You Love who You Love (Rikoss...

By Loud_R5

12.5K 553 228

"We're going to love you no matter what, darling. You could be in love with a lamp post and we'd still suppor... More

A/N : Just a Heads Up
1- Spikes Up
2- Shot in The Dark
3- Just Hold me
4- I Don't Know What To Do
5- Poor Souls
6- Fire in Your Eyes
7- A Double Shot
8- Walk into the Room
9- Don't Walk Away...
10- Riker is a Blind Idiot
11- Your Ovaries May as Well Explode
13- How my Education Ruined my Life
14- Goodbye 4 Now
15- So Ina-Pro-Bro
16- Amanda Seyfried, You Slut
!! N O T A N U P D A T E !!
17- Probably The Longest Chapter So Far... Cuz Lesbihonest...

12- Maybe Anything Will be Our Always...

640 23 18
By Loud_R5


Riker and I where kissing like never before. It was so hot.... Well, that was until Rydel started screaming. I pulled away from my boyfriend
(*mentally throws arms around in the air like a weirdo*)
and looked towards where the she was standing. Her face was full with excitement.

"I KNEW IT!!!" She yelled before she dropped the bags she was holding, opened the front door and ran up and down our street. "HOLLY FRICKEN CHICKEN BALLS I KNEW IT!!!" I looked towards Riker.

"Well she seems happy." I laughed. Riker smiled at me and rested his forehead against mine.

"What if the others find out? They aren't all gonna be like Delly." Riker asked with a worried expression. I looked at him with sympathy and placed my hand on his cheek.

"It's gonna be okay babe. I'll always protect you." I kissed his forehead. "Always." Riker put his head in the crook of my neck and sighed.

"I love you..." He whispered. I rested my head on top of his.

"I love you too." We sat there for a moment, almost in complete silence if it weren't for Rydel's screaming. I kissed the top of his head. "Now I'm gonna go have another shower. Wanna come?"

"Okay." He said happily as he got off of me and ran to the bathroom. I laughed. He's so damn cute!


I was outside on the street trying to get Rydel to calm down. Riker and I had taken a nice, long, non-sexual shower for about 15 minutes.... That ended 20 minutes ago. Ever since then I have been out here while Riker was now inside his room sleeping. (We put clothes on that cover up our hickeys by the way!)

"Rydel! We need to go inside now!" I half yelled kinda frustrated. She was on the other side of the road doing cart-wheels on the side walk. She hasn't done one of them in years!

"IM NOT GOING INSIDE! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO!" She screamed. I was getting VERY impatient. I crossed the road and grabbed Rydels legs so she was in a hand stand position, stopping her right in her tracks.

"We're going inside now." I put one arm underneath her knees, bent over and put my other arm on her back so I was holding her bridal style. I started walking across the road, towards the house. Rydel grabbed a random street light pole and hung onto it.

"NO! I have SO MUCH energy and fangirl to get out of me! I haven't felt this great in years!" She laughed like a mad woman. I started pulling on my sisters legs as I tried to drag her home.

"Rydel! Come inside! It's gonna rain!" I lied. That was pretty stupid of me.... Anyone could clearly see it was a sunny day! Well, unless you were blind...

"No it's not! It's so hot I'm melting!"

"Then why are you out here running around like a maniac for?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" She screamed as she let go of the pole, making me fall back in surprise. I ended up on my butt, in dirt and Rydel had her face buried in the ground...
I suddenly heard laughing. We both turned around and saw mom, Ryland and Rocky at the front door staring at us. My brothers were laughing their asses off while my mom just smiled.

"Oh shut up!" Del yelled at them as she picked up a rock and threw it directly at Rocky's face.

"Ow!" He whined as it hit him hard on the nose. "Mom, Rydel hit me!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"



"Shut up!" I said as I got up. I held my hand out for Rydel, and she accepted it. I helped her up, walked past my brothers and went inside. The others were right behind me.

