Give Your Heart A Break

By breannaleee

77K 2K 191

Payton Scott is an ordinary 19 year old, except for the fact that only a few months ago she found her sister... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter TwentySix

Chapter Twelve

2.2K 82 8
By breannaleee

OKAY I LIED GUYS! I'm already uploading the next chapter regardless of votes on the last one because to be honest I'm getting too excited with my ideas for this story, sue me. Also I've had a few people ask me to make me a trailer for their stories, and I'm totally cool with that as long as you help me promote this story! :) Hope you all enjoy! :))


Harry held my trembling hand as we walked back into the club. The atmosphere suddenly feeling suffocating. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down to prevent having one of my familiar anxiety attacks.

Harry looked over at me, concerned filled his green orbs.

"Its okay Payton, he's gone, no one will hurt you. Lets just get out of here." Harry spoke rubbing circles on my hand before he brought it up to his mouth and dropped a gentle kiss on it. His motions visibly calming me. 

I nodded. "Can we just go to the bathroom quickly. Can you wait outside the door?" I asked, now scared that I'd run into another creep. He just nodded and led me to the door before I reluctantly let go of his hand and swung the heavy door open. There was no one in the bathroom thank god. I don't think I could deal with annoying drunk girls right now. I walked to the sink and looked into the mirror at myself. I had mascara wiped across my face, my eyes were wide and fearful and my hair was a wild mess. I turned the tap on and washed of the remnants of mascara off my face, the cold water calming me. I looked back up and tried to comb my fingers through my hair to calm down the curls which proved pretty useless. I stood there for a while, both hands either side of the sink trying to compose myself, images of what happened just minutes before making unwelcome visits to my head. I washed my face with water once more before I walked out of this quiet domain and back into the suffocating loud club. I saw Harry leaning up against the wall a few feet away. A few people crowded around him asking for autographs and pictures. Sometimes I forgot he was famous, he was just Harry to me. The annoying curly-haired dimpled boy who could get under my skin like no one else, but at the same time one of the only people I enjoy having as company. The whole situation still didn't make sense to me. His eyes darted over to me before he quickly came over and put his hand at the small of my back and guided me to exit. I saw Keira, she was still shamelessly flirting with the guy at the bar, her movements proving her intoxication. She now had some other girls with her which I assumed were her other friends. I told Harry to wait while I said goodbye, he stood a little distance away, his eyes never leaving me as I walked to Keira. Her eyes shot up when I tapped her on her shoulder.

"Payton, where the hell have you been?! I thought some pervert must of raped you in the toilets!" she giggled. Her comment making me wince as she wasn't far off the truth.

"Its a long story Keira. Listen I'm leaving, Harry is taking me back. But please be careful tonight." I said wrapping her up in a quick hug. She looked at me confused at my gesture which she knew was out of character for me but just nodded. We said our goodbyes and quickly walked back to Harry who placed his hand back on my back as we continued our way to the exit, his hand tightening around my back every time a guy would look at me.

We walked to his car and he fished out his keys from his back pocket, his fingers sloppily stumbling with them to find the button. His motions seemed odd. I thought came to my mind.

"Wait, Harry you can't drive, you've been drinking haven't you?" I questioned, slightly disappointed in my saviour.

"Ermm, no?" he said turned his head away from me so he wouldn't look into my eyes. He was a terribly liar. I now realised why his text seemed strange. He was drunk.

"Harry, you're not supposed to be drinking! Why would you ruin everything, you have been going so good!" I spoke, his gaze still not meeting mine.

"Look Payton can we talk about it later, I'm really not in the mood for arguing right now." his raspy voice spoke while ruffling his hair before smoothing it to the side as his gaze finally met mine.

"Fine." I huffed.

"Look the academy is too far to walk to from here, you can just stay at my flat around the corner. Don't worry I'll sleep on the couch." he smiled. I nodded my head in agreement and started to walk with him leading the way to his flat.

I instantly regretted my choice of footwear. My feet began to ache and I struggled to keep up with his pace and nearly tripped over numerous times. Harry turned to look at me, a ghost of a smirk playing on his lips clearly amused at my struggle in my heels. He sighed and bent down untying his converse before pulling them off. I looked down at him in only his socks confused.

"What are you doing Harry?" I questioned him.

He just smiled at me. "Foot." he demanded grabbing my foot and taking of my heel and replacing it with his large converse before repeating the action with my other foot. My heart couldn't help but flutter at the sweet gesture. 

We walked the few blocks to his apartment in silence, Harry holding my heels while he tried to not laugh at me and my new outfit and my struggle to keep my small feet in his big shoes. A few couples that walked past us smiled sweetly at us, obviously recognising the sweet gesture.

Once we got to his flat he emptied his pockets onto the counter and quickly disappeared upstairs. I stood at the entrance of his flat awkwardly, not quite sure where he went or what to do. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and quickly messaged Keira.

