Adopted By Muke

By Allena5SOS

245K 8K 6.9K

"So... You're telling me that this all was a dare? On top of that, you only kept me here longer because it br... More

Adopted by Muke
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-seven

4.6K 174 72
By Allena5SOS

Katelyn's point of view

"Michael?" I heard Luke's voice and my heart began to race. "I'm so sorry Mikey I-Katelyn?"

"H-Hey," I said and he crossed his arms, seeming more upset to see me than happy. As if he was only worried about Michael's well-being.

You fucking liar Calum.

"Mind explaining why I saw the screen to your window on the floor and screws poorly hidden under your bed?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Mind explaining why you hit your boyfriend?" I asked and he glared at me. It was as if he was mentally killing me and then lighting the dead body ablaze.

"That's none of your concern."

"It's abuse you dickhead. I'm practically a child and even I know that it's wrong to hit your significant other." I said and the door opened. I turned around and saw Michael. "I thought you were leaving?"

"I am, but I'm not leaving without you. Clearly Luke isn't fit to be trusted with a child." Michael said and I wanted to remind him that I found him crying in a car at a bar's parking lot.

I didn't though.

"Michael." Luke breathed out and his eyes vegan to water. "I... I did that?" He asked quietly and went to grab his ex. I asdume Michael is his ex.

Before Michael could, I pushed Luke away from him. "Don't touch him." I said and Luke glared at me, pushing me aside.

"Great way to try and win my heart back Hemmings, hurt a little girl who has done absolutely nothing to you." Michael said and I held my arm in pain. "I'm packing a bag for Katelyn and then we're leaving."

"Where will you go? The band has upcoming interviews and Katelyn has school." Luke said smugly.

"We have break for a few months Luke, it's the holidays. Stop trying to act smart. Besides, I can always enroll her into another school due to moving addresses. After all, she has my last name and I sighed all of those god damned papers." Michael said and pulled me close to him.

"Your name is on this house-"

"No it's not. This is the house our boss pays for with parts of our paychecks. It's under his name." Michael said and then took me upstairs.

"Where are we going Michael?" I asked him and he looked at me. He closed my door and then locked it before grabbing my purse and my bag.

"Put your stuff in these. We're leaving. Luke's crazy and I don't want you around him." Michael said and Luke began banging on the door, begging Michael to hear him out and pleading for me to tell him what he did wrong.

"Hurry. I'll go get him away from the doors." He told me and I nodded. "Don't worry about where we're going, it'll be fine. Now hurry up and pack some clothes and anything else you find dear to you. We may not come back for awhile."

I nodded and he slipped out of the room, shutting the door immediately. I grabbed some skinny jeans and then some shirts, stuffing it into my bag. I put a sweatshirt or two as well and then fit my black converse in there aswell.

I opened my purse and my eyes laid on all those pink bags that were on my desk. I grabbed them and took all the paper out drop the tops, looking inside.

Clothes, jewelry boxes, teddy bears, and so much more were inside of them. I grabbed some and then put them in my purse, along with a hair brush, a few hair ties, and a few hair accessories.

"We're not coming back until you realize just how much you fucked up. You're not scared of losing us Luke, you're scared of having to explain to the world that your boyfriend left you and took your daughter with him. That's what you're scared of." Michael yelled and I zipped my purse up after throwing some make-up in there.

I set it on the bed and then looked at the boots on my feet. I went to my closet and then grabbed my two leather jackets. I put them in my bag, and stuff two of my bandanas in my purse.

I threw my bag on my shoulders and then I carried my purse. I grabbed the lilac teddy bear and then opened my door, not seeing the two.

I went downstairs and then didn't see them there either. I heard yelling come from their room and then I ran out to the front yard.

I opened the door to the car and then put my things inside of the backseat. I ran back into the house and then knocked on Michael's door.

"We're leaving and that's final." I heard Michael say and the door opened. The two were red faced and look completely frustrated and upset.

"Like she wants to go with you! I'm not the only one riding off of this publicity stunt Michael. I'm not the only one using her because of a dare." Luke said and I gulped.

"Maybe you're not, but I fucking care about her. I didn't want to do this and you know it. There wasn't a god damn moment that I wasn't guilty so you can shut your fucking mouth." Michael yelled and I backed away, feeling frightened as I watched them argue on.

"She's more than a dare Luke, she's a person. She's my daughter now and I'll be fucking damned if I leave her with an asshole like you. You know, she could have had an allergic reaction to that shit you were blowing in her face that night at the party?" Michael yelled.

"I didn't do anything if the sort!"

"You did. I saw you. You were drunk and you were high and you treated Katelyn as if she was shit. She doesn't need that. She doesn't need you. I don't need you!" Michael yelled, pushing Luke back.

