Butterfly Keeper // h.s. au

Od Snowtella

242K 6.2K 4.3K

Charlotte is a sort of star that never dies, she's a sunny sky with clouds that cry. Harry is a sort of flowe... Více

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Thank you x

Chapter Fifteen

5K 132 125
Od Snowtella

I make Harry wait out side of the room as I get ready. When I push him into the hall he only stands against the wall with his arms crossed, cheekily chewing the gum in his mouth as he rolls his eyes at me.

    I struggle to work quickly as I dance my pants up my legs and make sure to wear a cozy sweater being that I have an itching feeling we'll be outside tonight. My hair is an untamed mess and it would take me ages to brush it all out. I settle on putting it into two buns on top of my head, rushed with pieces of hair stick out from them at odd angles. My old, worn out, boots are pulled on last, ones that have been my favorite for a bit too long, and I head out the door.

    When Harry see's me a weird look crosses his face, but then it's gone so fast I almost wonder if I saw it. He straightens up from his spot on the wall, still chewing his gum with the same motion of his sharp jaw, causing his lips to slightly part every so often. We walk to his car in silence and the large vehicle is parked on the curb. The car is already running when I crawl inside, the space warm and cozy as I nestle into my seat. Harry straps in, seeming a little more enthusiastic than usual, and were off.

    Harry being here and surprising me with his random adventures has helped ease my anxiety a little. His presence helps to keep my mind off Angela and her pressing threat she left me with the other day. But even still I feel my body droop like a wilting flower. It's like a weakness has replaced the muscles that hold a smile together, or torn down the wall that keeps those pressing and aching emotions inside. I hope I'm not showing that though, I've never been one to wear my heart fully on my sleeve.

    "You know, I never got your phone number." I tell him, the thought suddenly surfacing in my brain. "So that we can keep in contact and stuff."

    "I don't have a phone." He replies simply with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

    "Really? Don't you need one?" I say, being more than surprised for his lack of the beholden object of our generation.

    "No. I don't have anyone I need to get a hold of." He states without emotion in his voice.

    "What about your dad?" He stiffens at this. I'm met with a prolonged silence filled with the clenching and unclenching of his jaw before he clears his throat to speak again.

    "He died when I was three." His words are thick but his face is lifeless. And when he says them they don't sit there, they float away into nothingness. Just the way he intended them to.

    "Who helped you get on your feet then? After your mom died?" I ask carefully, making my tone soft and accepting.

    He's a brick wall though, an abandoned house with blacked out windows. You know there's something inside but it's not likely you'll ever be able to actually see it. And he makes the air around him tense, like the universe around us can sense his masked sorrow and It's only choice is to yield to it.

    "I lived with my Uncle until I went out on my own." His fists tighten on the wheel.

    "So is he the one helping you with college financially?"

    "In a way..." I can tell he's reaching his edge with me but I press on anyway, hoping to get a little more out of him.

    "When did you move to America?"

    "I'm done talking about it, Charlotte. Don't push me." He growls, snapping his head around to give me a cold glare.

    I oblige and sit silently in my seat for the rest of the drive. It's selfish of me to push him to talk about things he isn't comfortable about. I feel guilt about that, but when It comes to him I find myself being reckless and selfish. I haven't known him for long at all and already I find myself constantly hungering for more of him, of who he is.

    He pulls into the ditch on the side of the road, woods on either side of us. There's nothing out here, no buildings or houses. Just the forest hidden in darkened shadows and odd patterns surrounding us on both sides; even slightly canopying over above us. We did pass a small town a few miles back, but that doesn't seem to be Harry's destination.

    He cuts the engine and places the keys in his pocket before getting out of the car. As I unbuckle my seat belt he comes around and opens my door, holding a hand out for me to take. I hesitate for only a moment, examining his large palm and the silver band around his middle finger, before placing my hand in his. My skin slightly burns from the interaction, my body still not used to his touch. I notice his other hand holds two more rings, placed on his pointer and middle finger. His fingers seem to never be bare of the jewelry, and I wonder of the stories behind them.

