Young Bloods

By angeleyes-demonsoul

41.4K 2.7K 3.9K

Freaks of nature Science cannot explain them, but here they were A group of teens with certain supernatural a... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty One~
~Character Questions? (Closed)~
~Character Answers/Abilities List~

~Chapter Twenty~

1.3K 105 125
By angeleyes-demonsoul

~Brendon's POV~

I heard screams not long after Leslie had gone into the room. My head snapped up from looking at Ryan and at the door.

"Ryan, Ry, please get up!" I looked back down at Ryan and tapped his cheek frantically. I had been trying to wake him since I had sat down next to him, but now I really needed him up.

"Ryro, you ass!" I slapped his cheek, instantly hating myself for it. "Shit! Ry-" I was going to apologize, but I heard him groan. His eyes opened dully, with slight confusion.

"Bren?.." He grabbed his head and groaned again.

"BABY!" I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Brendon? What's happening?" His muffled voice drifted into my hear.

I released him and shook my head. "Too much to explain. Ryan, we need to get to the door." I pointed to the door Leslie had disappeared through.

I grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet. He looked confused, but I could feel him looking through my head for answers.

"How are you sure we can-" Ryan started, but was cut short from what sounded like a gunshot from the room. We looked at each other and hurried over.

"I can't hear anything." Ryan frowned as we reached the door. I tugged st the door. The dizzy feeling from before was gone. Ryan helped and we managed to get the door open. I covered my mouth to keep from crying out.

The doctor was sitting limply in a chair. His eyes were closed and he didn't appear to be breathing. I shot a glace at Ryan and he shook his head, horror written on his face. Just across from him was Leslie. There was a red stain in her side and her eyes were closed. It was then I noticed the weapon in the doctor's hand.

"If he had that, why go through all this torture?.." I asked, beginning to shake from everything happening.

"He was a sick, sadistic man, baby..." Ryan's arm wrapped around me and pulled me out of the room, closing the door.

~Patrick's POV~

"Oh my god, Pete!" There were tears in my eyes as I shook him, trying to wake him up.

I don't know what happened. I wasn't in any kind of control...But then the doctor's influence failed and I was me again.

I was still afraid that he was somehow still there.

"C'mon, Pete!" I cried. I put my ear against his chest and listened. The thudding was dull and labored. I swore loudly and pulled away, cupping his face in my hand.

"You'll be okay, Pete. Just like you said, right? No matter what!.."

I was so afraid to loose him. I never had anyone close until Pete. I didn't really open up to anyone except Pete. He had been the only one I ever told about my past...He was the only one to love me.

"Please just be okay..." I whispered.

I leaned my forehead against his and just closed my eyes. It wasn't until I slowly opened them that I took notice to the glow I had ignored through my panic.

It wasn't just where we touched, it was everywhere. Completely covering our bodies from head to toe.

I felt myself smile and I laughed. "I knew you were okay...I know you're okay..." I pressed my lips against his. The glow just brightened. I felt his lips begin to move with mine and hold onto me. It was so strange how he affected he managed to save me.

I finally pulled away and just smiled down at him, wiping my tears away. His eyes were still closed, but he would be okay. I could feel it.

I looked over to the side and my smile faltered just a bit. Frank was lying on the ground, unmoving. My mind flashed back to what I had seen Gerard do out of the corner of my eye. I covered my mouth as I looked at him. I forced my eyes to move away from him and saw Gerard, trapped by something black. It covered his mouth as well.

I crawled over and tried to see if I could move it away. I reached for the one covering his mouth and touched it. With my touch, a blue glow appeared around it and it faded. I jumped back in confusion as Gerard began to speak.

"How'd you do that?" Gerard looked disoriented. He saw me and his eyes widened, "Patrick! Patrick I didn't hurt him, did I?? I-i thought I saved him in time but I can't be-" he turned his head and cried out.

He began screaming for Frank, but his words fell on dead ears.

"Patrick, help me please, I may have saved him! He may be alright PLEASE!"

I reached out and hesitantly touched the black surrounding his torso, restricting his arms. It did the same as his mouth bondage and glowed blue before fading.

As soon as he was free, Gerard rolled onto his stomach and crawled over to where Frank was laying on his stomach.

"You'll hate me for this, I know you'll hate me..." Gerard kept mumbling, pulling Frank into his arms. I stayed back as I watched Gerard press his index and middle fingers against Frank's forehead.

"Please, Frank I'm fucking begging you." Gerard whispered through his teeth. The hall was silent as we waited in anticipation. For what? I wasn't sure.

Suddenly, Frank's eyes shot open and he sucked in air like a hose. ((A/N~Sherlock Voice: "NOT DEAD!")) He began choking on the air and gasping as Gerard started to cry.

"I heard you! Frankie, I heard you! I love you so fucking much!" The last part was muffled as Gerard hugged Frank tightly, "You're okay, you're okay..."

"But how?.." I asked in confusion, "You were gone...The-The room..." I remembered his child like behavior.

"I-i..." He just shook his head into Frank's shoulder.

Frank looked dazed. He confusingly hugged Gerard back. He didn't seem to fully know what was happening.

I went back over to Pete and kneeled down next to him. His side I had seen him holding looked bad. I moved his shirt slightly to look at the wound. I cringed at the injury. It was where he had been stabbed with the sharp object.

"We'll get it fixed, Pete..." I whispered.

I looked around, unsure where to go. I felt a bit turned around in the empty hall. I knew one way lead to the exit, but I didn't know which.

