✍ Home Sweet Home: A homely p...

By idiosyncraticforever

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Welcome to my humble abode. Ever wondered about what went on behind the scenes of your favorite wattpad book... More

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40.✍ @sweetyanisha2307(i.e Anisha the sweetest of house kindness)✍
@Sannyaahhh(our own modern day belle)✍
✍ @AishwaryaKadam4 (the MANANHOLIC )✍
43.✍ @withasmileandlaugh✍
little note
✍ @letmelivetonight✍
✍ @sruthilaya13✍
46.✍ @Midika✍
✍ @AmythestWinter(A. L. Winter)✍
✍ @sasa_lee(Melissa)✍
49.✍ @XxNixonxX✍
50.✍ cherrypop12✍
!A Very Important Announcement and I mean it!
@joecool123!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fangirls*
!!!!!!Interview with @royal888(Sarah Royal )!!!!!!!
@Mk1120 : Author of Our Story

✍ @yabookprincess AN EXCLUSIVE WITH KAI ASHER✍

317 10 2
By idiosyncraticforever

here is another interview for you lovelies requested by @beauitfultragedies

this girl is amazing let me tell you plane amazing so while i drown my sorrows in some wine (hint- dont listen to MITAM you would be f* d like me)

here you go !!!!

1. Describe yourself, anything and everything you want us to know? What should i expect if i meet you?

pt2:State three qualities about yourself that could make anyone recognize you from a huge crowd of people ?

Desirae: I'm an awkward teenager who likes to read and talks about books too much. If you come up to me on the street and tell me you read my books, I'll be the happiest person ever and I also might shed a tear because I'm over-emotional. If there's a crowd, you can quickly recognize me by my London bag which I always carry with me and there's rarely a time when I don't have a book in my hand. You are so so sweet J

2.What is the story behind your username ?When,where,how and why you entered the world of writing? Give us your own cute writer story :)

pt2:What does writing mean to you and why? do you ever think of taking it as a career ? why and why not?

Desirae: My username yabookprincess actually means Young Adult Book Princess. I have chosen it because Young Adult books are my favorite books to read and there are always princesses in books so that's where I got the idea from.

I have entered the world of world of writing when I was pt2: I always loved making up stories and escaping from the world. But one day, I stumbled upon Fanfiction.net, a website where people can write Fanfictions and I just felt the need to be a part of that site so I started my very first stories there - not that I was any good.

Writing means everything to me. Growing up, I didn't have great parents. My childhood had been messed up and writing was just there. Lately, it's been all coming back to me, everything that I've been through and I needed a way to let it all out. And that's when I started writing my first book. I've used it as a therapy ever since. I can't tell you how many times it has helped me and I can't imagine doing anything else for the rest of my life. I really want to be an author.

The best thing a stranger has done for me is just smile. If you smile at me, I guarantee you that you'll make my day.

Good this line is so for you " "She made broken look beautiful

and strong look invincible.
She walked with the Universe
on her shoulders and made it
look like a pair of wings."   

3. What is the best thing a stranger has done for you? What type of gift you badly want?

Desirae: The best thing a stranger has done for me is just smile. If you smile at me, I guarantee you that you'll make my day.

4.: Give your hobbies, and favourites and things you hate.Give your strengths,weaknesses,pet peeves,hobbies,passion,dreams,desires

pt2:State 25 random yet interesting facts about you and your characters.

Desirae: My hobby is reading. I'm a bookworm and I'm the happiest when I'm in a bookstore, buying. Obviously, buying and collecting books is also my hobby. My favorite thing is when I'm reading a book and there's a strong female character. That's literally the best feeling when you find a very well written character (for example Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass).

I hate negative people and my pet peeve is when people are gossiping. Me too I hate when they start judging...

I don't think I have any strengths other than making people smile. I will literally make fun of myself until I see that smile on my face. My weaknesses are awkward moments and when people make fun of me or talk badly about me. Those kinds of things are very hurtful and I am one of those people that cares deeply about what others think.

My dream is to move to Scotland and enroll into St. Andrews University. After that, I want to live there and start my career as an author. *Sighs* me to one day I wish to do the same.

