Hidden Kingdom


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Avian Ravenwood has always known her place in the world since she was young, serving the Royalty she had been... Еще

⊱Chapter 1 - part one 🗡 Failed Lesson⊰
⊱Chapter 1 - part two 🗡 Summoning⊰
⊱Chapter 2 🗡 An Unwanted Guest⊰
⊱Chapter 3 🗡Surprises⊰
⊱Chapter 4 🗡Birthday Bash⊰
⊱Chapter 5 - part one 🗡Introducing Magic⊰
⊱Chapter 5 - part two 🗡Elemental Strength⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part one 🗡Mage Trials⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part three 🗡A Royal Command⊰
⊱Chapter 7 🗡Beginnings of Courting⊰
⊱Chapter 8🗡Courting Disaster⊰
⊱Chapter 9 🗡Courting Secrecy⊰
⊱Chapter 10 🗡Beginnings of Panic⊰
⊱Chapter 11 🗡Death within Life⊰
⊱Chapter 12 🗡Eternal Sorrow⊰
⊱Chapter 13 🗡Nightmares⊰
⊱Chapter 14 🗡Revenge Mission⊰
⊱Chapter 15 🗡Revenge is Sweet⊰
⊱Chapter 16 🗡Mission Order⊰
⊱Chapter 17 🗡Mission One⊰
⊱Chapter 18 🗡Unpleasant Company⊰
⊱Chapter 19 🗡Unending Nightmare⊰
⊱Chapter 20 🗡Hostage Situation⊰
⊱Chapter 21 🗡Attempting Seduction⊰
⊱Chapter 22 🗡Jail Break⊰
⊱Chapter 23 🗡Hidden Truths⊰
⊱Chapter 24 🗡Decoding the Past⊰
⊱Chapter 25 🗡Dragon Bonding⊰
⊱Chapter 26 🗡 Stifling Truths ⊰
⊱Chapter 27 🗡Chosen Future ⊰
⊱Chapter 28 🗡A Lover's Betrayal⊰
⊱Chapter 29 🗡 A Dragon Encounter ⊰
⊱Chapter 30 🗡Destiny's Decision⊰
⊱Chapter 31 🗡A Mother' guidance and a King Revealed⊰
⊱Chapter 32 🗡Hidden Kingdom⊰
⊱Chapter 33 🗡Mother's Story⊰
⊱Chapter 34 🗡Anxiety Rising⊰
⊱Chapter 35 🗡Sky Trials⊰
⊱Chapter 36 🗡Capture the Magic Flag⊰
⊱Chapter 37 🗡Magical Challenges⊰
⊱Chapter 38 🗡All or Nothing⊰
⊱Chapter 39 🗡Nightmare Calling⊰
⊱Chapter 40 🗡The King's Blade ⊰
Authors Note

⊱Chapter 6 - part two 🗡Master Mage⊰

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YAY!!!!! Part two is now up. I hope all of your returning readers or new readers enjoy the newly edited chapter, previously known as chapter 4. :) Let me know what you think in the comments section.


Finding them I wrap my fingers around their girth. Willing them to wrap themselves around the two Mage's feet. Yanking on the vines their feet are pulled out from under them. Slowly I stand up to where I am towering over the two mages. "You will find that I am not so easily killed." I growl at the magic users. Throwing a hand towards them I willed the vines to grow, wrapping themselves around the pair so that they were almost cocooned in the vines. Buying me a few precious minutes.

Stepping away slightly I quickly use spirit to heal my wounds while the pair were temporarily bound together. The muscles of the larger wound stitching themselves together, leaving behind a sizable jagged scar. The bones were more painful as the bone mended itself, popping back into place with a noticeable crack.

In the corner of my eye I see vines flying towards me once more. What is with this woman and vine whips! Meanwhile fire arrows shoot towards me from behind. At least Keith has variety unlike that annoying woman. Vine whips, she really needs to think of some new weapons. Dodging each one except for the one that scratched against my ribs as it flew by, I let the opposing fire eat at the vines. Sending them up in flames.

