Who? (A Doctor Who Fanfic)

By Waitingtobetakenaway

40.3K 1.3K 198

When Jazmine was a little girl a man saved her from the terrible desert and put her on the path to a better l... More

Who? (A Doctor Who Fanfic)
The Meeting
Hotel California
The Girl who Couldn't have Existed
Personal Discovery
Three Suns and Men made of Ice
Fire and Ice, Secrets and Memories
A Lie and A Name
The Museum
To be Loved

Ramsis and Loiyard

1.7K 72 2
By Waitingtobetakenaway

This took a while but now that I have finished I present the next chapter to you guys! I have to thank petrichor_tardis from Instagram for giving me the mystery.

Background Info: This is based on the Tamen Shud mystery.

Hope you enjoy!

The world around me continued to burn as more and more of my people try to regenerate and die halfway through. The pile of bodies that I fell on top of are still and always will be dead. Yet the ball of fire still hasn't claimed my life. I open my eyes and see a box in front of me.  

"Doctor?" I whisper both in and out of my dream 

Yet the person who walks out of the box is not the Doctor.  

"Daddy!" I scream. My father rushes towards me and in a matter of seconds scoops me up.  

"Don't worry, Ora. You're safe now" he cradles me as I cry into his shoulder.  

"Where's mommy?" I ask. I may be young but I already understand what had happened. His bottom lip quivers. I feel his chest rise and fall. We quickly step back into the box as the force field around us begins to die like everything else. I cling to my father like a typical five year old, my nose buried into his shoulder. He flips a few switches. My father prys me off of him and sits me down on the large middle piece of the box.  

" Ora, you're a big girl, right?" I nod my head. His voice is full of sadness and he seemed to be on the verge of tears. "You saw what was happening at home. You have to know that your Mommy is dead. She died with Uncle and Auntie and Lucille and Yetlo." He took a breath. Tears began to stream down both of our faces. I was a smart little girl yet knowing that all my friends and family were dead was unbearable. My father wiped the tears from my face but they just kept coming.  

"Ora, my sweetie. You are the last of your kind. But you will be the strongest girl ever because of that. Never let anyone act like they are better than you because of your weakness. Make them understand that your weakness makes you stronger" he grabbed my hand, "Go on make it glow" he commanded me. I could do the same thing that everybody, except my father could do. My whole body erupted into flames but soon diminished. My father wiped tears from his eyes.  

"Who am I, Ora?" He asked 

"My Daddy" I exclaimed.  

"Remember that, Ora. Remember that." My Father picked me up and swung me around. A high laugh escaped me, stopping my tears.

I woke up screaming. My eyes shot open but I soon felt a hand rest on my hand.  

"Shhhhh Jazmine. I can tell that still hurts. I'm just dressing it"  

I looked at the Doctor and felt the pain in my ankle. It all came back to me. The museum, the villain, the gunshots. All of it. I nodded at the Doctor, gripping my teeth from the pain.  

"How long have I been out?" I asked once the Doctor had finished.  

"About a day" he explained, putting away the things he used.  

I nodded "And the men?" I ask my tone expressing less emotion.  

"The one that was shot is resting in your room," Thats when I realized that I wasn't in my room. I was in the one near the TARDIS's main room. The one me and the Doctor became so close so long ago. I hadn't been in here since then.  

"And the other one is locked up. He has been pretty quiet though." I nodded.  

"I want to see him." I said. At first he seemed surprised and opened his mouth to fight my decision. I stared intensely into his eyes, letting him know that even if he said no, I would go any way. He shut his mouth and nodded. The Doctor looked at me and wiped a few strands of hair out of my face.  

"Think you can make it there?"  

"I might need some help but I think so. I've got one good leg" I smiled at the Doctor. He bent down and kissed my forehead. I tried feebly to swing my leg to the side of the bed. The Doctor reached his hands out to me. Placing my good leg first, I grabbed the Doctor's hands and lifted myself up. I fell on to him and he placed his hands under my arms to help me balance. I balance on one foot and gently set my bad foot down. The Doctor let go of me and moved to my side. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I took a "step" (more like a hop) towards the door.  

The Doctor led me through the halls of the TARDIS. We finally reach the room where the man was held. I put my hand on the Doctor's and removed them from my waist. I leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath. I limped to the door and opened it.  

"Stay here. I'll be fine" I said to the Doctor. He nodded. I made a noise that made the guy look at the two of us.  

I grabbed the Doctor's shirt and pulled him to me. I crashed my lips on to his and kissed him passionately. He was caught off guard but before he could react, I pulled away.  

"That should answer your question." I said, directing it to the man. I limped into the room, letting my hand go down the Doctor's arm as I moved away. I closed the door behind me and leaned on the wall across from the guy.  

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" He asked me. I surprised me how those were the first words out of his mouth.  

"I've seen you in action. I know what you can do." He continued.  

"What's your name?" I asked him.  

"Ramsis Heis" That's when it clicked. This was the guy who stole my sneakers and claimed to see me at my worst.  

"What if I told you, Ramsis, that I'm sick of killing. Living creatures deserve to live for some unknown reason. Even if they are heartless and horrid." I emphasized the last sentence. Ramsis hung his head down.  

"Now it's just the question of what we do with you?" I explained. "Killing you is out of the option. I don't know. We could bring you back to Crytane and let everybody know what happened or we could drop you off at a new planet with nothing. Maybe one with barely livable conditions." I thought out loud.  

