Living in Sin (On Hold)

By igor42

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Two years after losing her mother in an accident, a guilt-stricken Nicole Taylor felt she could move on again... More

Living in Sin : Prologue
One _ Crossed Purposes
Two _ Moment of Truth
Three _ Just Before The Dawn
Four _ The New Girl
Five _ Mistakes
Six _ Secrets
Seven _ Hidden
Eight _ Secrets
Nine _ Confusion
Ten _ Nightmare
Eleven _ Redemption
Twelve _ Despicable Me
Thirteen _ Two Sides to Every Story.
Fourteen _ Comeback
Fifteen _ ?
Sixteen _ A Heart Fangled Anew
Seventeen _ At Every Turn
Eighteen _ For What It's Worth.
Nineteen _ Hope
Twenty _ Just Another Day?
Twenty One _ Come Clean
Twenty Two - NOT nothing!!
Twenty Three _ ?
Twenty Four _ Goodbye.
Twenty Six - Mirage.
Twenty Seven _ Face-off
Twenty Eight _ Mixed Up
Twenty Nine _ On the HoriZon
Thirty _ Little Things.
Thirty One _ Apology
Thirty Two _ Little Things.
Thirty Three _ Ignorance is Bliss.
Thirty Four _ Tangled
Thirty Five _ IONS
Thirty Six _ Through the motions
Thirty Seven _ Something Stupid
Thirty Eight _ Cracks
Thirty Nine _ The Turn
Forty _ Wronged
Forty One _ Revelation
Forty Two _ Crashed
Forty Three _ Flesh and Blood
Forty Four _ MISLED
Forty Five _ Journeys Start
46 _ The Killing Joke: Part-1
46 _ The Killing Joke: Part 2
46 _ The Killing Joke: Part 3
47 _ A. R. T
48 - Rhyme and Reason
49 - Hope Springs Eternal
50 _ A Distant Promise of Eden
51 _ Haven
52 _ Torn
53 - Strings

Twenty Five _ My Favorite Mistake

1.2K 26 1
By igor42


I kept my ears strained but the distance she was from me and the way she was whispering left me helpless. But a fool could guess who she was calling. And the look on her face when she hung up confirmed this fool's guess on who it was she’d called.

It made me kinda guilty to see her leave. Actually, not kinda: just plain guilty. But at least, she didn’t sneak out on me and I was here seeing her off.

“Wanna get something to drink?” I asked as I came to stand by where she was sitting. “There should still be time before the boarding call.” The very announcement blared out just as I said that,

Standing up, she hugged me and gave me a smile when we pulled away. “Stay alive, eh?”

“Don’t go, Mags.”I mumbled, pulling her into me again.

“What, you couldn’t think of anything worse to say to me before I go?” She chuckled softly and broke away after a while to pull me along with her to sit down, my hand in hers.

“You don’t have to.” I attempted for the fiftieth time.

“I don’t want to, Loh. But I have to. For your sake. For Nicole’s sake.” She said before letting out a small sigh. “But actually, for mine.”

“I’d talk to Ian and … and …,”

“See, I’m already a burden to you.” Her knowing smile didn’t touch her eyes. “The way I see this, either you or her would end up getting hurt, along with Ian.”

“But I don… ”

“But you’re way smarter than me. So it’s totally up to you to save the day.” If that was supposed to cheer me up, she did a terrible, terrible job. The last warning called. And giving my hand a squeeze, she stood up and smiled. “I’ll give mom your best, even if you don’t.”

I forced a smile for my best friend and watched on as she walked away.

Why does life have to be so difficult?

On the bright side, in that I’d found my girl again, this life I have is no longer meaningless. And if I could get out of this ‘alive’, which Mags is so confident I would, get Rina and get away from this torture town. Well. that would be something, right?

But how do I get out of this without hurting anyone?

“If you’re trying to be a tease, then I gotta say, you’re doing a marvelous job.” A strong voice said. I thought I’d heard it before. But no need to look up ‘cause he squatted down in front of my longue on the edge of the pool.

“Yeah, uhh,..Tre…” it was a shame I didn’t remember the name when I felt kinda glad I found a familiar face.

Chuckling, he helped out, “Zac.”

“Zac, right.” Why does he always have the worst of timings? He seems sweet enough to talk to, unlike those guys showing off how well they could swim (I mean, seriously?) and flexing their tissues which would only a girl covering herself up more.

“Bad time again, isn’t it?” He smiled, knowingly.

Giving him an apologetic look, I nodded. He stood up, ready to leave me to myself. Just then out of some inexplicable spontaneity, I sat up, rather clumsily and thus stopping him. “Can I ask you something?”

With a hint of surprise held in his eyes, he said, “Sure.”

“Say your best friend and your girlfriend were hanging off a cliff,” I said girl because he just looked to me like straight. “And you have enough time just for one, who’d you save?”

“Call me selfish but,” he started, “but I’d just have to hope my best friend understands me.”

