

I smile at the text, immediately typing a reply.

To: Niall :D

That sounds greaaat. :D can't wait to see you, it's been three months what. HOW HAVE I SURVIVED ALL THIS TIME?! aha!x

I put my phone back in my pocket, feeling a little excited about seeing Niall again, and generally just feeling happy to think Harry and I can be together for the most part of four months without him having to leave for long periods of time. Wow.

"Who were ya texting?" Harry asks me.

"Niall," I answer. "He's coming over in three days time."

"He's what?!" Harry asks.

"Yeah. He's coming over in three days time.." I say, confused at why he seems not okay about this.

"Wh-" he starts before looking at my expression and sighing, "Okay. That's fine, I guess."

"Okay, cool." I smile and we sit there in silence for several moments.

"So... where were we?" He asks, a small smirk finding it's way onto his lips.

"Harry," I say, ignoring his comment, "C'mon, let's do something."

"Well, I think before Niall texted, we were leading to doing something, alright," he says, and I scoff.

"Oh, God, Harry. You need to stop. You can't say one sentence without it being flirty." I laugh lightly.

"It's just who I am." He smiles smugly.


Three days later, I wake up to the sound of Harry's voice.

"Megan, oh Megaaaan," he says, laughing.

"Mm?" I mumble tiredly, not opening my eyes.

"Get up, or you won't be in time to see your precious Niall," he jokes.

"But I'm tired," I whine, but then I shriek when I feel a wet hand touch my shoulder, bolting up.

"You're wet, and OH MY GOD YOU'RE NAKED." I scream, seeing the only thing he has on is a towel wrapped around his waist.

He laughs, "Not really. Anyways, it wouldn't be the first time you see me naked." He wiggles his eyebrows.

I narrow my eyes at him, taking a pillow from beside me and throwing at his head.

"Harry, just. Just, why." I shake my head at him, holding back a laugh.

"I enjoy embarrassing you," he laughs lightly, "now go take a shower, N-" he pauses for no apparent reason, his eyebrows furrowing slightly, "Niall'll be hear in an hour."

"Oh, yeah." I smile. "Niiiiiall."

"Okay?" He raises an eyebrow, "Are you high?"

I burst into laughter, before saying, "Nope. Okay, I'll have my shower now."

"Okay." He says as I get out of bed, walking past him. He tries to kiss me, but I step away from him saying, "No. You're wet. And undressed."

"Everyone's naked under their clothes!" He calls as I walk into the bathroom, laughing. I lock the door and strip out of my clothes, getting into the shower.

After about fifteen minutes, I get out and get dressed, putting on my makeup and drying my hair, before putting it into a ponytail.

The doorbell rings and Harry calls up to me in a dull tone,

"Niall's here."


A/N: ok so this was a filler pretty much bc i had to put SOMETHING before the drama

hint hint the drama starts next chapter

but how would you possibly know that it's not like i just told you

im really excited for the drama tho tbh like

do you know how awkward it is for me to write kissing parts tho

im watching pewdiepie rn i love him he's hilarious k

but thanks so much for reading, ILYSM.

Lisa :)

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