    "You know," He speaks lowly but still breaks the silence between us. "You think It's crazy that I don't have a phone, when you don't even have a car? That's a hell of a lot more important then some tech savvy apple shít." He points out as he pulls us across the road, my hand still tightly in his.

    "But that's different. Cars are a lot more expensive." I say in my defense, wondering where in the world we're going. He pulls me closer to him as we reach the edge of the woods, and he doesn't hesitate at all as we enter the dark sea of trees.

    "I'll make you a deal, alright? If you get a car, then maybe I'll buy a completely unnecessary beholden object of our shìtty generation."

I frown at him.   

    "That's not fair! I'll be spending ten times as much as you." I complain with my shoulders slumped. He looks down at me with an amused expression as he navigates us over roots and stones in our path.

    The moon is beautiful and full tonight, it's large silvery face offering us light on this hallows eve. The weather is just slightly chilled, and I imagine that the trick-or-treaters were pleased with this turn out.

    The wind sweeps through every so often, blowing Harry's dark locks into his face and making leaves drift from the trees in a nostalgic and almost magical way. And the sound of a rustle in the leaves or a flapping of a creature's wings is not an uncommon background noise to accompany the winds strong howl.

    "You trust me." He states thoughtfully, tilting his head slightly to the side as he thinks about this.

    We're not on a defined trail yet but Harry seems to know where he's going as he takes sure footsteps through the brush and over the various tree branches. Being out here at night makes my stomach squirm from a certain mixture of excitement and apprehension, too blended for either of the two to win inside of me. I do feel safe though, with Harry's hand wrapped tightly around mine and his presence so sure and steady beside me.

    "I do, or I wouldn't have let you take me out here." I agree, taking a tip from Harry's own book and using a hint of sarcasm. I watch him roll his eyes at me, a smirk twitching at the corners of his lips the way he does when he's trying not to smile.

    He lets go of my hand and strides with long steps into a patch of moonlight sparkling through an open spot in the tree tops. It also reveals the path I suspect we were working our way to. He turns his head to observe the moon, showing me his profile. It seems as though the moon is attracted to his face, highlighting just the right places. The slope of his nose and the slight pucker of his lips. Even the razor's edge of his jaw that curves at just the right angle. And each piece of deep brown hair is lit in the most beautiful way, like how they photoshop the light, silky, texture into the hair in shampoo commercials.

    He looks over at me now, as I have seemingly frozen in my place a few feet away from him. A light smirk touches his lips as he places his hands on his hips.

    "You coming?" He calls as he begins walking out of the fleeting stretch of moonlight.

    I pause before following him, shaking my head to rid me of my trance.

    "You take me to the weirdest places." I point out.

    I hear his faint laugh before he disappears behind the bend in the path. I suddenly feel the weight of the forest around me, and scurry to catch up with him.

    As I pass around the bend I stop in my tracks when my eyes fail to find his shape in the shadows dancing around me. I strain to hear his footsteps, only picking up the slight blow of the wind and fading call of an owl. Just as I'm about to call out for him, feeling cold and a tad bit scared (something I definitely wouldn't admit to him) I hear a sudden rustle to my right and Harry's voice exclaiming, "Shít!"

    "Harry? Are you okay?" I call out to him, feeling the cold wind mercilessly whip against my face.

    There's no answer in return so I decide to follow the sound. It came from my right, somewhere off the trail. I hesitate a beat before leaving the safety of the path and jogging through brush, sticks, and leaves that have collected on the forest floor.

    My eyes scan the area for anything that remotely looks like Harry, but I only stumble upon tree stumps and the occasional skitter of a frightened animal. I cross my arms tightly over my chest, attempting to keep myself warm. The wind seems to have less and less patience as the night goes on, and it's subtle howl is just enough to send a slight shiver up my spine.