"Hello!" I called out, hoping for a response. I hoped the others were okay... I had no idea what doctor Walker was going to do to them...

"Are we okay?.." Frank's drifted around this section of the hall.

"I don't know..." I looked back down at Pete and lightly touched him to see our full body glow once again, "I think might be..." I bit my lip, moving my hand away and watching our glow fade.

"We need to get back to the others." Gerard said. He had finally let go of Frank and was just trailing his eyes over the smaller boy.

"But where do we find them?.." Frank asked, looking at the two directions, "I can't remember."

I looked at Pete. The way he was lying...his feet were facing the direction we had been walking towards, so we had to be going the direction opposite.

"I know." I said, sticking my arms under Pete's legs and upper torso. I tried to lift him, but man was he heavy... I focused and attempted to use my gift to lift him. That did the trick. He was considerably lighter. I raised to my feet with Pete in my arms and turned in the direction we should go, "It's here. This way."

Gerard and Frank rose to their feet, trusting my judgment. We began walking down the hall, hoping to find an end soon.

When we did eventually find an end, there was a collective sigh of relief. Gerard pulled open the door and we hurried inside, the light blinding at first.

"Patrick!?" Once I blinked away some of the light, I saw Brendon looking at me with wide eyes. He was standing in the arms of a boy I didn't recognize, but he was also staring with wide eyes.

"You guys weren't kidding about the blue..." The unknown boy said with a breath of air. He walked over, bringing Brendon with him, and looked down at Pete. "May I?"

"Who are you?" I asked quietly.

"Ryan." The boy told me, "I'm a friend."

Brendon nodded in agreement, "It's okay, Patrick. He'll just check to make sure things are okay."

I nodded and Ryan extended his hand to touch Pete's temple. Ryan got a faraway look in his eye for a moment before he pulled his hand away.

"He's okay...ish." Ryan looked at his side and pointed, "That needs attention, asap."

The two of them spoke lowly, moving over to Gerard and Frank as I sat Pete down. I sat next to him and ran my fingers through his hair. The glow was so bright...the prettiest blue I had ever seen.

"Blue is known as a 'sad' color..." I whispered lowly to him, "but when I see it with a wave, all my sorrow is washed away..." I kissed his forehead before leaning my own against it.

He groaned quietly, his head tilting slightly. I smiled as he began to wake up. His eyes twitched before they opened, immediately making contact with mine. His lips curved up into a grin.

"Baby blue..." He whispered. Before I knew it, he had reached his arm up and pulled me down to push my lips against his. He was still weak, but he put all his strength into this kiss. His tongue slipping past my lips and exploring my mouth. I gladly let him, allowing him to take dominance. This may have been the best thing in my life...

He cried out in pain and I pulled away. I looked at him in fear that I had accidentally hurt him. His hand had moved down to his side, the place of his injury.

"Hang on, Pete!" Brendon rushed over with a blond boy.

"Søren, nice to meet ya." The boy introduced. He looked down at Pete and held his hand against his side, "This'll hurt, man. I'm sorry." He pushed his hand against Pete's side and he cried out.

"Hopefully I can fix it all this time." Søren's eyes illuminated with a green glow. He let out a breath of relief as he pulled his hand away. He lifted up Pete's shirt and his wound was gone. I laughed happily and looked at Søren.

"Thank you! Thank you so much..."

He smiled in response.

Others in the room were beginning to wake up. The boy, Josh was scrunching his face as Ryan held his hand against his temple. The one he had been reaching out to, Tyler, standing nervously by him.

"Hey, Patrick..." Pete's voice came up to me between gasps of air.

I cupped his cheek in my hand and smiled, "You're okay, Pete..."

He laughed lightly, still catching his breath. "I'm okay..." He repeated.

I helped him sit up and watched his eyes widen.

"Your glowing again..." He looked me up and down.

"So are you..." I told him. He looked down at himself with a soft 'woah'.

"What does this even mean?" He asked, taking my free hand in his.

"Isn't it obvious?" Brendon asked. We looked at him with confused looks. What did he mean? "I thought you guys were just messin' around..." Brendon mumbled, looking down.

"I have an idea." We all turned as Ryan spoke. He had taken his hand away from Josh's temple. The red headed boy was now hugging Tyler tightly. Ryan stood and looked over at us.

"There are things known as 'soul mates'..." Ryan continued, "We all have one...and how the connection between the two is shown is always different... Whether it be psychic links...Or a change in your energy's glow."

"How cheesy is that?" Brendon scoffed, "soul mates? Really?"

Ryan directed his attention to Brendon, shaking his head. "Our connection is a light in our eyes...but you never did notice..."

"The light that was gone when you erased yourself from his memories..." Pete spoke. Ryan nodded.

"Everyone's is different... But it's especially apparent for us with abilities... That, however, I can't explain." Ryan shrugged.

"Well..." Spencer spoke up, "Can we discuss it outside of this place?..Please?"

"I second."



Well dang...We are nearing the end guys! Just one more chapter after this...

I really enjoyed this fic ((sorry for all the pain I put you through during it)) I'm sad to see it end, honestly...

I really hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have :)

Also, thank you SOOOO MUCH for 1.48k reads (as of when I post this) all the comments and votes...I love reading through them, it's just awesome.

I'M RAMBLING AGAIN IM SORRY! AAHHH I'm just real happy/sad/thankful <3

~Skittles Out~

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