YouTuber Preferences

By moomooowo

18.5K 260 76

Ever imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship with your favorite youtuber? Well, here it is! Sta... More

When You guys Meet
Possibly More Than Friends???
when he falls for you
when he confesses to you!
When your sad
when fangirls come
Getting a pet.
songs you two dance too
what he does to cheer you up
Songs he serenades you with
His name in your contacts
What turns him on
When you ignore him
How He Appreciates You
When your at Pax West
Break Up
Favorite Thing About Each Other
Fall Dates
The Gabbie Show
Small Announcement


633 12 0
By moomooowo


"Felix!" You yelled searching the crowd. You jumped over tall headed people to see the sight of Felix as well as almost dying like 19 times tripping over little kids. "Felix!" You yelled again as you scanned the crowd once more. You saw Felix roaming the streets in an angry manner. "Felix, Wait!" You yelled. When you were a shoulder length away, Felix turned around and glared at you straight in the eye. "What do you want, Y/N?" Felix yelled. "I wanna talk to you!" You yelled back. "About what?!" "You'll just yell more shit on me!" "Listen!-" you paused. "I know. I've been on the verge lately. But, I don't think you understand the term meaning 'I love you' each time I say it to you, I get tingly, and I blush when I say it. I always remember the first time we ever even said "I love you". the thought of thinking and waking up next to the man of my dreams I've been wishing for! Someone who I know will protect me when I need it! And can encourage me until I get something done. Shia LeBouf does it fine but, you do it better! I know I accused you! I know...I got a pug that tears up our shoes but hey! At least their not our fancy shoes for the youtuber awards this Saturday!" You smiled making a chuckle retaliate from Felix. "Yeah...that's true." Felix muttered. "Listen, I'm sorry for being a bitch, and storming off. Plus acting like Yoshino from Misao, it's just that...I don't know if I'm ready to go to the YouTube awards, I'm nervous and scared. I don't know what to do, that's why I need you." Felix finished. Now Felix was up to you 5 inches away from your lips. Snow began to trickle it's way down through the London air. Without any thought Felix smashed his lips up against yours. 'Perfect timing.'


You stormed out of the apartment and began making your way down the steps. 'Bullshit. "You never spend time with me anymore. Always on that fucking WiiU." Sean yelled at you.'
"Lies. Even more lies." You mumbled. You heard a door close behind you but you carried on your merry way. "Y/N!" You heard Sean's voice yell after you. You began to pick up your pace. You hugged your black coat tighter around you holding your toddlers hand and walked down the street to the shop. When you walked up a hill and saw the towns sunset it reminiscent of the place you and Sean had your first kiss. It was raining while the sunset was out. It was still beautiful just like the first time. "Y/N?" A voice called out. "What." You said more in a stern voice. "What...what about tomorrow?" "What about it?" You kept your voice stern. It was the only thing that kept you from breaking down. "You're looking in the past, our first kiss, but what about tomorrow? can you look forward to it?" You turned around. It was Sean. You glared at him. "Oh, no! go care about that game that makes you rage so much!" "I was irritated!" Sean said trying to not raise his voice. "Daddy?" your toddler mumbled. Sean looked down at him. "What is it?" He asked. "Why is Mommy mad?" your toddler asked very curiously. "Daddy made a stupid decision to care more about his game than her, and mommy got her feelings hurt, and she ran away with you." Sean said. You rolled your eyes. You went up to Sean and sighed. "I guess I kinda overreacted." You smiled. "To be honest, you had the right to overreact." Sean whispered as he bent down and gave you a kiss.


You sighed as Ryan was gone from your fight. It's been 3 days since you've seen him, and you were starting to grow more worried about him. Finally, a knock was at the door, you jolted up and ran towards the door, but it was only the delivery man when you opened the door. "Is Ryan here?" The guy asked. "He's uh, on business." You slowly said not wanted to talk about him. You sat back down on the couch looking out the window. You laid down and decided to take a nap, a 2 hour good ole' nap. Then, a knock was heard from the door. You opened the door up, to come face to face with a red teary-eyed, Ryan. "I'm here to say, sorry." He whispered. You stood there with your head against the door. "Y/N, I love you, I always had. Since the day I met you at the store, until dawn, and everyday when I got up, your face was always in my head. I could never get it out, and I'm glad I didn't. I remember the first time I said I love you, and I was so proud of my self, cause you agreed to be my girlfriend! You're the best damn thing I've ever had." Ryan said a tear escaping. You couldn't help but bring him a tight hug, while a few tears were escaping yourself. "I love you, Ryan..." You said as you closed the door. "I love you too." Ryan smiled. You stood back up and gave him a gentle kiss. "I love you everyday."


You hadn't got very far when Mark called you. "Y/n where are you at, or at least where are you going?" He whispered through the phone. "I don't know, probably to Y/B/F/N's...If not, I'll come home but let me blow off steam, and keep Y/S/N in his bedroom for now, go in there and play with him for a bit." You said softly into phone. "Ok..." Mark whispered slightly, fearing he would lose his voice from crying. "Bye, Mark." You said as you ended the call. You got up when it called out Y/B/F/N's street. Walking out of the train doors wasn't so bad, it was what you were going to tell her/him about what happened. You were already tearing up as you walked up to the door of your friends house. You knocked softly on the door, suddenly losing it making you began to cry. When Y/B/F/N opened the door he/she pulled you into a hug. "You two break up?" You shook your head. "fight?" "yep." you whispered as your voice cracked. "Aww, Y/n I'm so sorry!" your friend whispered as she hugged you closer. "No, it's fine. He lied to me, and we both agreed honesty was the best policy, in this relationship." Your voice went hoarse. At last, a knock was on the door making your friend look up. "Thats probably him." They whispered. "Oh God..." you whispered. When your friend opened the door they turned around to you. "Y/n, its for youuuu!" they sang. You got up to the door and looked at Mark, a glare upon your face. "What?" is all you said. "I'm sorry I broke our policy of honesty in our relationship, but Y/n, I didn't want you to get mad at me so I blamed it on Felix, who actually did drop it, but it didn't break that time..." "So, you wanted me to be mad at Felix?" "Yeah, I guess, I mean if you want to put it that way." He whispered. "Ok, well, Mark, I don't know what to say here...I feel if I say something, our relationship can go down hill." You whispered. "That's why I'm willing to do it." He whispered. "Y/n, I loved you the very first time I ever talked to you, or when Felix ever even mentioned you. I fell in love with you even more when I saw how nice, and sweet you are, how you don't care about what people say, you're confident in your own body, and that you know how to have fun on your own way." Mark whispered. "I love that little hip wiggle you do when you accomplish something, that way your hair is a mess in the morning...the way you talk to our son, and about the future you hope he has." Mark's voice began to crack and soon enough, you threw your arms around his neck. "I love you, Mark." You whispered. "I love you too."

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