I am so done with getting hurt. Pushing my attack I resummon the duel blades. Swinging in a critical pattern as pushed closer to Keith, not allowing him time to breathe as pushed my pace faster. Ending up with my blade across Keith's neck. The air current against my back parting, giving me enough time to react. Spinning around I shove Keith forward, impaling him through the stomach with a blade that the woman somehow managed to produce.

That wasn't legal was it? Using an actual blade in a magic fight. Not missing a beat while the woman cried out in despair I whisper menacingly in Keith's ear, "Pay back is a mother, isn't it?" Spinning back around I pin the woman in place, shoving my duel blade through her back, missing her spine. Using enough force so part of the blade stabs back into Keith. Both mages screaming from the impact of the wind blade. Releasing the pommel I shove the pair away so they collapse onto the ground.

I shake their blood from my hand as Balthazar called out, "Keith and Diana, you both are finished. Can I get healers out onto the field please?" At his command mages from the sidelines that I hadn't noticed scurried out into the field to retrieve the injured Keith and Diana.

Eyeing the person in the way of my victory I slowly stalked towards his relaxed form. "Well done. But now you have to face against me." Blue eyes called out to me in a deep voice.

I could not resist the temptation of rolling my eyes at this man. Thank you very much Captain Obvious. "You know what they say. Save the best for last." I added a slight purr to my words. He raised an eyebrow as he raised a hand to form a large current of air. Awwww crap! I thought to myself as the torrent of wind caught me in its trap and sent me flying back several yards.

My back collided into a brick wall causing me to nearly cry out in pain. Biting my lip to the point of drawing blood I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of hearing my pain. Standing up several of the cuts on my body from the impact were leaking small rivulets of blood. My ribs were once again hurt as they throbbed from being bruised. Thankfully they weren't re-broken.

Blue eyes gave me an innocent smile when he noticed my discomfort. Stomping my foot against the dirt the earth responded with a groan as it encased his feet. His legs sunk into the ground beneath him so that he wasn't able to escape as I charged at him with newly formed duel swords. Panic clear in his blue eyes as I charged, moving his fingers as his other hand touched the earth encompassing his legs he created a small tornado. Sending it spiraling forward to intercept my path.

Bringing my hands together I thrust them in front of my body, creating a large blade of air that cut the tornado in half, allowing me to pass through it unharmed. Not bothering to stop my charge I kept sprinting towards my target. Sadly though he managed to break free of his bonds before I could make it to him with my weapon.

My swords coming down to meet with his staff of air. The fight set at a high pace as we exchanged blows. Each move perfectly parried and countered on both sides.

No wonder he stayed back for so long, he was watching my every fighting move. He kept meeting me blow for blow. And I thought Keith was aggravating but this guy was ten times worse, as he continued to jump around using his element, always staying out of the reach of my jabs. He sent me flying back at least three more times as we continued to fight for the upper hand.

My breathing turning raspy the longer the fight continued. I need to end this otherwise I would end up losing. My brain racing for a solution to end things quickly.

The plan that I had come up with was risky but if it worked the fight would be over instantly. Praying my plan worked I dropped my elemental weapons and splayed my hands to show that I was weaponless. Which was far from the truth.

Using my pointer finger I motioned for him to come closer to me. He eyed my form with distrust as he continued to hesitate with approaching me like I had asked. After motioning to him again he narrowed his eyes but cautiously crept closer to me. "What?" He snapped.

Whoa there. "Relax would you. I just want to talk. I am drained so how about we call it a truce?" I stuck out my hand for him to take.

Blue eyes took a step back as he kept he gaze glued onto my out stretched hand, "What's the catch?" He asked, not trusting me in the slightest. Good for him, but bad for my plan.

