By pringMICKEYles

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"Could you please be my wife for real?" Love seems the sweetest but it is the slowest of all growths . No man... More



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By pringMICKEYles

"It is the best to love wisely, no doubt; but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all."

The sun rays were reaching my face, slowly, I opened my eyes after having a deep sleep since it was a very tough day yesterday. My mind was miserable—with the fucking annoying marriage thing and also thinking of how's Jimin after what happened? He'll stop disturbing me, right? But we're friends, right? —it was just what's on my mind. He was still him, never changed. I sat on my bed and sighed. I knew, things weren't going as what I expected. I put everything aside and got ready for school.

I had no idea why, I felt very embarrassed to Jimin. Was it because he knew about the dumb arranged marriage? As I was so embarrassed, I was thinking of going to school earlier. I arrived at my school earlier so that I won't be meeting Jimin since we usually came at the same time. While I was walking at the hallway to my class, a hand suddenly grabbed mine. My heart was beating so fast, I was hoping that it wasn't Jimin because it's going to be very awkward since I dissed him a lot yesterday and since we hugged a lot. I could've ignored my feeling by the way. Luckily, it wasn't Jimin. It was Jungkook.

"Hyura! Are you in rush? You're walking so fast. I haven't seen Jimin Hyung yet so I think, let me just walk you to your class." Jungkook said. (Hyung ; a word that korean guy use to call a man who is older than them ; more like a brother) I stopped walking and turned my body to face him. I replied with a smile first. "That's so sweet Jungkook. Wait, you finally called Jimin with some respects, what an incredible thing to be proud of." I said. I really mean it because it was something new. Since Jimin was shorter— opps not short but not as tall as him; so Jungkook always dissed him. Both of us laughed because we thought it was so funny. We walked together as Jungkook offered to walk me to my class—just don't let us bumped into Jimin.

"Hyura, are you having a DAMN BIG fight with him? I mean, he usually reply us a lot in the group chat. But he seems very moody lately and don't even reply us." He explained. That must be because of his broke up problem. "None of you guys asked him what's his problem?"  I'm sorry. I wasn't so sure about him actually. I thought he might be heartbroken as he just broke up with his girlfriend. But we never knew if he had another problem. "We did not." He said.

"We did have a fight but I think that's normal. It might be because of something else. If he didn't tell you guys, I am no one to tell you." I said. I felt guilty because they were very close to each other but I ended up being the one who knew his problem first while he didn't tell any of them. They must be wanting to know exactly why he acted like that—but I've told you, I also wasn't so sure about his problem. "Even if I promise to not to tell anyone?" Jungkook added. He was so serious when it came to his members. I admired their friendship. But I had no right to tell them by myself. I knew that he was sincere and honest, but Jungkook, I am so sorry. I had to.

I wanted to have a healthier and happier life with no one to fight with, with no one to get awkward with—and I was hoping that things between me and Jimin will become normal. I wanted to have a normal life. Even if we didn't end up being friends, at least I didn't have to fight, again. During the whole period in the class, we didn't talk to each other at all. I felt like he was very annoyed with me; maybe it was just what I felt. "Jimin" I said slowly when all of us were about to go home as the class ended. He turned around and gave me an expressionless look. "Nothing. I already forgot what to say." I said—I lied, I actually wanted to know if he was doing fine. Both of us walked separately.

As I've reached my house, I entered my house after taking a deep breath.—not wanting to think of everything planned by mom. "Mom, I'm back." I said, but there was no respond at all. So I just did nothing but walking upstairs into my room and found a very beautiful long dress. With a note on it, written by mom.

'It's tonight, wear this and please listen to what I say. Do not embarrass me tonight. '

That's quite mean, but since I already agreed, I can't do anything. I was thinking to run away from this house but it didn't happen. But the dress wasn't that bad and she knew what exactly that I liked. It was just a simple soft blue dress that looked very sweet since the meeting was just in my house, so maybe mom thought that we didn't need a fancy one—and I agreed. After finished taking my shower, I walked in front of the mirror in my room while looking at myself wearing the dress—am I really ready to become someone's wife? I asked myself but the answer was the same and it cannot be changed—I had to be ready and I had to agree. "Are you ready? They're here. I hope you are ready." Mom said as she entered my room. I didn't notice that she was here. She walked closer towards me, and place her hands on my both sides of shoulders. "Please be happy, dear. Be nice, and I am sorry for not even thinking of your feeling. Please understand." She said. I didn't like it , the fact that I hated this dumb marriage that much. But I felt like I had to like this marriage for my mom. She deserved to be happy even if I had to sacrifice myself—I'll just try my very best.