25 facts: 1) I'm obsessed with zodiac signs. I really need a reading

2) I use name generators when I'm writing a book on Wattpad because I'm running out of names for my characters.

3) I want to switch from writing Teen Fiction books to Fantasy books. Go ahead!!

4) Barbara Palvin comes from Hungary, which is extremely close to my country, which makes me proud. That's the reason why she's featured in most of my books.

5) Astrid Bailey (from My Badboy Neighbour) is another version of me. This book is loosely based on my life. wowwowow

6) Just like Astrid, I am also obsessed with Oreos.

7) When I first tried Oreos, I hated them.

8) I can't shut up.

9) I am a very loud person which they say is normal for my zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

10) Sasha Alsberg is my favorite Booktuber along with Nika Erculj who is my favorite Youtube beauty guru (she used to be my favorite classmate before I moved).

11) I used to have depression and that's why I want to help others. I know what it's like to feel alone and I don't want others to feel this way.

12) Two of my favorite authors and huge inspirations replied to me - Cassandra Clare replied to my tweet and Wendy Higgins replied to my email.

13) I used to have a parrot called William Jace Herondale - William and Jace Herondale also happened to be characters from Cassandra Clare's books. God!! I m so jealous

14) I started writing Playing Against the Sister because at the time, I finished writing the second book in the Good Girl series. I was also a target to a lot of hate because my character was weak and I wanted to redeem myself in a way so I introduced Alyssa Valentine to my readers. Since then, I've been complimented many times on how strong she is - a perfect opposite to Astrid.

15) I had a plan to connect all my books between each other. I have written it down but that plan got destroyed when I spilled juice on it. ???

16) Jessie Samson from my book What Happened To Spring? was the one who Astrid met while on her vacation in California.

17) What Happened To Spring? was actually the first book I ever published on Wattpad but had saved it as a draft and started writing My Badboy Neighbour in the meantime. The book itself has been published only recently.

18) I try to make my characters as unique as possible.

19) There's a special notebook I have where I write down everything about my characters like what they're like so that I don't forget it.

20) I've been dealing with tons of hate, death threats and other mean stuff and as someone who's been dealing with depression, it's not the easiest to stay positive. Who dares do that just tell me their names and they would never bother you again *takes out wand* i m gonna turn them into little puppies...

21) My readers - the nice ones - are literally so awesome. They lift me up. Their messages are so supportive and incredibly nice. I've got to thank them for all my success because they've stayed with me all this time.

22) I'm writing 6 books currently, three published, three unpublished. I'll be publishing one in the future for the holiday reading challenge, publishing one for the NaNoWriMo I'm doing alongside my friend Charlie @-chanel) and I've got no plans for the other one yet.

23) I hate the world we live in because the society is just so hateful. It is but you just need to look at the good side of it.

24) One of my characters is called Sasha from Playing Against the Player and she's been inspired by Sasha Alsberg, who has been my role model. She's also cast as Sasha.

25) If I publish a book, I want to have Sasha Alsberg on the cover.

5.What would you say to your fans/readers? Do you have a name for them? Who has really been a big inspiration for you in writing and why? How does your stories inspire, help others

pt2: Who do you want to see interviewed and why?

Desirae: I want to say to my fans that I consider them as a family. They're the ones that get me through the day with their love and support. I don't know about the names though. I call them my readers or - Little Desires because my name - Desirae - reminds me of desire.

Sasha Alsberg's been a huge inspiration because she motivated me to write one time when she replied to me. I also get inspired when I look at my bookshelf and just think: "One day, my book is going to be up there."

I would like to think that my stories have great messages. They teach that even though we're different, we all have something special. We're all perfect in our own way and they teach that the first step to being okay is accepting yourself the way you are. With your flaws. And not judging others. My books talk about bullying and problems in love. How parents are trying their best to be there for you but sometimes, they don't know what they're doing wrong.

I want to see @beautifultragedies l interviewed because I feel like she has done so much for Wattpad and succeeded in so many great ways. She has been an inspiration and a great friend of mine. I have nothing bad to say about her books because they're masterpieces. I already did J

6. Describe yourself as from some else's point of view? Would you ever date yourself why and why not? State the worst and best thing about writing? What makes you a unique person? Some weird quality/habit?

pt2: What are some secret recipes for writing that you would like to share like getting out of a writing block, updating on regular intervals?

