Mr. Bieber's Assistant / Jaur...

By southsidesariana

41.7K 1K 814

Lauren Jauregui just moved from Miami to LA, to find a new start from her nasty past. She notices there is a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Notice
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 Notice
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Sequel is UP

Chapter 9

1.4K 41 15
By southsidesariana

Lauren's POV

I wake up the next morning laying in a bed. I had Stephen's shirt on and looked over at the clock laying on the bed. It was 7:55. I had to be work at 8. I was so going to be late and Justin was so going to kill me. I roll out of bed and grab my dress from last night and my Louboutins. I run the stairs of the nice house to see Stephen making coffee.

He looks up to see me distressed. "Good morning beautiful."

I smiled with a shy look on my face.

"I am so going to be late to work and I can hear Justin now." I said groaning.

"Hey, calm down. I will take you to work." He said putting down his coffee mug.

"Yeah but I need a work dress or uniform which is at my house." I said biting my lip.

"This is going to sound so weird but I have a dress that I had planned to give to my ex before she broke up with me." He said doing a frown. "It seems bad giving you a dress that I had planned to give to my ex but it's all I got and if you don't want to be super late to work."

I smiled, "No, I will take it."

He ran upstairs as I then see come down with this nice dress, "It still has the tags on it. I tried to return it but they said they it was exclusive dress that I couldn't so here it is, hanging out in the back of my closet." He handed it to me. 

It was beautiful. Stephen was such a good guy. I don't understand what made this girl break up with him unless she found somebody who she thought was going to treat her better. Did I have feelings for Stephen? Of course I did. How could you not fall in love with someone who thinks your beautiful and doesn't say dirty things to you. He was a gentleman and I loved it. I went into a bathroom to change into the dress. It was shimmery at the top, and the bottom of the dress hugged onto my thighs. The bottom was black. The black came up right under my boob. It was overall cute and I loved it. I then slid my Louboutins that I had worn the night before on. Out I came holding the dress and Stephen's clothes. I had a plan to hang out with Stephen again. I was just going to throw the clothes onto his couch and then we had to met again but I doubt Stephen would want to stay away from me anyways. I felt a connection between us and I had no problems with that.

"Alright, I need to go." I said grabbing my purse from the counter as I slid my phone it in.

"Alright." He said going over to his car keys. He had about 5 car keys, labeled. I couldn't see the labels from where I was standing but I noticed he grabbed the Audi keys. Which was totally fine with me. His Audi was to die for.

I walked out in front of him as my heels clicked against the concrete. I loved heels just for that effect so when you know you are a bad bitch, you say a sassy bad ass comment and click your heels the other way. It made me feel more of a bad ass. I heard Stephen behind me. Just his presence was hot to me. I walked around to the passenger side, opened it and hopped in as Stephen did the same on the driver's side. He started up the Audi  and pulled out of the gated driveway. God when could I be rich enough to live in a gated home. 

I saw him turn his head to steer out of the driveway while biting his bottom lip which was a total turn on. I then wanted to know more about Stephen and what he wanted in the future.

"Hey Stephen?" I said with an asking sense of voice.

He finally pulled out and turned his head back around to face the front, "Yeah, what's up?"

"This is going to be out of normal but what do you want in the future?" I asked which made him smile.

"I want to win some more championships." He said as he then thought more, "I also want kids but to have kids you need a woman and lately I have found all the women I was with, were out for my money and fame. My ex Ayesha wasn't but she couldn't handle my fame which sucked but hey you win and lose some."

"Yeah, I had some shit bad happen in the past. That's why I moved here." I said fumbling my fingers.

"I hope it wasn't a guy." Stephen said seeing how it had hurt me.

"It was, it was pretty bad. Not going to go into details because it's the past and I am still here today." I said trying to cheer up our conversation.

"Exactly. Don't worry I won't let him hurt you ever again." 

"That means a lot Steph. I mean it."

He then had pulled up to Justin's building. "Well, here we are."

