Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: We don't own Naruto.

Ryouji's POV

Geeze. Kumiko knows how to yell. I think we should find a way to contact Leader-sama to tell him we're still alive, hopefully before someone checks on us. The rings! Konan-chan said if we ever in trouble, to talk to the rings.

"Kumiko-chan, remember what Konan-chan said? About the rings? We could probably use them to talk to Leader-Sama or someone to help us."

Kumiko let out a sigh of relief and said "Oh thank Kami! I call the white ring!"

"Okay. Works for me, but may I ask why you want the white one so badly?"

"Well, I think the black one fits you better considering you pretty much live in dark clothes, it matches the color of your hair, and your soul is black!"

"I hate you."

Now that we got the ring situation sorted, I think it's time we should talk to try talking to someone in the Akatsuki, preferably, Itachi or Leader-sama.just as we were about to talk, someone knocked on the door to our room and entered.

"Hi! My name is Shizune, I hope you two are feeling okay. I'd hate to be prisoners of the Akatsuki, so I'm happy you are okay. How old are you two, and how do you know each other?"

"We're thirteen." We both said at the same time.

"Well you didn't answer my other question." Shizune said.

Thankfully Kumiko answered this question. "He's my friend who is a couple of months younger than me, but he's been more of an older brother to me."

"Ah I see, well, I came to tell you that Lotd Hokage is going to have you put through the ninja academy. You'll finish with the rest of the students and start as soon as you two feel okay. I have to go now, so. Bye!"

Kumiko's POV

That bitch Shizune finally left. Damn, she is annoying as hell. Wait. Oh fuck. I'm starting to sound like Hidan.

"Hey. Ryou-kun, can I actually talk to them?"

"Sure go ahead." Ryouji said.

"Yay!" I put my ring on and I started talking to it. Suddenly a silhouette appeared of Itachi appeared.

"Yo wassup bitch! I mean Ita-chan!" I yelled when I saw Itachi.

"You sound like Hidan. Anyways, we've all been discussing, mostly Konan yelling at us for letting you guys getting taken by the Leaf, and we decided to give you your first assignment. It's to-"

"Fuck yeah! What's the assignment?" I asked.

"Well, if you hadn't interrupted me, you would have known. Anyways, you are already in Konaha and you are of appropriate age, you will be joining the ninja academy. You will befriend the Kyuubi Jinchurki. His name is Uzamaki Naruto and you are to give us updates on him. Understood?"


With that said, Itachi disappeared and we looked at each other.

Sorry that this chapter is short. I blame Jeff.
Jeff: yeah whatever. I will write until I feel satisfy with my chapters.
Monica: fuck you.

Ja ni!

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