"It would be death either way." He said quietly.  

"Maybe. Maybe not." I said. My voice was stern and emotionless. I left it there. I turned, opened the door, and slowly walked out of the room. I closed the door behind me. I took about two steps and fell to the floor. The Doctor gasped and reached to help me up. I waved him away and, using my good leg, pulled myself up. The Doctor wrapped his arms around my waist once more but he didn't stop there. The Doctor moved his arms higher up on my back and pulled my legs out from under me.  

He cradled me against his chest. My head rested on his chest as I listened to his heartbeats. I recognized the path we were taking.  

"I don't want to go back to that room." I stated plainly.  

"You need to rest." He countered.  

"Can we go check on the other guy?" I asked, remembering that he was as wounded as I was. Without a word, the Doctor turned around and stopped in front of a room near us. He set me down and I regained my balance. I reached out for the Doctor's hand and wrapped my fingers through his. I limped into the room quietly. The two of us heard steady breathing and, sure enough, the man was sleeping soundly. I decided to leave the room and visit him another time.  

"You need your rest." The Doctor whispered into my ear. I nodded in agreement. Mainly because I could tell that he was tired. I hopped to the room and opened the door. The Doctor scooped me up, closing the door behind us. He laid me down gently on the bed and pulled the covers over me. He walked around the bed and laid down next to me.  

"How long have you been awake?" I asked him.  

"About two days. I couldn't sleep while you were unconscious. I was always by your side, waiting for you to wake up." His voice was barely audible. I reached out for his hand and grasped it tight. I sat up slowly and kissed his forehead. My Doctor. My crazy, insane, loveable Doctor. His eyes stayed closed as I stroked his hair and soon his breathing slowed. It was like a melody. Calm and soothing as an ocean. I laid my head down and closed my eyes. For once I strode happily into the darkness.


Loiyard tried to keep his breathing steady as the Doctor and the Girl walked into the room. Lucky for him, they only glanced at him before leaving the room. He heard two pairs of footsteps walk away from the room until the only sound was the hum of the engine. With his good arm, he tossed the covers off of him and wriggled himself out of bed, trying his best to avoid putting pressure on the former bullet hole. He walked easily towards the door. Loiyard opened the door slowly and peaked his head out. He strode out into the dark hallway. The ceiling tiles light up as he took step after step, his bad arm glued to his side. He roamed until he found the kitchen. Loiyard took a deep breath a pulled a small packet out of a pocket sown on the inside of his pants. After much snooping, he poured a glass of water. He cracked the packet open and poured a white powder into the water with a serious frown. The man cautiously picked up the glass with one hand and walked back in the direction of his room. Yet he took one different turn. He kept walking, keeping care of the full cup, until he reached his enemy's holding cell. Loiyard set the cup down and opened the door. Picking the cup back up, he entered the room. Ramsis's eyes followed him as he leaned against the wall.  

"Well, well, well look who found me. My good 'ol brother. Come to persecute me, huh?" Ramsis spat at his brother 

"You killed our mother and my wife. Then you tried to kill me. You expect me to just ignore that. Let you continue your rotten existence?!" His voice began to raise as more and more anger began to show.  

"So why don't you kill me now. You know how a TARDIS works. You could just let this room burn or disappear."  

"I want to make you feel the pain that I did." Loiyard bared his teeth. This man was no longer his brother. More like a psychotic stranger. He reached for the key that hung, conveniently, on the wall near the door. He unlocked the cell and watched as Ramsis walked out. He held out the glass of water to his former brother. The man knew what was going to happen. Loiyard was as crazy as he was. He took the cup a held it high as if he was toasting to something.  

"Remember what mother said. Family is forever." He said with a devious smile.  

"Mother is no longer here." Loiyard replied emotionless.  

"Oh yeah, that's right. I killed her. And Maiy." At that he raised the poisoned water to his lips and drank every last drop. The cup shattered onto the floor. He stumbled as the poison stung his throat. Loiyard violently dragged his dying brother down the hall to the console. He scanned the screen and found the nearest planet, Earth. With extreme accuracy, he steered the TARDIS towards the planet.  

All this time, Ramsis knew that he deserved this. The sounds of dying men escaped his mouth. He gathered up the strength to grab a shred of paper and pen that had fallen to the floor around the console. On it he wrote two words: Tamen Shud and laid it on his brothers shoe. In that moment he took his final breath.  

Loiyard looked down at his dead brother and spotted the slip of paper laying on his shoe. With one glance he crumpled up the paper and shoved it into the man's pocket. He stopped the TARDIS and pulled the doors open. They had landed on a beach. Loiyard pulled the lifeless body of his former brother onto the beach and laid him near the water. One tear fell from his eye.  

"I did what I had to." He said before his anger returned "You belong with the trash." He stuffed pieces of trash into the dead man's pockets and strode back into the TARDIS. He shut the doors only to be greated by the Doctor himself.  

"What's going on here?!" His voice was stern but he did not yell. From the hallway, Jazmine hopped into the room and to the Doctor. She steadied herself using his shoulder and took a breath before she spoke.  

"He did it."

I hope you guys liked it. I plan to have the next chapter soon! As always don't be afraid to click that little star button to vote and leave comments/suggestion!:)

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