For me, that was enough. Why did some ‘selfish’ words of advice from a virtual stranger carry so much weight with me, I had no idea. I scrambled to get up and managed it before he could help.

“Thanks, Zac. Really, thanks.” Only a few times had I said words more sincere. With a pleasant resolve, I grabbed the phone and made for the changing room. ‘Call’ was already pressed when I thought better of it. No, this isn’t a conversation that should be done on the phone. I must apologize to him in person.


Tomorrow, I do that, and I break free.

“Hey, I never caught your name.” He called from behind me just as I pulled open the door.

I turned around and, cheered up, shouted. “Then you’re lucky you didn’t.”




“So what did you think of the new kid?” Tristan asked. Just like coach said, we gave Philippe the huge favor. Hence the last ones to leave. And the captain wanted a ride home so he was stuck with us.

I glanced around for our substitute before saying, “At least we don’t have to worry about having to send Craig off onto the field.”

We both chucked as the car came to a halt in front of us and we both got in the back.

“Want me to drive?” He offered before he settled in but Jeremy had already steered the vehicle out. “You guys had the practice and I didn’t.”

“Nah, we’d just been shooting the bull all evening. We’re alright.” Our chauffer reassured while Adam turned halfway around in the front seat.

“Speaking of which, where’ve you been?” I just sat back and relaxed, keeping my ear on the conversation. But actually, my mind was far off. Maggie, Chloe and, of course, Rina.

“Doing some paperwork. Haven’t you heard? Coach had some problems in Berkeley yesterday.”

“What about?” Jeremy put in a query.

“About some girl.” That drew my attention back. “Fulmer made a fuss.” Fulmer is the coach of the McClymonds; in other words, Coach’s most beloved adversary, apart from our very own Chemistry teacher.

Anyway, back to the prevailing topic. I was kinda surprised. I didn’t actually think coach would put the word out before he’s seen Rina play.

Then out of the blue, a smack landed on my arm. “Don’t worry, Nik. You’re gonna play. Coach nailed it, with some cheesy lines. They all approved.”

“You’re talking about me?” I asked, kinda surprised.

And Tris looked amused and equally surprised, probably at my surprised look. “Well, who else?”

But of course, Adam was there to enlighten us. “She’s talking about the other girl. Whom I would easily have swapped for her friend, if you ask me.”

Seeing the front porch light on and also a compact in the driveway, I jumped out of the car. I thought she was gonna be late.

And only then I remembered that I forgot to get some takeaway for dinner. As if on cue, my stomach grumbled out a weak signal.         

“Seriously, guys. I’m not going.” You’d think being the captain of the team, Tristan would try to dissuade the guys.  “I thought you were the teacher’s pet, Tris.”

“You thought wrong.” He grinned and it made me laugh. Though we’d been playing together for over a year now, we never got to know each other that well.

“Alright.” I started for the house before remembering something. “And Jer, bring Ben or what’s-his-name tomorrow and the next days, unless you want to drive again.”

He nodded, while Adam said ‘maybe’. I rolled my eyes as I walked over to the house hearing the car pull away. But they knew I don’t drive anymore. Haven’t for a couple years now.

I chanced a glance through the window before stepping up but found no one in the living room. Must be inside.

Trust the neighborhood, I see. The door wasn’t even locked. So I shoved the key back into the pocket and entered. No one in the kitchen, nor in the living room. But it was when I reached the stairs that I heard some noise.

No, music.

Someone singing.

With a newfound dalliance, I walked over to her room where the song was coming from; not exactly tiptoeing but with enough care to keep silent. Wouldn’t want to kill the buzz now, would I?

As I edged closer, it surprised me that I didn’t hear it once I entered. It was quite loud and the opened door didn’t help the situation.

“…. maybe nothing lasts forever even when you stay together….”

Were they really karaoke-ing in her room?

Yeah, she was. I found her, eyes closed, absorbed, ready to chop off the head of the microphone. At first I didn’t notice Elizabeth sitting on the bed behind her who then with a finger across her lips signaled me to hush up, which I did, as I came to stand by the door.

 “… so I’m holding on this way. Did you know, could you tell you were the only one…”

She was half-facing me and without going in, I leaned against the door frame and just reveled in this new look of her.

To be honest however, despite the way she seemed in a world of her own, it wasn’t too good. I’m no expert in these kind of things but it just …… didn’t have the zing.

“… Did it ever make you cry? My favorite mistake. My favorite mistake. My favorite mistake.”

The song didn’t drag on much and ended just after that last lines. And she quickly snapped out of the trance.

And of course, once she opened her eyes, the first thing she found beside whatever was on the wall was me standing right there in the door way.

“My g..,” She almost fell over backwards but she braced herself before my impulse alerted me to do something. And if there ever was a time record of animals changing skin colors, it was almost beaten when her cheeks so swiftly turned a deep shade of crimson. “… you’re here!”

