Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: We do not own Naruto. Only the characters we created.

Ryouji's POV

After I was done talking to Kumi-chan, I walked into my room to see Mari-chan lying on Kumi-chan's old bed, her face buried in to a pillow. I sighed and walked over to her. I heard her sniffling into the pillow as I sat down on Kumi-chan old bed. She looked up at me, her eyes telling me that she didn't mean to say what she said.

"Mari-chan, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"I guess I'm just jealous." She said.

"Of who? Kumi-chan?"

"Yeah." I couldn't help but laugh at Mari-chan. It's was too funny to pass up. She looked at me confused. "What's so funny?"

"It's. Just. You. Jealous of Kumi-chan. It's the best thing I've heard in my life."

"How is this funny to you?"

"It's just, Kumi-chan is basically the tomboy of our family. She gets along with the guys because she doesn't want to look girly or want to do girl things unless forced to. She would rather do guy things like slaughter a village of innocent people and kill a Kage or two. That's how she is. Not some nice innocent girly girl. It's what makes the guys like her so much. It's like a twisted demonic sister they always wanted." I said. It was the best description of Kumi-chan I could say without scaring Mari-chan. She looked at me and nodded her head.

"I see."

"Yeah, I know that you and Kumi-chan started off on the wrong foot, but you should really try to be friends with her. She might even teach you a thing or two."

"Oh. Okay. Um. Can I ask you a question?" She asked me.

"Sure. Shoot."

"How long have you known Kumiko-san?"

"I guess forever. We're childhood friends. We have been through everything together, getting kicked out of our clans and village, joining our Akatsuki family, killing our clans, destroying our village, going on various missions where we could have gotten ourselves killed. You name it and we probably have done it."

"Oh. So you done everything?"

"Yeah. But enough about learning things about Kumi-chan from me, you should probably go talk to her."

Mariko's POV

I was right in front of Kumiko-san's room. I hesitated before knocking on her door. I waited for her to answer the door, but it never opened. I knocked again, harder incase she didn't hear me the first time. I heard someone groan and swear at the same time. I thought I was knocking at Hidan's door before I heard Kumiko-san's voice.

"Give me a fucking second already."

The door swung opened and I was staring right into Kumiko-san's eyes. She looked at me confused before moving out of the way. She motioned me to enter her room and I followed. I looked around her room and saw Itachi on her bed. He looked at me with no emotion as Kumiko-san walked over to the bed. She sat down, Itachi's arms instantly wrapped themselves around Kumiko-san's waist, before talking to me.

"What is it that you want from me?" She asked.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For acting the way I was. I wasn't thinking because I was jealous of you." I said.

"Okay, I accept your apology, but don't think I'll be acting nice to you any time soon. You have a lot to learn about me before you get my respect." She said.

"Okay." Great. I apologized and now I have to get her respect. What could possibly go wrong?

Kakashi's POV

I woke up in a hospital room, Asuma and Kurenai we looking at me. I groaned as I sat up. My head was pounding into my skull, the pain hurting more and , more as I sat up. The walked over to me and sat down next to my bed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"That's what we would like to know. Kurenai and her team found you and your team unconscious on the way back to Konoha." Asuma said. After he said that, everything came rushing back to me.

"Get me the Hokage. Now." I said.

"Why? What happened to you guys out there? And where is Ryouji and Kumiko?" Kurenai asked.

"I'll tell you when the Hokage is here." I said as they left my room. It was a few minutes later that they returned with the third Hokage. He looked at me confused.

"Lord Hokage, I have to report something that you are not going to like." I said.

"And what is that Kakashi?"

"Yamamura Kumiko and Fujiwara Ryouji are part of the Akatsuki." I said. The third Hokage looked alarmed and shook his head.

"I see."

"What is our orders?" Asuma asked.

"If you see them, bring them to me. I'll deal with them."

Monica: *pushes Jeff in front of her* Don't hurt me. Hurt him!
Jeff: What? Don't hurt me! Hurt the idiot that broke her phone!
Monica: Don't hurt me! Hurt the idiot that refused to update the story!
Monica and Jeff: *running away* Ja Ni!

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