De pringMICKEYles

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"Could you please be my wife for real?" Love seems the sweetest but it is the slowest of all growths . No man... Mais



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De pringMICKEYles

"No matter how much you have to offer, you won't be enough for someone who's not open-hearted or ready"

Ten minutes walking distance from the park to his house. It was not that bad, since I managed to carry him all the way from the park to Jimin's house. With a courage, I knocked the door with my left hand, while my right hand was holding Seungri tightly so that he didn't fell. It took a few seconds before the door finally opened by Jimin. His eyes became wider as he saw me carrying his nephew. And I thought his eyes widen because it was me who brought his nephew back. His warm hands quickly wrapped around Seungri's body and carried him away from me. "Come in first, I'll be back in a minute." He said before he walked away to send his nephew to his room. It was not as what I expected it to be since he talked to me very nicely. I had no idea if he was actually felt bad because I had to bring his nephew back or he already changed —that's quite impossible.

I landed my ass on his comfortable couch; waiting for him to come back as he said he'll only took ONE MINUTE. My eyes were looking around his house full of frames. He must be very proud of himself, that's why he hung a lot of pictures of him. "Sorry for troubling you." He said while handed me a cup of cold drink and took his seat on a couch in front of me. I took as sip of the drink and placed the cup on the table. He didn't talk that much; he acted weird. He looked...sad. "Are you okay, Jimin?" I was thinking that, asking him a question won't be hurting him. It might made him feel better. But he didn't respond at all. His eyes were looking at the floor instead of looking at me —the floor was even more attractive than me

He remained silent. Not even letting out a word to escape from his mouth. "Yah this is very weird as we never talked in a good way. But you know, it's very rare for me to offer this but if you have something that have been bothering you, and if you want to share, I'm willing to lend my ears to listen." I hesitated to say that. But I did say that to him. It was only him, who didn't respond at all. I could guessed that there was something that had been making him to become a total mess like this. That was a new side of him that I've never seen before —seeing him like that did bother me. Even if I've tried to comfort him, he still remained silent. Until he let out a sigh; I knew that would be very tough for him. "Well look, my offer is just temporary, Jimin. It will just come this time only." I continued talking, until he moved his head up where his eyes weren't looking at the floor anymore.

"Why are you being so kind when I've treated you badly? Just shut up and stay there. I don't need a listener, I only need a company from someone." He said. He did say that he didn't need a listener, when I thought he needed one. Well, action speaks louder than words. He actually needed someone to accompany him and listen to him. I didn't want to offer myself for the second time, but looking at his eyes that started to become teary, I surrendered. He needed someone. "If you need me to stay, tell me what's the point of staying here? To see you crying? To see you behaving like this? Useless." I said. He didn't move his head from looking at the floor again. So I started to walked and sat beside him; patting his back. Because for me, it felt so nice to have someone to do that when you're sad.

"You know what? Sometimes, it's okay to cry a river. Because it will help to remove your sadness and will make you feel better." My hand was still patting his back. He looked straight into my eyes right after I said that to him. It was very weird as my heart was beating unconsciously. But it felt like it's coming out from my body as he pulled me into a warm hug. A long warm hug; where we never did before —did he really feel sad until he didn't care to hug a person that he hated so much?

"Don't feel special just because of a hug. You are still you." He said. I felt unappreciated but whatever. There's no point of getting into a fight right now. But wait, he must be thinking that I felt special because he hugged me — I quickly pushed him; breaking the hug. "What the hell, I will never feel special having you around. Just don't be too confident. It sucks. And if your girlfriend sees this, we're both dead."  I said. After hearing what I just said, he just pulled me into another hug. But the second time was tighter. "She won't" He said while still hugging me.

By seeing the way he replied, both of them were having a fight, I thought. He must be frustrated as he was crazily in love with her. "She will, Jimin. Every girls will. Even if both of you are having a fight. She'll get jealous if she sees you with someone else." I said to him; trying to comfort him and trying to make him to stop hugging me because it was too tight that I can't barely breath. "She's having someone else behind my back. We...we broke up." He said. He made me speechless. Was she meeting her new boy—and she left Seungri with me because of that?

"Girls are all the same! They keep on calling man as trash but they don't realise that they can be trash too!" He shouted with frustration. I knew, it would be very hurt if someone that you like cheated on you. It was very hard to find a guy like Jimin, I mean, he loved Hyejin so much —but why did you still hugging me? Let me go you jerk! "Woooo, you have to be back to reality, Jimin. You're talking to a girl right now." I said while pushing him—breaking the hug. He looked at me with a very serious look. He hadn't give me that kind of look for a long time already. Maybe it was because he didn't disturbed me at school anymore. I knew it's temporary. "You appeared because you want to be the one who comfort me while I am going through this so that I'll choose you to become 'Jimin's Girl' after this, right?" He suddenly said. His words were all nonsense. I'm not offering myself to be his girl, I was just thinking that if he just needed someone to talk to. What a complete freak, Park Jimin.

"God please save me! I am innocent." I said in a very sarcastic way. Jimin who was still looking at me bursted laughing —what so funny? I also had no idea. "Can I share it with you?" He asked. The way he talked, it was a different side of him. It made me feel like I'm his friend instead of his enemy at school. He actually had a heart of gold. "Sure."— I said while nodding my head; getting ready to become a listener for him that night. "Lately, she started to act strangely. She changed her password and didn't want to pick up my call at midnight just like how we used to do." He started to tell me.

"But you still asked her to spend time with Seungri?" I interrupted. I rubbed my forehead as he just hit my head with his middle finger as I was interrupting his story. It hurts but he looked very funny as he was pissed off when I suddenly said something —that's kinda cute. "I thought she was really spending her time with Seungri, but I ended up seeing her making out with someone else when I was on my way to meet her at the park." He continued. So I was right, that 'important thing' she had to handle was her new boyfriend. That's quite selfish when she left Seungri just to meet her new boyfriend. But we all knew, boyfriend was more important than everything. That sucks. "She saw me. But she said, everything about us...is over." He said, he dissapointed, I knew it. I didn't reply anything as I am afraid if I'll just hurt him even more.

But all of sudden, he chuckled. It made me confused even more. Maybe he was trying to not to look sad in front of me. He wanted me to know that he's strong enough to face this. But what I was thinking was completely wrong. "Yah Hyura. I should've trust you when you said she'll break up with me before." He suddenly brought back what I've said in the past. Yeah, at that time, I was completely annoyed with him and his girfriend.
He was saying that I'm jealous of him because he had a girlfriend while I was still a successful loner. "It's okay to be single. She's a player. Trust me, you aren't her last and yes you'll become just like me and at that time, please don't come begging to join my 'single' club." That was what I've said to him.
"Yah! I think that guy must be more handsome that you. She chose him over you, right?" I said while trying to not to laugh in front of him—that's the fact Park Jimin. He glared at me while I was still looking at him innocently; just like I didn't say anything bad about him. "More handsome than me? So you are trying to say that I am handsome? Wow, someone who hates me just said I am handsome indirectly." I facepalmed myself after listening to his conclusion. Yeah, I admit that I was very bad at this. But he was just too confident and full of himself. But that's good—love myself, love yourself.

"Are you sure? Hahaha okay, I'm sorry. I am supposed to comfort you. Don't worry, there's a lot of girls out there. You said that you are handsome, right? Then you will probably find someone else. Maybe better than her." I said.

          "Or perhaps the girl is here, right in front of me?" What an awkward thing to say, Jimin. He replied while smirking, he was being cheesy but I should apologised that I'm never into him.

"Oh well Jimin, you should stop. This is getting awkward." I covered my face as I knew, my face was getting red. He looked away while a smile started to appear on his face. He must be getting an idea to tease me. "I know you will never agree that you actually like me, right? It's okay don't answer me. You just should stop dreaming."

My phone was ringing and it was my mom who's calling. We stopped talking and I picked up the call from my mom—or I'll be dead if I didn't.

"Yes mom, if you wanna talk about that again, I'm sorry." I ended the call. My mom had been wanting me to agree with her plan. She wanted me to be a daughter in law to her best friend which I had to marry her best friend's son and I never knew who—it was like, marrying a stranger. I looked away after ended the call which made Jimin to notice my changes. "Yah, nerdy. What's wrong with you now?" He asked; I knew that it was in a rude way but I was very thankful that he asked. "You with your break up problem, me with my family problem. The world is too cruel isn't it?" I said softly. He was still looking at me without saying anything. Until he managed to give me a hug while patting my back. There were too much hugs on that day. I had no idea that we'll be that cool actually. "World can be cruel sometimes, but the problem that we have today will decorate your life to become even more colourful. What's wrong?" His beautiful comforting words, made me realised that, problems always came into our life to make us to become a better person in the future. That was such a very comforting things to say, Jimin. Well done!