"Thanks for everything Stephen. I really mean it." I smiled.

I opened the car door to the Audi. Before I shut it I hear Stephen's voice, "Hey, I have to go back to practice for our upcoming season. So my family is having one last big party before I go home tomorrow. I would love for you to come and see me and hang out with me before I have to go back."

I smiled, "I would love that so much."

"Okay great. I guess I will pick you up from your house tomorrow around 11?"

"Sounds perfect to me." I say with a giggle.

"Alright, well have a good day at work."

"Thank you. Bye Steph."

"Bye, Lolo." He said.

I shut the door as Stephen then drove away. I sighed with a big gulp well here I go. Another day with my satanic ass boss. I walk in to see Justin's bitchy receptionist at the front on the phone. She was giggling and twirling her hair. I walked up there and slammed my hand on the desk, "Oh sweetie, does Justin know you are taking a personal call while the business phones are ringing off the hook?"

She looked up at with a glare, "Go back up to Justin's office and suck his dick because that is all his assistant's are good for doing."

"And what are you good for? Sucking Justin's dick before I came into the picture and who is that on the other line...your husband." I smirked.

"How do you know I have a husband?" She snarled.

I rolled my eyes with a smirk, "Well maybe you shouldn't flaunt around that big wedding ring on your finger."

"Mess with me bitch. I will let your loving husband know you cheated on him with your boss because let's be real if you haven' want to. It's obvious." 

I then clicked my heels over to the elevator where I saw a guy with blue eyes, some stubble and dirty blonde hair. 

"Hi excuse me." I said tapping him.

He turned around confused, "I am Justin's assistant and he still hasn't really gave me a card to get up to his office yet."

The guy smiled, "You must be Miss Jauregui."

"Well I guess Justin has been talking about me quite much huh?" I laughed.

He chuckled, "Yeah you could say that."

The elevator doors opened as I walked in and behind came the other man.

"I didn't catch your name." I said looking over at him as the elevator doors shut.

"I'm Brian or you call me Mr. O'Conner."

"I like Brian. I don't really like addressing people with Mr. Ms. Miss. or Mrs." I shrug.

"Then call me Brian." He smiled as the elevator door opened and he walked onto a work floor where I saw all these people running around crazy with paper's in their hand loud clicking on computer. Glad I didn't get that job. I would lose my patience. The elevator doors shut once more as I see the top button glowing. The elevator stops and the doors open as I then walk down to Justin's office. The big door that I remember being so scared to knock the first time I came up here. I opened the door ready for Justin to blow off on me for being late. I open the door to see Justin writing on a paper. He doesn't look up.

"You know it's kind of rude for you not to call me and tell me that you were going to be late."

I glared over at him, "You know as much as I know that we both had a very long night." 

Justin looked up at me cocking a brow with a smirk, "Woah. What are you trying to say?"

"I mean obviously you took your hoe home last night and Stephen took me to his elegant home." I faked a smile as I walked to the desk and sat down.

"Oh so this whole thing is still about you being jealous of that girl last night that was around my arm."

"No, it's not. You know something, I am so glad today is Friday. I can't wait to get the fuck away from you for the weekend."

"Don't try to change the subject. Why are you so jealous?" He smirked.

I glared at him, "I am not jealous of you and what you do with your hoes. Now are jealous. You are jealous because Stephen treats me well enough and you know he can sweep me off my feet and you can't stand it. You can't stand the fact of someone having me other than yourself."

"See that's where you are wrong sweetheart because Stephen can't sweep you off your feet. I already have that ass on tight lockdown."

"You wish you had my ass to grab." I spat turning around my chair. I hear Justin's seat squeak and then his shoes hitting the ground lightly as I then see his shadow behind me. I turn around to look up at him. He looked so hot today,not going to lie. Just like he looked hot as fuck at the Gala last night. 

"You know Lauren, I have been thinking." He said.

"Thinking you need to treat me with respect?" I asked with a sarcastic smile.