Resisting the urge to snarl at him I worked hard to keep my voice in a soft tone, giving nothing away. "No catch. Just a draw." Giving him a flirty smile as I peaked at him through my lashes. My hand still extended.

Grudgingly he too extended his hand. But instead of grabbing his hand I made a grab for his wrist. Of course I wasn't stupid enough to call for a truce. In a panic he tried conjuring his weapon but it was too late for him. When I attacked I put my other hand around the back of his neck, pulling down on his neck slightly to bring his lips down onto mine. Well there goes my first kiss, oh well. As long as it helps me win.

I could feel his gasp of surprise as his lips collide with mine. To tempt him further I ran my tongue along his bottom lip, making him groan in the back of his throat. He released the hold on his weapon in favor of bringing his hands to my waist. Whistles of encouragement sounding behind us, making a blush rush to my cheeks.

Sliding my other hand from his wrist I slip it up his sculpted chest. Clenching my fist I form a small wind blade and hold it against his throat. Just under a jugular vein. When he is about to deepen the kiss I pull back. Smirking at his expression of shock I pronounce loudly, "Got ya."

His gaping was absolutely priceless. As he stood there with me in his arms floundering for words that wouldn't come. "You tricked me." He seethed. His face taking on a reddish tone as the blush on my face died away.

I simply shrug at his statement. "All's fair. Balthazar never stated any rules besides the one saying to not injure you too badly."

Balthazar materializing next to us at my words, "That I did. Well done Avian you have passed your final exam. Now if you would please release him." Letting my blade dissolve I pull myself out of the man's embrace. The two newly healed mages coming to stand beside Blue eyes. Keith and Diana glaring at me with hatred. "Keith, Diana, Camron thank you for your assistance." All three bowed before departing. While leaving the guy I kissed, Camron I think his name was, kept his gaze locked onto me as he followed the other two until they rounded a corner.

Shaking off unwanted feelings that were bursting forth I bring my attention back to my master. "So what now Balthazar?" He shook his head as he grinned with pride.

He patted my head as he answered my question, "Now nothing. You are finished. You have completed all of the lessons that I have had for you, having learned everything I could teach you. You even passed you final exam with flying colors. Now you will be known as a Master Mage." His eyes continuing to sparkle with amusement "And may I just say I have never seen that color before on Camron's cheeks when you kissed him." He chuckled. "Nice move by the way."

"I couldn't think of anything else. He would have beaten me if I hadn't pulled out that card." I shrugged.

"Well it was quite amusing. He's never dealt with that situation before I assure you. Now you are dismissed. It has been an honor and a privilege teaching you." Balthazar bowed to me.

"No Balthazar. It has been my honor." I fisted a hand over my heart, bowing back to him. When I straightened I grabbed him in a hug. "Thank you for everything." Murmuring against his chest as his arms wrapped around my back.

"My pleasure dear. My pleasure." He proclaimed as he hugged me back but after a few seconds he released me, gently pushing me toward my weapon pile. Running over to my weapons I quickly put them in their proper places.

Thinking of announcing the good news to my father I excitedly as ran toward the stables. Hoping to see even a hint of pride at my accomplishment. But when we arrived at the stables one of the king's messengers stood by the doors outside.

"Avian the King has requested your presence immediately."

Halting my approach, "Okay." Great just what I need. I followed the messenger inside as he walked briskly toward the throne room, never once slowing down to make sure that I kept up.

He abruptly turned around to face me when we came to the heavy doors that separated us from the King. "Wait here please. I will announce your presence to the King." The guy disappearing behind the door as it shut behind him.


Once again I'll state that I made major changes to the original of this story. So for those that are confused please let me know or hang on for a bit while I continue my edits. All confusion will be cleared up eventually. All comments and thoughts are welcome. XD I have one more part that will be uploaded tonight so hang on momentarily. Until then...

Comment, Vote and Keep Reading. Laters!

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