“Yeah, just now.” I replied, with the birth of a grin. But I didn’t let it grow because I knew that’d only make her more uneasy. And also because her friend (again?) kept giving me these weird looks. What, was she into me?

“I’m sorry. We were going to do this at Liz’s,” she turned just enough so I’d notice her friend. “But something unexpected came up so …, I’m sorry. I should’ve called you.“ I thought she was gonna sit down beside Elizabeth who had yet to add a word to the developing conversation. But she just put the mike down on the night desk and stood there.

“No. it’s okay.” I reassured her. “Do what you gotta do. So this is for the Famsworth? The concert?” she looked confused with the name so I clarified.

She gave me a nod.

“Have you had anything?” You could only imagine my surprise, and Rina’s. It was Elizabeth that asked.

“Umm, no.”

“I got you some Lasagna.”

Of course, just an offer for a meal and weird but occasional glances can’t actually mean the girl was falling for me. Heck, I didn’t even think she was gay. But fact of the matter is, if it’s true what my guts are telling me - Adam, you’re so dead.

I grinned at the thought and confusion suddenly filled their eyes. I queried again, “So you haven’t?”

“We have, actually.” Rina replied with a hint of penitence.

“Cool.” I gave her a reassuring look and stood up. “Okay, then. I can help myself to that lasagna.” I said, giving Elizabeth a glance who was still sat on the bed. “You guys, feel free. Alright?”

I got her usual smile for an reply and made for my room, the fact not even kinking my conscience that I just gave permission to roam my house to the two girls whom I didn’t know existed six days ago.

The shower was done in record time and I put on a fresh, loose pair of clothes before coming down. But my eye caught Rina pacing back and forth by the front door, talking on the phone.

She didn’t notice me and I spent a little time eavesdropping and heard a ‘I’m doing fine’-ish. I concluded that she was talking to her mom and walked in the kitchen. And a smirk grew on the corners of my lips as I did.

“I said I could help myself. You didn’t’ have to.” Saying, I grabbed a seat and dropped down to a prepared plate of dinner. I made do with the plastic fork I found on the table even before she gave me some silverware.

The originally good taste plus the hunger that’d built up and the cheap food I’d been calling dinner made the first bite so delicious. Was nowhere near to beat the dinner last night  but still quite excellent.

“Hey.” Her abrupt gambit stopped my hand reaching for the cutlery she’d put on the tabletop. And I looked up to find a quite intense gaze directed my way. With that, I should’ve known; there was a storm coming!

“I know what you did last Sunday.”

The Italian dish turned to stone in my throat and I choked on it. Wasn’t that fatal but it did give me a good lasting fit of coughs before I could utter a word again. “What?”

“You heard me.” Her gaze unwavering, she attested. “While not dealing with her own life’s mess, all she does is rant about how you’re starting to accept her.”

From standing up, she braced her hands on the table and leaned down almost to my eye level. But that was really unnecessary. I was already quaking with shock and, I admit, a small portion of fear inside.

“But that’s not really what you started out doing, right? Accept.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Elizabeth?” I tried to keep my voice steady. It was steady. To my displeasure, however, she didn’t seem too convinced.

“Go on with your dumb act if you want. I don’t care, really.” This girl is scary, I noted. “But if you so much as lay another finger ...”

We both heard and felt someone stepping into the room thus cutting short the ongoing threats.

So suddenly her look changed from She-Hulk to her normal weird one that it reminded me of how Anne Hathaway pulled off that Selina role in TDKR. On a side note, I was amazed at myself for coming across this conception. I felt quite sure I was way past thinking things.

“Hey, how’s she?” she asked, relaxing down in the nearest chair. She was turned to Rina who was stood at the end of the table but I knew she had one eye on me. And the ugly truth be known, it still had me unnerved.

“She’s fine.” Rina didn’t seem too eager to talk about her mom in front of me but I couldn’t care about that right now. Why, Merida here kept me all occupied.

And to think this girl had the hots for me was…Nik, you need some serious help.

The notion that I no longer (now that I think about it, never) had that edge over Adam didn’t even cross my mind. What had me sweating bullets was that how she found out this dirty secret of mine and especially what she’s gonna do about it. By the looks of it, she hadn’t told Rina, yet. And hopefully anyone.

Rina slightly jerked her chin probably signaling Al Capone to go back into the room, at which the girl stood up. Rina then turned to me.

I’d long forgotten I was sitting there having dinner. I just followed every move they made.

“Hey, uhh, we’re kinda in a hurry. The submission deadline is tomorrow morning and I still don’t have a title.” I gave her an automatic nod. “Could we continue till after about ten?”

“Yeah.” I felt the little minx’s eyes on me but didn’t meet them. “Sure”

“And …” she started again and I waited for her to go on. “Could Liz stay the night?”

That I didn’t like too much but gave an approving nod, anyway.

Only after she thanked me and they left that I finally remembered the reason I was here. But it was hardly dinner really.

Just something that chick gave me before she figured ‘why not fry this punk’s ass’.



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