"I do respect you princess. It's you that doesn't respect me."

"How do I not respect you?" I said confusingly.

"You know exactly what you do. You give me that hot sass of yours. Then I tell you I want you all to myself and you go off parading yourself with Stephen. That my love is how you disrespect me."

"First off." I said getting up out of my chair. "You don't respect me and if you can't handle my sass, then damn sucks to be you." I spat as Justin smirked as if this is what he wanted. "Second off, you don't own me. We aren't in relationship so you can't tell me what to do with guys."

Before I knew Justin had lightly pinned me up against the wall. "You are all mine and what I say...goes. Understand?" He said as I smell his minty breath through my nostrils. He brought his hands down more and more with every word, "And know this baby girl. I want you. I want you to be all mine. Shower you in love, get you whatever your little heart desires, and make you crave me every damn second." He said grabbing my ass with his large hands. "What I want, I get." He smirked before letting go of my ass and pulling away. I began panting as I swallowed. Justin was so hot and I may have got a tiny bit of wet for a second. He then grabbed a pile of papers off his desk, "I want you to stand here while daddy J goes to a meeting. When I get back and if you have your work finished, let's go get lunch." He said with devilish smile.

I didn't say anything into complete shock from what he had said and grabbed my ass with his hands. I just nodded my head. I wasn't going to lie, I liked it. I liked it a lot.

Stephen's POV

"Mom, I think you will like her a lot. I mean you barely got to know her that day she was over there. She is so great. I don't know how to describe it."

"That's great Stephen. I am so happy for you."

"There is only one problem though." I said.

"And that is?" I hear my mom Sonya say on the other line.

"She works for Justin. Ya know Justin Bieber, the one that Ayesha fucked with while with me."

"Ouch. Well that sucks."

"Yeah but the good side is Lauren hates him for the most part which is a win for me."

"Well good. I hope you don't hate me either but Ayesha was a big part of your life so I invited her to the party tomorrow but it's okay but she will keep her cool especially with Lauren coming with you."

"Mom, that is not going to be good. My ex, Lauren, and me all together."

"Oh, it will be fine Stephen. Your dad and I won't let anything happen."

Justin's POV

I walk back into my office after the meeting to see Lauren sitting twirling her hair while on her phone. 

"Now, now, now. Did you finish all your work?"

She looked up from her phone at me, "Yeah, I did."

"So may I take you to lunch?" I asked with a smile.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

She got up grabbing her purse. I watched her flip her hair as she clicked her heels down the hall. God she was fucking hot.

She then waited for me at the elevator. "Took you long enough." She said still looking at her phone. The elevator doors opened as she walked in with her eyes still glued to her phone.

The elevator doors shut. I look over to Lauren who isn't talking but invested in her phone.

"You know there is a lot of things to do in elevator." I said breaking the silence.

"I am assuming yours is dirty." She said not looking up from her phone.

"Some are, some aren't. Now tell me, you aren't texting Stephen while we going out together because that would be the most disrespectful thing you've done yet." I said looking at her with a smirk.

"Actually dip shit, I am texting my brother. Thanks for the assumption though." She spat with a glare at me.

The elevator doors opened, "Okay then, well when do I get to meet your family?"

I walked out as she followed behind me. "If it's up to me...never." 

"That hurt my feelings." I fake cried.

"Well Justin, you are an overall douche bag who likes to sleep around with a bunch of girls. The only guys who have met my parents are my serious long-time boyfriends and my gay friend who lives back home named Chase." She said.

"Okay well guess what, I am going to be the guy you stay with. Your parents will love me and hey your friend Chase will probably dig me too." 

"Yeah well, that's if you stop sleeping around with girls. Take a STD test because god knows what those girls have that you sleep around with. On top of that, you really got to respect me some."

I laughed, "Oh please, as if you didn't like what I said to you before I went into that meeting and grabbing your perfect thick ass. C'mon now."