Desirae: I texted my best friend to describe me and she said this: "You're talkative, you like to be in your group of friends, it's easy to talk to you, you know how to laugh at your own expense which is good. You're really sarcastic which is also good. You're also a good writer, you've got a lot of friends, you're pretty and smart."

I think I would date myself if I was a guy. I think I'm smart enough to know right from wrong, I definitely wouldn't cheat and I like to chill in my bed and watch movies. I'm a total catch Haha self advertising ppl hahah

The worst thing about writing is definitely writer's block or when you're out of ideas. The best thing about writing is going into a different world.

What makes me a unique person is how quickly I get attached to people. One of my weird habits - or just what you would consider weird - is that I eat my cereal with warm milk. That's acceptable here in my country though.

Updating regularly isn't as easy as people would think. You just have to tell yourself you're going to update once a week and then you choose the day in that week that's least stressful. After that, you need to force yourself to sit down and write. There's no getting out of the writer's block without forcing yourself. Also, this tip might be very handy. Carry with yourself a little notebook so that when an idea for your book pops into your head, you can write it down.

7. You are a writer then state in your opinion how imagination is more important than true knowledge? how?pt2: "Write Drunk, edit sober" why and is it true in your case.

Desirae: Imagination is more important than knowledge because without imagination, life would be boring. Math is the perfect example of knowledge and yet, most people consider Math boring. So I rest my case.

Oh Gods haha I don't write drunk and edit sober but I will admit that this sounds like an incredibly good idea. When you're drunk, you're definitely more honest and you aren't afraid of what people will think. That's why I think writing might be a very good thing as long as nothing gets published. But when you're sober, you realize what you're allowed and is acceptable to say in our society. When you're sober, you limit yourself, yet you still leave out some of the things you want the world to know.

8.What makes a really good description?Does cover matter? why and why not? What factors do you need in a book to start reading it and why? pt2: What makes you vote and comment on a story and why?

Desirae: A really good description is one that doesn't give everything away, that ends really mysteriously and that is grammatically correct. Cover DOES matter. Especially on Wattpad, people will choose books that have better covers because they assume the books will be better written, which is true in most cases. The better the cover, the more reads on the book. The more reads on the book equals the better the book. A book needs to have a nice cover and be grammatically correct. What kind of books I'll read really depends on what I've been craving lately but that's it.

I always vote on a chapter I read, even if I didn't like it. Mostly just because that's a way for me to know where I stopped reading. And if I do like the chapter, I'll let the author know by commenting that.

9..What do you think is the ideal chapter length and why? Do you like reading cliche idea or does it have to be unique every time?why?

pt 2: What is your most irresistible worth in getting danger for sort of thing and why? Pt2: Which genre you most suck and best at writing at and why? What about reading?

Desirae: . Ideal chapter length for me is over 1500 words and less than 2500 words. I don't mind reading cliche books nor do I mind reading unique. I guess I would die for a book that has witty characters. I like it when the guy's a bad boy and the girl is really sarcastic and witty. A good book for me is when it has a great, entertaining dialogue.

If I tried writing horror or mystery, I guess I would suck at that. But I'm best at writing anything cliche only I always put my own twist on these books. I suck at reading crime novels or historical fiction, because I would just get so bored. Also mysteries. I can't stand them because I am too impatient and I need to know everything. That's exactly why reading Percy Jackson was hard for me because those books are so good but so mysterious! I'm best at reading any young adult book to be honest.

10.When do you stop reading a book and why? What puts you off the most while reading a book?

Pt2:How do you cop up with :

# Death of one of the main characters? #slow updates #extreme violence and graphic scenes >

# r rated content ?

DO you believe in supernatural world and witchcraft ? why and why not

pt 2: Do you believe in ghosts and parallel universes?

Desirae: . I stop reading a book when I find out my ship won't sail or when there's an awkward moment, I just have to stop and think about what I'm doing with my life before continuing with the book. I sooooo hate awkward moments because my life is one big awkward moment. What putts me off the most about a book is when the character is making the wrong decisions. Like, it can be crystal clear what the right decision is but the character is so blind that he or she will do the exact opposite and I just get really frustrated.