We both were walking downstairs together. With all eyes were plastered on my. That was just a meeting between both parents but I was already nervous—what would I feel on the wedding day? That was what I thought at that time. I walked to the living room just to find out a very familiar figure was looking at me and seating beside my father. "If the person that I had to marry is you, I should go now." I said. But I wanted to look rational, so I chose to stay and listen to them first. Jimin stood up as he heard what I said. "Wasn't it obvious? Here's are my parents. And these are my in laws, soon to be." He said and ended his sentence with a smirk. I hadn't seen him smirking for a few moments. And didn't expect to see him smirking here, in my house.

"That's great, but Jimin should've gave you some hints." My mom said as they were chuckling together as if the were hiding something from me. "I just want to see her reaction. Hints would be no fun." Jimin said. I knew it, was it why he didn't ask anything about my marriage after I told him that night. But was it also the reason why he didn't reply his members in their group chat? What I mean, was it because of me, and not because he was heartbroken? Both of them were still laughing together.

"I know both of you go to the same school, so you guys know each other?" My dad asked. I wasn't given a chance to speak as Jimin was answering first. He was fast. But that's unfair. "Very well, uncle." He replied. What did he mean by 'very well' ? Was it because he always disturbed my life at school and we always got into fights? Or was it because I comforted him during his broke up time? So was it because we're friends or enemies? "Oh what I mean is, we're classmates and we're quite close at school." He added. That was quick, Jimin. I was about to expose you but you did a really great job of saving your life. "That would be cool enough. Jimin could pick you up for school every morning, can you?" Here came the weird suggestion from dad. He didn't have to do that as I was already comfortable with walking by myself to school. It wasn't that far, I can definitely handled that by myself. "Dad, I want to be healthy. Walking too school is the best solution here to become healthier." I said—trying to give some excuses but I thought it's not going to work. Mom and dad were giving me a glare so I just zipped my mouth and stayed quietly.

"It's okay, Hyura. Jimin can accompany you walking to school." His mother said. I replied with a smile. I finally realised that, talking would made us thirsty, but there was no drink at all on the table, so I decided to get some drinks for them. I walked to living room again after making tea for all. While I was placing the cups for everyone, Jimin who was still sitting there was eyeing me. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at him; making a smile started to appear on his face—you'll be dead if you keep on teasing me. "Uncle, aunty, mind if we bring Hyura to move in with me before marriage?" He suddenly spoke up, that was a sudden one, and what he said was something that I never expected it to come out from his mouth. I kept on shooking my head, not agreeing to his suggestion. But mom and dad were very delighted and agreed to him. He explained to my parents that the reason why he wanted me to move in with him was because he wanted me to learn few things about marriage life; it's more about doing housework and cooking his favourite dishes. They were all agreed to him and made me as a pole that couldn't gave my own suggestion during the session.

"So what do you think, Hyura?" My dad asked.

"If I have any other choices, I'll probably choose them over this one." I said while making the 'I'm so done' face at him.

"Okay then you don't." He replied. I knew it would be the last decision where I had to agree with all of the shits.

I walked upstairs into my room. I needed to pack a few of my clothes into the luggage. With noticing that Jimin was actually following me from my back. As I entered my room, Jimin stood at the door of my room; while looking at me grabbing few of my clothes. "If you don't wanna bring all of your clothes, then we're just going to buy some more clothes for you. That's fine." He suddenly spoke up while folding his arms across his chest. I replied with rolling my eyes at him.  He had to keep his mouth close if he wanted me to talk to him nicely. "Shut up. You're so annoying, can you please get out of here?" I said as I wanted to pack my clothes and belongings quickly. I wanted to finish packing faster. But if he kept on blabbering, my work can never be done faster.

"I'm not going anywhere. You do your work, I'll mind my own business." He said and took a few steps; entering my room—didn't he feel guilty entering someone's room without permission? He walked into my room and sat on my bed. I did continue packing but my eyes were still checking him out as I was afraid if he found something inside my room. After a few moments, he suddenly said something. "Is this you? You look cute when you're still a baby." He said while his right hand was holding a picture of mine with my mom together when I was still a baby. That picture was taken when I was 7 months. "You must be regret saying I'm cute, right." I said while smiling at him. He was still looking at the picture with plastering a sweet smile on his face. That was a cute smile I've ever seen. "Not really, I was saying the baby you was cute, right now, you're not." He laughed while I was still speechless with what he just said. That was so mean!