    I let the moon guide my way, but after a few minutes of walking I begin to get very worried. I find a tree and rest my back against its rough bark, trying to catch my breath and calm down. I lean my head back until I feel rough wood against my scalp, only closing my eyes for a second or two before I feel arms swooping me up and startling me into a panic.

    I let out a yelp of surprise and utter terror but I'm quickly shushed by Harry's soft pink lips as he lightly chuckles at my expense. My heart's still beating out of my chest as I scoff at him and beat at his broad torso, my body still cradled bridal styles in his arms.

    "I can't believe you! Did you just take me out here to scare me?" I whisper harshly at him. He laughs again, but quietly and with a natural grace that his voice has. His breath fans over my face, being sweet and strong of cinnamon. Most likely from the gum he was previously chewing.

    He puts me down and I stumble back into the tree, once again trying to catch my breath after that enormous scare. I put a hand to my chest trying to steady my heart, and attempt to glare at him when I hear light laughter under his breath.

    "I was worried about you." I inform him wearily.

    He leans in closer to me, resting his right hand above me on the tree. His towering height is made very aware in my mind as he looks down on me with an hypnotizing look in his darkened eyes.

    "Aw, did I scare you?" He asks in a teasing and seductive tone, his words being breathy with the deep rise and fall of his chest.

    Before I can even reply he's pressing his lips hungrily against mine. I'm stunned momentarily but quickly catch on with his movements, bringing my arms to sit lazily around his neck. His lips are soft yet harsh against mine as he kisses me gently and then swipes his tongue along my bottom lip.

    My cheeks burn with heat and a needy feeling swells in the center of my chest, like a rose bud coming into bloom. Each movement with his lips against mine seems to rise up a wall against the cold and dark forest around us, as if we've made a haven built of each other.

    He takes the liberty of disconnecting his lips from mine and starting a trail of kisses starting at my jaw. Each careful yet hurried fixture of his lips against my skin sends chills against up my spine and I find my fingers gripping the locks of hair that rest on the nape of his neck. The kisses bloom with heat the second his lips touch my skin, from my jaw to my neck and down to my collar bone. I let my eyes rest shut and my head lean back against the support of the tree as he continues his quick work of affection.

    The lack of his gentle press of lips on my skin awakens me as I flutter my eyes open, finding his own green ones wide and waiting for me, a placid expression on his face. I sigh weakly at his striking beauty and glide my thumb gently over his cheek, just to make sure he's real, before returning the hand to rest on his neck.   

    "What's wrong?" He asks suddenly, the wind blowing his hair to cradle his cheeks.

    I shake my head and offer him a weak half smile. "Nothing."

    "Don't lie to me." He speaks more forcefully this time, his deep voice reaching it's full extent.

    I exhale through my nose and breathe in the scent of dried leaves and the earthy smell of bark. My eyes water slightly as another gust of wind blows directly into my eyes. I blink rapidly, hoping it doesn't look like I'm crying because I'm not. But my hopes are blown away with the wind as Harry moves a finger carefully under my eye to collect a drop of moisture that's formed there.

    "I'm tired." Is all I say.

    I expect him to sigh in frustration or throw me a death glare but he only nods in encouragement for me to go on. His jaw is hard and prominent, probably from the cold, but he attempts to keeps his eyes soft as he looks into me.

    "Why?" He asks, the one simple word bringing out a deep rasp in his tone.

    I struggle for a moment to keep eye contact with him, my eyes wandering weakly to the trees around us. Particularly the fallen one to our left that would make a perfect bench or even a bridge that children would put to good use. They trail up the length of Harry's arm to my right next, his body like a shelter over me with his hand still propped on the tree and his large frame keeping most of the wind out. It almost feels as if I'm looking out a window.

    His fingers grasp my chin and turn my face back towards him again. The tips of his fingers are cold against my chin, but only at first. I keep my eyes down, even as my face is now turned towards him.

    "Please look at me."

    I give in and bring my eyes to his. No matter how striking and beautiful they are, they always remain guarded. Like a stone wall protecting it's beautiful castle. He does one of his slow, enticing, blinks while waiting for me to answer.