Lauren laughed, "I don't and won't admit anything."

"Oh being dirty, I see. Anyways, how about this, I tell you some more about me. You tell me some more stuff about you. As much as you keep me on my toes. I want to get to know you."

"Okay bi-polar Bieber. Let's do it." She cheered.

"What did you call me?" I questioned.

"Justin, you change your mood every 2 seconds and it's kind of scary in all honesty."

"Oh whatever." I spat.

We then arrived at a sandwich place. Lauren told the guy her order, I did as well, as she began to pull out money. I pushed her off to the side away from the register as I then gave the guy $30. "Keep the change man."

"Why thank you, Mr. Bieber." The guy said with a big smile on his face.

I then watched Lauren sit at a table. God why was she so hot. She had me in a trance. That's something I loved about her. She spoke her mind, she kept me on my toes and she is overall a beautiful human being. Her ass was so tempting to grab all the time. Her eyes sent me flying.

I walk over to her seeing her smile at me was the best feeling. 

"Okay let's start with me." I said sitting down. She took a bite of her sandwich.

"Okay go ahead." She teethless smiled.

"Alright well I have a sister named Jazzy and a brother named Jaxon. They both look up to me a lot. My mom is a well spirited person. Her name is Pattie. I can't wait till you two meet. You and her would get along great. My dad, well my dad isn't the best person but hey you can't choose family." I said before taking a couple bites of my sandwich.

"Okay. Well I want to know more, like how about  your business?" She asked.

"What about it?" I replied.

"How did you get that business all by yourself." She asked.

"My mother's side was always wealthy. My grandfather always had a business back home in Canada. I got old enough and he decided for me to come to the beautiful Los Angeles to make business here. It wasn't long till I became a billionaire. I had to get a lot of practice. I mean my grandpa always had me at his office in Canada. I did a lot of shit to get here."

She shook her head as she listened closely to my every word.

"Your turn?" I said biting into my sandwich once more.

"Right. I have a sister named Carla. She got married to this billionaire who is old as dirt but she says she gets whatever she wants so she doesn't care. She actually hates me in reality. She swears she doesn't but I think she does. She had the same middle name as me and once she got old enough. She changed it to Jauregui and now has her husband's last name Santini. My brother. Well my brother is my favorite sibling obviously. His name is Derek. He is probably the best sibling in all honesty. He always worries about me and we are like best friends. I don't know how to describe it. My mom and dad basically love me but are lowkey somewhat ugly and annoying as shit sometimes. I shouldn't be mean because obviously I get my good looks from somewhere. I love my parents and I don't know where I would be without them. They keep me stable and keep me well me." She smiled at the thought of her parents.

"Okay and what made you move here?" I asked smiling.

Lauren then began to fumble her fingers, "I don't really like to talk about it."

"Oh this is what you promised you'd tell me one day." I said eagerly.

"Yes but-" She said before I interrupted her.

"I'm all ears." I said with cheekily smile.

"Justin, I'm not really ready to talk about it yet."

Whatever it was seemed to bother her. I knew it was about a guy but it really bothered her and I knew it had to be pretty bad for it to hurt her and put her down like that. I just wanted Lauren to trust me and open up to me. Even if she thinks I am an cocky asshole. Maybe I am but I have some past shit she doesn't know about either which makes me this way. I wouldn't dare tell Lauren ever about my past.

"Well just know whoever it is, I will beat his ass for you whenever you want."

Lauren blushed with a smile on her face as she stared at her food. She looked up at me, "Thanks."

"I have a question for you." I then hear Lauren's voice echo through my ears.

"What's that?" I ask cheekily.

"What happened between you and Stephen?" She said looking at me being serious.

"Well it's a long story." I lied. Sure Stephen and I had some bad business but there was some other stuff that not only dealt with his ex Ayesha that he so dearly loved along with some other shit. I Justin Bieber was not going to tell Lauren anything about my past because knowing her, she would hate me and never forgive me.





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