I guess all the noise we made woke Riker up, because he was sitting in the lounge room floor when we walked in. He had a tub of ice cream in his hands with a spoon and a very sad look.
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My ice cream melted!" He looked as if he was going to cry. My heart almost broke seeing my baby so upset.

"Oh big deal," Rocky said sarcastically. "Meanwhile my nose is bleeding!" He yelled.

"Shut up dick head!" Riker yelled. I looked at Rocky. His expression turned to a very serious, aggressive one.

Here we go...

"What did you say to me you little shit?" He yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Riker screamed again. Rocky's hand turned into a fist before he ran over to my boyfriend and started punching his stomach. I quickly ran over to them and pulled Rocky off of Riker.

"YOU LITTLE FAGGOT! YOU WILL REGRET THAT!" Rocky screamed. Riker was on the floor screaming out in pain, clutching his stomach. THE BABY! I threw Rocky to the ground near my mom and Rylands feet and run over to my babies.

"Oh my god, Riker! Hold on!" I panicked as I picked him up. "Rydel we're going to the hospital!" I ran out the door and over to six, my car. Rydel grabbed my keys from inside and unlocked him... I mean it...yea...
I opened the back door and put Riker in. I then raced to the drivers seat as Rydel went in the passengers seat, and we sped off.


I was holding Riker in my arms bridal style as all three of us bursted into the hospital. I ran up to the front desk. "I need to see doctor André please! It's an emergency!" I exclaimed.

The lady at the front desk was different to the one before. She had brown hair, was in about her late 40's and barely looked up from her computer. "Do you have an appointment?" She said bluntly.

"No b-"

"Please fill out this form and I will see what I can do." She placed a butt load of paper work on the desk I front of me.

"My brother was just beaten up!" I half shouted.

"That's not my business, now please fill out the form." Well this lady is extremely helpful, I thought. I really wanted to strangle her! My baby could be dying and she isn't helping me!!!

-wait... Did I say 'My' baby? I meant to say Riker's baby... Yeah!
But being a father wouldn't be such a bad idea...


"PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM!!!" She yelled as she looked up at me for the first time. I stared directly into her eyes and gave her my hardest, coldest death glare, as she gave me hers.

Rydel pushed me aside a bit and smiled. "Hey Mrs Ratliff!" She said sweetly. The old rat's face brightened at the sight of my sister.

"Why hello Rydel. It's nice to see you!" She smiled, acting all innocent. "What can I do for you love?"

"My brothers got into a bit of a fight and Riker here is injured really badly..." Rydel pointed to him. "I was wondering if doctor André could look at him by any chance?"

"Sure, he's got hardly any bookings today. He's in room R5 as usual. Have a nice day deary!"

"You too! Oh and say 'hi' to Ellington for me!" Del smiled before pushing me forward into the hall. I have the hag one last glare before running to doctor Andrés room. I opened the door so violently that it smacked against the wall. Doctor André looked up from his desk quite frightened, but his face softened when he saw that it was just me.

"Ross, what are you doing here? And what happened to Riker?" He asked. I walked over to the medical bed thing and placed my little brother on it. His face had a look of pain on it and his cheeks had tear stains. The doctor stood up.

"No time to explain. Just check on the baby, please!" I exclaimed as I looked at him. From the corner if my eye, I saw Riker's head pop up.

"Baby? What baby?" He had a look of confusion now. I sighed and kneeled down next to him.

"Riker, I don't know how to tell you this," I looked into his eyes. "You're pregnant." Riker stared at me for a moment before laying back down on the bed. He just stared at the ceiling, not moving an inch.

Doctor André came over and lifted up his shirt. He put gel on Riker's stomach. He moved the wand around.
"How is it?" I asked.

Doctor André's eyes squinted together. "Hmm.." I looked at him.

"'Hmm' what? What do you mean 'Hmm'? WHAT DOES 'HMM' MEAN?!!" I screamed. I was so desperate to know what happened. What if the baby was deformed? What if it died? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!

He looked at me. "The baby is fine," I sighed in relief. Phew! "However, there is a small issue..." He turned the screen around to Riker and I.

Oh my god...

There were TWO babies on the screen...

And I could see their dicks.


We were in the car, driving home. Rydel's driving in the front seat, while Riker and I are in the back. He has his head rested in my lap and I'm playing with his hair.
After Riker and I left the Ultra sound room, we found Rydel talking to her friend, Laura. Apparently her grandfather was getting a hip replaced.

Anyway, Riker hasn't said a word in all this time. I think he's still shocked. I know I would be.
We soon pulled up at our house. As soon as we all got out of the car, Riker ran into the house, probably up to his room.

"Hey Rydel?"


"Who's Ellington?"



"HE IS NOT! He's actually pretty sweet..." Rydel had explained to me that 'Ellington' was that old secretary's' (a.k.a Cherry Ratliff) son and that she had been in a relationship with him for a few months now.

She skipped off inside the house happily and disappeared. Oh god... Let's hope they don't get married!
(A/N: Let's hope they actually do!)

I sighed, and went inside as well. I closed the door and headed upstairs to Rikers bedroom. I knocked on the door. "Riker? Can I come in?" I asked.

No reply.

I sighed. I walked to my room and got my guitar. I put the guitar strap around my neck, walked out of my room and back over to Rikers. I opened the door. I saw Him laying down on his bed, looking at the ceiling.

I started playing.

"All I got,
Is cheap whine,
Do you mind?
All I got is live for you.

All I've got,
Is cheap whine,
Do you mind?
I will make time for you too.

All I ask,
Please don't lie,
Cuz this time,
I won't come back home to you.

Repeating days,
Where we stay,
It's okay,
Cause this time is up to fate..."

I sang as I walked over the bed where he lay. I sat down on the edge of the bed.
"You okay?" I asked.

Riker sighed. "No." He looked at me. He had absolutely no emotion on his face at all. I'm guessing he just felt.... Numb.

"You don't want your babies?"

"It's not mine! It's... his! He's that father!" He frowned. I knew he meant Mark. He didn't want Mark's baby because of what he did. That baby has Marks' genes. Riker doesn't want Mark to be the father.

I sighed as I looked down at my feet. If he doesn't want Mark to be the father, maybe he will keep it if someone else was...

And then it clicked.

"What if I was the babies other father?" I looked back to Riker. He didn't look numb anymore, just confused. "We could be the parents and raise them as one big, happy family!" I smiled.

"You would do that?" He asked with hope in his eyes. I reached for his hand and held it.

"Of coarse I would!" I kissed his hand. "Only if you'd like that..."

"I would like that." Riker smiled from ear to ear. "Cuddle with me?"

"Anything for my baby!" I let go of his hand and stood up. Taking the guitar off, I walked around to the other side of the bed. I took my shirt and pants off, leaving me in my boxers. I got into the bed and went down to Rikers stomach. I kissed it good night then got under the covers. I wrapped my arms around Rikers waist as he turns around and rests his head on my chest.
He instantly falls asleep there and then.

"Anything." I whisper as my eyes feel heavy. Soon enough I fell asleep, holding all three of my babies safely.

Oh My God that was hard to write!

*Wipes sweat off of forehead*

2169 words?! That's by far the longest chapter so far!

Oh and sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I re-write this like twice bc I wasn't happy with it.

That Ross being the father idea came from @R5AlexsisNichole so go thank her for that AMAZING idea!

Anyways.... did I say happy birthday to Riker and Rocky???


There we go, all done :)

Btw I kinda need a new book cover cuz this ones kinda getting old.

If you would like to make one plz send it to me on my kik username: Morgan_jlma

Weird I know. Just go with it!

And yes, my name is Morgan!

So yeah.... I think that's it....

Bye bye!🖖🏼

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