    "Alright... So there's this girl," I begin with a shaky sigh, my breath rising in the air before us, "The one from that party that I got in the fight with. And she thinks that I'm the one who rigged Cara's car engine, and she threatened me and I'm worried and upset and I don't know what to do." I finish, feeling myself on the verge of actual tears.

     I pick at my thumb with my index finger, my hand still at my side as I do so. With a gulp I attempt to swallow back my emotions best I can, but the lump stubbornly remains in my throat.

    "Cara is the small blonde one?" He asks.

    "Yeah." I croak out.

    "But she wasn't the one that beat you up?" He bites his lip slightly in thought, his eyes spacing out for a moment.

    "No, it was Angela. And I wouldn't put it past her to do it again."

    He seems to consider this with his eyebrows pulled together. "Why haven't you told anyone about this?"

    "I don't know... When I have a problem I usually try to deal with it myself." I explain shyly, feeling a little embarrassed at the confession. He shakes his head in frustration and his lips draw into a thin line.

    "This is serious though, Charlotte, you should have told me earlier. We both know you didn't have shįt to do with any of that." He insists, sounding a little worried himself. He pulls his fingers through his silky curls as the wind continues to tousle them around anyway.

    "But they don't know that. And you don't know that even. Nothing can really prove that I didn't have any involvement in the situation." I say, sounding and feeling hopeless.

    "You were with me the night before it happened and we didn't get home till late. And they would've found your prints on the vehicle by now if you had done it." He speaks confidently, like he's sure of his own words.

    "They couldn't even find evidence to try you if they wanted to. I don't think you should worry about it anymore." At the end of his sentence his lips twitch, like he wants to add something else. But instead he seals his words with a gentle kiss, his soft lips lightly pressing against mine.

    "Please tell me if anything else happens though," He adds after he breaks away.

    I hesitate only a moment before replying, "Okay."

    He steps back now and breathes out a heavy sigh. With the small nod of his head he gestures for me to follow him. I take his hand in mine, not wanting to lose track of him again only for him to jump out somewhere and scare me. He seems distracted now though with his movements on autopilot. His footsteps trudge sloppily as we make our way back to the path. And when I look up at him his eyes are fazed out and hardened in thought. He quickly notices me watching him though and that playful smirk is fast to return to his lips.

    "You sure fuçking know to get yourself into a shìt ton of trouble." He comments with a playful edge to his tone, shaking his head from side to side.

    "I won't argue with that." I say a bit remorsefully but manage a crooked smile.

    As I'm about to add something to that statement he suddenly shushes me and drops into a crouch. When I don't follow suit he yanks me down next to him, my knees buckling into a similar crouch.

    "Owh, that hurt." I wine in a low whisper.

    He hisses for me to be quiet and points to a spot out into the woods with his index finger, revealing a large buck to my vision with wide towering antlers. They shine brightly against moonlight as he bows his head to eat from a patch of grass. His warm colored fur and broad frame are detailed perfectly in the silvery light and he doesn't seem to notice us yet.

    I look over and Harry's eyes are bright, a faint smile of anticipation softening his face. That bandage is still on his chin from the other night, a piece of the gauze slightly peeling at one corner. I have a bad feeling in my stomach as he starts to carefully search the ground with his hands, moving leaves and sticks.

    "Help me find a rock." He whispers very quietly, almost mouthing the words.

    "Are you kidding me?" I whisper yell back in protest.

    He presses his pointer finger to my lips to quiet me again. I stubbornly pull the finger from my lips and shove him in the shoulder, and even as he doesn't budge from the assault he stills proceeds to give me a hard glare.

    "Stop shushing me," I say with annoyance.

    "Then stop being so fùcking loud." He retorts, his lips make a pretty 'o' shape when he says the word 'loud'. God, even when he's being annoying he still looks beautiful.