Pt2: When the main character dies, I sometimes shed a tear if I liked them but if I didn't, I'm just like: *shrugs* "Okay."

Slow updates are probably the least of my worries because I have thousands of other books to read so when a book IS updated, I can just go back to read that part. And as an author, I honestly do understand why it takes so long.

I guess it depends on what kind of a book it is. Extreme violence isn't always welcome if it's involved within the family. Other than that, if the book is about vampires and werewolves, it's pretty much expected.

R rated scenes don't bother me. I appreciate that the writer took the time to write them for us and I'll still read them, even though the book is meant for teens or its main focus isn't sex.

I believe in anything supernatural and witchcraft only because I do wish for it to exist. I find it fascinating.

People of the world today from the debts of awesomeness I have extracted an interview each and every one of us has been dying to read for centuries

No more dialogues

Here it is

EXCLUSIVE WITH KAI ASHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.What type of person are you? Describe yourself and your personality traits?

pt2:? First time meeting pet peeves? pt2:List three or more thins about yourself that could make me instantly recognize you from a chiliad? *swoons*

Kai: 'Sup? My name is Kai Asher and it's safe to say that letting me describe myself is a very bad idea. Astrid would call me a bad boy who's a bookworm at heart and that pretty much sums it up.

My pet peeves are when girls underestimate themselves. I like people who know what they want and are determined to reaching the goals they set for themselves.

People could instantly recognize me because I'll always be standing right next to the most gorgeous woman in the world - Astrid Bailey. The second thing is my leather jacket and the third is my amazing hair because it's always on point.

2. State your hobbies, favorites, strengths, weaknesses, and deepest desires? What are your secret hobbies and habits both good and bad? What is your self-esteem, pet peeves?

pt2: Give 15 facts about yourself?

Kai: My hobbies are reading. I do it to chill out. Making out with Astrid would also be one of my hobbies, if she wouldn't be so stubborn sometimes. My strength are my good looks and my weaknesses is that once I get attached to someone, I'll do anything to protect them.

15 facts about me: 1. I sleep in my underwear. 2. I love Oreos. 3. I like Astrid's weird yet adorable laugh. 4. I like it when girls smell like coconut. 5. I get irritated when Astrid over-thinks stuff which she does a lot. 6. My sister Hannah is my little angel. You touch her, I'll break your neck. 7. I didn't like Connor Bailey that much at first. 8. I listen to The Cab all the time. 9. I'm obsessed with Dubsmash. 10. I have a weird thing for nicknames. 11. I'm the best guy you'll ever meet. 12. I asked a girl to a school dance once. She fainted. 13. I like it when Astrid doesn't wear makeup because she still looks gorgeous. 14. My favorite book to read is Throne of Glass. Not ashamed. 15. I read Wattpad books and made Astrid obsessed with Wattpad so much that one time, she didn't come out of the bedroom for one whole day. She said she was reading 'Lessons on Love' at first and then suddenly, it was 'Battle of the Captains.'

3. What do you think of other people in your life? Any personal favorites? Why? What are your views on love and why?

pt2: who would you choose if you were to get stuck with that person in a closed room for a whole month? Why?

Kai: 3) I am a people person, but I just think people are sometimes way too mean. I mean, be yourself, just don't bring others down. My personal favorite is - shocker - Astrid. She's just so cute when she's doing chores, or trying to ignore me. But I also love how feisty she is.

I didn't used to believe in love until I saw how alive she seemed. Everything about her, it's like the whole world was frozen but she was the only one in motion. She was beautiful.

I would choose Astrid. Why? Because we could make babies ;)

4. What to do you think of Astrid and what would you do if you were forced to be stuck with her in a very very small room for a month? pt2:What do you think of Conner and Matt? Why?(i.e why you think that certain thing about them.)

Archer: I basically just answered your question.

I think Matt is an asshole. There's always been something off about him. His attitude fucking annoyed me.

Connor on the other hand is a very protective of his sister which I approve. I think people make mistakes but at least he learned from it.