I ran downstairs and then out the front door, feeling overwhelmed and guilty. So fucking guilty. I ruined their relationship. It was my fault they were fighting and it was my fault that I'm in this position.

I gulped back the lump in my throat as I opened the door to the car, locking myself inside of it. I buried my face between my knees as I set my feet on the dashboard and I couldn't help the tears that filled my eyes.

I ruined them. It's my fault. If I wasn't here with them, they'd still be happy and Luke wouldn't be so mean. He wouldn't have hit Michael and he wouldn't have to beg him to stay.

There was a loud beep and then the door beside me opened. "What's wrong Katelyn?" Michael asked and I looked and him. He rubbed my back and I sniffled.

"It's nothing." I said and he started the car. I out my seatbelt on and then I closed my eyes. "I'm fine."

"Obviously it's not since you're crying, but if you don't want to tell me, I won't push you too." He said and I nodded. "We're going on a little trip to somewhere special to me. Just sit back and relax okay? Take a nap if you want."

I nodded and leaned back, closing my eyes as he turned the radio on. I wiped my eyes and he rubbed my leg a bit. "Everything will be okay. I promise you Katelyn. I'll fix this all okay? You won't have to deal with so much drama anymore."

"I hope so, but it's fine if you can't..."


"Katelyn, Katelyn love, wake up." I heard someone say and I hummed. "Come on, wake up. We're here."

"Where are we?" I mumbled as I stirred a bit. "I'm tired."

"We're in uh California... Los Angeles to be exact."

"What?" I asked as I sat up immediately. I looked around and nearly passed out as I realized that I was in a jet. "Oh my god."

"Come on." He aaid and helped me stand up. "You were asleep for quite awhile, over ten hours."

"I haven't gotten much sleep lately." I said honestly, still shocked I wasn't in Sydeny anymore.

How could I have slept so long and through a whole entire flight? What the actual hell?

"I can tell." He said and laughed. "Come on, let's go." He said and grabbed my bags. I followed him and then we left a building.

"No one knows where we are?"

"No one, unless a few fans found out." He told me and I nodded as I followed him to a black car. We got in and he set the bags in the back.

"Doesn't seem like it." I said and he nodded as he closed the door. "Where are we going?"

"We have a house about forty minutes away from here. Yes, we have a lot of houses." He told me and I nodded.

I looked out the window and then yawned, still feeling tired. I eyed the city, thinking that it was absolutely beautiful, especially since it was just about sundown.

It was also kind of warm so I guess it's different here than it is in Australia. Maybe it's spring? Or just barely getting cold? I don't know, I'm not a traveler and I'm bad at geography.

"How long will we be here Michael?" I asked him before he could turn the radio up. "How long will we stay?"

"Until we have to start touring again, which usually starts in April or May. We'll go back for the holidays, but for the most part, we'll be here. It's better." He told me and I nodded.

"Okay." I said and sighed. Time to get used to new schools, new rules, and new people. I doubt I'll meet anyone here like Jacob-

"Oh my god, Jacob doesn't know." I said and Michael glanced at me. "He thinks I'm coming to school on Monday."

"Once we pick go up a new phone you can tell him. You phone won't work, it's meant for Australia not America." He said and I nodded.

"Okay." I said and rolled the window down. "It's nice here." I commented as he got on to the free way.

"It is. LA is a beautiful city." He said and I nodded. "Maybe we'll go sight seeing and shopping soon, before you go to school again." He told me and I nodded.

"Will I need a uniform?"

"No, over here, you don't need uniforms, not for public schools at least. I'm enrolling you into a public school." He told me and I nodded. "So you need more than just a few outfits."

"I guess." I said and hummed as I looked outside, a bit overwhelmed that Michael took me across the word to get away from Luke.

"You know, originally, I believe Ashton met Bryana here, if not here than it was in some other city close by." He said and I looked at him. "She just went and rented out an apartment so she can be around him in Sydney. It's kind of cute if you think about it."

"It is." I said and nodded. "I'm glad they're happy and have a good relationship." I said and Michael laughed.

"It is. I'm glad he got to find a girl who loves him for his stupid self." He said and I nodded. "I just wish Luke was more like her."

"A chick?"

"No, loving and compassionate and... and mentally there with you." He said and I nodded. "You probably don't understand, and I don't expect you too, but if you can't feel them there with you mentally and emotionally, it won't work out. Trust me on this."

"Life lessons with Michael Clifford." I said and he laughed while nodding.


Question of the chapter:

-Should Muke get back togther? Yes or no?

Author's answer:

-I got plans for Muke and (insert Katelyn and Jacob's ship name). Big plans.

Reader's answer:


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