Staying at Harry's tonight. And no its not what you think. Message me when you get back so I know you got home okay. Have a good night and try not to get too mortal 

- Pay xo

As soon as I pressed send I heard loud foot steps descending down the stairs. Harry appeared handing me a t-shirt and some boxers.

"As pretty as that dress is I somehow don't think it will be too comfortable to sleep in" he smiled as I took the clothes from his hand.

He then showed me up to his room where I'd be sleeping for the second time. He grabbed a pillow from the double bed and some boxers for himself before leaving me. I quickly changed into the oversize clothes, his top was more like a dress and came mid-thigh. You couldn't even see the boxers I wore underneath. I jumped into the soft bed pulling the covers up over me and turned off the lamp then shut my eyes.

I don't know how long I laid there wide awake, too scared to go to sleep because every time i'd close my eyes I'd see that man's cold stare and hear his evil laughter. I looked at the clock, it was now 3am. I shivered and pulled the covers over me some more to protect me from the cold breeze in the bedroom. Wait a second, cold breeze? I turned around the discover the window was ajar. I swear that was closed when I came in. I jumped over to window quickly shutting it. I was starting to freak out, especially after the events of tonight. I climbed back into Harry's soft bed and curled up in a ball pulling the covers up over me. It was then I started hearing a tapping on the window. I knew it was probably only the wind causing the branches to brush the window but right now my imagination was running wild, no logic could calm me. Before I knew it my feet were padding down the stairs, I got halfway down before I realised where my feet had taken me. I saw Harry sprawled out on the lounge, the cover messily around wrapped around his bare chest. He looked so vulnerable and child-like in his sleeping state. I cautiously walked over to him, pulling the hem of his t-shirt down my thighs a bit more. I reached my shaking hand out to lightly tap him on the shoulder. He stirred but didn't wake.

"Harry." I spoke quietly. He stirred a bit more so I spoke again a little louder this time. "Harry." His eyes slowly fluttered open and then widened when he saw me standing before him looking me up and down, making me once again self-consciously pull the hem of the shirt further down. His dark curls spread out out on the pillow before he sat up, ruffling his hair then resting his weight back on his elbows.

"Sorry to wake you, but umm, you can say no but…would you be able to stay with me in your room, I'm umm scared." I stumbled over my words nervously. As soon as i finished and looked up to meet his gaze, his eyes softened and he nodded giving me a small smile before pulling the covers away from him. I instantly turned my head, unsure where to look as he stood up only in his boxers. I heard a slight chuckle coming from his direction, it was obvious he noticed my discomfort. He grabbed my hand before pulling me after him up the stairs. I laid back in the bed and pulled the covers over me before I felt someone nudge my arm.

"Move over love, thats my side." he chuckled when I let out a raspy groan before moving over. Once we were both tucked in I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me towards him. Any other time I would reject this sort of gesture but after the events of the night it felt good to feel safe and protected under his strong arms. I felt safe with Harry. 

My eyes shut and I instantly drifted off into unconsciousness, my dreams made up of green eyes, curly hair and dimples.


I groaned as the sunlight hit my eyes and my arms went out to grab hold of a pillow to stuff my face under but I grabbed hold of something warm and smooth. Confused, I looked up to be met with a mass of curls. Harry. Still sleeping, he had his arm protectively around my waist, his soft snores causing his plump lips to part. I couldn't help but admire his features right now. But as I looked at him i felt my heart start to beat painfully against my chest, my breathing quickened, and my stomach started to twist in a way that made me sick. I was about to have an anxiety attack. I quickly got out of bed trying not to wake him, I tip-toed ran to the bathroom, locking myself in as I calmed myself down. I quickly changed out of Harry's clothes and back into my dress. I tip-toed out of the bathroom and to my relief he was still asleep, now hugging onto my pillow. I walked to the door and took one more look at the boy on the bed before making my way downstairs. I had to get out of here before my anxiety flares up again. I quickly searched for a bit of paper and pen to leave a note for Harry.

Thanks for last night Harry.

Love Pay xo

I almost considered crossing out the love to from but I didn't have time to think. I left the note on the counter and grabbed my heels before quietly slipping out the front door.

I ran down the stairs that led to Harry's flat and stopped on the last stair before the choking sensation of my anxiety attack hit me causing me to collapse down on the stair. I knew what was bringing on the anxiety attack, I was slowly getting closer to Harry, my feelings rooting deeper than I wanted. There was something different about Harry, he looked at me and treated me like I was the only person in the world, his protective nature over me both surprised me and warmed my heart, the way I woke up today tangled in a mass of legs and arms felt nice. Looking at him this morning made me realise that I was surely but slowly falling for Harry Styles. But I don't think my heart could handle it.

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