chapter 17

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Disclaimer: We do not own Naruto. Only the characters that we own.

Kumiko's POV

When we reached Konoha, Kankuro brought me home and I looked at him funny.

"What?" He asked me.

"I thought we were going somewhere for dinner..." I said softly. He let out a chuckled and hugged me.

"I thought maybe I could cook something for you. For dinner. Just me, you, and no one to disturb us." He said. I smiled into his chest and he let go of me. I unlocked the door and we entered the living room. Once I closed the door, I showed Kankuro my kitchen. It wasn't that big, but it was big enough for us to cook meals. I showed him where the pots, pans, plates and utensils were. I looked at him and smiled at him sadly.

"Sorry there isn't that much stuff here for you to use. Ryouji and I barely cooked because we usually just grab some dingos."

"It's okay." He said as he embraced me.(They are so huggy aren't they?) "This should be enough for me to use. Why don't you go and change your outfit?"

I let go of him and looked at my clothes. It was ripped in many places and torn in other places like my chest. I hadn't realized that my clothes were that tattered. I gasped and ran to my room. I heard Kankuro chuckled and I groaned. Why must he point out the obvious? I grabbed my pajamas which were a pair of black shorts and a blue shirt with my clan symbol(a yin and yang symbol with white, black, red and blue) on my upper chest. I wear different colors sometimes. Not a lot, but sometimes.

I stayed in my room after I was done changing. I looked at my ceiling, thinking of nothing when I heard something. I looked around my room and saw that nothing was moved or moving. I shrugged it off and went back to staring at my uninteresting ceiling. I heard the noise again and I got off my ass and started looking around.

It wasn't until I got to drawer when I saw that a certain object was making noises. I picked the object up and I saw multiple people appear. My eyes widen with realization that it was the entire Akatsuki organization staring back at me. I guess Itachi, Mari and Ryouji managed to tell them what happened.

"Kumiko. What are you doing? Saying you are leaving the Akatsuki. You can't leave. Even if you try to leave, we will kill you. Come back to us now." Pein said. I was too scared to talk so I just shook my head no.

"Leader-Sama, let me talk to her."

"Fine. Go and talk some sense into her Konan." She looked at me with kind eyes and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Kumiko my dear. Come back to us please. You are scaring us." She said. I couldn't say anything. All I could do was shake my head. I heard Pein's sighed become annoying and I shakes in fear. What was I to do. I was about to speak when I was interrupted.

"As you can see, Kumiko-chan has chosen a new path away from killing. If you want her back so badly, you are going to have get pass a lot of people. Including me."

I turned around to see Kankuro standing in my doorway, leaning against it and staring at the Akatsuki. He walked to me and grabbed the ring. He put it on the floor and stomped on it, crushing it under his weight. I looked at he and he smiled.

"You okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head and he let go of his breath. "Thank goodness. I thought something bad was going to happen to you. I called you and I got worried when you didn't respond back. Thank goodness I came in here at just the right time."

"Kankuro. Do you know what you just did?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I just helped you."

"No. You now have Akatsuki members. What's going to happen to you if something bad were to happen? People will start looking at me and accusing me-"

"Kumiko." I stopped talking and looked at Kankuro. I was scared about what was going to happen. What if the Akatsuki do something to Kankuro? Torture him? Kill him? There were so many horrible outcomes that I didn't even know what to do.

"Kumiko, everything is going to be okay. It's going to be hard to take me down." He said.

"How do you know that?" I questioned him.

"Because I'm the KazeKage's oldest son. I'm suppose to be strong for my village and my family. And I will be glad to protect you from the Akatsuki. Even if it costs me my life." I looked at Kankuro. He was serious about this. About protecting me. I feel so tou- Wait. Did he say he was the KazeKage's son?

"You're the KazeKage's son?" I asked him. He nodded his head and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"This doesn't change us right?" He asked.

"What do you mean by us? There is no us. Well yet anyways..." I said. Kankuro looked at me weirdly before he realized what I was talking about.

"Are you serious? I never asked and I have been always assuming that there was always an us?" He asked.

"Well, you know what they say about assuming. It makes an ass out of you and me." I replied, giggling at how Kankuro was acting.

"I'm sorry I haven't asked. I could have sworn I did. Considering we are on our third date already." He said with a smile.

"What happened to the second date?" I asked.

"When we were staring at the sky. I consider that our second date."

"I guess."

"Well let's go eat." I followed Kankuro to the kitchen and I saw the table with food I thought we couldn't make with what I had in my kitchen. Like shit, how the hell did he do this? I looked at him and he must have read my mind because he laughed at me.

"I'm magically when it comes to cooking food." He said proudly.

"Bullshit. That's a lie. I don't even remember having any of this shit in my kitchen. How did it get here?"

"That's for me to know and for you to not find out."

"You realize you are talking to an ex Akatsuki member right?"

"Yes I do realize that. Now, let's eat!" He went to the table and pulled out a chair for me. I smiled at him and sat down. We had a beautiful dinner and I couldn't believe that we spent most of our time trying to figure out were the hell Kankuro got all this food from.

We were currently in my room and I was sitting on my bed. I was waiting for Kankuro to get over to my bed so we could sleep(Monica: Don't think dirty). He finally emerged from the bathroom. He had removed the purple make up from his face and I smiled at his beauty. That and the fact that he is only wearing shorts and he is shirtless, but that doesn't matter. For right now.

"Like what you see?" He asked me.


"Maybe? What do you mean by that?"

"Oh nothing."

"Great." Kankuro made his way to the bed and we went under the bed covers. I laid my head on Kankuro's chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt Kankuro wrap his arms around me and we were in a tight embrace. I looked at Kankuro and smiled at him. He returned the smile and did something I didn't think he would do. He had kissed my forehead. I was shocked for a second before giving Kankuro a confused look.

"Kumiko, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I looked at him and I started to smile. I nodded my head and he smiled at me some more. I moved so that I could whisper into his ear, "Get out of my bed and sleep on the couch. You're taking up too much space." I looked at his face and I could tell he wasn't amused.

"Nope. I'm staying here and sleep here. In also going to take up more space because apparently I'm fat." He said in a childish way. I couldn't help but giggle at this boy. I kissed him on the check before hugging him. I felt him chuckle and he slowly started to steady his breathing. I listened to his heartbeat and soon I fell asleep with Kankuro.

Jeff: Aw. How cute. Are you proud of yourself?
Monica: ......
Jeff: What? Cat got your tongue?
Monica: ......
Jeff: Fine then. Wait. You have problems again. I forgot. Sorry.
Monica: It's okay.
Jeff: SHE SPEAKS!!!!!!!
Monica: (sigh) Ja Ni...
Jeff: Ja Ni! She spoke.... Wow.

My Family is CrazyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora