Not Easily Forgotten (TheCamp...

By BleedingBrokenHearts

7.4K 175 36

(y/n) is a special girl. She comes from a smart family, shes caring, she's funny, and last but not least she'... More

Chapter 1: The Competition
Chapter 2: Welcome!
Chapter 3: The Flight
Chapter 4: The Meet
Chapter 5: Having Fun in The Hotel/Brother?!
Forgive Me
Chapter 6: Jealous?
Chapter 7: Hello, Old Friend
More Updates!
Chapter 8: Where Are You? Pt. 1
Chapter 9: Where are you? pt.2
Chapter 10: A Confession
Suggestions: Halloween Special? (CLOSED)
Chapter 12: Suprise!
Chapter 13: Y-Yes...
Chapter 14: Rumors
Chapter 15: Meeting "Her"
Chapter 16: Is This Goodbye?
Chapter 17: I Love You
Chaoter 18: The End?
Rawr ^°^

Chapter 11: A Normal Day

305 8 0
By BleedingBrokenHearts




"I'm up! I'm up!" I say as I roll over, hitting my phone, hopefully hitting the snooze button in the process. I sit upon and stretch my arms, yawning.

Man, I slept like a rock last night... What do I have planned today?

My eyes shot wide open as I realized what today was. Not caring I was only wearing underwear and a baggie T-shirt, I jumped out of bed and jumped on Jordan, who was sound asleep on the couch.

"JORDANNN!!! GET UPPP!!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I said shaking him, once I saw his eyes slowly open I got off him and ran into the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it before putting it in my mouth.

Jordan lazily got up, rubbing his eyes, "Ugh... Why did I fall asleep with skinny jeans on?" He mumbled under his breath.

I peek out of the bathroom, "Get up and come brush your teeth, grumpy pants!" I went back to brushing my own teeth, I looked up into the mirror and sighed at my hair. I pick up my (f/c) hair brush and I pull it through my hair getting all the knots out, while my toothbrush is still in my mouth.

Jordan lazily walks into the bathroom with a huge bed head. He slowly picks up his toothbrush and puts toothpaste on it, moving as if he was a zombie.

I stared at him through the mirror, lost in some random thought that I soon forgot about, once I came back to reality from my phone vibrating and going off in the other room.

I quickly spit out the toothpaste, washed the brush, and rinsed out my mouth before running into the pother room and jumping onto the white bed. Picking up my phone, I Laid on my back, I was getting a call from someone. I press the green button and held it up to my ear.


"Hey, it's Rusher."

"Hey! How's my favorite cow doing?"

He seems confused about my actions, and for some reason I had no idea why, "I'm doing... Alright?"

I started twirling a lock of hair, "Yeah, I was wondering why you weren't here when I woke up." I said with a small yawn at the end.

"Wait... Do you not remember what happenerd yesterday?"

"Hm? What do you mean by, what happened yesterday?"

"Its just... Never mind, its nothing. Sorry about not being there last night, I was super tired and decided to crash at Ryan's."

"Okay! You better get over here quick though! You left your computer and if you're not back in fiuve seconds, I'll be more than happy to get on it and check your history." I said in a joking manner.

I could feel his eye roll as he spoke, "Yeah, yeah, I understand, princess (y/n)!"

"Thank you. Now if you would mine, bring me some tea on your way back," I said in a lower voice and I tried not to giggle at the end.

Soon after, we hung up and Jordan walks out of the bathroom with his hair tamed. He walks to his suitcase taking out a shirt and jeans. He, then, walks back to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it.

I rolled off the bed and onto the floor, next to my (f/c) suitcase. I take out a white dress that stops above the knee, and a long gray sweater, which also has long sleeves. I then flound some brown boots and put those on after putting on some long white socks. I take out my curling iron and walk to the mirror that is right above the desk. For next twenty minutes I spent it curling my hair to where I liked how it looked. I, then, unplugged it and tossed it back into my suitcase. Jordan finished getting ready about fifteen minutes ago and he was just laying on one of the bed, looking through twitter.

"Okay! I'm ready!"

"Finally! It took you years!"

I playfully shoved him, "meanie! You don't know what its like to be a girl!" I say sticking my tongue out at him.

He chuckles, "You got me there." He grins, "Okay, let's head to pax!" He heads to the door with his hands shoved in his blue jean pockets. Jordan had his hand on the doorknob when there was a knock on the door. He looked back at me then back at the door, opening it. "Hello? Oh, sup rusher."

"Hey bayanidood."

Rusher's POV:

Jordan slowly opened the door, "Hello?" He smiled once he noticed it was me behind the door,"Oh, sup rusher."

I smiled back, "Hey Bayanidood."

He opened the door wider so I could walk in. Before I walked into the room, I saw the most stunning thing I've ever seen. She was standing there, waving with one hand while the other was holding a small bag. Her head was tilted to the left slightly with a huge smile on her face. He (h/c) (h/l) hair gorgeous curled and she looked so beautiful in there outfit.

"Glad your finally here! I was tempted to get on that laptop of yours!" She says giggling quietly

"Nice to see you too, (y/n)" I say rolling my eyes.

She walks up to me and Jordan, grabbing our arms and dragging us out of the hotel room and into the hallway. "Okay! We gotta go! I don't want to be the last one there!"

I just roll my eyes while Jordan just chuckles at her childish behavior.

Third Person POV:

(Y/n) happily drags the two youtubers down to the long, where they get a cap and have the person drive them to where the convention was going to. Through out the entire ride (y/n) was hopping up and down in her seat, excited to meet her fans and some of her inspirations.

Soon the short ride was over and (y/n) runs out, with rusher close behind. While jordan pays the driver.

"Oh my gosh... I don't know if I can do this! I'm so nervous!" (Y/n) yells spinning in circles.

Rusher laughs, "you shouldn't be nervous, the fans should be." He says grabbing her hand. "Cmon, let's go fi d the others." He says with a cute smile.

(Y/n) feels her cheeks warn up when he looked and her, and slowly she nods. Braden walks into the building with his fingers intertwined with the beautiful girl next to him.

Bayani stands on the side of the road smiling softly. I don't think I've ever seen braden this fallen for a girl, he thinks to himself. He just shakes his head and slowlky walks into the convention center.

This is going to be a wonderful day...

Hey!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated I had writers block, but I think I'm alright now ^-^
Any who! How are my lovely readers? Good? Great! Oh! I still don't know if I shlohuld write a Halloween special or not, for for information on that, please read the suggestion thingy I wrote! Thank youuuuuu
Omfg this was 1,220 words!! I'm gonna pass out o.o all of my other chapters are normally 800 words! Anyways, thank you for reading! Baiiiii

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