"They want me to follow their plan. I have to marry a complete stranger. I don't want this to happen." I said to him. Sometimes, Jimin wasn't that bad. He knew when to play around and when to be serious. He just knew it. —that's good. "I can help you! Not by becoming you fake boyfriend. But maybe giving you some advices to follow?" He said. I was very delighted to hear that he was going to help me. Even though I didn't know if that could made my parents understand, but at least I've tried. "But right now, please go home. I am sleepy enough. Go!" He said with 'full of manners'. I rolled my eyes and quickly stood up. He was escorting me to walk out from his house and I just walked home after that.

As soon as I've reached my house, my parents were waiting for me to discuss. "Can we don't talk about it now? I am tired."  I said and tried to walk away to enter my room. But my mom stopped me from going anywhere. She still wanted to talk. "Before you go upstairs, we are not giving you choices. Whether you like it or not, whether you agree or not, that's the final decision." My mom said. Without trying to argue, I walked upstairs and entered my room. I knew it, she's just thought of herself. She never cared about what I felt.

I thought, by that time, advices won't help. By hook or by crook, I had to agree. So, I took my phone and dialled Jimin's number just to tell him that I didn't need his advices yet.

"What's up, nerdy? I was just about to call you." He said right after he picked up the call. —we're more like friends than enemies. I rolled my eyes as soon as I heard him saying that.

"I just need someone to talk. By the way, what's up? You said you're about to call me. Why? Did you miss me? Come on, it's only about two hours since I left your house." I said to him. —I was curious with what he wanted to say as he said that he was about to call me. So there must be something that he wanted to say, right?

"Before you start talking shit again, let's get back to what we're talking about." Jimin said. I guessed he was getting annoyed. That's great because I loved seeing him pissed off and annoyed. He usually did that to me so why not?

"I have no choice, Jimin. Let's just say that, I have to marry that stranger whether I agree or not." I explained to him. He responded as he understood what I've said which was very good to hear. I didn't want to admit this but he's a great listener. But sometimes at school he could be a great bully too. And always be my arch enemy—as we argued a lot. "Oh I see...so now you're just going to accept the fact that you're getting married? Good! Prepare seven VIPs table for my group." He said after I explained to him about my decision of marrying that guy—who's talking shits?

I remained silent. Until Jimin started to talk again. "If you have nothing to say, I'm going to sleep now? Unless you wanna sing for me until I fell asleep then it's fine." He said. "Tch, okay bye." I replied and ended the call. He's kinda annoying to be honest, why did I like him before?

Yes, he was my crush back to when we were in primary school. Who said crush can't be your enemy?

Next morning

I woke up a little bit late from when I usually do. It was school holiday so I didn't think it was necessary for me to wake up early as usual. My parents weren't at home too. I stood up in front of the mirror in my room at let out a sigh—I'm going to jog.

I was jogging near to the park where me and Seungri met yesterday. My eyes were plastered at a piece of paper that was hung at the playground's home. With thinking that it was a rubbish that people left, I walked towards the palyground's home. Thinking to help to throw away the rubbish but ended up seeing my nane on that paper—why was my name on this paper?

          'To: Lee Hyura,
Seungri asked me to write this letter for you just to inform that he misses you and he'll be going back with his parents today. He said "I love you, aunty." <— he said that not me."

So it was from Seungri? But why did Jimin being so old-fashioned? —what if I didn't come here again? Why he didn't text me? Ugh, whatever, I jogged headed to Jimin's house to meet Seungri who might been waiting for me. As I arrived there, my eyes were looking at thos pair of eyes belonged to that little boy—Seungri. He quickly ran towards me and gave me a hug.

"I miss you even more, Seungri." I said in between the hug. He hugged me even tighter and I could heard him sobbing.  "You left me last night, I woke up early just thinking that you might be in the kitchen." He said. Awwww he was so sweet, but who would he thought that I'm staying at his uncle's house?

"Even if she's in our house, she won't be at the kitchen. She'll burn our kitchen if she's in there." Jimin said as he was walking towards both of us. I glared at him; making him chuckled over my reaction —this jerk, will never stop badmouthing me.

"Aunty Hyura, can we contact each other even though we cannot see each other often?" That cute little boy said. I patted his back while giving him a smile. "Sure. We'll contact often." I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Yah! Stop acting like couples. Seungri, hurry up. Your uncle is waiting for you." Jimin said; disturbing our cute moment together. Seungri gave me a really tight hug and went into the car. He waved his hands to both of us and smiled before the car started to disappear as he was moving away —I'll definitely miss you, Seungri.

Me and Jimin were still standing there before he looked at me like I was the most disgusting person on earth. I rolled my eyes before started to walk away from his house, just to hear him shouting from the back. "Yah Lee Hyura, if you want to face time or call Seungri, ask for my permission first." He shouted. —he acted like he's Seungri's father. Ugh. Whatever, Jimin.

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