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Disclaimer: We don't own Naruto.

*In The Past*

No one's POV

In the middle of the night, on the outskirts of a village, two families were there with their  children. The first family had a 5 year old girl and the second family had a 5 year old boy. Both children were crying, knowing what was going to happen to them.

"We don't need a disgrace in our family name." The little boy's father said.

"It would have been different if you were a boy." The little girl's mother said.

The children were accustomed to this kind of treat. From their parents, peers, sensei, and all of the villagers. They didn't know what they did wrong. All they know is that it's their faults for being born.

"Never return to this village!" Their parents yelled at them. "Beat it!"

Both children ran away from their parents. They ran into the woods. They could hardly see a thing. The little girl tripped on her feet and fell on the floor crying.

"Kumiko-chan." The boy said. "It's alright. We'll find a better family."

"Ryouji-chan. How do you know that?" Kumiko asked him.

"We will just have to find them." Ryouji said.

Ryouji helped Kumiko up and the two walked around the woods. They came to a stop when they heard someone talking.

"Leader-sama, are we almost at the new base yet?" A woman asked.

"Almost Konan. We're almost there." A man said.

Kumiko and Ryouji looked at each other. Could this be? Did they finally find them? Their new family? They walked over to the man and woman. They stopped when they saw there were more people surrounding them. They saw the man who they think is Leader-sama and the woman who they think is Konan.

"Hey! Who left these fucking bitches here?" A man said.

"Hidan! Don't swear in front of children!" Konan said. "Are you guys lost?"

"N-no. Our families kicked us out. We can't go back to them." Kumiko said.

"Oh no. You poor children. Leader-sama, can we keep them?" Konan asked Leader-sama with puppy eyes. Leader-sama looked at Konan and sighed.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. Fine Konan. We can keep the children." Leader-sama said.

Konan squealed in excitement. She looked over at Kumiko and Ryouji and hugged them. The two children looked at each other. This is their new family and new start.

*Present Time*

Kumiko's POV

That was 8 years ago. The Akatsuki have been our friends and family since then. Ryouji had been like an older brother to me, even though we are both the same age. Thanks to Leader-sama and Konan, we were able to have a family. Even if they are all s-rank criminals.

I was training with Ryouji as Itachi was watching over us. Itachi trains with Ryouji a lot considering that Ryouji has the sharingan like Itachi. Ryouji's mother was an Uchiha and his father was a Fujiwara. Basically, Ryouji has the abilities to transform into a shadow and kick ass with the sharingan. But stupid Ryouji doesn't know that he has the shadow abilities from his dad. I know it. Itachi helps him with master the sharingan.

Me on the other hand, I can control the shadows and "disappear" in thin air. My mom was a Nara and my dad was a Yamamura. My dad's clan has the ability to "disappear" or to turn invisible. It's great when it comes to pranking with Ryouji.

I watched Itachi train Ryouji to the bone. It was fun watching him in pain. Itachi saw me doing nothing and he walked over to me. I looked at him and I did some hand signs. I watched as my own shadow went and attached itself to Itachi's, making him stop in his track.

"Release me Kumiko." He said.

"But Ita-chan!" I said.

"No buts. Release me."

"Fine." I let go of Itachi and he walked over to me. He picked me up and threw me onto his shoulder.

"H-hey! Ita-chan. Let me go!"

"Nope. You and Ryouji need to go inside."


"I sense danger."

"What?" Both Ryouji and I yelled. Ryouji jumped up from the ground and ran over to us.

"What do you mean you sense danger?" Ryouji asked.

"Ryouji, take Kumiko and tell Leader-sama. Now!" Itachi yelled at him. He gave me to Ryouji and took off in the forest. Ryouji looked at me and I nodded. He put me down and we ran over to the base. Hidan, Kisame, Kakazu, Black and Whute Zetzu, Delidara, Sasori, Konan and Leader sama were in the living room when we got there.

"Leader-sama!" We yelled. He looked over at us worried when he saw us panting.

"Do you upset Itachi again?"

"No. He sense danger and told us to tell you!" We said.

Leader-sama looked at us and everyone stood up. Konan grabbed me and Ryouji and took us to our room. She took out a box and opened it. Inside were two rings, one black an one white. She gave it to us and we look at her funny.

"Keep these with you okay? If you are ever in trouble, just talk to it okay." Konan said.

"Konan-chan, what's going on?" I asked.

"Don't worry, we will protect you okay." Konan said. She used her origami paper and created a wall in between her and us. She locked the door and I heard paper ruffling behind it.

"Ryou-kun, what's going to happen?"

"I don't know Kumi-chan. I don't know."

We heard destruction happening outside the door. I heard paper burn and I pulled Ryouji with me. We heard explosions and I covered my ears. I hope Delidara is okay. The door kicked open and the paper burned again. I saw people with headbands that looked like Itachi's but weren't crossed off.

"Hey! We found some of their prisoners!" Prisoners? I looked at Ryouji and he looked at me. I felt my head become dizzy and I fell unconscious. The next thing I know, I'm in a hospital bed, in a hospital room and Ryouji was looking at me from the other bed.

"What's going on Ryou-kun?" I asked him.

"We got captured by Konoha." He said.


Hey Guys! Welcome to this story! This is a collaboration story with one of my good friends. He will be writing in this story too. We hope you enjoy this story. Ja ni!

-Monica and Jeff

My Family is CrazyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant