My Family is Crazy

By AnimeLover4ever357

757 54 0

Hi! My name is Kumiko Yamamura! My family is very well known! My brother, Ryouji Fujiwara, is crazy strong wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chaper 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

20 2 0
By AnimeLover4ever357

Hey Guys! We do not own Naruto! Only the ones we created.

Itachi's POV

I was lying on my bed, about to drift off into a dreamless sleep when I was pounced on. I open my eyes to see a white headed girl staring at me. I pulled her into a hug and she giggled. She looked at me and I gently placed a kiss on her lips. She smiled into the kiss and pressed her lips a bit harder on mine. We could have had a make out session. Could have. Instead someone cleared their throat and I reluctantly pulled away.

I looked at Ryouji and Mari, smirking at us as if they were recording the whole thing. I heard Kumiko giggle and I looked at her. She poked me on the cheek before getting up. When I sat up, Kumiko was no longer smiling. She had a face that saw something much more horrible than she usually does. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"You're not going to like this." She said.

"But we saw Kabuto." Ryouji said. I looked at the two of the three youngest Akatsuki members. Their faces showing no signs of lying. I placed my hand on my face before letting out an irritated sigh. They were right. I didn't like what they said.

"Who is Kabuto?" I looked up to see Mari asking the question. She's lucky she didn't have to deal with him.

"That's right. You weren't with us when the snake was here." Kumiko said.

"The snake?"

"It's what Kumiko and Ryouji call Orochimaru. He used to be part of the Akatsuki before he tried to "take" my body. Orochimaru is a rogue ninja from Konoha. Kabuto is his assistant and helps Orochimaru when he needs help." I said.

"He also tried to take the Sharingan from both Itachi and your boyfriend." Kumiko added. We all heard a loud slap and looked at Kumiko who flinched a little. "Nee! Ryouji! That hurts you know!"

"Not everyone needs to know that Mari and I are dating." I shook my head and sighed.

"Did anything else happen?" I asked before they could start a fight.

"Yeah. Kumiko had a fight before the first exam even started." Ryouji said. I looked at Kumiko and she shrugged it off.

"The idiot had it coming." She said.

"Care to explain?"

"Yeah actually. So Ryouji and I were talking about Kabuto when some idiot from the new nation, Sound, shoved me so he could get by. As he was walking away, I asked him, 'You looking for a fight scrub?' And he looked at me. Then he had the guts to say to me and I quote, 'Not like you can fight me anyways, sweetheart.' I was frustrated at this asshole who called me sweetheart and picked him up. I tossed him over to Ryouji who then smiled at the poor bastard before throwing him at a door. Unfortunately for us, the door opened and a leaf Jonin entered the room to see us smirking at the stupid Sound ninja. In other words we got in trouble." She said, smiling at her story.

"You have to be more careful or else you could get kicked out of the exams." I said.

"Yeah, yeah. We know that Ita-chan." Ryouji said.

"Anything else?" I reluctantly asked.

"During the exams, we passed through it like there was no problem. I used my shadow to connect to Sakura and got my answers without her noticing. Then I connected to Mari and Ryouji once I had gotten my answers from Sakura, relaying the information to them." She said. I looked at her and she looked at me puzzled. "What?"

"Is that all you did?"

"Yeah. There wasn't anything really to do. Sakura gave us the answers without her noticing us. So we basically passed the test." She said.

"I see. So when does the next part of the exams start?"

"Tomorrow. Don't worry about us. We will finish extremely fast." Ryouji said.

"I know you guys can finish that fast, but it's Sasuke who in worried about."

"Sasuke?" Mari said confused.

"He is my brother. I'm wondering if Orochimaru is here to obtain Sasuke."

"Hey. Listen to me Ita-chan. Sasuke will be able to fend for himself. Nothing will happen to him. Let's just go to sleep before we have to go to the test tomorrow." Kumiko said. I nodded my head and the four of us immediately went to sleep.

Kumiko's POV

I woke up early and hopped into the shower. As the water went down my body, I started to remember what happened yesterday after the first exams.


After the test for the first exams, a crazy purple haired woman busted through the window. She stood up tall after she had landed and looked at our protector.

"Wow Ibiki. You let so many teams pass this year. You must be growing soft on them." The woman said.

"That or they actually might be this smart." Ibiki said. The woman laughed at the remark before turning her attention towards us.

"I'm your protector for the second exam, Anko. I'll be watching over your next challenge." She told us about some random training ground that we had to go to in order for us to pass and blah, blah, blah. It was really boring. I jumped out of the shower and got ready for the day. I left the bathroom to see everyone else was awake and ready for today.

"Alright Akatsuki, let's go and dominant this second part of these exams shall we." I said. I got cheers in response and a kiss from Itachi. I knew that today was going to be a very easy and peaceful day for myself and my team.

Monica: Jeff. I'm tired. Can't I got to sleep please.
Jeff: Nope. You are not allowed to go asleep on me. Not while you are working.
Monica: Please! I need my sleep!
Jeff: Fine. At least finish the ending with m- *sees the other editor(Monica) sleeping on the couch.
Jeff:(sighs) Ja Ni...

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