    Suddenly he puts his fist up in silent triumphant as he now holds a large stone in the palm of his hand. I have a bad feeling in my gut as that troublesome smirk grows deeper on his lips. He slightly rises from his crouch with the rock held firmly in his hand, waiting to strike.

    The deer suddenly raises it's head and twitches its ears, listening for anyone near by. Without missing a beat Harry chucks the rock with all his force, bring his arm back and rocketing the stone straight into the poor animal's neck. The buck lets out a strangled moan before bounding off into the woods.

    "Go on and runaway you stupid àsshole! That's what you get for fuçking up my chin!" Harry screams after the deer, and seemingly disrupting the entire forest.

    "Harry I... that wasn't even the same deer?" I choke with an obvious loss for words.

    "Charlotte, do you see my chin right now? This isn't just a little boo boo, okay? He's paying for the sins of his brothers, consider it my temporary partnership with karma." He says in his deep, I-know-what-I'm-doing, tone.

    "If you were that worried about your chin you would have let me take you to the hospital." I inform him with a matter-of-fact tone of my own.

    He narrows his eyes at me and the smile is gone from his lips in seconds. "Don't fuçking start with me." He says in a low growl.

    And then like that his face is back to normal, all traces of anger gone. "Now we have to run because a park ranger or some stupid dick with way too much time on his hands is probably out here jacking it and just heard our little friend choke on his spit." He says hurriedly. And before I can register what he's doing he picks me up and thrusts me over his shoulder, breaking into a heavy sprint.

    "Harry! I can run on my own." I laugh as I bounce on his shoulder with each of his footsteps.

    "Shush, I want to do it." He pants in heavy breaths as we fly through the sea of trees.

    I can't stop laughing as the man below me tightens his grip on my body to refrain from dropping me. Each time one of his heavy footsteps hits the ground I feel like I'll slip out of his grip but he keeps his arms steady around me. His fingers press into the skin just above my hips in an attempt to steady me, sending an array of goosebumps throughout that area of my body.

    I can feel a slight chuckle sound in his chest, probably because I can't stop my uncontrollable laughter each time I feel like I'll slip. The wind rushes into my face for the millionth time tonight and a strand of my hair comes loose, falling into my eyes. I'm sure my hair is even more of a mess now than before but at this point I don't really care. I'm having more fun than I've had in a long time and that's all that matters.

    We finally reach the edge of the woods, the soft grass meeting the hard asphalt of the road. Harry sets me gently on my feet and my legs feel a little wobbly after being bounced around on Harry's hard shoulder. I steady myself on his arm, still emitting light giggles from my throat before gaining my balance.

    "I think you're a little tired." He comments, looking down at me in amusement.

    "I'm just happy." I say with a sleepy smile on my lips. So maybe I am a little tired too.

    He reaches out and gently brushes that loose strand of hair behind my ear. His chest is still rising and falling steadily as his body attempts to regain his composure and his lips slightly part to take in a deeper breath. His movements started to become fatigued and weighted at the end of that sprint, and I don't blame him. It took a lot of strength to run with a fully grown person on your shoulder.

     The wind continues to tease his curls in a way that I've been slowly falling in love with all night and there's something in the way he's looking at me that feels like redamancy. I quickly tell myself that's not the case but the way his crystal eyes bore into mine beg to differ.

    "You're beautiful when you're not worrying." He tells me.

    "Then what am I when I am worrying?"

    "You're everything else that's opening my eyes and keeping me up at night."

A/n: Hey guys! Not much to say today so we'll just skip to my question for you guys.

QUESTION OF THE CHAPPIE: What's the first fanfic you ever read on wattpad?

Mine was called 'Finding You' and it was about Niall LOL! I Read it wayyyyy back in 2012 in the good ole carrot days. The good days of this fandom :(:

Much love to all my lovely readers! Thank you for reading my story and supporting me and just existing on this universe! WHEN I READ YOUR COMMENTS IT MAKES MY DAY SO MUCH BETTER! I LOVE YOU GUYS UGH!!!

-M <3 <3 <3

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