5. Why are you such an asshole, player and jerk? Why pt2:Describe your life as a girl? What sort of girl will you be? What would be the major challenges you would face and of course how would you look? (give a description) What would be the things you would hate and love about being one? What would you do as soon as you become one? Who would you like to date and will have a crush on?

Kai: Because love hasn't changed me yet. Also, because it's fun to piss people off.

Oh no. Don't tell me I have to do this. I don't think I could ever be a girl. it's just too... complicated, the way their bodies work and their periods. Nuh-uh. Not for me.

But okay, if I had to be a girl, I'd be like Lilith Arwen. She's a bad girl but she's a loyal friend. I would have black hair, of course and I think I would give myself blue eyes oh and some really sharp cheekbones. And eyebrows on fleek. Definitely. I would hate having periods and constantly worrying about looking perfect for bodyshaming boyfriends. I mean, why date a girl if you're just going to body shame her or cheat on her? That's why I don't commit unless I'm 100% sure I want to be with that girl. I guess I would try to put makeup on as soon as I became a girl because I keep wondering how girls manage to do all that shit. It never ceases to amaze me.

I'd still have a crush on Astrid. I'd go lesbian for Astrid.

6. What do you have planned for the near future? With Grey? Who would you want to switch bodies with and why? What would you do if you had the chance to kidnap someone legally? Who would it be? pt2: Describe your life as a superhero, famous footballer, youtuber?

Kai: I feel like my future's been already determined. Home is where the heart is.

I wouldn't switch bodies with anyone because I like myself. If I had the chance to kidnap someone legally, it would be John Green. He seems like an awesome guy to have as a best friend. Even though he kills off most of his fictional characters. Good thing, the author of my book isn't a serial killer.

Since my goal in life isn't to be famous, because those kind of things never really mattered to me - popularity wasn't something I NEEDED - I guess I would just live a normal life, only that people would pay attention to every single detail.

7. What other fictional characters and their authors would you like to see interviewed? Why? Love,War,Death which is more dangerous and why?pt2: In your fictional world which other human you are jealous of and why?

Kai: I'd love to see interviewed Seth from Chapstick by -chanel. I have a feeling we'd be great friends.

War. The casualties are much greater even though love could be what started the wars.

Honestly? I'm jealous of Connor. He was the captain of the football team and he didn't even have to try that hard to be the best. He had everything handed to him on a silver platter.

8. What is your fashion addiction? Give a list of bizarre things you believe in? pt2:IF you could create a holiday, a new species and a new planet ?? details!!! W hat they would be like?

Archer: My fashion addiction? Wearing leather jackets. I think they're badass. I believe in anything and everything bizarre because my whole life is bizarre.

For a holiday, I would create Oreo day where everybody had to dress up as an Oreo and walk around in these fat costumes, coming up with new ideas for Oreo tastes and what you could pair them with. I think that would've been pretty awesome. And people trying to walk through the doors without getting stuck in their big costumes. If I'd create a new species, it'd be one that appreciated my good looks haha

9. Immortal and be ugly or Be the sexiest for a month and die? Vampire OR werewolf OR warlock?

Food OR Football

What Makes you super insecure and confident?why?

Which is your fav season? why?

Kai: I have the urge to say be sexiest for a month and die but I choose immortal and be ugly because Astrid would've loved me anyway and that's all I need.

Warlock. I'd get wicked powers and I'd use them on Astrid in the bedroom, if you know what I mean. To spice things up ;)

Food. You can't survive without food, I mean, let's be real.

I get insecure when there are guys around Astrid. She's so perfect and I keep worrying that she's going to see what a dick I am and leave. But I'm confident when I see the way she looks at me.

Summer is my favorite season because it's bikini season.

10. If you were a book/movie what would be the title and why?

pt2: Will you ever date yourself ? why ? What would you like to change about your life? If you could time travel what would you do?

Kai: Can't Keep Up With the Ashers

Why date myself when I can date Astrid?

The only thing I'd like to change is Hannah's health. I wanted her to have a normal childhood but with the disease, it's hard.

I think I'd change my attitude and the way I play girls just so Astrid wouldn't have that many doubts about dating me. I know she has it stuck in her head I'm this Bad Boy and that I'll hurt her without thinking twice about it and no matter how much time we spend together, it doesn't seem to go away. So I'd change that.


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