I finally finished packing and both of us walked downstairs with Jimin carrying my luggage for me—he wasn't trying to be a gentleman but he was just trying to be nice in front of my parents. That's an idiot thought. We walked together as Jimin's parents and mine were waiting for us downstairs. It was about the time for us to go. His parents went home first while both of us were still having a chit chat with my parents. They only had a lot of things to say. "I hope you can take care of her just like how we do. If you need anything, just inform us." My mom said to Jimin. I knew, even though she seemed like didn't care of my feeling, but deep inside her heart, she was worried. "You have a very independent daughter mom, if he doesn't take care of me well, I'll take care of myself." I said while throwing a cheeky smile to my mom and dad. They were chuckling as they saw my reaction. Jimin was also smiling. "I'll do my very best, aunty, uncle." He responded; making my mom and dad became a little bit relieved. Jimin put the luggage into his car while my parents were still standing in front of the front door. "We should go now." He said and I hugged my mom and dad. Right after that, we entered his car and he started to drive away from my house—it's kinda sad but that's the real thing I had to go through.

While he was driving; hie eyes were focusing on the road, he broke the silence between both of us by talking. "We have no feelings towards each other. And you know, I used to hate you so damn much, please give me some time to help myself so that I won't hate you after this." He said. Those words came out from his mouth were just killing me deep inside my heart. I knew, he didn't me and so did I, but we didn't have to force ourselves to agree with that marriage. We needed to live happily, just like how normal people did. And about turning the hatred feelings toward each other was very hard—it wasn't that easy. "We both don't like this marriage. Don't worry, I'll try my very best to show to my parents that we aren't meant to be together." I said; replying to what Jimin said earlier. "Whatever, just don't think that we're getting closer to each other after that night where I broke up with Hyejin. You aren't that important." He added. So I was right, he will never appreciate what I've done. I'm not bringing up the past, but he needed to know how to appreciate people. We're both in silent; none of us have courage to speak. I didn't want to talk because I'm hurt of what he said—he must be not wanting to talk because I'm not that important.

BTS was debuted singers, so going somewhere publicly like supermarket might made us to bumped into their fans. As we walked out from his car,  some people were looking at our direction. Jimin gave them the most sweetest smile that I've ever seen—he looked so cute. He must be treating his fans well. But he can't do the same to me? Oh maybe because I wasn't his fan; but little did you know that I can expose you anytime, anywhere? As we walked closer to the entrance door, he greeted them softly.

"Yes, hello. How are you guys doing?" He said while bowed to them. They were giggling as Jimin was talking to them. They were having a conversation with Jimin before Jimin excused himself. "Can we take pictures?" One of his fans said. He smiled widely and they took out their phones from their pockets to take pictures with Jimin. While I was still loyal standing there, waiting for Jimin—I should've entered the supermarket first. So I walked past the entrance door and took the trolley. I started to take a few things; cereals, fruits and so on. That should've been enough for us. As I was walking, I head footsteps running towards my direction. I turned around to look. And Jimin stopped right in front of me. "What else do we need to buy?" He asked. I continued pushing the trolley and walked. Jimin removed my hand and pushed the trolley for me. "Nothing, I'm going to pay." I said and walked first; followed by Jimin. We walked together while talking to each other. "Why didn't you wait?" He asked.

"I just think that I shouldn't have to wait, since you have your fans to handle." I replied to him. He was smirking as he heard what I just said. "Come on, you can't be jealous already. Besides, you're going to marry a handsome, well-known, hot and sexy Park Jimin okay."

"Yeah whatever." I said and both of us continued walking.—I knew it, he will be praising himself that much. We went to pay and left the supermarket after that. I had this one habit, almost every time when I got into car, I'll sleep. Almost every time. So I slept in his car while he was driving.

When we arrived, Jimin woke me up. "Yah, Hyura. I'll bring a pillow and blanket for you okay." He said. I woke up and looked at him innocently—he wanted me to sleep here? We both walked out from the car. He took all the things that we've bought out and placed my luggage in front of me. There's no way he's gonna helped me.

Our night ended as he showed my room to me.

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